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File: 1.63 MB, 3336x5288, Irony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19485100 No.19485100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does irony have a negative stigma in this decade? Is purely because of malicious actors?

>> No.19485113

DFW killed irony in the late 90's and Donald Trump killed it again. It's not funny anymore. Just be genuine.

>> No.19485150

unironically, nigger

>> No.19485169

because people are slowly starting to refuse to live in the world where irony is indistinguishable from genuineness

>> No.19485187

>text too small to read at normal size
>when zoomed in text scrolls off the screen
failed meme, 3/10
Valid arguments do not make good memes. In fact it's usually the opposite.

>> No.19485195

Irony is supposed to be against norms. It's a way to write without getting in trouble w the censors.
In any sense that story is overdone for a lot of ppl. For others they feel irony does not suit their ideas (maybe leftism is simply correct). For others it implies nothing and goes back to the first view, it's simply overdone. There needs to be something new, we don't have a lot to take that we want to give up even given to some slight irrationalities. But liberalism's best tool is economic starvation and irony.

>> No.19485236


>> No.19485277

I'm not sure that irony is dead. Maybe a certain kind of cynical detachment. And let's think for a second here about DFW and the 'death of irony' ethos and keep in mind:

(a) Wallace's fears about ironic literature, as he expressed in his essay E Unibus Pluram, his review of Joseph Frank's Dostoyevsky, and in various interviews, was largely motivated by self-interest. He was in many regards trying to preempt and frame the way people read his work. So while he made valid points about TV becoming more ironic than postmodern art (and therefore neutering it of a subversive impulse), it was also a kind of intellectual posturing.

(b) See John Cleese about the difference between seriousness and solemnity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7fyOLe-xn4&ab_channel=groTVesque

(c) Irony is a rhetorical tool; genuineness and sincerity are interpretations. You can express sincerity of sentiment by being ironic—postmodernists did it all the time.

The influence of Wallace's writing has been damaging more than reconstructive. And the post 9/11 reaction to the 'death of irony' was, sure, a type of cultural exasperation with what was seen as a negative-oriented ironic culture.

But irony lives on: TV is still ironic, ads are ironic, movies are ironic and self-referential, so are books, and many artworks. The list goes on . . .

>> No.19485350

the left can't meme

>> No.19485364

Is that image supposed to be an example of irony? Comes off more like a yikes.

>> No.19485379

>when youll get power youll actually heckin genocide! Even tho that actually wont happen

So why does chad care?

>> No.19485380

>lefty meme
>wall of text nobody will ever read

Like pottery

>> No.19485387

This lmfao

>> No.19485391

every once in awhile jreg makes a video that manages to be hyper-sincere because he sheds all of the post-ironic covers he normally hides himself snugly under. but this is not one of those videos. this is one of his post-ironic retard videos that defeats its own purpose. bad satire. utter garbage. it's bad satire if everybody walks away with the wrong message, because he doesn't even have a coherent message that he would stand behind. now he's obsessed with making ironic videos about mental illness, constantly insinuating that mental illness is made up by the medical industry to keep you hooked on drugs & from realizing how horrible modern society is. well ask him then. No, he won't say a thing. What is his message when he calls the DSM-V a work of fiction? I bet his impressionable young audience will get the right message from all of this. Fucking dumbass, utter garbage, this is exactly what DFW was talking about.

>> No.19485402

This has to be a parody meme

>> No.19485422

idk about your question only i have to tell that left cant meme

>> No.19485430

seriously when does this guy ever add anything to the discussion? he just muddies everything with irony. i'm lucky to find a second of honest human feeling expressed in every 1 in 10 of his videos

>> No.19485451

The question goes if irony can be positive. You said it can by being genuine and sincere but that's in being counterindicative. We must assume anyone is honestly doing their actions even if we dk what they are so that can't be proof.

In any sense the question after irony is always "what do you mean" because you can be ironic to anything as almost any position. You can even be on that side and be ironic, not because you disagree but because it's funny. In any sense it doesn't point to your true beliefs and it doesn't offer a solution.

>> No.19485480

Irony and satire are the primary weapons against ideological hegemony. They not only want to take our guns away but also have us forget how to use them.

>> No.19485506

No it isn't. Obviously violence, debate, application, law etc are used. Satire just comes off like a whiny kid.

