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19485111 No.19485111 [Reply] [Original]

Everyday I read in the Bible and I do secondary reading and pray and go immerse myself deeper in this ocean of grace. I feel so much love and compassion for every living thing. God bless you anons, may the lord be with you all. Peace be with you.

>> No.19485114

take your meds

stop living shrouded in illusion

>> No.19485115

God bless you. Thank you

>> No.19485138

checked and thank you, anon

>> No.19485172


>> No.19485175

Fuck off proddie, reading the Bible doesn't get you to heaven, communion with the pope does.

>> No.19485223
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>happy post
>seething replies
Jesus is right.

>> No.19485235

hmmm... source?

>> No.19485268

bless you OP.

>> No.19485309

heh heh i like le quirky wurky fwoggy woggy and shiny whiny comfy wumphy beardy weirdy daddy waddy heh im just like le betarded fwog i love it!! i love the pic!! i fink i mite even pwint it out so i can wook at it 4ever!! imagine if i glood it all over my walls so all i can see is that cute pic!! that wood be heeven!! thnku to 4 chan and thnku to god:))) my bestest of fwensxD

>> No.19485334
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You're welcome my friend! Look at all the frog memes you want and enjoy your stay brother!

>> No.19485357

I’ll never understand why Christian 4channers INSIST on infantilizing themselves.
>me widdle fwog :)
>me hold jebus hand :)
>me just a widdow widdow boy who need jebus to pwotect me, just like mommy make me chicken tendies :)
>me safe in da arms of jebus :)
You’re a GROWN MAN. Stop acting like a child. It’s disgusting.

>> No.19485368

We are all children of God you know

>> No.19485371
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>> No.19485381

I'm literally a blasphemer and an apostate, anon.

>> No.19485383

>We are all children of God
to be placed within the topos of our le based modern world

>> No.19485395

Based and blessed

>> No.19485401 [DELETED] 

do you feel frightened, grown man?

>> No.19485412
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>> No.19485413

if you call god anything other then "god" what is the significance of this? It is a issue of ones dictionary or codex.

>> No.19485420
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Peter's 3 denials before the cock crows?

>> No.19485442

>Christ loves children! That's why it's okay for me, a fat balding 29 year old, to infantilize myself with images of a lisping baby-faced frog when I shill about Christianity

>> No.19485455 [DELETED] 

look. everyone, the worm hands are furious

>> No.19485456 [DELETED] 

You see angwy, fwen. Jesus wuvs you, okay? Just wemember that~

>> No.19485458


>> No.19485461
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You seem angwy, fwen. Jesus wuvs you, okay? Just wemember that~

>> No.19485478
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b'aww dank you fwen :)

>> No.19485488
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No pwoblem, fwen :D

>> No.19485490

Here we go again.

>> No.19485870
File: 209 KB, 1125x1578, YAJV0ld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bible is all allegory. every theist is filtered.

the frog is an embodiment of pure unfiltered authentic emotion and can be used to both humbly admit that beneath it all youre nothing more than a child in your confusion about the world and basic human desires of joy, comfort, love (apu) and also inspire transcendence from that state as a sign of uncaring strength and ultimate truths (pepe in pic)

>> No.19485975

does heaven have books? can I continue writing novels there?
cute and wholesome
>uncle jesus, tell us again how you expelled the merchants from the temple

>> No.19486001

very based and high iq, this dude gets it. it's accepting you are a wretched helpless being and accepting, too, that there is strength in that

>> No.19486073
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>> No.19486087
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checked. God bless you OP.

>> No.19486157

Nothing wrong with loving God

>> No.19486179

Repent and pray to God asking for forgiveness. God bless you anon He loves you.

>> No.19486190

Im not a christian nor religious but thank you for your prayers anon. If you're right, maybe your prayers will cause god to grace me and save me. you're a kind soul.

>> No.19486264


>> No.19486416

how does one find time to read the bible

>> No.19486454

Checked Anon, God loves us all.

>> No.19486490

read a few chapters in bed before turning out the light. then once you're hooked dedicate time to it in the evenings. then throughout the day and for the rest of your life. it's really amazing, for something so ancient it is remarkably nuanced and intertextual.

>> No.19486552

thats clearly a falseflag, anon

>> No.19486578
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Jesus is working on my life in such meaningful ways that it's unbelievable, bros.

For you that feel down and think life has no meaning, pray. You that is thinking to give up, pray.
Pray to Him every day, every time you are free and can pray, pray.
Because He is not walking away from listening to you. Clear your heart and try to go beyond your selfish "wants" and try to find your "needs". And in case you don't know what you need, ask him to give whatever you lack in order to achieve a better life. He cares about you, Anon. He wants your happiness at His side.

Luke 18:1-8

>> No.19486579


>> No.19486689

Fpbp, this kind of behaviour is schizo and weird as fuck, same people do not do this, and if they did they should have enough understanding to never ever tell anyone

>> No.19486696

>for something so ancient it is remarkably nuanced and intertextual
Lol it's vague and ambiguous to trap retards, you can really tell it's foreign and semitic when you compare it to something European like the enchiridion or the meditations which are direct, logical and most importantly honest

>> No.19486716
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>> No.19486718
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>> No.19486719

God bless you anon. Thank you. This is the best post I've read yet.
What is your favourite passage OP?
I gotta say mine's 1 Thessalonians 5. Especially 5:17

>> No.19486722
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>> No.19486752

>can't go to heaven if you don't fellate the husk of a mortal man that adorns himself and his pedo friends in petty riches
I still can't believe that C*tholics are a real thing.

>> No.19486768


>> No.19486791

I love him so much too. Thanks for this post anon. Glory to God. Christ's Kingdom shall have no end!

>> No.19486797

The current pope is evil. He needs to repent.

>> No.19486812

The bishops of Rome have been heretics since like the 9th century, anon

>> No.19486817

This anon is spiritually medicated.

>> No.19486818

If Christfags hadn't come up with a narrative as flagellating and guilt-inducing as Christ having died for human "sins," their religion never would've taken off outside of forcibly converting people at the threat of death. The almighty scapegoat to justify willful ignorance to tangible human tribulation and suffering is deserving of nothing but to be cast aside like the idols God so claims to abhor. If only Christ knew what mockery his blind adherents made of the world.

>> No.19486823

Christ is God.

>> No.19486826
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Jesus loves you

>> No.19486829

Bless you. I've prayed for you too, fren.

>> No.19486834

why don't he just take some steps back?

>> No.19486843 [DELETED] 
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>Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

>Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

>> No.19486846

Yes, but Christ is an idol to 99% of modern Christians. A tool of sociopolitical soapbox to justify sinful attitudes on the world as it rots around them. There is no godliness in them and their fanatical death cult around Christ as an idol and tool to further their own material whims.

>> No.19486849
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Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

>> No.19486875
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>tfw you realize the entire Universe is sustained by nothing but God’s infinite love and mercy

>> No.19486926

good to know, I'll come around to Jesus when I'm 40

>> No.19486930
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Yeah, he's really something.

>> No.19486937

>if God real why people have free will??

>> No.19486942

>muh freewill
Imagine its four children dead from glioblastoma.
Who willed that?

>> No.19486957

>god controls and ordains everything
>but bad stuff is your own fault

Why can't I hold all this cognitive dissonance?

>> No.19486966
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Free will is the answer to the image you posted. God didn’t create automatons, He created beings in His image and likeness, beings who could freely choose either to reject Him or to enter into loving fellowship with Him.

Regarding the brain cancer, this is just a product of the fallen world we live in. This world is not the ultimate goal of things. Horrible things happen. The sin of Adam had effects that rippled out onto the entire universe, bringing disease, death and many other things into the world, condemning it to futility. As Paul writes, the whole creation is groaning as if in the pains of childbirth. A much more glorious future awaits us, a great promise and hope. Christ rose from the dead, conquered death, and offers us eternal life. Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. God can re-purpose even the most horrible things in order to bring about a greater and more perfect good.

>> No.19486970 [SPOILER] 
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So God is unable to stop pic related from occurring? That sucks.

>> No.19486979

>deformity, therefore bad

>> No.19486990

You're free to think of it what you like.
I would just do it differently had I held the cards and not God. God might exist, but if he does, this is part of the way he rolls, which is disturbing.

