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19483511 No.19483511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The final Redpill is understanding every religion is true, but the race your ancestors were born into defines the religion you need to follow.

>> No.19483519

I somewhat agree.

>> No.19483523

If I am amerimutt do i worship the sioux dieties or panhellenistic dieties? can i make zeus ride the thunderbird like a videogame? or do i worship george floyd? instructions unclear.

>> No.19483525

Dumb as fuck.

>> No.19483530

What if I'm a lobster?

>> No.19483537 [DELETED] 

Yes, see how it removes a ground for conflicts for those interested more genuine re-connection rather in having more cred.

>> No.19483543
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>mfw I'm a Slav and my ancestors left no religious texts delineating their belief system and theology so I have to LARP as a Hellenist except Zeus is replaced by Perun, Hades by Veles etc.

>> No.19483544

Dumb ass hell, what the fuck are you talking about? What if you're mixed race? How can literally all religions be true?

>> No.19483545

Cope. The races are judged different from one another in the afterlife, why would you hold a chink or African to the same standards as a liberal american?

>> No.19483551

Then you go for the oldest alive religion you ancestors did, Christianity

>> No.19483552

I'm a Mexican with white skin.
My ancestors were mostly Sephardic Jewish and Spaniard, but I also got a little bit of moor and native Mexican.
Which religion should I follow?

>> No.19483554

I wouldn't dogmatically agree, but it's something which modern people have entirely forgotten and it would be helpful for them to remember.

What about Orthodoxy?

>> No.19483559
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>the race your ancestors were born into defines the religion you need to follow

Imagine having shugendo ancestors.

>> No.19483563

Obviously not all religions are true. Scientology and Heavens gate are not religons. Major religions and a few smaller ones.

>> No.19483566
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>old thing good and older thing mean more gooder
I don't know if that's how it's supposed to work
>What about Orthodoxy?
I'm Polish. See pic related

>> No.19483573

So why can't you just be a Christian like your ancestors?

>> No.19483574

>your ancestors
by now your ancestors must be pretty fucked up from all the inbreeding kek

>> No.19483579

what's going on in Scotland, Iceland and North Ireland?

>> No.19483582

This is obviously dumb. Does a European choose Christianity or a Pagan belief system based on this?

>> No.19483588
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>[Richard] earnestly reproached Malwida [von Meysenbug] for not having her ward baptised. This was not right, he said, not everyone could fashion his religion for himself, and particularly in childhood one must have a feeling of cohesion. Nor should one be left to choose: rather it should be possible to say, You have been christened, you belong through baptism to Christ, now unite yourself once more with him through Holy Communion. Christening and Communion are indispensable, he said. No amount of knowledge can ever approach the effect of the latter. People who evade religion have a terrible shallowness, and are unable to feel anything in a religious spirit. (Cosima's Diary entry for 12 December 1873)

>> No.19483597

Christian. Religions can consume other religions or wipe them out.

>> No.19483605
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That's why i practice the religion of my proto indo european ancestors

>> No.19483614

based Wagnerfag

>> No.19483623
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>he actually thinks Europeans were practicing Buddhism in Europe

>> No.19483630

Christcucks are gonna SEETHE

>> No.19483633

>you should use these completely arbitrary chracteristics to convert to the religion that's conveniently the one I agree with

>> No.19483646

Yes. Or else, eternal hellfire.

>> No.19483659

Unless Muhammed was right, then you'll be frying just as hard

>> No.19483667

This just sounds like some feel-good "everyone's right except the mean ones of course :)" nonsense.

>> No.19483678

>noooo you must worship the god of the jews and only the god of the jews!
>you will be rewarded in the afterlife by yahweh if you do
>you wil be able to worship the jew jesus and his jewish friends in heaven if you do!
>I mean who would want to be with one's own ancestors and race in the afterlife, th-they are in "hell" I promise!
>come be with a bunch of strangers in multicultural heaven instead!

>> No.19483679
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I only follow the One True Religion

>> No.19483685
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Combining two garbage opinions doesn't cancel them out, it just gives you cancer

>> No.19483703

What are the foundational texts of Georgefloydism?

>> No.19483704

No, that’s a blue pill in juicy steak form, Cypher.
Actual red pill is waking up to the fact there aren’t any races, and your ancestors weren’t like you at all. Oh, and we’ve known no religions were ever right, though holding some truths to life, their legends and myths are pretty much debunked. Been well over a hundred and fifty years of this, froggy.
Stop bringing this garbage here and go read a fucking book already.

>> No.19483706

Which is somehow worse than the "Everyone is wrong but me I will ignore any evidence to the contrary or what I believe"
It's not like people get judged any less hard from one another. We all have to live the same outstanding lives or face punishment.

