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19466905 No.19466905 [Reply] [Original]

"The freedom to abandon one’s community, knowing one will be welcomed in faraway lands; the freedom to shift back and forth between social structures, depending on the time of year; the freedom to disobey authorities without consequence—all appear to have been simply assumed among our distant ancestors, even if most people find them barely conceivable today. Humans may not have begun their history in a state of primordial innocence, but they do appear to have begun it with a self-conscious aversion to being told what to do."

What do you say?

>> No.19466914

On the one hand, seems reasonable.
On the other hand, feels like setup for some ideological shenanigans.
Def sounds like a book worth reading.

>> No.19466958

>David Graeber

Well, let me just fire up Wikipedia for sec.
>Born in New York to a working-class Jewish family,
Okay, I'm done. I'm sure he has some totally unexpected things to say, but there are plenty of non-Jewish books to read.

>> No.19466974


>> No.19466981

Citation desperately needed

>> No.19467073

This is the opposite of true, when will Those People stop?

>> No.19467083

Isn't that a fallacy?

>> No.19467090


All in the book.

>> No.19467451

When I read this statement and it strikes me as meaningless. In the first place, what is "one's community," where are "faraway lands" what is a "social structure" and how is it distinct from a natural, artistic, or political structure? All these large transhistorical sociological terms strike me as nonsensical.

Also, in the age of international travel and the instantly transportable zoom screen, this sort of abandonment in the age of the gig economy and a new yeoman class of landless serfs, this atomization we call freedom might not be conceivable because it is as water to a fish: it is our reality. Graeber and Wengrow miss their own way of life and fail to see that this book is part and parcel of the status quo. This is typical of academia.

We are in the paradoxical situation where we are told, commanded, to do what we want: to not do as we are told. Ask yourself, would a radical new history of everything (a stupid idea) really be given such high praise from the likes of the Atlantic and The New York Times?

It's all shit.

>> No.19467508

No one likes you. No one needs you here.

Check the book’s citations, and do try to think logically. When people roamed in tribes, or had little settlements here and there, naturally there was a lot more freedom like this.
>think meme.jpg

>> No.19467509

Romanticizing distant past as opposed to near past. The one we know newrly nothing about truly

>> No.19467544 [DELETED] 

A heeb writing a book has different connotations completely, it's safe to assume something underhanded is at work.
Say he's making an argument to destabilize a certain thing so his kike friends can shimmy their way inside and destroy something from within.

>> No.19467555

>what is a "social structure" and how is it distinct from a natural, artistic, or political structure?
The latter are all a part of the social stricture. It’s all in a given people’s collective heads, but also in their actions which shape their surroundings.
Terms used are like any words in that they’re trying to describe what’s going on. Your post is one big “words don’t mean anything”. Very pomo, very unhelpful. Hope you find your way out.

The Atlantic and NYT are just doing the publishers a solid for the sales. This isn’t a guide to overthrow the status quo, so they consider it safe, mild subversion only.

You’re all shit

>> No.19467560

You’re a literal child.

>> No.19468085
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>safe, mild subversion

>> No.19468189

Once freedom is lost, it's lost forever. That's the point.

>> No.19468193

You know the antisemitism is just a meme, right anon? You dont actually believe that shit do you?

>> No.19468275

I'm not an antisemite, I'm muslim. I have impunity to talk shit about kikes all I want.

>> No.19468814

I am highly skeptical that kinship based groups of ancient humans were particularly accepting of strangers. I am also sceptical that disobedience without consequence was a real thing. Overall it sounds like massive confirmation bias.

>> No.19468869

I remember reading Graeber's book about Bullshit Jobs and there's studies which he cites. I looked up some of these studies and they are literally answers to polls he had put up on twitter. Literally wtf is wrong with this guy and how does he have any credibility.

>> No.19468884

>Trusting studies

>> No.19468899

First there was God, or gods, or nothing. Then synthesis, space, the expansion, explosions, implosions, particles, objects, combustion, and fusion. Out of the chaos came order, stars were born and shown and died. Planets rolled across their galaxies on invisible ellipses and the elements combined and became.

Life evolved or was created. Cells trembled, and divided, and gasped and found dry land. Soon they grew legs, and fins, and hands, and antenna, and mouths, and ears, and wings, and eyes. Eyes that opened wide to take all of it in, the creeping, growing, soaring, swimming, crawling, stampeding universe.

Eyes opened and closed and opened again, we called it blinking. Above us shown a star that we called the sun. And we called the ground the earth. So we named everything including ourselves. We were man and woman and when we got lonely we figured out a way to make more of us. We called it sex, and most people enjoyed it. We fell in love. We talked about god and banged stones together, made sparks and called them fire, we got warmer and the food got better.