>> No.19486998

It’s already been explained that we live in a fallen world suffering from the effects of sin. You should rejoice knowing that that child will be raised and restored to how it ought to look in the future. Everything has a purpose.

>> No.19487014
File: 67 KB, 768x410, Is-the-resurrection-of-Jesus-Christ-a-metaphor-1080x675-768x410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based OP

Christ is Risen and all will be well.

>> No.19487015

I know, I know, I see the ironclad logic in all that.
Like I said though, it seems like me being God, I see a bit of a fallen world, I would just, you know, give it a boost back up there.

Unless I couldn't. But if I could, definitely would.

>> No.19487016


Go tip harder with Dawkins in Cope Land, Gaytheist.

>> No.19487023

Who the fuck is God?

I used to think the 'sky-daddy' thing was a poor name but more and more it seems apt.

To bad we didn't get a Sky-Mummy : (

>> No.19487035


There is nothing worth liking about the idea of god.

>> No.19487052


The more important point is that lots of popes have been straight-up assholes, which has little to do with this-or-that schism (itself a meaningless distinction). As meaningless as when someone says "heretic" with a pretense of sincerity, as if it is in any way a meaningfully bad epithet.

>> No.19487054

No, you see, he gave you freewill and this world is fallen.
That means God can stick it in and break it off in the most tender of souls. Can't be helped.

>> No.19487056

I'm ramping up my negative energy and hatred due to this thread. For one hour, I'm going to steam and stew extra hard to cancel out your prayers. I wish pain and hardship unto the happy and hopeful, and a quick and soon death for the rest.

>> No.19487061

>A literal god can't even block all the rocks

>> No.19487078

This is what Christ is for. The new heaven and earth are coming.

>> No.19487085

Why make us wait and suffer then?
Is there some sort of moratorium against God's ability to lift us up that expires someday?

>> No.19487086


Direct your hatreds not against people, but against the belief itself.

If I could bring it about that human beings permanently and irrevocably become incapable of religious feeling, while yet keeping them alive, I would do it without a moment's hesitation. That is the world that I really want to live in. A world that I don't have to share with these idiots anymore.

>> No.19487088
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>In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

>> No.19487092
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>If I could bring it about that human beings permanently and irrevocably become incapable of religious feeling, while yet keeping them alive, I would do it without a moment's hesitation. That is the world that I really want to live in. A world that I don't have to share with these idiots anymore.

>> No.19487111
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>I will remind them

>> No.19487136


>> No.19487139

God is giving the human race as much time as possible to wake up and turn to Him in repentance and faith —because He loves mankind and doesn’t want anyone to be lost. See 2 Peter 3:9 and 1 Timothy 2:3-4. We shouldn’t take this patience for granted though, He’ll be back like a thief in the night.

>> No.19487142

I find religion annoying because it's so stupid, but taking it away wouldn't make the people any smarter. They'd just start talking to their refrigerators and worship the weather if they didn't have Christianity.

>> No.19487146

On theism, with a good and almighty God, it would be expected that he either blocked all the rocks (what are they supposed to represent?) or none

>> No.19487151

>ouchy I stubbed my toe, fuck you God! You’re evil!

>> No.19487156

So basically he waits until everybody likes him, then he turns off the suffering?

>> No.19487161 [DELETED] 

If Heaven feels too good that's a little scary.

>> No.19487192

No. Hell is the willful rejection of God, who is the source of all love, all good, all beauty, life, light, etc.—by drawing nearer to God, God draws near to us, and we may partake in His divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). Humans were made for fellowship with God. We are called to love one another as God has loved us, and to love the Lord our God with all of our soul, heart and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. God wants to draw as many people as possible into this love, the same uncreated love that abides eternally within the Trinity between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He wants everyone to be saved, but if it comes down to free will ultimately, not everyone will. The doors to hell are locked from within, but even then they will not be deprived wholly of God’s love. The Fathers are extremely clear about this. What is a delight to the godly is a torment to the godless, although it is the same love. More and more people can be saved and drawn into a relationship with their Creator if God defers the Second Coming. And this is demonstrably true. Christianity is still growing.

>> No.19487200

Why should anyone deserve torment, godless or not?
Can't I make it so nobody experiences torment, even if they don't love me back?

Otherwise it would mean I hate some of them.

>> No.19487218

God’s not responsible for the torments of hell. The Fathers agree on this point again. Those who reject Him end up naturally in a hellish ontological state, closing themselves off from the God who is the fountainhead of life, the good, the true, the beautiful, etc. Just pray that they many more than we hope will be saved.

>> No.19487220

>God’s not responsible for the torments of hell.
He's not? So God has no power against hell?

>> No.19487239

>It's an 'a literal hell is indefensible and makes christianity look bad, so that means hell is actually metaphorical' episode.

>> No.19487241
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Maybe I’m wrong, but you’re still thinking of hell in terms of a physical pit of fire. That’s not hell, as I have already explained to an extent. Maybe a quote from St. Isaac the Syrian will explain better:
>Those who are tormented in hell are tormented by the invasion of love. What is there more bitter and violent than the pains of love? Those who feel they have sinned against love bear in themselves a damnation much heavier than the most dreaded punishments. The suffering with which sinning against love afflicts the heart is more keenly felt than any other torment. It is absurd to assume that the sinners in hell are deprived of God’s love. Love is offered impartially. But by its very power it acts in two ways. It torments sinners, as happens here on earth when we are tormented by the presence of a friend to whom we have been unfaithful. And it gives joy to those who have been faithful. That is what the torment of hell is in my opinion: remorse. But love inebriates the souls of the sons and daughters of heaven by its delectability.

Hell is closing yourself off to God, which is in the power of one’s will, to an extent. It can never be totally closed off, but it can to a great extent if one were to live and act and believe in a certain way.

>> No.19487243

Who put a talking snake in the tree of knowledge? Knowing what would happen in advance?

>> No.19487244

So there is no lake of fire? The bible lied to me?

>> No.19487246

Read Paradise Lost

>> No.19487248

Hell is absolutely real. And those who condemn themselves to it will suffer immensely. You seem to hold a view that ‘spiritual’ means ‘metaphorical’ or ‘not real’. On the contrary, it is more real than the mundane.

>> No.19487250

Heretic take but the lake of fire is the destruction of the physical universe. Literally every ancient tradition speaks of the universe ending in a lake of fire that burns into nothing.

>> No.19487251

That's actually lovely, but definitely an opinion.
Either way, lake of fire or the separation from love, I wouldn't want the people I created to feel either for any amount of time, would I could do something about it.

>> No.19487266

It’s analogical. We have descriptions of hell as a lake of fire, we have descriptions of hell as a furnace, and we have descriptions of hell as outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. It’s the same thing being described here. Do you think that the trees described in Isaiah 55:12 that are ‘clapping their hands’ is meant literally? Don’t be silly

>> No.19487270

Is that an empirically verifiable statement?

>> No.19487279

I don't know why the lake of fire is the only thing left in revelations that doesn't get to be explained metaphorically. If you don't believe an actual giant animal is going to rise out of the ocean you shouldn't need to believe in a literal lake of fire.

>> No.19487287
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The snake was Satan. It’s not hard to believe that a spiritual being such as Satan could change forms. Also, we must keep in mind that the world prior to the Fall in general was of a much different nature than the world we find ourselves in now. Adam and Eve were without sin, without death, without suffering, etc. There was no death in the whole world. This also makes the pre-Fall world completely outside of the domain of science which assumes a uniformity of nature in order to reason inductively, make predictions and to investigate nature.

And sure, God had foreknowledge. What we are offered in Christ is actually far greater than what Adam and Eve possessed in Paradise, so God brings about a higher and greater good

>> No.19487289

>Hell isn't real
>it's a metaphor for separation from god

I'm separated from god now. If this is the worst damnation has to offer, who cares?

>> No.19487293

It's not. You possess closeness to God right now whether you know it or not.

>> No.19487299

Nope. Scripture itself is an epistemic mechanism.

>> No.19487300

Again, unempirical gibbledygook

>> No.19487302

Some branches of esoteric christianity claim the fall was an essential step in human spiritual evolution allowed (or even wanted) by God.
If God had foreknowledge would that mean this is correct?

