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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 91 KB, 768x517, Mishimalastdebate-768x517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19460178 No.19460178 [Reply] [Original]

The Defense of Culture English translation when?

>> No.19460192

someone translate kyoko's house goddamn

>> No.19460272
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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.19460304
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Remembered forever.

>> No.19461273
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i need to read more of him already

>> No.19461638

I was lying in bed last night, which I'm lying in now, and I thought it a good idea to listen to an audiobook. The first author that came to mind was Mishima, good movie, but the Sun and Steel narration is horrendous. I decided to go with Lolita instead, partially because of /lit/ and partially because of Dankula's video that reminded me of it. Lolita is good so far (at the point the wife died).
The Mishima audiobooks read by that one guy sound good, but for some reason I was set on Sun and Steel. Besides Sun and Steel, what is another good Mishima read.
RIP Mishima.

>> No.19461681


>> No.19461836
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I started with The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea and loved it.

>> No.19461900
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Sailor it is.

>> No.19461977

What a fucking solid ass portfolio.

>> No.19462773

How much more does he have that's not here, and not English?

>> No.19462829
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his oddball "science fiction" novel that I'd only ever seen briefly referenced is up next: https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/316/316805/beautiful-star/9780241545560.html

>Beautiful Star is a 1962 tale of family, love, nuclear war and UFOs, and was the novel Mishima considered to be his masterpiece.

>Translated into English for the first time, this atmospheric black comedy tells the story of the Osugi family, who come to the sudden realization that each of them hails from a different planet: Father from Mars, mother from Jupiter, son from Mercury and daughter from Venus. This extra-terrestrial knowledge brings them closer together, and convinces them that they have a mission: to find others of their kind, and save humanity from the imminent threat of the atomic bomb...

>> No.19462844

I wonder if he'd be a based NEET today
Also, and as he died, he came.

>> No.19462913

Mishima, Aesthetic Terrorist by Andrew Rankin

>> No.19463028

Mishima's output was extrodinary, plays, poems, novels, short stories, essays, even acted/wrote/directed movies. Pretty sure most of it is still untranslated.

>> No.19463458

Does anybody have the fragment where a student confess to have encounters with him where he just came for being tied

>> No.19463520

I see this guy pop up a lot around the net. Where to being with him?

>> No.19463530

Fuck! I didn't see the infograph in the thread! Sorry boys.

>> No.19463542

I recommend you read confessions then tetralogy and then divert to his other writings

>> No.19463844

Earlier today my friend translated his manifesto commemorating the first anniversary of the Shield Society, November 1969

>> No.19464004

do not do this

>> No.19464709

happy birthday

>> No.19464727

What in the fuck

Sounds like Life in Sale but way more weird.

>> No.19464824

Apperently there exists a German (https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110353181/html?lang=en)) and an Italian (https://www.ibs.it/difesa-della-cultura-libro-yukio-mishima/e/9788899564605)) ones.

>> No.19464858

someone posted a translation on here a year or two ago

>> No.19465118
File: 9 KB, 133x74, 1630378622104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you marred the page

>> No.19465202

do it, do not listen to this anon

>> No.19465627


>> No.19465654

Thankfully it's not my book.

>> No.19465998

This is funny. This was written by a direct descendant of Tokugawa Ieyasu; so far so good.

But this descendant spent WW2 working in a factory - ok, not everyone can go to the front. But then this factory only existed due to Imperial Japan being created around Meiji restoration, which was completely geared towards catching up with the modern world. He lived in an imitation of Western society, only with worst traits of feudal era (retarded fatalism playing the part of national pride). Mishima, in other words, lived in a globohomo simulation in the 1940s, only with specific Jap flair.

>> No.19466303
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When is /lit going to stop being filtered by the fact he went nuts and started a cult--the outcome of which was ritualistic suicide? I mean, it elevates the whole event to kino precisely because Mishima himself evolved into something almost entirely non-based (in reality, where that slang comes from).

>> No.19466504

I'm interested in a Mishima bio piece, does anyone have any recs? I'm a big Bataille fan too so something that mentions his thoughts on him would be cool. After I finish the Recognitions I was going to tackle the Sea of Fertility, has anyone else read them?

>> No.19466525

>Mishima, in other words, lived in a globohomo simulation in the 1940s, only with specific Jap flair.
You're mind numbingly dumb.

>> No.19466834

I started with Spring Snow. Really good. Will read Runaway Horses when my eyes heal. Can't wait.
I don't know why people dont say it's a good start point. Spring Snow was really good.

>> No.19466951

People say that the second book in the series is a good place to start, wtf.

>> No.19466955
File: 9 KB, 308x164, Spring Snow and Runaway Horses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19466972

It's not a bad starting point but if you read him chronologically it's more rewarding

>> No.19466983

what does this have to do with anything?
I can't read a 50 year old book now because someone you don't like read it 2 years ago?

