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19497878 No.19497878 [Reply] [Original]

The cultural/symbolic structure of religions are broken and have become ultimately irrelevant. The metaphysical truth in them are eternal, but we need new symbolic and cultural revelations of the Eternal. We need new religions, new prophets.

>> No.19497886

ah yes "fashion"

>> No.19497895

>The metaphysical truth in them are eternal
Says who? They all disagree with one another. If you didn't want to kill off philosophy you shouldn't have adopted mosaic religion

>> No.19497929

Metaphysical truth in them does not mean that they don't hold symbolic disputes and metaphysical disputes among them. But the essential metaphysical truth of the Will, the Unity (or the One), and the denial of the will remains a common and central object among all major and successful religious movements.

>> No.19498443
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You say this because you ignore the one true faith: Christianity, and its Aryan (Protoromanic —in the universal sense of the word—) bloodline, which comprehend the vertogenic symbology, and the universal pattern, of the Cross, which extends throughout all of divine substance, and may be recognized in the forms of the world, at all levels; the problem, rather, is one of constant usurpation, and corruption, by the perpetual enemy, and its useful idiots, of universal symbols that were originally objectified, and artistically reified, with noble intent.

One who constantly changes is estranged from oneself; one who changes ultimately & finally does so in God, through Christianity; knowledge of God is not equivalent to knowing —having a relationship with— God.

>> No.19498452
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>We need new religions, new prophets

Yes, we need more spooks

>> No.19498501
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>the essential metaphysical truth of the Will, the Unity (or the One), and the denial of the will remains a common and central object among all major and successful religious movements.
Again this is just a counter-religious opinion piled atop other opinions. "Only religions that accept x are the true eternal religion." Now where have we heard that one before?

>> No.19498506


>> No.19498513

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