>> No.19487308
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You’re not though. God provides for you everyday and likely blesses you far more than you could imagine. His love is permeating all of reality and He is present with you right now, waiting with infinite patience for you to reciprocate.

>> No.19487315

Did you 'learn' that independently of the scripture, or did the scripture have to tell you it's an epistemic mechanism.

>> No.19487339

>ouchy I stubbed unborn child's chromosomes, fuck you God! You’re evil!

always with the examples that downplays the state of things

>> No.19487344

>If God had foreknowledge would that mean this is correct?
I could see this. He certainly could have prevented it, but decided to allow it to happen, so in some sense it must be part of His larger purpose for humanity. This reminds me of the debate over the Incarnation. Far too often it is presented as a sort of contigency plan by God to correct the effects of the Fall. There are some who would say that God would have incarnated regardless even if Adam and Eve had never fallen. I agree with this. The Incarnation in some sense was part of God’s plan and isn’t just a fix for a mistake. But part of the incarnation into this fallen world is that the Son became flesh and lived among us in these conditions, sanctifying every stage of human life, and then finally death itself. It would be strange, honestly, if this had not happened. I believe there may be something to this view

>> No.19487352

Some people experience evil (outside their control), that is so great that they kill themselves
what part of this is considered "building soul"?
it seems like more soul could be built, if they did not experience that evil

>> No.19487356

Posts like these just demonstrate to me how deeply unnatural Christianity truly is. Imagine knowing someone, and being only allowed to love him. No disagreements, no fights, nothing natural that would make the relationship between you two human in any way. That's what a human relationship is all about. There's points where you like each other, but there's also times when you really can't stand each other. That fluctuation is what makes it a deeply human connection.

All of this makes me think that most christlarpers on here are just emotionally stunted people who've never experienced love of any kind and unironically believe that loving someone means you love them 24/7. That's not it works, and I'd hope that someone might show you that someday

>> No.19487358

It is the natural conclusion when faced with the fact that the Bible contains quite evidently confirmed prophecies such as Daniel 9.24-27, etc. The lived Christian experience of liturgy, prayer, fellowship, reading of the Bible, also bolsters this. Through Scripture we gain access to things beyond our normal knowledge, such as the lives and deeds of the Prophets, God’s working through the people of Israel, the prophecies predicting Jesus Christ, and why our human condition is how it is due to the Fall, and all of that.

>> No.19487360

>an essential step in human spiritual evolution
Could God create a magic pill, that would put primordial humans directly at that stage of evolution?

>> No.19487363

>Imagine knowing someone, and being only allowed to love him. No disagreements, no fights, nothing natural that would make the relationship between you two human in any way. That's what a human relationship is all about.
And God allows you to do all of that. I’m sorry to say it, but atheists have literally no idea what it is like to believe in God.

>> No.19487365

Ok, neat. If he ever decides to interact with me, I'll take this more seriously.

Hypothetically, if I were separated from god, how would I know?

>> No.19487370

Yeah it’s called Jesus Christ

>> No.19487380

>confirmed prophecies
so God wants his presence to be known?
then why is he doing a great job of hiding? (all the unfalsifiable stuff, etc)
this is such a retard line of thought to pursue

>> No.19487383

Why did he wait until after the flood?
Why not have Adam swallow Jesus-pill in the first place?

>> No.19487389

>If he ever decides to interact with me, I'll take this more seriously.
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8)

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

Prayer works and is real, even if it is silly at first. All it requires is an earnest intent.
>if I were separated from god, how would I know?
I’m not sure you’ll ever experience in this life something like what hell would be like, since this life is for repentance and turning towards God, but a sense of feeling lost, despondent, filled with existential angst, depression, and inability to connect and love others, etc. all of these could be interpreted as being alienated from God

>> No.19487392

What do I read after the gospel and acts? Romans?
Every recommended reading order is different

>> No.19487393

it's so fucking conceited to assume non-believers just didn't "try hard enough"

>> No.19487399

>Through Scripture we gain access to things beyond our normal knowledge
Yes, because empiricism and the scientific method is so mundane and common in comparison to the pearls of wisdom found within the chronicles of the magic skydaddy.

>> No.19487408

Adam was led astray by Satan and fell into a state of sin / spiritual death. He could have probably repented afterwards but he went and hid from God, and when asked by God (who of course knew) what had happened, Adam and Eve lie, shift blame, and don’t repent of their misdeeds. The real redpill is that God in the Garden was the preincarnate Son, though, like most of the OT theophanies.

One can only speculate about why He incarnated when He did, really. If one looks at population growth though, something like only 2% of all humans who have ever lived lived before Christ at this point. It sort of makes sense why He appeared when He did, and in a time when the Gospel could be spread throughout a great, well-connected empire. Regarding pre-Flood times, there was some wild stuff going on about demons mating with human women, so they needed wiped out it sounds like.

>> No.19487415

Romans probably. They can really be read in any order. I enjoy mixing in some of Peter, James and John occasionally for variety though.
>Yes, because empiricism and the scientific method is so mundane and common in comparison to the pearls of wisdom found within the chronicles of the magic skydaddy.
Evidence is all around you. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.“

>> No.19487424


>> No.19487441
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>> No.19487449
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>> No.19487450

>The fool says in his heart
Why God make some people foolish, and other wise?

>> No.19487464

>muh fall, lmao
You know, more sophisticated Christians have thought up much prettier copes than that.
Maybe they don't think so little of God.

>> No.19487467
File: 94 KB, 736x1108, A0B4E78A-3760-4FDD-9961-913A32B72A62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People freely choose to be fools and harden their hearts

>> No.19487473

>“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you”
God is everywhere. How can I draw near? The whole concept of nearness makes no sense for an omnipresent being.

>“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
I am asking right now.

>a sense of feeling lost, despondent, filled with existential angst, depression, and inability to connect and love others, etc

I call that tuesday.

>> No.19487475

sky daddy is shit though
>not in sky
>not "Daddy"
I think a better blasphemy would be the koine Greek equivalent of "scrimblo bimblo" if you catch my drift

>> No.19487477

when you make a choice, is it because of reasons?

>> No.19487484

in what spiritual system does that work?
also le epic horseshoe theory because radical Christians also want instant death (less chance to sin before judgement, excluding suicide obviously)

>> No.19487488

No. i am a christian, so all my choices are irrational.

>> No.19487490

Hume my old friend, have any Scottish cuisine to share?, You could certainty share a few morsels going by that great gut!

>> No.19487498 [DELETED] 


The fathers are plainly stupid and wrong. It's like when they do that old Platonic chestnut: "dude

There is nothing true, good or beautiful about an imagined tyrant who acts mysteriously, arbitrarily and capriciously. Hell is preferable to accepting such a tyrant and no human being ought to be so stupidly obsequeius as to do so out of fear of hell or misplaced love. The idea of god is most easily explained as a projection of human impulses onto a false, specific deity. But even it weren't, the only genuinely moral course of action would be to reject such a creature on principle, even and especially in the case that one knew that creature to exist in fact, and even and especially in the case that one knew that hell would be the result.

Fuck you, I reject your game and like Satan I am your better for it. I see through your bullshit. Bring it. We win by being right against tyranny on principle.

>> No.19487503

>God is everywhere. How can I draw near? The whole concept of nearness makes no sense for an omnipresent being.
It’s not being said in a physical sense. Yes, God is omnipresent, but one can live in ignorance or denial of this fact. Drawing near is meant in a spiritual sense, and is referring to being receptive of God, to abide in spiritual ways of being, etc.

>I am asking right now.
You’re asking me and anons on 4chan, not God. Prayer is how you would find Him. And just demanding that God indicate His existence probably won’t garner any response. Stuff does happen during prayer though, occasionally.

>> No.19487509

Jesus loves you. I’ll pray for you

>> No.19487512

Hey Christians, do you ever disagree with God?

>> No.19487514

>Drawing near is meant in a spiritual sense,
Does that mean anything, or is it empty rhetoric like everything 'spiritual' seems to be?

>You’re asking me and anons on 4chan, not God.
So god can't hear me, or he isn't listening?

>demanding that God indicate His existence probably won’t garner any response
So prayer is useless?

>> No.19487522

No you don't. You're just looking for reasons to brag about something and get (You)s of external validation on a Mongolian porn forum.

