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19472137 No.19472137[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books or essays criticizing the phenomenon of "woke capital"?

>> No.19472142
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>> No.19472148

>can't use the term 'black' for anything
Can you imagine how badly this would have played if Grammer had to yell out 'DENYBALLED!' instead of 'BLACKBALLED!'? Fuck this gay world what are things coming to these days.


>> No.19472170
File: 70 KB, 640x960, Dictatorship-of-Woke-Capital.bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in luck, some psychotic Mises-adjacent boomer with a minor paleoconservative think tank just dropped this mess, buy it now at a Walmart near you!

>> No.19472178

The Age of Entitlement

>> No.19472185

>companies pander to gays sometimes oh my god im going insane ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.19472203

There aren't any Walmarts in my country but I'll give this book a go
Yes that's exactly what I was looking for. I'm very curious to see how people like Misesians and Friedmanians (who think that the only social responsibility a company has is to deliver profits to its shareholders) explain why companies aren't behaving in accordance with profit maximizing rules and instead perform unprofitable actions such as hiring niggers and women en masse, banning conservatives from social media etc.

>> No.19472205

>>companies pander to gays sometimes oh my god im going insane ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Well, we bitched about the pandering to other groups in the past; why wouldn't we bitch about the pandering to the gays/trans/queer/whatever now? Pandering in all its forms is disgusting.

>> No.19472210
File: 571 KB, 1640x2532, Capitalist Realism_cover_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't gotten to reading it yet, but I've heard it discusses the principles of it extensively.

>> No.19472215

>free market ideologue complaining about the behaviour of free market corporations

>> No.19472216

His arguments are dishonest, he’s completely fine with the dictatorship of capital, it’s just that he doesn’t like when it paneers to gays.
Basically another cuckservative that supports the erosion of tradition by capital but gets upset when porky slaps a rainbow flag on his products.

>> No.19472225

If this was actually the way you looked at it then you would be a marxist and critique the culture industry not sit around whining about gays eating lays

>> No.19472235

>If this was actually the way you looked at it then you would be a marxist
I'm much more aligned with Veblen, anon. There are non-Marxists critiques of capitalism out there, even if they are largely ignored by today's academy.

>> No.19472239

literally who

>> No.19472241

>company want money
>company pretend to be not evil so people give money
It’s a tough concept, you really need a solid grasp on hegel, marx, lenin among others to understand it

>> No.19472244

would all it would take is one UNIX wizard to invoke sed/awk globally accross without any repurcussions?

>> No.19472246

Chicfila seems to be making money hand over fist and they are the heckin gay killers! Or whatever people whine about

>> No.19472263
File: 12 KB, 277x363, Veblen3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thorstein Veblen.

>> No.19472271

>big western corporation pretending to be the goods guys in America/Europe/Oceania while they exploit and slave people in Africa and Asia
This is older than you think, but in this case they can get away with it because they change their profile picture on social media once a year (if you know what I mean)

>> No.19472540

People on this board get mad at me when I tell them that most major companies are run by literal Marxists. Meanwhile, these companies go all out to support a Marxist-Leninist state. Odd!

>> No.19472586

>the erosion of tradition by capital
You have been utterly psyopped by leftists if you think this. I dont even want to know what incoherent tangle of hallucinations the word "capital" represents for you.

>> No.19472633

Dial 8

>> No.19472655
File: 85 KB, 400x399, 1593241531387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really, progressive leftists (aka almost all modern leftists) are genuinely terrified of critiquing woke capital beyond '"heh..th-theyre just pandering to us" because they are terrified of facing the reality that they are the ones perpetuating division of the working class on behalf of liberal capitalists, and liberal capitalists obviously have no reason to critique the phenomena.

>> No.19472667

I mean holy shit, just look at the other responses in this thread, its pathetic

>> No.19472791

Oh, I wasn't aware of all the love CEOs had for Cuba and Laos.

>> No.19473170

Because this isn't an actual free market fag.
These retards lobby so much in government that it doesn't matter if they're actually unprofitable.

>> No.19473277

it's just regular capitalism.

I love when chuds complain about the thing they claim to love.

>> No.19473285

something by zizek

>> No.19473298

Everything from 17th century Amsterdam merchants to 21st century US federal reserve policy is "just regular capitalism" innit. Very useful word you have there

>> No.19473303

Any books about the mental state of those who get triggered by ads?

>> No.19473312

all ads are psychological manipulation. if you aren't "triggered" by the sheer dominance of the psyop industry then you cannot be saved and must be liquidated

>> No.19473317

stfu larper

>> No.19473344

sometimes you say good things

>> No.19473345

>you can still use whitelist to denote acceptable objects

>> No.19473348

i think its the other way around on who should be liquidated. like aren't you somewhat taking your relationship as a consumer way too far

>> No.19473355

might be a case of implicitly denying the existence of white people by not bothering to remove it.

>> No.19473363

>namefag is cringe
The more things change, the more they stay the same

>> No.19473367

the point is that no one is able to avoid getting into that relationship in the first place ofc if you could that wouldn't be a bad thing but I don't think no one can

>> No.19473371
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>> No.19473391
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>explain why companies aren't behaving in accordance with profit maximizing rules and instead perform unprofitable actions such as hiring niggers and women en masse, banning conservatives from social media etc.
Those things are profit maximizing strategies, dipshit.
Read The System's Neatest Trick by Kaczynski.

>> No.19473430

veblen is not a literal who. this is why people who know marx and only marx are so cringe

>> No.19473721
File: 185 KB, 1410x2000, pear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he argue that they should be BANNED from doing it? Not liking something doesnt necessarily mean you dont think they have the right to do that thing. You can criticize the particular nature of something while still respecting, or at least not directly objecting to, the larger system which it exists within. One can object to the bathwater without elbow dropping the baby.

Like being averse to a particular social narrativization while respecting ones ability to spout it.

Yes, but what aspect of gaydom do they pander to?
Does it pander to a particular belief? what does a rainbow flag symbolize? That gay people, exist? That they are not against gay people? Id say its more profiting from victimization. Having a gay character I wouldn't call woke capitalism, but being so focused on it as a revolutionary act of gayness and being very performative, is. In a way, you could see it as monetizing a form of group consciousness, and specifically the act of gaining consciousness itself, not the aftermath of just "being".
I guess the concept of it being a revolution, but also being static causes much of its distastefulness. Oddly enough, this stasis makes revolution become reaction so as to fuel itself. Op's pic for example.

I guess you could think of it as the monetization of static revolution itself. Although not as big of a market, I would also call alt-right stuff following a similar vein.

>> No.19473730

This is true but you are not the real butterfly

>> No.19473929

Yes? What exactly was your point here?

>> No.19473965

Your deifntion of capitalism is so vague as to be useless. This is of course not an accident, its essential to Marxist dicosurse that the term means almost nothing.

>> No.19474140

there has never been a more rigorous categorization of capital than the one that was made by marx

>> No.19474156

You guys cant decide if it's the "surplus'' value involved in wage labor or simply any form of capital begetting capital or even just literally anything that happens in a society which has wage labor