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19473026 No.19473026 [Reply] [Original]

What are some common ideological linguistic substitutions to watch out for? I'm thinking in particular of ones that will immediately identify the speaker as a reddit bugman.
I haven't paid a lot of attention to this so I'm thinking that I'm probably missing a lot of implicit signalling.
One that has recently become very popular is the replacement of "crazy" with "wild". Then there's the really obvious ones like "person of color" or "them" instead of the correct pronoun, but those are pretty obvious. I'm wondering what the less obvious ones are

>> No.19473034
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>tfw someone says "per say" and you instantly know your'e superior to them

>> No.19473057

Not a good look

>> No.19473070
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>> No.19473080
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>> No.19473093

Why do you feel the need to seek out reasons to be paranoid and hateful?

>> No.19473105

If you read enough literature you develop a sense for authentic versus inauthentic speech. Clearly if you need someone else to tell you, you haven't read enough.

terrible thread

>> No.19473121


I just want to be able to receive both the implicit and explicit messages that people are communicating. Same reason as the left is obsessed with "right wing dog whistles" — you're at a disadvantage if you don't understand the ideological underpinnings of the language that people you encounter use.

>> No.19473131


That's just obvious in-your-face ingroup slang and not really newspeak.

>> No.19473150


>> No.19473154

waht ideological underpinnings of changing from crazy to wild?

>> No.19473162

Birthing person is one that I see everywhere lately.

>> No.19473163


Yeah you already listed it


Those are actually pretty good, especially "unpack". I guess it's not exactly replacing anything, but it's certainly signalling something.

>> No.19473173

This is similiar to not saying men or women, but people with penis or vagina

>> No.19473175


It's because "crazy" is offensive towards the mentally ill. It's inane, I know, but I don't think anyone really cares too much about the "why".

>> No.19473178

I never knew that "wild" was considered newspeak. As I get older, I've noticed that my speech patterns resemble my father's more and more, saying "wild" instead of "crazy" being one of them.

>> No.19473200


My wife alerted me to it, because some woman in a podcast she listens to corrected another woman who said "crazy". Since then I've noticed it a lot in all sorts of popular culture. I'm pretty sure that everyone just said "crazy" five years ago, but now the word is almost gone.

>> No.19473204

Part of it is just slang and not ideological, "wild", "vibe", "mood", etc. is just how zoomers speak.

>> No.19473224


>> No.19473226

That kind of nonsense has always existed, like trying to replace brain storm with thought shower because of epilepsy or something. Pearl-clutching crosses ideological boundaries and it doesn't stick, or the replacement term becomes an insult itself. Teens are the meanest cunts on Earth, they don't care about that sort of thing.

>> No.19473231
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Marx, Marxism, Lenin, Leninism, Stalin, Stalinism, Communism, communist, Socialism, socialist, Leftism, leftist, Anarchism, anarchist, Democrats, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, politics, political compass memes, politicalcompassmemes, PCM, jreg, funny, epic, 4chan, reddit, economics, politics,political, populism, ben shapiro,shapiro, right-wing, capitalism, capitalist, daily wire, the daily wire, breadtube, vaush, vaushv,USA,egoist,egoism,Max Stirner,Stirner,spook,vice news,nazi,neo-nazi,literally,though,however,doe,tho,sissy,femboy,tomboy,tomgirl,lib-left,auth-left,auth-right,lib-right,white,white nationalist,white supremacist,incel,chud,chudcel,soi,soijak,chad,gigachad,pissbaby,AGP,autogynephilia,dialectical materialism,historical materialism,materialism,LGBT,LGBT+,trans,trans rights,gay,gay rights,lesbian,lesbian rights,feminist,intersectionality,feministy theory,theory,marxist theory,leftist theory,read theory,republican,hateful,paranoid,you're just afraid,black people,black,BLM,black lives matter,african american,african,south african,north african,east african,west african,middle eastern descent,middle eastern,eastern,east-asian,blue lives,trad,larp,desu,terf,boymodder,boyfriend,mtf,ftm,cisgender,cis,patriarchy,conservative,anti-vax,anti-vaxxers,karen,karens,anti-democratic,anti-liberal,liberal,neo-liberal,dysphoria,gender dysphoria,hormones,hormone pills,hormone blockers,hons,twinkhons,pinkpill,chaser,transphobe,transphobic,problematic,exposing,debate,debate bro,debate bros,anti-theist,traditionalism,theist,theistic,destiny,crossdressing,crossdresser,transition,detransition,drag queen,transgirl,repression,repressing,repress,tradwife,tradlarp,tradcath,tradfag,Traditionalism,conspiracy,conspiracy theory,lefty,international community,uyghur,uyghur genocide,holocaust denial,authoritarian,totalitarian,George Orwell,Orwell,CNT,Kurdish rebels,Mikhail Bakunin,Bakunin,Gorbachov,Yeltsin,Boris Yeltsin,national-bolshevik,nazbol,reactionary,degenerate,anti-socialist,anti-capitalist,agitation propaganda,propaganda,fake news,atheism,atheist movement,new atheist,new atheists,white race,redneck