>> No.19487525

It's not my place to question him.

>> No.19487527


The fathers are plainly stupid and wrong. It's like when they do that old Platonic chestnut: "dude there's lots of things we don't fully understand so in principle we ought to have some humility!" Well, no. It's enough to know one's self in one's finitude and to understand the concept of eternal suffering to reject an ominpotent deity who is excused from it for unsatisfying and doctrinaire reasons.

There is nothing true, good or beautiful about an imagined tyrant who acts mysteriously, arbitrarily and capriciously. Hell is preferable to accepting such a tyrant and no human being ought to be so stupidly obsequeius as to do so out of fear of hell or misplaced love. The idea of god is most easily explained as a projection of human impulses onto a false, specific deity. But even it weren't, the only genuinely moral course of action would be to reject such a creature on principle, even and especially in the case that one knew that creature to exist in fact, and even and especially in the case that one knew that hell would be the result.

Fuck you, I reject your game and like Satan I am your better for it. I see through your bullshit. Bring it. We win by being right against tyranny on principle. A million degrees is better than that asshole.

He didn't even manage to design a good video game. You spend a third of it asleep, you can't go anywhere, there's plenty of suffering with no catharsis or grace. Whoop-dee-doo. Some creator. Asshole. Then he gets metaphysically upset over Sodom over physical acts. Asshole.

>> No.19487528

>Does that mean anything, or is it empty rhetoric like everything 'spiritual' seems to be?
Like I said in my previous post it’s basically being receptive to God and not being a complete degenerate if you want it put more crudely.

>So god can't hear me, or he isn't listening?
If you wanted to talk with someone wouldn’t you do it directly if you really cared to do it?

>So prayer is useless?
God’s not a genie. Originally I asked God for things and never had any success, then I gradually realized that I had no right to request things from God and just tried to surrender to him. Immediately I had results

>> No.19487531


Get Thee Behind Me, pray-er. You are not a good person. Fuck the Holy Spirit, Fuck the Holy Spirit and Fuck the Holy Spirit.

>> No.19487533
File: 46 KB, 439x559, E052FD29-434F-4CC9-82BA-46F0102D36BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus loves you, anon

>> No.19487537

you don't have opinions? LMAO
you choose to believe in a God, one which you conveniently agree with on everything?

>> No.19487540

>God’s not a genie
What are miracles?

>> No.19487542

God knows best.

>> No.19487543


Fuck your false god and fuck your false christ who have nothing worth liking about them.

>> No.19487544

>just switch your brain off, bro
kek, he says without a shred of irony

>> No.19487545

I will pray for you, anon. Really, I only pity edgelords like you.

>> No.19487546


No, he doesn't. Fuck your false god and fuck your false christ.

>> No.19487548

And you don't form opinions?
clearly some sort of mental defect

>> No.19487552

>Like I said in my previous post it’s basically being receptive to God and not being a complete degenerate if you want it put more crudely.
I've been doing that most of my life.

>If you wanted to talk with someone wouldn’t you do it directly if you really cared to do it?
If someone is omnipresent and omniscient, I can speak directly right now without ever opening my mouth. What more do I need to do? Clearly he doesn't care to speak to me directly.

>>So prayer is useless?
>God’s not a genie. Originally I asked God for things and never had any success, then I gradually realized that I had no right to request things from God and just tried to surrender to him. Immediately I had results
I'm not asking for material wealth or miracles. You say I'm supposed to talk to him with no expectation of any response? As if he didn't even exist? Really makes you think.

>> No.19487553

Gods perfect, that's my opinion.
You can't disagree with perfection, it would be a contradiction.

>> No.19487554


Fuck your false god and fuck your false christ.

>> No.19487556

That doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with things or follow perfectly. God is omniscient, benevolent and perfect. He knows best. Simple as

>> No.19487558

I mean, it's you who choose to wile away your time on this imageboard. You can't be surprised.

>> No.19487561

I asked you if there was ANYTHING you disagreed with, simple question
clearly your relationship is born of convenience, as you just "happen" to agree on everything

>> No.19487565

If God told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?

>> No.19487570

>Clearly he doesn't care to speak to me directly.
If you won’t even humble yourself enough to give the time to directly pray to God and to stop implying that what you are doing now is some form of prayerful communication, then yeah.

>You say I'm supposed to talk to him with no expectation of any response?
Yes. And it does feel silly at first, and like you’re talking into a void. Things happen during prayer though. Not always, but occasionally and when you least expect it. Prayer is 100% real.

>> No.19487573

>I asked you if there was ANYTHING you disagreed with
Then the answer is no. My standard for behavior and beliefs is the only objective and perfect one.
That would probably be a demon

>> No.19487584

>That would probably be a demon
It's God, he's almighty. He would find a way to tell you were you would be sure it was him.

>> No.19487586

What even is prayer? What does this shit mean?

>you won't even humble yourself
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Do I need to say some magic words? Draw a chalk circle in my apartment? Why would the immortal creator of the universe even care whether or not I light some candles or do a rain dance before talking to him?

If just talking isn't good enough, I don't think he's real. Or at least, he's not omnipresent, omnipotent, and interested in me.

>> No.19487587

>you won’t even humble yourself enough to

>> No.19487588

The implication is that God would not do that. Atheist hypotheticals always rest on pseudery like this

>> No.19487596
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Prayer is directly communing and communicating to God in supplication, thanksgiving, or any other similar purpose.

>Do I need to say some magic words? Draw a chalk circle in my apartment? Why would the immortal creator of the universe even care whether or not I light some candles or do a rain dance before talking to him?
None of that’s necessary, just close your eyes and clasp your hands, bro.

>> No.19487599

>None of that’s necessary, just close your eyes and clasp your hands, bro.

You just told me that wasn't humble enough.

>> No.19487602

You’re clearly not clasping your hands and praying if you’re typing up posts on /lit/

>> No.19487608

You ever heard the story about Abraham? LMAO

>> No.19487618

>directly communicating
Does God ever talk back?

>> No.19487619

It looks like someone was totally filtered on the story of the binding of Isaac. Just look at the details of Genesis 22, where the sacrifice of Isaac is depicted, and see how it is a great prefiguration of Christ. Isaac himself is full of typological parallels. Like Jesus, Isaac is a child of promise, both are named prior to their births, the births of both are miraculous. Jesus was born to a virgin, Isaac was born to a barren woman past the age of child-rearing. Both are quite explicitly referred to as an 'only son'. Both Jesus and Isaac were innocent yet were offered up anyway. As Isaac carried the wood on which he was to die, so Christ carried his own cross (Gen 22:6, John 19:17). As Isaac went willingly to the altar, so Christ went willingly to the cross (Gen. 22:9, John 10:17). The seed of Isaac would be multiplied throughout the world (Gen. 22:17); through Jesus, many sons of God would be born (John 1:12, Heb. 2:10). Abraham also says something to the effect that God will provide a lamb for the sacrifice when he arrives on top of the mountain. There is no lamb of course there, but the Lamb of God is Jesus Christ (John 1:29). The parallels like this abound throughout the Old and New Testaments. It’s also telling that the Angel of the Lord tells Abraham immediately afterwards in Genesis 22:15-18 that all of the nations of the Earth will be blessed through his descendants (i.e. with the future incarnation of Christ). The Angel of the Lord is very likely himself the pre-incarnate Word, as seen as how Hagar addresses him as God in Genesis 16

>> No.19487627

I’ve had friends who say that they’ve been directly told by God things at various points. If we are to believe a good deal of the lives of various saints or mystics, we can get similar accounts as well. I’ve never heard a voice explicitly but I’ve had some wacky stuff happen that I can’t explain away via psychosomatic explanations

>> No.19487641

That's a lot of cope to wave away the fact that God sometimes ask for (seemingly) unexpected things

>> No.19487678

Why, so he can be a miserable faggot like you?

>> No.19487716

How do you know which God to pray to?

I’ve tried praying in Christianity, Islam and Mormonism but haven’t gotten any kind sign or indictation that I’ve made any kind of connection.

Likewise I’m unsure how I would tell the difference between God vs Demons vs my imagination because people from all kinds of religions have sincere experiences they believe come from God while attributing similar reports to those false sources.

