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/lit/ - Literature

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19501584 No.19501584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

General thread for discussing all LITERATURE related to the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church. Post your current reads, recommendation requests, and literature questions here. Please try to keep ALL discussions limited to Catholic literature! If you are not discussing Catholic literature, do not post here. This thread is for literature discussion ONLY. Any non-literature discussions on Catholicism should made in >>>/his/.

[!] Reminder that the Eastern Catholic churches are currently in the third week of the Nativity Fast (also called St. Phillip's Fast). If you wish to deepen your prayer life and discipline, it is a very edifying practice to join along, even if starting late. For more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nativity_Fast [!]

>The Vatican website

>Catechism of the Catholic Church

>Catholic Resources
Catholic Encyclopedia - https://www.catholic.com/encyclopedia
Church Fathers -https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/
Aquinas Study Bible - Patristic Bible Commentary - https://sites.google.com/site/aquinasstudybible/home
Prayers that Carry Indulgences - https://stfrancisnewtonparish.com/prayers-that-carry-indulgences-granted-by-the-church/
List of Dogmas of the Catholic Church - http://www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/A-List-Of-The-Dogmas-Of-The-Catholic-Church.pdf

>Catholic News Services

Let us remember to be charitable, friendly, loving, humble, and patient to all who are in this thread, especially non-Catholics.
"The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; idolatry and sorcery; hatred, discord, jealousy, and rage; rivalries, divisions, factions, and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us walk in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying one another." (Gal. 5:19-26)

Previous thread: >>19443357

>> No.19501604


>> No.19501654

Secularchads GET IN HERE

>> No.19501659

This user is underage

>> No.19501668

Hey cath bros whomst should we doxx today for our pedo king?

>> No.19501680

We need something like Confucianism not Cathlarp.
>but muh church has been subverted
No the Church is just returning to what actual Christianity is and ditching the Roman Pagan stuff they picked up. Soon enough Orthos will do the same.

>> No.19501683

read romano guardini

>> No.19501718
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Please keep all discussion limited to Catholic literature. This is a literature board, after all. If you want to just squabble over sectarian nonsense, you should make threads on /his/. Please do not break the rules of the board by posting such nonsense.

To all who are interested in discussing Catholic literature: what is your favourite Catholic book (or book by a Catholic author) on your bookcase? Post a nice passage from it.

Mine is The Apostolic Fathers collection published by Lexham Classics. Here's a great quote from Clement of Rome's First Epistle to the Corinthians:
"Therefore let us be humble-minded, brothers, putting away all arrogance and delusion and foolishness and anger, and let us do what is written [...] For it is not common harm but rather great danger we will endure if we recklessly surrender ourselves to the purposes of people who plunge into strife and rebellion in order to estrange us from what is good. Let us be kind to them, according to the tender-heartedness and sweetness of the one who made us".

>> No.19501734

I was a Cathlarp anime pfp until I had sex so I suggest you do the same.

>> No.19501754

Toxic communities and generals that exist to coordinate raids into other threads, such as what your group did to Puritan Christian Literature General, don't deserve to thrive. Never once have these Generals ever discussed literature. The last thread was about masturbation and how to stop constantly looking at porn. Let's not posture now. You are all defending the doxxer too.

>> No.19501759

What do you guys think of Jung and his ideas? Do i need to approach carefully or can i reasonably conform his system to belief?

>> No.19501763

The only posts in this thread that are not about literature have been from non-Catholics, such as yourselves. None of the /cathlit/ generals have ever coordinated raids into other threads, that is a false accusation, and I challenge you to substantiate it with evidence. Nevertheless, if you are going to waste your time posting about sectarian nonsense, do it on /his/. This thread is for the discussion of Catholic literature only. We are not interested in your personal drama or attention-seeking.

>> No.19501787

I tried reading some Church fathers but there weren't enough gigachad/wojak memes so I stopped. Any tips bros? Any videos which summarize them in under 1 minute? Anyway off to play Crusader Kings, see you all later.

>> No.19501790


>> No.19501806
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I think that many aspects of Jung's thought can be conformed to orthodox Catholic belief, but it should definitely be approached with caution. His ideas on psychology are distinct from his ideas on religious syncretism and his idea of Christ, and as with any author, we should take what is good, and leave what is bad. Personally, I reference his work Aion relatively often in discussions with atheist or agnostic friends - many of them find his analysis of the astrological processions as relating to the life of Christ very compelling, although I always preface it by saying it is just one interesting perspective, and that I don't necessarily "believe" that it is true.

By spending time praying and asking God for the grace of enkrateia and self-discipline, you might be able to finally read those documents that convert so many Protestants to apostolic Christianity. John Henry Newman is a great example, who, after careful study of the fathers and church history, said "To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant". God be with you!

>> No.19501842
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>that convert so many Protestant

>> No.19501874

What book would you recommend for someone who feels like he hasnt found what his talent or path in the world might be? I honestly feel directionless and without any talents, yet ive read God always gives someone at least a talent for something.