We got married, we had some children, they cried, and crawled, and grew. One dissected flowers, sometimes eating the petals. Another liked to chase squirrels. We fought wars over money, and honor, and women. We starved ourselves, we hired prostitutes, we purified our water. We compromised, decorated, and became esoteric. One of us stopped breathing and turned blue. Then others. First we covered them with leaves and then we buried them in the ground. We remembered them. We forgot them. We aged.

Our buildings kept getting taller. We hired lawyers and formed councils and left paper trails, we negotiated, we admitted, we got sick, and searched for cures. We invented lipstick, vaccines, pilates, solar panels, interventions, table manners, firearms, window treatments, therapy, birth control, tailgating, status symbols, palimony, sportsmanship, focus groups, zoloft, sunscreen, landscaping, cessnas, fortune cookies, chemotherapy, convenience foods, and computers. We angered militants, and our mothers.

You were born. You learned to walk, and went to school, and played sports, and lost your virginity, and got into a decent college, and majored in psychology, and went to rock shows, and became political, and got drunk, and changed your major to marketing, and wore turtleneck sweaters, and read novels, and volunteered, and went to movies, and developed a taste for blue cheese dressing.

>> No.19468904


I met you through friends, and didn’t like you at first. The feeling was mutual, but we got used to each other. We had sex for the first time behind an art gallery, standing up and slightly drunk. You held my face in your hands and said that I was beautiful. And you were too. Tall with a streetlight behind you. We went back to your place and listened to the White Album. We ordered in. We fought and made up and got good jobs and got married and bought an apartment and worked out and ate more and talked less. I got depressed. You ignored me. I was sick of you. You drank too much and got careless with money. I slept with my boss. We went into counseling and got a dog. I bought a book of sex positions and we tried the least degrading one, the wheelbarrow. You took flight lessons and subscribed to Rolling Stone. I learned Spanish and started gardening.

We had some children who more or less disappointed us but it might have been our fault. You were too indulgent and I was too critical. We loved them anyway. One of them died before we did, stabbed on the subway. We grieved. We moved. We adopted a cat. The world seemed uncertain, we lived beyond our means. I got judgmental and belligerent, you got confused and easily tired. You ignored me, I was sick of you. We forgave. We remembered. We made cocktails. We got tender. There was that time on the porch when you said, can you believe it?

This was near the end and your hands were trembling. I think you were talking about everything, including us. Did you want me to say it? So it would not be lost? It was too much for me to think about. I could not go back to the beginning. I said, not really. And we watched the sun go down. A dog kept barking in the distance, and you were tired but you smiled and you said, hear that? It’s rough, rough. And we laughed. You were like that.

Now, your question is my project and our house is full of clues. I’m reading old letters and turning over rocks. I burry my face in your sweaters. I study a photograph taken at the beach, the sun in our eyes, and the water behind us. It’s a victory to remember the forgotten picnic basket and your striped beach blanket. It’s a victory to remember how the jellyfish stung you and you ran screaming from the water. It’s a victory to remember treating the wound with meat tenderizer, and you saying, I made it better. I will tell you this, standing on our hill this morning I looked at the land we chose for ourselves, I saw a few green patches, and our sweet little shed, that same dog was barking, a storm was moving in. I did not think of heaven, but I saw that the clouds were beautiful and I watched them cover the sun.”

>> No.19468905

you're a disgrace

>> No.19469271


Jewish revisionism: traditional Christian communities weren't real, in reality people emigrated to form atheist LGBT communes.

>> No.19469652

>No one likes you. No one needs you here.
I like him and appreciate his post. The Jewish evolutionary strategy is to exploit high trust people and institutions. After thousands of years of overwhelming evidence why is this still so hard for you to accept?

>> No.19469696

Dude was literally expelled from American Academia.

>> No.19469736

>knowing one will be welcomed in faraway lands
One is simply not welcomed into a societal ecosystem, one happens to be beneficial as an ally to someone in that ecosystem. An ecosystem with nothing but drifters and weak authorities is just entropy

>> No.19469746

You're a yikes.

>> No.19469773
File: 490 KB, 515x817, Colin_Ward_-_Anarchism_A_Very_Short_Introduction-Audiobook-EN-2009-SQN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Graeber got kicked out of Standford because he was involved in the OWS movement and many other anarchist activities.

>> No.19470323

the book cites dozens of primary sources describing this happening before the columbian exchange. 85% of posters in this thread have never looked at a citations page before

>> No.19470855

99.99% of casual readers don't read footnotes.

>> No.19470861


>> No.19470875

Fallacy not to want to read some ideological screed?