>> No.19483711

Has the wall been hitting that hard?

>> No.19483720

What's the criteria for a religions credibility? The amount of followers / social acceptability of following it? This sounds like a thoughtless "respect everyone's beliefs" platitude

>> No.19483733

Ever the shallow dickheads, they have no argument.

>> No.19483755

thanks jung very cool

>> No.19483765

My ancestors started families at 16 and spent their time tending goats, fuck do they have to teach me

>> No.19483782
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Present-day sub-saharans trace 19% of their genetic ancestry to an extinct archaic hominin species that is NOT found in the DNA of present-day
Caucasians or Asians

>> No.19483798

Im kidding butterfly, nah nah isn't she great folks. She's alright, she's alright.

>> No.19483825

The Thomas Aquinas of Esoteric Floydism is Dr. Ibram X. Kendi

>> No.19483845

How to have healthy offspring without autism. 16 is a great age to knock a woman up.

>> No.19483850

Kendis confessional, proletarian style and early adoption make him more of an Augustine than Aquinas. We will need a Jewish negro probably to create the Summa Niggalogica

>> No.19483869

No, that would be a very basic understanding of 1/2 of it.
Look at Padmasambhava's founding of Tibetan Mahayana. He came with the goal of setting up a legitimate religion. He dominated the local spirits, put the stronger local deities into servitude and worked to set up a hierarchical lineage of Buddhists within the spiritual world.
To put it in other words there must be a connection on heaven as well as on earth. Literally creating a spiritual kingdom within the Tibet. Precisely why you cannot really practice Tibetan Buddhism without a initiation into one if the lineages that have formed off from there.
It is nothing like universality.

>> No.19483878

>The final Redpill

Stop posting.

>> No.19483904

the one where you sacrifice another mexican at a temple and rip their heart out for a successful corn season

>> No.19483915

Mexican religion gets far more violent than that desu

>> No.19483920


>> No.19483923

They just changed the crops from corn to coca plants so it's really important not to miss the sacrifices this time around kek

>> No.19483926

That's actually pretty based

>> No.19483939

same, at least in my home village boomers /my grandparents generation still lived medieval tier until the 60s so a lot of tales about ghosts and spirits were very alive while i was growing up so i guess i can circle around that

>> No.19483945

>mfw I'm a Paki mutt whose ancestral records were lost in the partition.
Fuck this shit

>> No.19483949

It's either Hinduism or Buddhism for you. Or go become a spiritual semite again.

>> No.19483951

What would it be, either Islam or Hinduism of some kind?

>> No.19483971


I can't even find any history for myself. I tried to look up my surname from my dad's lineage and all it says was it was a Kayastha caste. My mother's side has Khan surname, and my dad was also chinky eyed and loved in a place close to Nepal. I don't even know what I am and it existentially upsets me. I don't even know if I was a Turk Mughal rapebaby or an ancestral European. It fucking sucks and I fucking hate this existence.

>> No.19483973
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You know what to do next, take the Hindupill

>> No.19483989

I don't even know if I my ancestors were Aryan, Turkic, or Nepali/Tibetan. Fml, and fuck the subcontinent, fuck Pakistan, and fuck the partition. Fuck the last century. I'll become my own fucking race and start my own fucking ethnic religion.

>> No.19483993

If you got a dna test it might give you some clues. I have to say you're taking it a bit seriously though I mean we are all deracinated modern mongrels in 2021 unless you live in some remote tribe or something

>> No.19483998

I want to but I'm not keen on giving my DNA to the chinks. Could you recommend me some good services that guarantee not to do this?

>> No.19484073

No if you're worried about that I wouldn't do it all, definitely no safe option until they come out with like home testing kits for free.

>> No.19484076

>every religion makes mutually incompatible claims but I should still just follow the one I was born into my chance

>> No.19484097
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>> No.19484177

That's not a big deal. That sort of thing would have been completely mundane in the ancient world. Romans equated the Brythonic goddess Sulis with their Minerva, the cults of Isis and Sarapis had many temples across the Roman empire outside of Egypt, and Mithra-worship was not uncommon among some segments of the population. There's also the concept of "Interpretatio Romana/Graeca" where you take a particular deity from a pantheon and try to understand them by comparison with their Greek/Roman equivalent. You don't even have to worry about lacking a grounding for your belief in neoplatonism, as both Procopius of Caesarea and Helmold of Bosau have written descriptions of Slavonic beliefs that sound eerily similar to the neoplatonic system.

>> No.19484361

I'm Eurasian homo sovieticus. Which religion should I follow?

