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File: 76 KB, 502x391, Amazing Handwriting Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1948428 No.1948428 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen one of these threads in a while.

>> No.1948437
File: 70 KB, 545x700, traplol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1948435


>> No.1948444

My trap-sense is tingling, along with my boner.

My current story is just an average, run-of-the-mill gothic murder mystery set on an island with four families who do not get along.

I grew up on Norfolk Island, and it is pretty much a snarky parody of my entire experience there. There are thirteen parts to it, with three parts for each family and a super-mysterious extra one. It never gets solved, but there are enough red herrings and clues and trails to point to just about anyone.

>> No.1948445

>books don't tells stories

>> No.1948446

> there are enough red herrings and clues and trails to point to just about anyone.

all my hate

>quardess mystery

That's too scary

>> No.1948450
File: 87 KB, 856x816, Myrsplat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story, bro.

>> No.1948680

dat M

>> No.1948929
File: 94 KB, 395x368, I_Lol'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22nd century, fourth-generation yuppie picks up what he thinks is a fashion model at a club. it's actually a robot manneqin that has just enough brains to understand commands like "right arm up", "face this way" and "stay like that for two weeks". he can't tell the difference between them and the females in his circle who have been bred for docility).

>> No.1951156

Kid tries to cut class and go to the cafeteria. He is thwarted because the usual way in is being used by the drama department. When faced with punishment he lies and says he came to ask to be a stagehand. He gets it and becomes a member of the crew. He falls for the student director along the way

>> No.1951159

A guy and his girlfriend go to see a gypsy who reads palms. She predicts his life will be changed completely and that his life-line just stops. Guy's life is not changed except he cannot get the prediction out of his head. After not hearing from him for a week, the girlfriend finds him----he has used a knife to extend his "life-line" from his palm all the way down his arm to his elbow, until he bled to death.

>> No.1951162

I had a loose idea for a story based in the near distant future. It would revolve around laws the government pass to create jobs and money. One idea being retroism of jobs.The government would outlaw machinery like combine harvesters on farms and we'd have hundreds of thousands of jobs picking cotton and harvesting fruits & vegetables. So the style would be a sort of great depression in the 21st century that's nearly parallel to the great depression of the 1930's. On top of that the government would start killing the terminally ill and outlawing poor people from having children. Things like that.

>> No.1951168


>> No.1951175

Holy mother of god, did someone actually come up with a good idea?

>> No.1951200

A priest and a man known by the community not to visit church end up in a bomb shelter together. The priest tries to bring up the topic of religion without being too pushy, but instead creates an uncomfortable mood. I don't know quite how to end it, though. It could go several ways.

>> No.1951199

A man is stuck in an absolutely huge traffic jam and him and other people travelling home from work form a little community within it.

>> No.1951203


isnt that already a jg ballard book?

>> No.1951210

A man can't distinguish between dreams and reality. They are both exactly the same, except awake he is happily married but asleep his marriage is disintegrating.

>> No.1951224

In my opinion, I say flip it. His marriage is falling apart while he's awake

>> No.1951228

There's a tv show like this coming out soon.

>> No.1951240

Posted this a couple days ago, got some positive replies, decided to develop it a little.

Two NSA agents are assigned to follow/observe an upper-middle class white man when he says "carbomb" over the phone. They're too busy watching the harmless guy and fighting with the FBI over who gets to watch him to notice the actual terror plot developing two houses down the street.

>> No.1951242

Forgot to mention, it's a comedy.

>> No.1951249

That's actually good

>> No.1951269


You might be thinking about "Concrete Island", but from what I just read, the books wouldn't really be about the same thing.

>> No.1951271

Be sure to post it on here when you get around to it. That seems like something I'd rather enjoy reading.

>> No.1951274
File: 10 KB, 244x200, 1311055537001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current novel project; reposting for previous interest:

The story takes place primarily in a house the size of a crawlspace, owned by a 23 year old man named Clyde, where he spends most of his days imagining his perfect woman - he draws shoddy images, writes poetry, and incites himself to have common dreams about her, all while commonly pleasuring himself to the thought of ever finding such. The book is divided into 2 parts: the first, titled "Awake" revolves solely in the place of Clyde's home, circulating solely on his lack of passion/self doubt among his work, his serious in and out depression, previous interest in the military (the section holds multiple flashbacks to his training experience, based on trigger words), an extended dream with a girl, which includes inner turmoil within Clyde between his sexual nature and the need to find more so along with the struggle to understand what is the middle of these lines, and attempting suicide at the end of the section by trying to jump from his window – the section ends with a poem that blows out of the window onto the ground nearby written by Clyde.

>> No.1951275


The section, near the middle, derives into another half-section describing his meeting with a girl in a park - the meeting is pleasant, with them sharing adoration on certain aspects of their lives until she invites him for a car ride back to her place. Clyde begins to hyperventilate in the car, deforming the reality around him and sending him into a state of shock - the girl begins to discuss her family life to Clyde, unbest knowing he is slipping away from reality, and the emotion in the girl about how her brother, whom she wanted to have an incestuous relationship with, never cared for her in such way seemingly parallels the heightened pressure of Clyde being with her. The section ends with her stopping in front of her house, asking Clyde if he had ever loved somebody while he lets his body sleep.

>> No.1951276


The final section is "While sleeping..."; this section begins with Clyde preparing himself to go out with a girl he had met previously, who is unnamed. A portion of the first part is Clyde imaging various scenarios involving the objects he uses to prepare himself of how the evening will occur, fantasizing himself early on as a handsome and daring fellow and eventually, as he continues to let his imagination run, the ideas turn rancid, inciting Clyde to sulk into depression – Clyde, hastily prepared and unkempt, leaves the house anyway to avoid such. As he drives, Clyde deteriorates into a mess of emotion over the clash between who Clyde wants the girl to be, who he remembers he to be, and who she really is, the section often referring or retelling moments from the park girl’s car in the perspective of the girl watching Clyde, yet Clyde moments return where Clyde is simply realizing he is watching himself. As the radio dies out when Clyde swerves off the road, nearly slamming into a wall, Clyde sits in static shortly before walking the rest of the way, down the road, admiring the scenery to that in his dreams. At the end of the road, Clyde enters a diner and sees a crowd of people eating, to which he slowly looks around at the faces, manuvering the diner as he does, looking for the girl – he finds her in the corner, at which, the other patrons disappear and the table she is sitting at is candlelit. The novel ends with Clyde sitting down, suddenly in tears and the girl looking at him, her face blurry and the entire scene collapsing.

>> No.1951279

Thanks, fellas. Every positive post motivates my lazy ass to halfheartedly open microsoft word.

>> No.1951348


nice idea.i'll take it