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19480628 No.19480628 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here have experience teaching English at a US high school? What's it like?

How soulcrushing is it, especially as a non self-flagellating White male?

>> No.19480635

do private schools

>> No.19480675


>> No.19480708

I was sleeping with this chick who teaches English to high schoolers and every day after fucking she was telling me she was going to quit. I never once heard anything remotely positive about teaching from her despite that being the dream she had growing up. Good taste in books.

>> No.19480716

I hooked up with some of my prettier students, so the job does have benefits

>> No.19480717

Despite the fornication, why didn't you marry her anon?

>> No.19480738

I taught English at a public high school in Canada. It's tough, especially because of their attention span. During the poetry unit I tried paring poems to popular song lyrics to give my grade 10's (15 year olds) a bit of wiggle room to work with analyzing poetry for their first time. It's a lot of work and you need a lot of patience and dedication. I'm glad I work for a private school now because the standard is a lot higher there and I am able to have more freedom with what works I can teach.

>> No.19480927

Who wants to marry a woman who complains about her job?

>> No.19481194

Just say
> Forget about your job, stay home and take care of my children :^)

>> No.19481235

I used to teach English in the projects. The Black and Hispanic kids didn't respect me. I almost gave up, but then I started making analogies between Shakespeare's characters and popular rappers and won them over. The science teacher, who was this Black chick with an amazing ass, told me she initially didn't think a White boy like me would last two weeks, but now she found me inspiring.
I found out that the most recalcitrant student in my class, D'Troit Johnson, wrote poetry in the margins of his text book. I mentored him and we went to the regionals for poetry recital, even though his dad wanted him to drop out of school and get a factory job. Everyone else was from rich fancy private schools, but D'Troit blew them out of the water with his Hip-Hop stylings and won. I started dating the Science teacher and she was a complete wildcat in bed. Every student in my class graduated.

>> No.19481393

What movie/book is this? Way too larpy to be real

>> No.19481437

Good job civilizing all those feral young niggers.

>> No.19481467

Every time I think about leaving this place you guys rope me back in with quality shitposting like this.

>> No.19481479

Uhhh, yeah I'm thinkin based

>> No.19481483

Good shitopost, but d'troit having a father is a bit too unrealistic desu

>> No.19481495

To be honest, I'm not really sure I want to be a teacher, I'm just looking at it because it seems like the best job I can get with my degree.

>> No.19481513

My high school English teacher told me that she thought I would end up being a teacher. I don't know if it was an insult or a compliment. Anyway, I wouldn't mind being a professor but no less than that. It won't happen, though.

>> No.19481518
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>> No.19481579

Giving them the wrong impression, even if it helps them engage with the literature still makes them pseuds.

>> No.19481595

Everyone who I have an engaging intellectual conversation with says I can be a good teacher, but I'm a wagie who hates academia and is disillusioned with to the American education system. I'd rather have them all be serfs or in child labor than to read a single sentence of the classics.

>> No.19481673

my dad was art teacher at a private school.
you have a couple promising students who actually give a shit. for all the other students, it's daycare.

most kids don't give a fuck about academics or the arts (sports and socializing are prioritized) and this actually helps them in life. jump through hoops. get the grades. go to college. repeat. slide in to the real world with all the advanced social skills you learned on the field/pitch/lunch tables/locker room.

the above seems unrelated but it is. most of your "gifted" students (especially in English class) will turn out to be precocious weasels who end up trudging through life with ridiculous ideas. the kids who simply suck up and color within the lines usually end up in high status positions in the real world.

>> No.19481687

The high status kids you speak of all have high status parents too. I went to private school and I can tell you all the 'regular people' who didn't care about performance did all the same boring shit as the rest of us.

>> No.19481811
File: 308 KB, 2000x1125, critical race theory blm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically what US education has become. Implemented overnight after decades of laying the groundwork.

>> No.19481817

No, it isn’t.

>> No.19481828

Get into alternative education desu. You can go into weird philosophies and teaching theories.

>> No.19481851
File: 383 KB, 492x1356, cbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based.

>> No.19481898

I watched a movie like this in middle school, except the ethnic minority high school kids (it was culturally diverse, including a token nerdy white kid) didn't know about the holocaust until the white teacher lady brought it up.

>> No.19481909

It is.

t. zoomer who had to live through the hell of public education