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File: 152 KB, 960x720, Hawking IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19472693 No.19472693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?
Sounds like low IQ cope to me.

>> No.19472707 [DELETED] 

off topic and reported

>> No.19472712

>announcing a report
oh boy.

>> No.19472722

Boasting about iq is something youd only do if you had nothing else to brag about and were also insecure. Pretending iq isn't real at all though is obviously a bit of a cope. Normies clearly cant handle the concept with any amount of nuance so it's best not to talk about it.

>> No.19472731

People who base their worth on a standardized test are always bound to be losers. The only people who are bigger losers are people who base their worth on how members of their race generally perform on them.

>> No.19472753

Boasting about anything is a sign of some form of inner weakness. Insecurity, unhealthy need for attention and recognition from strangers etc.

>> No.19472782

What about boasting about being humble and not having inner insecurities that would make you boast?

>> No.19472789

Now THAT is some high IQ boasting.

>> No.19472881

>no fun allowed
>muh rules
Get fucked you cunt niggerfaggot

>> No.19472901

IQ tests provide hints at how good someone's logical intelligence is.
It doesn't say anything about other forms of intelligence such as emotional intelligence.

>> No.19472918

>muh objective measure of intelligence
Gay and spooked

>> No.19472929

Iq is a measurement thats interesting because of it’s correlation with success across a broad range of persuits. Hence bragging about ur high iq instead of your successes (pressumably because you don’t have many) is very low iq

>> No.19472935

Yes. Now let us never speak of this astrology for morons again.

>> No.19472943

High iq post.

>> No.19472950

Low iq post.

>> No.19472962

>thats interesting because of it’s correlation with success across a broad range of persuits
It remains quite amusing how desperately people flail against this

>> No.19472996

Define success

>> No.19473020

Successfully designing and building a skyscraper for example. As in it goes up and doesn't collapse

>> No.19473021

Research engineer with PhD here. Don't care how smart you think you are or how well you did on some test, it's having a track record of successful projects that counts. Show me a portfolio of your past work, not test scores that you might have gamed.

>> No.19473027

"success" is literally just income, it's the only metric these kikes measure

>> No.19473051

Now define the word without using the word success.

>> No.19473064
File: 128 KB, 400x381, c36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Designing and building a skyscraper such that it doesnt collapse

>> No.19473072

You’re giving an example of what you think success is, not what the word means.

>> No.19473094
File: 65 KB, 328x225, 20211127_134807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its an example of success. The word means achieving your intention, in this case designing and building a stable structure.

>> No.19473101

socrates would pin you down and rape you with his beer can cock at this point in the dialogue

>> No.19473107

Your intention is your own. How would you objectively measure anything this way?

>> No.19473118

You guys would suddenly figure out what success meant real quick if you had to go to the top floor of the skyscraper

>> No.19473123


>> No.19473156

>it’s correlation with success across a broad range of persuits.
It's *pursuits you ESL, low IQ nigger. Now provide me with studies to support your point.

>> No.19473198

talking about iq says more about how agreeable you are than anything else. high iq has a positive correlation with agreeableness so that means you're actively signaling trait disagreeableness when talking about it, the only smart people who can get away with it are those smart enough to have made themselves unassailable, professionally and socially

trump talked about his iq and it was clear he was signaling disagreeability. in his case it was a high iq move to talk about iq because it was beneficial to him, his base enjoyed him being disagreeable

>> No.19473504


Here's the normie train of thought: standardized testing is cruel and judgemental and I hate being judged but I still wanna seem smart. And it's racist too I heard somewhere. But doctors and lawyers "seem smart" therefore if I wanna seem smart and cool I better become a doctor or lawyer. Is he seriously talking about IQ? That's mean :( well he's not a doctor or lawyer so he doesn't seem smart. You're weird lmao ;)

>> No.19473545

The biggest tell that someone's a moron is that they pride themselves on their grammar or that they have mugs or shirts that judge other peoples' grammar. It's nearly always women who do it too. Seems like every last bumble profile is some dumb cunt in HR who blocks people for having le bad grammar. Weird neurotic little cunts

>> No.19473560


How you write deey reflects your intellect and personality. It's just thought processes articulated in language

>> No.19473569

It's a class signifier, so of course women looking for boyfriends care about it. I agree with you though that straight up broken english communicated with honesty is preferable to some weaselly faggot with perfect syntax.

