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19494243 No.19494243 [Reply] [Original]

Is he a meme?

>> No.19494249

He is French

>> No.19494701

No he's an ascended incel.

>> No.19494745

I don't think incels exist in France. Well, unless they're migrants, refugees, or immigrants (but only the brown and yellow ones).

>> No.19494757

But migrants can help themselves to any native French pussy as they please, non-whites are sacred there.

>> No.19494761

Why wouldn't they exist? Incels have existed in all time periods and all countries. Historically only 40% of males reproduced.

>> No.19494770

No, he's a good writer. He perfectly encapsulates modern globohomo.
Out of curiosity, where did you get that stat from?

>> No.19494778

>>Out of curiosity, where did you get that stat from?
holy shit have sex fucking incel

>> No.19494781

Look it up, it's an estimate from the rate of variation on the Y chromosome (humans aren't even special in this, in other species it's even more lopsided).

>> No.19494783

What does that mean?

>> No.19494794

you need to touch a woman

>> No.19494800

Your reply didn't match what it was replying to. You're in NPC mode defaulting to phrases whether they fit the context or not.

>> No.19494803

He might me a meme, for how much Les particules élémentaires is shilled here.
It's not his best book and people just like it because they relate to the fat ugly lecher who was emotionally abused by sex-having hippies. Makes me wonder how many of you are pathetic losers.

>> No.19494806

i'm not the 40% guy, i have no idea about stats, i dont care about stats. i'm just reminding you to feel skin

>> No.19494809

I think why people love it is because the ending brings the themes together in such a sad and beautiful way.
I think that one, The Map and the Territory, Submission, and Serotonin are his best.

>> No.19494814

What does that have to do with my words you quoted? I asked where he got the stat from and you replied with a complete non-sequitur.

>> No.19494817

it's not unrelated. you will understand when you get older

>> No.19494818

He's a prophet, but then are not all prophets memes?

>> No.19494845

You're a retard.

>> No.19494890

Yes. I recognize that. Do you recognize your condition?

>> No.19494910

Indeed, I enjoy it immensely. Now head on back to /lgbt/, latinx.

>> No.19495023

Just because you fail to reproduce doesn't mean you fail to get laid. I fucked +30 girls in college and didn't get any of them pregnant. Casual sex isn't new no matter what incels want to believe (in my experience they're mostly delusional losers with no confidence who like to make excuses so they can attribute how pathetic they are to others). Also, there's the sperm competition theory of prehistoric human reproduction.

>> No.19495180

lived in paris for 2 years, saw one non-ugly french woman with a groid. overwhelmingly it was the inverse, white french w/ nigresses.

p sure the BBC myth doesn't exist there as much as in the US, and the arabs are all ugly (due to inbreeding) and short so they aren't getting any

>> No.19495197

I find the internet squabbles over race and dating comical. There is a kind of aristocratic class of men when it comes to dating and your race barely figures into it. Two ugly or average guys of different races have much more in common in this game than they do with someone of their own race who is very attractive.

>> No.19495227

Is that your experience, seriously? I've spent 2 months in Paris - socializing and partying almost daily - and I've probably seen hundreds of BBC+white pussy pairs, easily a dozen per night out.

>> No.19495228

>Two ugly or average guys of different races have much more in common in this game than they do with someone of their own race who is very attractive.
yes and? this is how bell curves work. doesn't contradict the fact that for some races, the bell curve is shifted by 1-2 SDs to the right. for instance, the danish or dutch.

>> No.19495232

I lived in the 7th and 8th. assuming that what you're talking about is a reality and not a cuck fantasy, I can only assume you're in some poor banlieue ghetto

>> No.19495261

>1-2 sd

>> No.19495273

Do you reat expect people to take this anecdote seriously when you refer to a wave by a fetish porn term?

>> No.19495275

Yes but his books are interesting

>> No.19495279

go watch youtube vids about handsome white guys traveling to non-white countries

>> No.19495296

> I've spent 2 months in Paris - socializing and partying almost daily
And then you woke up.

>> No.19495300

Nah. One of the few writers that can actually make me cackle; that’s if ur into blue and black humor (think Louis ck or Dave chappelle)

>> No.19495304

>I've anecdoted


>> No.19495596

>I like Houellebecq's novels.
>That's not how you pronounce his name.
>How do you pronounce it?

>> No.19495616

He hasn't written a book I've wanted to read. He's certainly treated like a meme

>> No.19495651

Is his book on Lovecraft worth reading

>> No.19495979

>tfw I will never read my first Houellebecq (Submission) again

>> No.19496050

Some of his books are truly underwhelming. Others are somehow both underwhelming and overwhelming.

>> No.19496306

His next book is going to be about Covid isn't it?

>> No.19496476

>Michel sat in the cold plastic chair of the vaccination centre, and wanted more than everything to grab the perfectly round arse of the surly nurse as she stared with detached boredom at the syringe

>> No.19496806

>I don't think incels exist in France.

>> No.19496814


>> No.19496869


>> No.19497252

no idea about his deal with muslims, but serotonin was great

>> No.19497255

guy fucks his asian student who is half is age, he's the opposite of an incel

>> No.19497329

I really dig his look. I think nasty, greasy, wiry, weird, ugly people are cool. I'm already halfway there :^)

>> No.19497401

>once the booster flowed to his heart, he watched as she bent over to place the packaging into the refuse bin, taking her time. She then turned back to him and slid her hand into his pants and warmly, gently played with his sex.

>> No.19498368

Wow, you incel autists really do take things literally. It was a joke retards. (inb4 it wasn't funny...your REEEEEEEEaction sure was).

>> No.19498705
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>> No.19498736

I wanted to see this movie but it's impossible to find, I can't even buy a dvd of it.

>> No.19498758
File: 21 KB, 1576x528, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try pirate bay. You can probably find the subtitle drt easily enough via google.

>> No.19499993

That's pre-history and includes all of human evolution. You're not talking about history, you're talking about the stages of human development that are relevant to archaeologists and geneticists, not historians. Actual history is inseparable from civilization.
The institution of marriage gave civilization access to male physical strength and allowed it to channel this male strength into the service of a common good. The beginning of the institution of marriage IS the beginning of civilization. Large social constructs such as cities and states don't work like tribes. Tribal laws will always ensure a harem for the chieftains, the most brutal, strong and inspiring men. But civilizations need diplomacy, planning and agreements. Brute force doesn't help in a civilization where everything is a contract. Civilization needed to satisfy men's innate desire for power through marriage and family life in order to flourish.
>humans aren't even special in this
Exactly, because this is an animal thing, it's not at all surprising

>> No.19500005

good post.