>> No.19467050

He didn't know the books were part of a tetralogy and made a stupid post, that's all.

>> No.19467176

right, he made some people read runaway horses first when recommending them on his book review show

>> No.19467232

kek, what a fucking retard.

>> No.19467689
File: 51 KB, 742x745, rs=w_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly finished The Temple of the Golden Pavillion, pretty good desu

>> No.19467712

Is there any point in reading English translations of foreign lit?

>> No.19467815

Good luck reading the Epic of Gilgamesh.

>> No.19467827

that doesn't answer my question. what's the point in reading a translation of lit? I highly doubt anybody here has read Mishima since he wrote in Japanese. unless someone here reads Japanese.

>> No.19467878

Just wrote my term paper on him!

>> No.19467907

Can I see it?

>> No.19467947

what did you write about him anon?

>> No.19467956

Post here so we can dox your fascist ass

>> No.19467971

The point is not spending hours learning another language, if you're that worried about it get a translation that gives context for their choices.

>> No.19467972

Unless you plan on learning every language on earth, it's just not rational to be against reading a translation done by someone who does know both languages.

>> No.19468009

but you're not actually reading Mishima. you're just reading some English no name fella's writings. I'm learning Greek so I can read Greek. it's a completely different writing if it's translated. especially with poetry.

there is literally no point in reading translated poetry.

>> No.19468031

With poetry perhaps, but with full books such as Mishimas, you're getting the same full experience out of it either way.

>> No.19468070

>you're getting the same full experience out of it either way.

I'm not even gonna respond to this it's too stupid.

>> No.19468089

You have nothing to say.

>> No.19468091

Life is too short to not read the books you want to, poetry is one thing since it's about signifiers and phonetics but with prose, it doesn't seem necessary.

>> No.19468385

fine I'll respond.

> you're getting the same full experience out of it either way

no you're not you absolute moron. how retarded do you have to be to think you're getting the same experience when you're reading an entirely different text. unless you're reading a manifesto or laconic philosophical text you're most definitely not getting the same experience. you've never read Mishima. because Mishima wrote in Japanese.

>> No.19468435

We're talking about stories here, with beginnings, middles, and ends. When you think about a full story in your head you don't remember each individual word, you remember it in the significant parts that make up the story and stick out to you. Those parts are going to be the same no matter the version you're reading.

>> No.19468483

I read the temple of the golden pavilion and star and is it just me or does this guy have a fetish for milfs

>> No.19468507

This is what got me back into reading after a decade long hiatus, Sailor is probably the easiest entrance into his work.

>> No.19468540

this is the most retarded thing I have ever read on this board. by this logic there's no point in reading books you might as well just read the synopsis cos that way you're just learning the story. do you read the children's version of Shakespeare instead of actual Shakespeare cos "it's just a story". if you don't remember any dialogue or creative writing from anything you've read you're an idiot.

> When you think about a full story in your head you don't remember each individual word

I remember the writing that resonates with me more than just the characters and the story quite often. and if you're reading a translation that writing is gone.

buddy you're plain 100% wrong about this. there's no two ways of looking at it.

like this guy said

> poetry is one thing since it's about signifiers and phonetics but with prose, it doesn't seem necessary.

great books are poetic in their writing. every-single-word serves a purpose. that's how literature works. a great example of this is comedy. jokes don't translate well.

>> No.19468620

Basically just his life and his romantic nationalism.

>> No.19468622

Any of you ever have the feeling that you've just woken up from a nightmare but realize it's just reality? Like somehow your usual frame of mind hides from you how disgusting your existence is?
This is giving me that feeling. Every day I browse these mind numbing websites and secretly have this unjustified faith that some ultimate purpose will reveal itself to me and everything will fall into place.
But it's clear that the shit I consume is almost entirely garbage, and the majority of people here who are impressed by Mishima's thoughts on eroticism and transcendence will soon be distracted by a funny meme about Richard Dawkins in another thread. I am usually the same way.
Fuck this place - the only thing going for it is that it has a way of showing me how ugly it is. Fuck the internet entirely. Fuck listening to media/entertainment/music all day and allowing myself to live a scattered, aimless life. If you're reading this, I encourage you to follow me and also give up on these distractions entirely.
If you want to "affirm life" you need total abstinence from this crap. Every day wasted on garbage media is just incremental suicide.

>> No.19468630

I wish I could but I don't wanna dox myself. I appreciate the interest though anon.

>> No.19468635


>> No.19468637

Nice bait lol. Writing about Mishima doesn't make someone a fascist you pseud.

>> No.19469083
File: 48 KB, 320x576, 260636092_611507416866934_5908770297578723418_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless him

>> No.19469684

think you can find it?

>> No.19469714

Take your own advice, bitchboi

>> No.19469982

Runaway Horses and Sound of Waves are some of my favorite books ever, what are everyone elses favorites?