>> No.19487744


>> No.19487787

God bless you too, anon!

>> No.19487807

Based frog poster

>> No.19488104
File: 715 KB, 1200x1047, 11.-Het-offeren-van-Isaac-De-Wit-tekening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, we are all sinners. Come to God and ask humbly for forgiveness. Your own shame lasts longer than God's anger, because He uses it to teach. God bless you.
I hope so anon! If Heaven has books, then they must contain unimaginable wisdom and beauty. God bless.
I will pray for you right now, anon. It can be so hard on the other side, but once you have heard God, the sound of his voice will never go away. You may ignore him, but he will always call you. God bless you.
I have made it a habit to read and pray everyday before bed. It's a great moment, because it allows me to reflect on my day and if I have been a good person and also to look at it through the wisdom of God.
Amen and God bless.
Hold on, let me get my bible. A verse that I've been thinking about a lot lately is proverbs 1:22
>How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, And fools hate knowledge? Turn you at my reproof: Behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.
God is my medicine.
Thanks anon, God bless you.
If only they knew how good things really are...
When you are wicked there isn't no. But when you repent and walk in the way of the lord, there is much to delight over.
Aquinas Aquinas Aquinas.
Read whatever interests you, anon. Genesis, Exodus etc. is also a good order to see how it all started and how we came to inherit this world.
Yes, I often do but it's no use. He always knows better.
No, I don't. I just felt a burst of love for God and the world and I had to let it out. God bless you anon.
That's a really tough question. Truthfully, I don't know. I can only hope to be like Abraham.
I believe that all monotheistic religions basically pray to the same God. The only difference is that Christianity contains the truth about how to successfully approach God, unlike the other religions. The reason I know this is because I have never experienced the kind of relationship with God in any other religious or spiritual tradition. I know what it is like to not feel the presence of God, I have struggled with this myself. What helped me was to not make any demands, but to humbly follow the commandments and an open mind. After a while I started praying too, hesitant prayers with many questions and with little faith. And then, I don't know when this happened, I started feeling this overwhelming love inside of me when I would pray. Persevere my friend and may God watch over you.

>> No.19488632

When I was 14 I would pray to God every morning and every night for the well being and happiness of everyone I come in contact with. I did this for a year until it started to crush me mentally and I'd think of it as nothing but a chore. I thought that when something bad happened to me it was because I didn't pray enough or I forgot to mention someone and then I would ask God to forgive me the next time I prayed. I stopped doing this but my life is even more awful now. Why did God not save me? What did I do wrong?

>> No.19488701

>Anon feels so much love and compassion for every living thing.
Everyone should not be as miserable as you are.

>> No.19488706

How literally do you take the bible? Im asking since some parts are very obviously allegorical and people draw their own lines as to where the allegory stops and the personal god with judgement, intent, intelligence starts. Seems to me that the distinction between those two types of qualities can get really arbitrary and that every personal quality seems like cope and projection on our part. Is it not an extremely convenient idea that there is a maker who is like us and cares about us. Shouldn’t we be very skeptical of that idea even just because of how much we would want to believe it and make ourselves believe it even if it wasn’t true and the evidence was scarce?

>> No.19488745

>>Anon feels so much love and compassion for every living thing.
>Everyone should not be as miserable as you are.
>love and compassion for every living thing
Categorical, abject weakness. God may be loving but He too is wrathful and being both made by Him in His image and tasked to be the stewards of the world, not just tolerating but embracing so much and so many who should be rejected is outright evil. Worse, it's outright evil masquerading as utter goodness.
>"Old birds like Orlovius are wonderfully easy to lead by the beak, because a combination of decency and sentimentality is exactly equal to being a fool."
>Vladamir Nabokov, Despair

>> No.19488800

Based. Sadly cathtards will never know what grace means because they worship an illuminati death cult.

>> No.19488825

>not just tolerating but embracing so much and so many who should be rejected is outright evil.
Nobody said it should be done, except you, who can't see that harsh words or actions might be done out of love and compassion.
Again, you just want to pull everyone down into impotent rage with you.

>> No.19488834

How is this thread not off-topic?

>> No.19488897

Peace be with you :)

>> No.19489017

this post is so tryhard that it hurt me as a child and almost made me
submit to rome

>> No.19489047

Why are Christians on this website so infantile
>Bro this retarded frog is me, I need daddy jebus to hug me

>> No.19489176

Thank you for your post anon. I consoder myself too dirty right now to be asking for forgiveness, especialy after spending my youth as a fedora edgelord but I will try to be better until I find the strenght to pray.

>> No.19489256

You were just going through the motions, and had a wrong approach.
Have faith, and know why you're praying. I'd go study about it.
For a nice first step, just do the Lord's Prayer, and when you try to pray yourself, think of the people most important to you.
I'm sorry for such a horrible "just do it right" answer, but I do not know how to explain it. You don't really understand what i mean until you know it. Kind of a catch 22.

Also, some other anon that reads this, please try to help anon better than i did.

>> No.19489269

Google tulpas, lehraman.

>> No.19489271

It's more of i wrote this extremely badly than the catch 22 deal though.
At least i tried, and that might bump it for someone more articulate.

>> No.19489274


God bless you anon. Thank you.

>> No.19489281

Feeling negative emotions is also an important part of life anon, I'm glad for you, but don't go full toxic positivity, it just makes you look schizo

>> No.19489311

You will never be clean enough. We are all to dirty to approach god on our own. That's the whole reason Jesus had to die. Repent that's the only way to get clean. Then read the bible and you are literary at the state op is right now

>> No.19489341

As this might come out rude to someone. saying that anon means God is the way to clean yourself.
Adding to that, it's never too late to repent. Just be honest about it.

>> No.19489343

why are the 4channeling christians such active posters? isn’t spending so much time on an imageboard, with all its (often sexually) stimulating imagery, a distraction that opposes christ-like living? can 4channel possibly be used virtuously? to me, the medium itself opposes that. the internet as a whole, with it’s abundance of random information, processed through the human mind, seems to discourage that contemplative state that all respectable spiritual tradition consider necessary

>> No.19489399

Being on /lit/ presupposed at least basic intelligence, as opposed to some other purely degenerate boards.
There's a chance we get to some anon who's on the fence, or answer one who's looking for answers. And we get to interact with other Christians.

On the activity, i am quite surprised there are so many Christians interacting in 4chan of all places as well. It's quite comfy.

(Also came upon an ESV page when looking for a passage i couldn't remember. This is actually even more distorted than i was led to believe, wow.)

>> No.19489443

I think I understand what you mean after I reflected a little. I suppose it is because I did it not out of faith and love but out of desperation to find peace and that was the only place I could turn to.
If I were to try again, I fear I wouldn't be able to separate the desperate desire for salvation from the earnest love for God in my prayers. I might do further studying on this subject. Thank you for trying to help.

>> No.19489463

Pray for that. Ask for peace and wisdom. Especially for faith.
Know that He loves you.
Reflect on any bad things that happen.
Galatians 6:17 is what you're looking for. We are hurt so that we learn. (remember when you were little and your parents told you touching the stove would burn you, but you still did it?) We're here to learn from experience, because being told so doesn't cut it.

>> No.19489474

And a little point on that passage, the Greek word used for mark was "stigmata". That's the sense of that passage.

>> No.19489501

Non-Christian here, but God bless you, Anon.

>> No.19489510

Possibly disregard anything after the suggestion of Galatians. Probably not getting my point across once again.

>> No.19490028

>That’s not hell,
Yes, the fire is uncreated not a creation. So much worse for the sinners. But Hades is a creation God made to seal away Satan, it was originally made for him. Remember the Earth is created after the angels and Hades is described as a place under the Earth.
Saying it's just spiritual kind of denies the bodily resurrection of all dead, even the damned.

>> No.19490035

That would be demonic. Sin is not a necessary tool, but merely the thing which God used to His own ends because of Adam's and Satan's fall. God being powerful to turn even sin towards good does not make sin good or necessary.

>> No.19490063

The Bible is best read as literal, anagogical, allegorical and typological at the time. This is the Church Father’s way. Things may and often do have multiple meanings and layers.