>> No.19473608

Grammar shows some level of sophistication, but roasties take it too far. They think good grammar is a sign of true intelligence. Actually, it's just a sign that you're a good rule follower. Caring excessively about grammar means you're a pedantic/authoritarian little bitch. The meaning is always more important than the medium anyway. Imagine obsessing over giftwrap instead of the gift itself, that's how pathetic grammar roasties are.

>> No.19473619

>How you write deey reflects your intellect and personality.
It doesn't, stop giving importance to appearances when judgeing somebody's character you impressionable moron.

>> No.19473634
File: 105 KB, 946x856, riv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak slave morality

>> No.19473652

read taleb, imbeciles

>> No.19473727

I've talked to you before and you were incapable, even after numerous repetitions and clarifications, of understanding that if, as Taleb argues in the essay you always post, IQ were only registering extreme dysfunction, there would not be a difference in outcomes between 100 and 140 IQ, seeing as the extremely dysfunctional do not show up in that set.

>> No.19473820

Yes, it's almost invariably true, even for high-IQ types. But people who are salty about the IQ metric are invariably midwits, and that includes Hawking, who never won a Nobel Prize, who lost a heated debate with Higgs the Nobel Prize Chad, who unironically tried to explain something coming from nothing by replacing nothing with a something (not even a philosophy freshman would do this shit), and whose celebrity was entirely due to his genetic-rejection condition.

>> No.19473832

I can see why you're butthurt about grammar midwits.

>> No.19473855

I thought Hawking was famous for something do to with black holes. I know nothing about astrophysics so I have no idea what merit his ideas have. I regard the entire discipline with suspicion though because you can't verify much of it and there's the whole embarrassing thing about "dark matter" and whatever.

>> No.19473882
File: 36 KB, 220x418, 6420FAE3-299C-4E57-ADF6-9B32DB69A90D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the skyscraper... in the sky... yes... it measures... IQ?

>> No.19473905

Try to have a group of people with 80iq design and build one

>> No.19473932

I can’t because I would have to use the skyscraper to measure their IQ first.

>> No.19473944

You can use the iq test, it correlates with various things, such as the ability to do complex engineering

>> No.19473949

what's hilarious is that you're wrong here and you don't even realize it. your smugness makes it even more satisfying. you're a real dumb fuck, aren't you

>> No.19473960

But I thought IQ was determined by the success of skyscrapers

>> No.19473979

yes because people with a high IQ understand that it's a curse and being intelligent is quietly suffering, not a matter to be boastful of

>> No.19473982

An understandable mistake for someone of your intellect. IQ is determined by a series of tests, and an activity like building a skyscraper is an example of the sorts of pursuits which require a high iq. The purpose of bringing up the skyscraper is to show that the little number you get on the test correlates with outcomes in other activities.

>> No.19474003

I’ll believe you once you build a skyscraper

>> No.19474034

That would indeed be a proof of my having a high IQ, but that's sadly not the topic of discussion here. The validity of an argument is separate from whether the person making it is smart or not. There are maybe some arguments you need to be very smart to make, but the one I'm making is actually very simple.

I will present to you a bare bones version so you might get it. Your height is a number. Being able to dunk on basketball hoop is an activity. The number of your height correlates with the ability to dunk on a hoop. Below a certain height it isn't plausible that you could dunk.

>> No.19474037

IQ is a measurement of test taking ability
most avenues to """success""" are gatekept by tests

>> No.19474051

This post is a sentence. Me refuting you is an activity. The number of words correlates with how right I am. Below a certain IQ it isn’t possible that you could refute me.