>> No.19485635
File: 892 KB, 2744x3720, 1637861166014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftist meme!?
I am confident the op pic is ironic and am surprised that anybody can take /qa/ seriously. The creator even made a soijak of trans being killed if you look at soi booru. The joke is that it wall of text against a strawman. Dude even responded to himself to further the irony.

>> No.19485655
File: 132 KB, 1065x499, 1635159015449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19485666

Because ironic shitposting is still shitposting, and your pic demonstrates it more eloquently than I ever could.

>> No.19485674
File: 63 KB, 600x579, 6686E77E-245F-4A52-9F89-B53A1B6736F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19485684

this anyone who comes to an alternative conclusion is easily tricked and baited

>> No.19485727

You're either retarded or disingenuous. Do you think you can defeat a hegemonic ideal with violence? Maybe you can suppress it for a time, if somehow you have numbers on your side but given the subject (ideological hegemony) that's a complete nonstarter. Even if the power is on your side, it's most likely going to be impotent. It can also be pretty self-defeating (e.g. 9/11 wasn't so much about the towers as it was luring the West into a conflict that would undermine its supposed values). As far as debate goes it's entirely meaningless unless you can control how it is framed. With the foundations already set the best you can do is subversion; but that's when something irony or satire comes in--to expose hypocrisies or aggravate the elite (e.g. "it's okay to be white"). Application is too nebulous to even address; I will say that expecting such under the influence of a hegemon is pretty fucking stupid though. The same goes for law.

Why do you think censorship exists to such an extent? It's something you work to understand a lot more considering social media, easily subsumed by corporatocratic interest, is easily filtered. The point of weaponizing satire/irony is that you don't have to worry about censorship--it's an automatic filter for the ideologically possessed and has the added bonus of making them look like fools to the initiated.

So no. You're "obvious" aren't correct and it's ironic that you chose that word. Obviously.

>> No.19485875

Can you post more?

>> No.19485908

The former is demonstrably more of a problem

>> No.19485919

Too much salt ruins the dish. On its own, salt is a nice thing. But when you have more salt on your plate than food, you have a problem.

Millennials and their freakish bizzaro-world counterparts, zoomers, have unloaded all that salt on the paltry shriveled meal of a culture that they have been served as a meal.

>> No.19485929

>words words words

>> No.19485963

I'm sorry I didn't realize which part you're coming from. Yeah the charlottesville case etc seems to show violence is not a good answer and it almost never is but I meant that the civil war shit down the south. Certain debates have cemented others deaths. Rap battles have changed the genre from being party oriented to gangster oriented at the time. In any case there are plenty of methods to use. Imo satire comes when there's not much left. If anything the most decisive dismantling is to just do everything better but that's not generally realistic but by that I mean Trump was defeated on economical issues. Social issues were already assumed but as long as he did good in economy he would probably be okay. If he culturally won in North Korea etc then he'd have a stronger case.
On the other hand he lost because the left literally grabbed anything near them to attack him with. In this instance they made the coronavirus worse along w everything else. That has some subversive value.
Now keeping that in mind, China is winning in covid response, economy, technology etc. This is a coming from behind victory. Comparing these two attempts, who really was the bigger winner?
Ignoring scale, one sets a future while the former messily clears a past.

>> No.19486475
File: 1.55 MB, 5584x4360, 1638167445981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19486559

Yes, it's glorious

>> No.19486575

I like this one because if this is satire, it's indistinguishable

>> No.19486581

marginalized communities AKA warm body NPCs purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for the democratic party and the managerial state.

>> No.19486585

I mean have you tried bringing up nietszche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.19486592
File: 1.36 MB, 3338x3564, 1638167470995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another gem.

>> No.19486600
File: 302 KB, 750x534, 1624866977081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19486608
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we shouldn't be too hard on the trannies, come on we practically grew up together on this horrible website, i mean that could have been you if you, fell for the wrong psyops or had really gotten into anime, if dad had been around less or the gym teacher diddled you a bid more, after all its an autistic person just like you, they just wanna be your friend! the lgbt crowd are pretty tolerant of neurodiversity, it is even said they will fuck anything that moves, some of them are self aware and more well read than the straights, its not like you have any chances with stacy, wouldnt it be nice if someone could touch you and make you feel loved? maybe your obsessive and neurotic hatred is just a defense mechanism against the powerful erotic allure of the forbidden. dont you wonder what it would be like to stick your dick into one of those things?

>Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”

>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

sees something like this, retches in disgust and goes hard no

>> No.19486613

These have to be made by /pol/ double agents