>> No.19484367


>> No.19484450
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>> No.19484459

Western rites Orthodoxy, Ambrosian rite, etc.

>> No.19484499

That's why every pagan religion is/was an ethno-religion, and why Christianity is/was Judaism for Europeans, Islam is Judaism for sandpeople, and Buddhism is Hinduism for non-jeet Asians.

>> No.19484501

This is my opinion but in a non-fascist way

>> No.19484518

Well are you?

>> No.19484543

These terrible hypothesis you present are more interesting then any truth
for me the idea that we reincarnate into the same life infinitely is still the worst (non torturous) hell

>> No.19484564

That's not what OP said, retard

>> No.19484643

>But in a non-fascist way
Not even fascist myself, but people who say shit like this are just as cringe. The world isn't Harry Potter where everything evil is the political enemy you despise. You should look yourself in the mirror sometimes. Look at your eyes.

>> No.19484871

That’s cool I want to do that some day

>> No.19484901

The real red pill is to live religion, as in have mystical experiences of your own. Nothing is superior to direct experience. The supposed religion of your supposed race justifiably has little relevance today.

>> No.19485043

Does that mean white people have to become pagans because Jesus was from the Middle East?

>> No.19485473

>every religion is true
>but the race your ancestors were born into defines the religion you need to follow
So why are europeans christians?
Why are berbers and black africans muslims?
Why are some chinese and japanese buddhists?
Why did the greeks travel to Egypt and the near east to borrow their teachings?
Your conclusion is historically inaccurate.

>> No.19485512

no, that's called being 16

>> No.19485519

more like historically bleak

>> No.19485539

You just get more options bro

But I am a chink and wife is a northern euro mutt,

Should I advise her to follow stoicism while I study Buddhism or can we go to the temple together?

>> No.19485540

True, as in they were in contact with spirits, or that all religions are True, as in all the myths happened? Because if its the latter, it would mean that world was created out of nothing, while it was born from a egg, while some animal dug the word beneath the waves, while some god killed a giant and used the giants body parts to create the world. As you see, its insane and contradictory to say that they all happened.

>> No.19485564

Just be paki and muslim. Who gives a shit, stop ovethinking stuff.

>> No.19485656
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Except Buddhism reached Greek Anatolia…

>> No.19485724

I don't know if that's true, just do whatever works for you. Humans in general seem to lean towards Monotheistic religions, the Idea of one true almighty God. I watched in a documentary long ago that the Greeks before Christianity were already treating Zeus as the one almighty God above all others, so they were already primed for Christianity taking over. The Christian God having a more pure version God.

>> No.19486062

>cuck to an Arab religion
Arabs disrespect Pakis anyway. I would be harming myself staying in Islam. Pakis love Arabia but the love is not reciprocated-- Arabs treat Pakis like trash and Pakis need to figure this shit out. They live under the falce assumption that everybody would be kind but in the end they get screwed over. As a Paki, that portrayal of Ali in Squid Game is as realistic of a portrayal of Pakis I've ever seen, especially given that my uncle, literally in Korea, witnessed the same betrayal happen to it.

Fuck Arabs, and fuck this lost cause Paki culture of treating people friendly, giving others the benefit of the doubt. I am sick of it...

Don't know if you were replying to me, but I'm curious as to why you say this.

>> No.19486075

The "Indo-Greeks" and "Greco-Bactrians" ruled parts of modern Pakistan

>> No.19486138

>basically evola
>final redpill

This is so far from final anon, you still have miles and leagues ahead of you.

>> No.19486153

OP is a paki nonce

>> No.19486180
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The final-final redpill is understanding the religion you need to follow invalidates all other religions as being true, by creating and manifesting an inescapable subjective world view. Which is good. It's like how your wife is the prettiest woman in the world because she's your wife, there is no objective assesment that can be done, no "Honey, you're not really all that great and off the top of my head I can name 5 other women prettier than you, but hey, we might as well drag it along, right?". Same goes for loving your country and your people. These were normal things spoiled by the era of le science and objectivity and debate and muh reason and cuckservative compromise.

>> No.19486206

It's over for you

>> No.19486231
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By the way, it goes without saying the religion of your ancestors isn't some comfy pagan LARP with as few rules and as many interpretations as possible to make it easy for you. It's the religion your ancestors died protecting, for which you cherish them.

I think the same goes for foods, we probably fucked up our guts with all the weird food we brought from all over for "diversity". If a people has developed in a land, it consumed whatever was specific to that land and in turn that molded its identity. Surely it must be alienating both ohysically and mentally eating foods very foreign to your own.

>> No.19486258

This is actually true

>> No.19486261

Theres venus of willendorf you see, praising butt, thigh and tits is kino afterall