>> No.19490092

I think if you read the Bible you'll find out that he absolutely does not like that. He certainly doesn't enjoy people disagreeing with him in any way. Imagine running into someone who doesn't allow you to disagree with any of his opinions in any way, shape or form. You'd classify him as some kind of cult leader. You certainly wouldn't mistake him for a friend, and you'd must certainly never love him. That's one of my biggest problems with Christianity, why would I want to love soneone who acts like a control freak psychopath who mass murders anyone who doesn't obey him? It's like asking me to love Kim Jung Um. I could never genuinely love such an entity, it would always be the charade of love, which hides the true feelings you have for someone like that, hatred and fear. Bottling up such emotions and denying them is extremely unhealthy, and I highly recommend you to not do that

>> No.19490097

Hes literally god though kek, it's not like meeting a cult leader because he isn't a human. Hes the essence of good, beauty, truth, etc so if you choose to go against him you're spitting on everything that is good, beautiful, true. Only a hateful person would do this in the first place

>> No.19490099

4channel is less sexualized than Instagram/Tik Tok and other surface gibberish

>> No.19490103

I'm happy for you OP. Enjoy God

>> No.19490116

God doesn't want it either, He created us to use our will properly and not end up denying the only true good. Eternal hell is just the eternal realization of the will you made while embodied.

>> No.19490141

Need help bros.
I wouldn't say I'm "autistic" but:
>raised irreligious
>heavy use of the internet and video games growing up
>had an edgy atheist phase.
however I've sense rejected atheism and while I acknowledge various evidence for the existence of God the whole "belief" things hasn't happened.
I use to see this as a way to stay objective on things but I'm more and more seeing this as something I'm lacking. Is it possible to acknowledge the real possibility of the divine but lack the belief in it?
any books to help with this?

>> No.19490162

No. That's just being on top of the wall, and you're getting nowhere if you don't climb down the belief side.
Study about it. Most atheist "debunking" questions have extremely easy answers.
And study hard. You don't want proof the hard way.

>> No.19490273
File: 522 KB, 1080x1500, holybible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God wrote the greatest book in the history of anything and everything and it is the #1 best seller of all time.

>> No.19490379

>various evidence for the existence of God
What evidence?

>> No.19490389

This is all the same stuff that cult followers say about their leader. They will also assume that their leader isn't human, but divine.

I also wouldn't really define mass genocide and torture as good or beautiful, but hey, if that's your kink, by all means

>> No.19490405

God chastises those he loves. Don't be discouraged my dear friend in Christ.

>> No.19490413

How do you know that?

>> No.19490515
File: 442 KB, 930x526, Atheism, Refuting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19490596

Can you tell me specifically what the evidence is? Because you just posting a bunch of books doesn't explain it. Tell us, in your own words, the evidence for the existence of any god. Not even your specific god, just a god

>> No.19490610

Why don't you try to disprove it instead?
Your lack of belief stems from questions you have yourself.

>> No.19490616


>> No.19490627

There's zero empirical evidence available that points in the direction of any god whatsoever. Also, no one is even called to prove a negative. You make the claim, therefore it's on you to demonstrate it, and no one else

>> No.19490649

My faith in the immortality of our souls is shaky, but I absolutely believe in and love the Creator nonetheless

>> No.19490653

>I'm saying you're wrong, so prove you're right with arguments i'll deem not good enough/wrong, because i said so.

>> No.19490689

Okay then, if I claimed that you hallucinated the entirety of last month, made a bunch of debts with me and now owe me a million dollars, would you pay me? After all, you can't disprove this, since you were clearly the one hallucinating, and I was here all along while you made all of these promises. You even said you swear on a few of your relatives' lives that you would immediately pay me back, and since you accept that you're obligated to prove a negative or else it's true, where's my money?

>> No.19490705

>asking me to be virtuous is like asking me for a million dollars
lol. I can see why you might not want to believe in the fate that awaits you after death

>> No.19490720

Ues, it is. Bot rely on putting your money where your mouth is, something you apparently won't do. I'd be more worried about your fate, to be honest with you

>> No.19490770

Unfortunate that God and the afterlife have been refuted by science

I'm not even a fedora, I'm just unable to delude myself

>> No.19490836

I love you anon peace be with you wagmi

>> No.19490854

I'm not the other anon who answered.
I would disagree on the grounds that such a claim is ludicrous. Which is not the case with belief, although i must compromise by saying i don't have the knowledge base to give you a reasonable proof. I was trying to get you to throw your "why i dont believe" questions, because i could possibly answer those.

>> No.19490874

>I would disagree on the grounds that such a claim is ludicrous.
That's not what was asked. Can you disprove it, and if you can't, where's my money?

>> No.19490896

Literally just said that idea was to try and have you ask more objective questions.
Also you're the only one saying such a thing supposedly happened, so why would i believe you?

>> No.19490928

I will pray for you brother

I will pray for you brother

Thank you brother I will pray for you

Pls stop brother you need to consume the flesh of christ, retuen to the church for she is your mother. I will pray for you

Pray for the pope, do not denounce him. He needs your prayers

I will pray for you brother, pray that unlike faust you will learn the error of your ways and reprent before it is too late

>Death bad
Pray that their souls return to their father in heaven. Death is nothing to fear for those living in Christ

There is a difference between God's active and passive will. God allows us to do what we want through his passive will but his plan will bring justice to those who do evil. Death is not the end.

Christ is risen alleluia

Do not pretend as if you can understand God's plans. From what position can you judge God's morality atheist?

>> No.19490952

Read Aquinas

>le science
God is beyond material so how could material science disprove him? Read Aquinas.

How can an afterlife be disproven? Every few years you have all new cells in your body and yet you have a continuity of experience. What is it that experiences? It must be beyond material as all the material is replaced and yet experience is continuous.

>> No.19491022

god bless you anon

>> No.19491090

cartoons for literal retards

>> No.19491685

I grew up with fundamental protestant parents. After listening to Jordan Peterson and reading Joseph Campbell Im interested in getting back into Christianity although I'm not sure I like protestantism. Orthodox Christianity seems to make the most sense to me but I don't know a ton about it either. Any books for refinding my faith?

>> No.19491825
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There has been a resurgence of Greek Orthodox youth groups, if you're under 28 go and find one. You'll be an in area were you're socialising with like minded people and can ask the Fr any questions you might have.

>> No.19491964

>Read Aquinas

Teleology is the survivorship bias + arguments from ignorance. Womp womp

>> No.19492098

Why 28? I'm 28 in about a month...

>> No.19492137

How can God exist if I suffer so much? I’ve never done anything particularly evil, I objectively don’t deserve to be treated this way. Meanwhile Larry Nasser spends his prime years having sex with teenage gymnasts and doesn’t go to prison until he’s already an old man.

>> No.19492164

In that case, attend the litrugy and see if the church has socialising and food in the hall afterwards. It's another good chance to speak to a priest and see whats going on

>> No.19492219

Why 28 though I'm still curious at the cutoff?

>> No.19492246

Call no man

>> No.19492269

To protect teenagers from groomers and prevent the attendance of old wierdos who missed their ship. As these groups usually encompass post highschool teens to post uni working young adults, usually 28-30 is the cutoff. But if you're not a retard you'll be fine

>> No.19492283
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>why hast thou forsaken me

get back to me when you've had your faith tested past breaking. until then you're a dilettante and a fair-weather christcuck.

>> No.19492290
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I dont believe in jesus

>> No.19492330

is this exhorting true faith, or implying there's a point where it doesn't suffice?
in the case of the former, i agree completely.

>> No.19492363



>> No.19492374

Explain thyself

>> No.19492395


If you haven't been tortured, never had nails driven through your body or soul, never been left to die then you are simply not qualified to express any opinions or feelings about God.

>> No.19492412

I agree.
Brings to mind Galatians 6:17

>> No.19492435

>Why is there Evil?
Cause we often move away from what is good?
One must understand that everything is good. This is all eternities finite creation. Some things are just a privation of its light.
You can have good without evil but you cant have evil without good.

>> No.19492470


>> No.19492504

>The reason I know this is because I have never experienced the kind of relationship with God in any other religious or spiritual tradition.

But people from all kinds of faiths make those kinds of claims with sincerity, including ones like Mormonism which is what makes it hard for me.

It makes it seem like a really subjective matter when it should be the most opposite.