>> No.19470346

Got Patriotism today. What am I in for bros?

>> No.19471144

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>> No.19471574

He was in the army, he just joined at the very tail end of the war

>> No.19471759

>Mishima writing about niggercattle
Interesting. And he was right.

>> No.19472748

My favorite author

>> No.19473561

Learning Japanese so I can read Mishima, but I know that even then it will be a simulacrum of an actual Japanese reading it. I doubt that a foreign speaker can ever learn enough to read a text in another language in the same context of a native speaker, but then, every reader has his own context he reads in.

>> No.19473757

Looking at Mishima's full bibliography there's still a lot to be translated. Like his first novel series of 6 parts: Tōzoku

>> No.19473774

Sick, thank you and your friend for this anon. I assume it hasn't been translated before?

>> No.19474005

It was translated into spanish at some point, and he translated it into english from that. I'll be doing an audiobook of this, and Patriotism in the future, so look out on youtube for those.

>> No.19474143

Mishima's Japanese is relatively easy to translate into Western languages.

>> No.19474204


>> No.19475255


>> No.19475531

What is this from? A book or article? I'd like to read it.
He did speak French and English so maybe that's why.

>> No.19475578

he was gay

>> No.19475619

cool cover

>> No.19475636

>Virgin David
>Can't get laid
>Feels sorry for himself
>False kindness
>Muh sincerity
>Addicted to television
>Loves junk food
>Teaches creative writing to students
>Loyal army of sad fanboys
>Can't finish his book
>Hangs himself...alone
>Suicide like a defeated bitch

Chad Mishima
Fucks women AND men
Feels sorry for you
Real vengeance
My honor
Addicted to aesthetics
Loves bodybuilding
Preaches to his cult
Loyal militia of like-minded nationalists
Finishes tetralogy
Guts himself and has a friend cut off his head
Seppuku like an honorable boss

>> No.19475693


>> No.19475715
File: 326 KB, 1539x1329, Apu Nippon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seppuku like an honorable boss
sure thing, pal

>> No.19475825

you are gay

>> No.19475847
File: 6 KB, 219x230, 1619204443101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I fucking stutter? Mishima's second, no doubt overcome by the sheer glory of that n which he was so honored to partake, may have. But he immediately seppuku'd for it. SPLASHES OF BLOOD ALL AROUND! DOUBLE THE FUCKING HONOR; DOUBLE THE FUCKING GLORY.

>Virgin David
>"Grrreup greep"
>[legs start thrashing a bit]
>[pisses pants]
>"Bllaaar bhuuuuhh"
>[goes limp]
>[farts loudly; probably cums]

>> No.19475887

top tier aesthete to the end

hail and farewell

>> No.19475922


>> No.19476136


>> No.19476752

looking at this thread about 200m away from OP's picrel rn

>> No.19477761

He was gay

>> No.19477850

Ah from Spanish. It's not straight from Japanese but hey it's still appreciated

>> No.19477881

He also isn't entirely fluent in English, but it's the best we've got lol

>> No.19477926

>Right now I have no room in my life for thinking about the future, because I am convinced that I am the last remnant of the cultural traditions and national characteristics of the Japanese people that have continue since antiquity, an that when I am gone it will be all over. I am the purest essence of this thing called Japan, and that is how I will end.
- Mishima

>Then came the Students' Association. The League of Virtue was founded. All so fantastic that no human being could grasp it. But I did. Now it is me no one grasps: I am the most German being, I am the German spirit. Question the incomparable magic of my works, compare them with the rest: and you can, for the present, say no differently than that - it is German. But what is this German? It must be something wonderful, mustn't it, for it is humanly finer than all else? - Oh heavens! It should have a soil, this German! I should be able to find my people! What a glorious people it ought to become. But to this people only could I belong.
- Wagner

Any other quotes like this?

>> No.19478529

based quotes, two of my favorite people

>> No.19479566

>I am convinced that I am the last remnant of the cultural traditions and national characteristics of the Japanese people that have continue since antiquity, an that when I am gone it will be all over. I am the purest essence of this thing called Japan, and that is how I will end.
Quotes like that exist and yet /lit is still filtered by the fact he was a cult leader.

>> No.19479586

Him being a cult leader was one of the most based parts about him, he'd bring groups of them to the forest and give speeches to them through the entire night.

>> No.19479596

>not understanding his criticism of modernity

>> No.19480015
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>Japanese Romanticism is radically apolitical since it strives toward ideals that can only be realized by the imagination.

You niggers actually idolize a retarded fashy faggot nip
the state of 4channers

>> No.19480169

>thinking cult leaders never say based shit and lure people in with personal charisma
You're gmi right up to the kool-aid buckaroo. Japanese people are enjoying his books while laughing at you.

>> No.19480181

I completely agree.

>> No.19481449

we need more mishima threads

>> No.19481515

hard pass