>> No.19473237

Any word that is a "correction" of another word is newspeak.

>> No.19473248

Wtf op!
Is that real?

>> No.19473519
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anything in pic related would indicate to me that i'm dealing with a redditor, probably

>> No.19475373

Crazy is problematic

>> No.19475379


>> No.19476924

Attempts to re-badge something to avoid an organically-earned negative connotation should always be resisted. People who are stridently vocal about "not giving offence" to fashionable victim groups aren't courteous. They're the rudest and most unpleasant people in the world. Just voice a socially disprivileged opinion in their presence and you'll see how much they care about courtesy.

Examples: "plus size" (for fat), "gay" (for homosexual), "minor-attracted person" (for pedophile), "African-American" (for "black" or "negro"), etc.

Some common contemporary terms/phrases which usually need a qualifier (like "so-called):

CLIMATE-CHANGE DENIER — the "denier" strongly suggests irrational rejection of an established truth. "Sceptic" is a better word.

HOMOPHOBIA — suggests that dislike of homosexuality is a phobia, i.e. irrational and exaggerated.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION — obviously, this could equally well be called NEGATIVE ACTION. It's favouring one group *at the expense of another*.

EDUCATION — at least 50% of the time, when someone says "education", he means "schooling". I prefer the term "schooling" because it suggests battery-farm-style indoctrination, as it should.

ELITE — very similar to the previous. If you want to talk about the ruling class, call them that. 'Elite' means the best. The people in charge are not, as a rule, the best.

>> No.19476929

Conspiracy theory. Or just the word conspiracy by itself.

>> No.19476933

Good one

>> No.19477032

It's 'per se' you illiterate latinlet.

>> No.19477067

Perhaps the most obvious and most alarming one I've seen recently has to be "MAP"(Minor-attracted person)

>> No.19477095

best practices

>> No.19477098

“Problematic” has to be my least favorite.

>> No.19477129

'Folk' instead of 'People'
'Y'all' instead of 'You'
'Equity' instead of 'Equality'
'Latinx' instead of 'Latino'

>> No.19477134

I'd say that's more corporate than political newspeak. It basically means "I don't want to make a judgment call and risk the consequences of being wrong myself, so I'm going to turn my brain off and do what someone else said, so you can't be mad at me you have to be mad at whoever I was copying instead." It's devastatingly effective.

>> No.19477219

>CLIMATE-CHANGE DENIER — the "denier" strongly suggests irrational rejection of an established truth. "Sceptic" is a better word.
>HOMOPHOBIA — suggests that dislike of homosexuality is a phobia, i.e. irrational and exaggerated.
Both of those words are accurate.

>> No.19477306

>I mean,
Every fucking time.