>> No.19492567

Christians do not shelter themselves from the filth WE FACE THE EVIL HEAD ON BECAUSE WE DO NOT FEAR SATAN AND HIS WILES

>> No.19492572

Guarantee if someone started driving nails through your shinbone you would tell them whatever they wanted to hear.

>> No.19492580

The sin of pride.

>> No.19492583


That has nothing to do with what we were discussing.

>> No.19492591


>> No.19492605

You expressed an opinion about God despite not being qualified to do so according to that opinion.

>> No.19492607

>Nobody said it should be done, except you, who can't see that harsh words or actions might be done out of love and compassion.
>Again, you just want to pull everyone down into impotent rage with you.
Based retard

>> No.19492610

>oh no it's retarded

>> No.19492620

Seethe larper.

>> No.19492720

i admire the idea but in reality do we really have that amount of control over ourselves? the desert hermits recommend minimizing lust by avoiding all interaction with women, not because they think women are evil, but they know that even if, when seeing/talking to them, they feel they’ve got good intentions, later, whether it be that night or next week or next month, their mind will distort that interaction and torment them. they confess this struggle even after cutting off all communication with women. even if our intentions are consciously good, we must accept the reality of human nature and admit a certain level of powerlessness over the influence of our surroundings. yet we do have the power to change our surrounding to not experience their influence

>> No.19492785

>filtered by Psalm 22
Ahah atheists don’t even read the Bible they so hate.

>> No.19493887

Because the bible says so.

>> No.19493922
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https://youtu.be/_CajaeFbOlI watch this.
I cannot speak about what they have personally experienced, but my own experience tells me without a doubt that I am on the right path. Everytime I get discouraged or turn to eastern spiritually, I just get filled with such a heart wrenching emptiness and He beckons me back. Nothing compares to Christianity in beauty and explaining the universe with such pure crystaline reason. I cannot believe otherwise than that the universe is operated through these sensible, fair and divine principles. There is something so beautiful about Christ and what he did for us and asks us to do. In atoning in the matter that we do we perfect ourselves through the grace of God. Christianity is the only true way to humility and at the same time something close to perfection.

>> No.19493934

2000 years of theological development and christcucks are still stuck with shit-tier theodicies like "don't you know anon, OBVIOUSLY BAD THING is ackshually secretly good because of magic secret plan. What's the plan? haha I don't know but trust me goy".

>> No.19494105

Anon, the Church preserved the Bible for hundreds of years just to you disregard the labour of the copyist monks to "own the prods", no wonder why many people think Catholics don't read the Bible, now read the Bible, you need it.

>> No.19494109

Have you read any theology at all? These questions were answered in detail ages ago.

>> No.19494114


>> No.19494115

God bless, I'm glad to hear it

>> No.19494118
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The only god I could love is deus sive natura

>> No.19494122
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>everything has a cause
>except one thing
brilliant analysis tommy

>> No.19494261

Thank you anon. I appreciate your love and prayers. I wish I could pay your actions back in kind by praying myself, but I don’t know that I can. I want to feel God’s love so badly and I specifically want to accept and worship Jesus, but also I’m gay and absolutely will not leave my partner through whom I find love and joy. I know that you will pray for me like anyone and that brings me comfort, bless you anon

>> No.19494496

>These questions were answered in detail ages ago.
Yes, I outlined one of the many answers. Just because you answer something, doesn't mean the answer is any good. And the answers to the evidential problem of evil/suffering are shit.

>> No.19494560

>I want to feel God’s love so badly and I specifically want to accept and worship Jesus, but also I’m gay and absolutely will not leave my partner through whom I find love and joy.
If you loved God you would lift a finger to come closer to Him. John 14:15—“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” You are not even willing to give up your unnatural relations for the Lord.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
>Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

>> No.19494595

christbros help me

i have capgras' syndrome, i think my sister was replaced by satan's doppelganger.

i curse God everyday for my faith.
I don't know what to do anymore, why did this happen to me?

>> No.19494597

>i curse God everyday for my faith.
First, stop doing this. Next, please go to a doctor, anon

>> No.19494616

what the hell will doctor do? i told my doctor and she made a concerned face, kept typing, then said " can you, like, stop it?"

>> No.19495001

Traditions of God? or man?

>> No.19495068
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Because despite finding Christ, we're here forever.

>> No.19495222

Quran says no

>> No.19495276
File: 38 KB, 600x646, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are the 4channeling christians such active posters?
We are filled with zeal for the LORD God Almighty.
>an imageboard, with all its (often sexually) stimulating imagery
I only go to Christian threads, with very rare exceptions, and stick to blue boards. Any time someone posts a thread with an explicit image in the wars against the jannies (who do it for no monetary recompense) or even an allowable one which triggers a bit of penile twitching, I immediately hide it.
>to me
Yes, right there is the answer. (You) are projecting.

>> No.19495315

>trad christfag
>Posts a /b/ meme for fecalphiles
Go back

>> No.19495316

How do I delude myself into believing the Christian story, like all of you? What’s the secret? It’s so clearly made up that I cannot fathom how it engenders authentic belief. How do you guys delude yourselves into being fervent Christians?

>> No.19495348

>knows it's a /b/ meme for fecalphiles
I literally went to Google and image searched "elderly 4chan" and found that. (You) swim with the sickos.

>> No.19495400
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>all allegory

>> No.19495417
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Everyday I read in the Vedas and I do secondary reading and pray and go immerse myself deeper in this ocean of grace. I feel so much love and compassion for every living thing. Krishna bless you anons, may the lord Shiva be with you all. Peace be with you.

>> No.19495452
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>> No.19495476

>literally admitting you're in an echochamber

>> No.19495574

This board is for literature, not for zoomers to blogpost about cultural fads

>> No.19495589

It's based and all of OP's favourite ecelebs are doing it. Also it's heckin based!

>> No.19495706

In descending order, pray, partake in actual spiritual life (i.e. going to church, spending time with Christians), read the Gospels, read N.T. Wright’s book on the resurrection of the Son of God, watch William Lane Craig BTFO atheists a million times, etc.

>> No.19495712

It’s unfortunate that you think God would want you to use that language, act so harshly, and attempt to convince one of His children not to hear His word.

>> No.19495713
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BTW, I'm also "Protestant" so not too sure about the "trad" label in the usual sense used around here.
>Christian threads bombarded with gaytheists attempting to counter beliefs
>echo chamber
I've also read many, many tens of books on shamanism, paganism, witchcraft, ceremonial magick, general occult/esoterics, Buddhism, Taoism, etc. so I do know my way around a decent bit. Heck, I've even seen the Dalai Lama speak twice.

Y'all need the Holy Ghost to help fight back those Satanic energies and start learning to follow the voice of the Shepherd per John 10. I, and hopefully other members of the Body of Christ here will pray for (You), verily.

>> No.19495725

I work at a Fortune Five company, Anon

>> No.19495727

>I serve Mammon

>> No.19495731
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>> No.19495736

>gets the buggies in from the parking lot at Walmart

>> No.19495739

>I ride on the success of others

>> No.19495760

>I feel so much love and compassion for every living thing.
Jesus did not encourage love towards all sentient beings the way Buddha, Zoroaster/Mazdak, Mahavira, or Mani did.

>> No.19495761

Church-goers weigh on my heart. Most that I’ve met are sweet, innocent people. They’re usually nervous and insecure and just want to do the right thing and be a good person.

It’s the church leaders who come out and say they’ve got magical powers to understand God better than everyone else and tell them they need to go out and forcibly convert people into their organization so they can donate money and be bossed around. I’ve always thought a true Christian would just be living their normal life and the little mundane opportunities for it to be mentioned in passing would be enough to eventually lead others to looking into Christ on their own or to decide on their own to reach out and ask someone, and finding God that way.

>> No.19495764

I forgot to add Krishna to this list: >>19495760

>> No.19495775

Many saints write of their love for all of God’s creation and animals, which are described as being ‘very good’. Man was set at the peak of creation, embracing both noetic and material realms, with a potential for deification. Then we fell along with the rest of creation. The Bible is full of awe at the beauty of God’s creation. To destroy it and devote it to Mammon is evil

>> No.19495801

That’s something I struggle with, too. I just try to have faith that some things we won’t know the answer to in this life, but that when we meet the Lord in the afterlife there will be an answer and it will be the right one.