>> No.19501884

I dislike his more esoteric works. Been told the "meat" of it is free of all of that.
Can you give me his ideas on Christ so i can judge him based on another important point?

>> No.19501896
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Many Protestants do convert to Catholicism, especially as regards the studies of the church Fathers and early church History. Here's an interesting video you might enjoy: an interview with a former Anglican, who maintained the blog "Apologia Anglicana", and was a contributor to the "North American Anglican" journal:
And another, with a Baptist who became a Catholic, again after deep study of the Bible and early church history:
Looking at the raw numbers is foolish, because Christ Himself says that most people will go to Hell:
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14)

If you haven't already discerned your vocation per se, I would highly recommend "To Save a Thousand Souls", which will give a good overview of the different types of vocations in the church which we must discern first before discerning our careers. It is more focused on discernment to the priesthood, but it contains lots of great information on the other vocations and careers, how to tell which you might be called to, and how to learn to discern God's will for you in this life.

>> No.19501911

Oh so there's all these converts despite the statistics and you don't have a source. Got it.

>> No.19501914
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I've been reading through this, and it's been helping me.

>> No.19501928

I didn't make a statistical claim. I made a factually correct statement, "By spending time praying and asking God for the grace of enkrateia and self-discipline, you might be able to finally read those documents that convert so many Protestants to apostolic Christianity". Many Protestants do convert to apostolic Christianity, after study of the church Fathers, including the two devout Protestant converts that I linked. Now, if you want to get into a sectarian fight, take it to /his/. This thread is for the discussion of Catholic literature.

>> No.19501930

>Many Protestants do convert to Catholicism

>> No.19501948

What do catholics think about islam?

>> No.19501996

Please read the post, where I provide two examples of life-long Protestants, one of whom was a contributor to the largest Anglican journal in the Americas, who converted to Catholicism. If you want more, I'm happy to provide, but before I do so, at least watch those videos first (even if you only do so to debunk their arguments for why they converted). The host of the first video is also an ex-Protestant.

I think Muhammad was a false prophet, but I personally respect a practicing Muslim more than a hedonistic atheist. All the same, I desire all Muslims to come to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, which necessitates apostasy from Islam. A good channel that helped me in my discernment to Catholicism from Islam (both were potential options in my mind) is Sam Shamoun (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_IXSJtM-BKyy-suKuLwEqw).). It is good to watch his videos on Islam as a Muslim, because at least, you will have an idea of the arguments made against Islam and Muhammad so you are better prepared in your daw'ah. Personally, I came to be convinced that Muhammad was not who he said he was.

>> No.19502155

Why did this thread not get deleted?

>> No.19502171


>> No.19502174
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>> No.19502177

>and ditching the Roman Pagan stuff they picked up.
So it’s deteriorating. Got it. That stuff is important.

>> No.19502198

>post an orthodox pic
read the councils and start understanding the dogmas

>> No.19502219 [DELETED] 

>has never heard of Eastern Catholicism, thinks only the "orthodox" national churches use icons in worship

Here is a series of quotes by Jung on Christianity. As you can see, he was very heterodox in his beliefs, and that is why I discard most of his takes on Christianity (but still make use of his psychological work).

>> No.19502233

>has never heard of Eastern Catholicism, thinks only the "orthodox" national churches use icons in worship

Here is a series of quotes by Jung on Christianity: https://carljungdepthpsychologysite.blog/2020/06/01/carl-jung-on-christianity-anthology/ . As you can see, he was very heterodox in many of his beliefs, and that is why I discard most of his takes on Christianity (but still make use of some of his psychological work).

>> No.19502289

not looking good. hope his psychological work does not delve into such things aswell.

>> No.19502343

Nostalgia for Byzantine origins. Catholics become uninterested in their own aesthetics (Michelangelo, Bosch, statues, naturalism). Well, this means that at least some Catholics are beginning to understand something.

>> No.19502382

The art of the Eastern Catholic churches are as much Catholic as the artistic traditions of the Latin Church. To say that an Eastern Catholic is uninterested in their own aesthetics because he has posted Eastern Catholic art is pretty much incoherent.

>> No.19502384


>> No.19502391


>> No.19502395

based redditors censoring stuff they dont agree with

>> No.19502448

Anyone here read ratzingers introduction to christianity? If you are a christian who likes heidegger its great, although its hardly an introduction suitable to people not versed in being/becoming stuff.

>> No.19502515
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I need some good fictional novels with a catholic message. Something similar to Narnia.
Any rec, brothers?

>> No.19502525

Canticle for leibowitz
Book of the new sun
Man who was thursday

>> No.19502548
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Thanks brother.

>> No.19502582
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You know Catholics are allowed to venerated icons and even attend Orthodox services if a Catholic church is nowhere nearby? Fact is, the CC has already done a lot to mend the schism whereas Orthodox still have to perform loops and hoops to reconcile anything to do with the west at all. There's literally only one side of the schism that remains stubborn and fixated in division.