>> No.19470876

I love Graeber, and I bought this book recently, but /lit/ always struggles to talk about his thick books. /lit/ can almost have a serious discussion on bullshit jobs, but it still generally devolves into (((them))) posting. 5000 years of debt was insightful and charming. This one seems to be much the same in that fun way he writes. It seems like much of what he does is simply try to change perspective on things in interesting and novel ways. Everything I’ve read by him begs to be studied more deeply, but I don’t think that was ever his goal. He was fluid in his academic pursuits. But no one wants to talk about his authorial cadence and lost futures because /lit/ is too busy greentexting the fact he was an anarchist Jew. I fucking hate it here sometimes.

>> No.19470877

Absolutely unequivocally based

>> No.19470933

>He died suddenly, from necrotic pancreatitis,[85] on September 2, 2020, while on vacation with his wife and friends in Venice.[86] Graeber died during the COVID-19 pandemic and instead of a funeral, his family organized an 'Intergalactic Memorial Carnival' of livestreamed events that took place in October 2020.[87] His wife, Dubrovsky, attributed the pancreatitis to COVID-19, saying they both had strange symptoms for months beforehand, and she said there was a connection between COVID-19 and pancreatitis.[88]

Don't you fags think that the way he died seems suspicious? This shit seem fishy as fuck

>> No.19470951

Sounds like he got killed by the cia or some shit for being too radical and based. A reverse Havana syndrome. A real… red scare.

>> No.19471053

that is because you are projecting ideology

>> No.19471248

post nose

>> No.19471283

This is the 5th time someone has called me a Jew on /lit/. I have told one anon that I am far from being Jew and he told me that I am spiritual Jew. Maybe this is because I love Jewish miserablists philosophers.

>> No.19471317

leave, retard. the Jews have a superior IQ and you only hate them because you're filled with ressentiment. you are just like the ghetto black man blaming whitey for all his problems. mirror image.

>> No.19471328

I'll tell me Ma when I go home,
The goys won't leave the kikes alone
They pull my braids, they stole my comb
It's shoah time till I get home

>> No.19471469

It's theory, you can ust talk out of your arse.

>> No.19471503

>guy who coined the term 1% and relentlessly criticized Israel and the cancellations of people critical to Israel dies mysteriously
/pol/niggers have been astroturfed so hard by letter agencies that they are at this point just the special division of the united american golem

>> No.19471539

>it's bad that you're refusing to keep up with my favorite heeb superstar shenanigans and outright filter them on the fact they're kikes

>> No.19471651

I’ve looked at citations pages, I’ve just never read the book. All I said was that I was sceptical. >>19470323

>> No.19471757

On the rare occasion when a Jew becomes a cultural rebel they get killed.
It happened to Jesus, Kubrick, Epstein, and now Graeber mysteriously dies from the kung flu despite only being 59.

>> No.19471906


Kubrick? Guy was like 75 and had a heart attack, didn't he? Or are you one of those folks who took Eyes Wide Shut way too seriously and convinced yourself that Sidney Pollack had him killed or some shit?

>> No.19472854


A person can be tragically involved in some fatal mistakes or even atrocities, but that doesn't mean he can't say something profound.

For example, Martin Heidegger wholeheartedly supported Fascism. But, so what? We still need to pay attention to his ideas. To ignore him is a logically fallacy.

>> No.19472873

Yeah. The Secret Services (SS) can handle all the crazy radicals floating around. They actually like mad bombers causing some chaos. They watched the Boston bombers the whole time. They allowed the January 6th Capital Hill mob to happen. All this is mild subversive
Do I misinterpret this reaction image?

>> No.19472880


>> No.19472896

Uh, yeah, of course. I'm not retarded. Do you also think Epstein killed himself?

>> No.19472906


>> No.19472911

Holy cringe.

>> No.19472912

Dude. There are greedy power driven Jews and gentiles and there are anticapitalist Jews and gentiles and antistate Jews and gentiles. I am anti-Israel, and there are even Jews that are anti-Israel. We lay blame where it’s due. Stop generalizing like you have a giant cavity in your skull. Thanks.

Epstein and pedo island confirms that Eye Wide Shut was onto the truth of the matter.

>> No.19472928

I feel ya. Love his stuff, starting to really loathe this place. The best posters leave for long periods. Hope we all get away and make something of ourselves.

>> No.19472930

Icelandic Sagas have dudes putting their lives and reputation on the line for someone they met like yesterday. The Old Testament is full of references to the necessity of hospitality and the equality of the foreigner in the land of israel

>> No.19472938

If they have ideas not tainted by gay ideology, then maybe. I doubt it given what I'm reading about Graeber

>> No.19474760
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>Primary sources
>Before the Columbian Exchange
Literally fucking kill yourselves