God shouldn’t be a burden. You shouldn’t feel like you have to withhold good things from yourself to prove your worth. It should be more like: “Ok, I’m going to try my best to be a nice person and do the right thing and it’ll all work out.”

>> No.19495813

>Y'all need the Holy Ghost to help fight back those Satanic energies and start learning to follow the voice of the Shepherd per John 10.

This tells me you haven't read shit

>> No.19495828

It’s always described that way in a metaphorical statement. People cherry pick snappy quotes out of the Bible, though, which leads to misunderstandings. Most people even if they’re preachers at an actual church haven’t actually read the Bible. They just sit around thinking up their own things and arguing about them with other church personnel.

>> No.19495847

Yes, you're the only one in the history of ever who has properly read the Bible, and possesses the sole correct interpretation of it.

Why don't zealots just admit they pick and choose as much as anyone else

>> No.19495857

I agree. I think of it as like a mental thing. They’re basically so messed up mentally emotionally that they’re unable to know God and are suffering.

God is great and merciful though so I feel like they’ll just be processing it for a long time until they’re ready to be saved and then God will save them and welcome them into paradise. I could be wrong, though.

I always think you have to have Faith in God to be right even if you’re not sure how or why, but my belief is also that you shouldn’t try to police the behavior of others. I always try to keep myself humble and not fall into being a hateful, selfish, or spiteful person who hurts others. That sounds really simple but when you start to really drill down on your own behavior it seems like that becomes so hard you can’t do anything but get yourself to inaction, and then you can’t do anything.

All things are possible through God, though, and you are turning to him by doing this. So getting yourself to that point of metaphorical inaction allows you to open yourself up to God’s direction, and he will guide you to what is the best life path for you.

>> No.19495860

I am rubber and thou art glue, but the real matter of import is that I did far more than simply read.

>> No.19495876

Everything happens according to God’s plan. It can be helpful to try to figure out God’s logic but you have to always keep in mind God’s mind is beyond your comprehension and you might have to ponder something for a long time and still not get the right answer.

>> No.19495891

Yes, you also interpreted everything through a hopelessly bias lens, where everything that doesn't agree with your preconceived notions is wrong by default. What a wonderfully simple way to live your life

>> No.19495907

God isn’t a tyrant. People just get lead astray and start misrepresenting him, and I think that gets exacerbated by Christians tending to fall back on this lecturing, know it all tone when they talk about God, especially when they don’t actually know what they’re talking about. They begin to unintentionally use His name in vain and draw others away from God.

Your feelings are valid. You’re making good points. I think part of the religious experience is having those thoughts and feelings and then looking into the religion to either find the answer or disprove it now that you’ve got a really good point to argue, and then you find out what God actually meant and how most everyone else seems to be getting it wrong besides a few humble voices you may stumble across here or there.

God always winds up being a gentle voice in the background saying: “Why don’t you all just calm down and try to work together? I’m sure you could fix all of these problems if you just took the time to be nice to each other and work as a team.”

>> No.19495918

>God isn’t a tyrant.

You haven't read the Bible very well then

>> No.19495934

So, I could be wrong. But the way I’ve been thinking about it lately is kind of like: “Ok, I don’t know for sure what needs to happen.”

Sometimes I pray for something specific, and sometimes I get it. Sometimes, though, that thing isn’t actually good even though you think it is (like in a fictional story when they change the past and it has unintentional side affects and they need to go back and fix it again. God just knows what would happen so He doesn’t always give you what you want.)

So sometimes I have to humble myself, especially when I’m scared or otherwise uncertain and I say: “I don’t know what’s right, or what’s supposed to happen, but please help me get through this problem and be happy.” And God will do the rest. Sometimes I have to stop and ask Him to “help me want to do the things (He) wants me to do, and to not want to do the things (He) doesn’t want me to do.” So that He can help guide me to the truth without getting caught up on some specific philosophical tangent.

That sounds like it wouldn’t work, but I usually wind up in a good place, so I thank God for that.

>> No.19495963

You’ve just got to try your best. Religion is a very personal experience. It could be possible that you’re having a unique journey in your life. I think that all comes down to how genuine you’re being, but if you’re being genuine I’m sure you’re doing good.

Have you read the Bible or any other books from those other sects. In Christianity God says that you need to feed your spirit by reading the Bible, because the Bible is a very calming and cathartic experience.

>> No.19495977

That’s normal. I think you needed to possibly read the Bible. Praying that much shows you wanted to feel a connection to God and keep yourself right, but prayer alone isn’t always enough, only because you can feel like you’re doing it wrong sometimes. Reading the Bible reminds you of the ways God has expressed His love and imparts His lessons to you and can help calm your mind. I pray every day but I don’t think everyone has to. You should only pray when you feel like you need to.

>> No.19495991

I believe that God allows you to disagree with him and think things through. There’s some nuance to it, though.

This is my own understanding of it so I could be wrong, but I believe that if you’re just honestly not agreeing because it didn’t make sense and you want to understand why it’s right and not just blindly obey then He wouldn’t have a problem with it. I think He would only have a problem with it if you were disagreeing with him, but being pig headed and not wanting to think about how you’re wrong even when you’re co fronted by the reality of it in some way, especially if you’re going out and hurting others in some way based on the disagreement.

>> No.19496015

That happened to me, Anon. What’s up?

>> No.19496036

God loves gay people, he made you that way because that’s who you are, Anon. The passages saying homosexuality are a sin were mistranslated by the Catholic Church so they could cover up God saying child molestation is a sin.

There is no man or woman, we are all one in Christ. Humans on average require a life partner, but God doesn’t want you to be with a woman that you aren’t attracted to.

You can always talk to God, you can always pray, He will never look down on you or reject you. The ones who tell you otherwise have been led astray by Satan. They’re unintentionally behaving as an antichrist, preaching hatred and filling God’s children with a fear that He hates them and they aren’t allowed to talk to Him.

I’m sorry that people treated you so badly, you are a child of God and He loves you.

>> No.19496042

I’m a Project Manager at UnitedHealth Group, but I was involved in Walmart’s transition from A4Me to Premiere.

>> No.19496047

My former supervisor was literally the substitute pastor at her church, but ok
I’m an individual contributor, not a supervisor or executive.

>> No.19496058

Where are you getting your info on what I did/didn't do, what "lens" I "interpreted everything through"? (You), this very moment, are interpreting everything through a preconceived lens and I can assure you your assumptions are profoundly inaccurate.

>> No.19496059

I didn’t say that. The only way I know it is from researching it and reading what a lot of different priests/pastors from different sects had to say about it and also by reading Atheist critiques of the Bible. I actually really like atheist literature because they do have a way of cutting through a lot of the church’s BS (there are genuine church leaders but there are also cult leaders who just join a regular church since starting your own cult is too hard and they legit just want to get off on convincing people to do weird things.)

>> No.19496070

I will say though, I do cherry pick sometimes, because I’m not like a super impressive scholar. I try my best not to though because I do think the Bible is written in a way that makes it purposely hard to impossible to cherry pick without messing up the message entirely

>> No.19496460

>I cannot believe otherwise than that the universe is operated through these sensible, fair and divine principles.

How come?

>> No.19496770

I try to live God but I'm addicted to porn

>> No.19496820

Pray that He may aid you in this battle anon. I have struggled with porn for many years, but after coming to God everything is better. I still slip occasionally, but I repent and I know that everything will be okay. Don't be angry with yourself, just repent and keep going. God bless you, I'll pray for you now.

>> No.19497309

I've been reading the Bible a bit and have only finished Genesis and Exodus, but so far it does not seem to me that the god in the Bible is omnipotent, omniscient, or omnibenevolent. So far he seems rather limited (at least compared to something said to be omnipotent), he seems to be surprised by things, and is often angry, destructive, and threatening. What is the origin then of this idea of God being an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving god come from? It doesn't seem to be in Genesis or Exodus so far. Oddly enough, I would be more accepting of an angry, limited god than an omnipotent, omnibenevolent one just based off of what I know about this world. Why didn't God save those kids from a collapsing building? Simple, he didn't know it was going to happen or even better, he simply doesn't care.