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19468403 No.19468403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>niggers made a meme rap song/video sampling “A Thousand Miles”
>lyrics are them naming the 3 people they murdered and detailing how they did it while doing silly dances
It’s so absurd I find it kind of /lit/ and I’m racist as fuck. Any books like this?


>> No.19468689

I hate how society worships criminals and material things.

>> No.19468716

I love how society worships criminals but hate how they worship material things

>> No.19468724
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Why? it almost sounds based...
> I love how I worship myself and commit crimes and take material things that I like.
Okay, now it's based!

>> No.19468730
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drill rapper are modern day warrior poets and their gang wars are epic drama. Drill is the most literary music genre. Some of the stories behind these songs are unironically epic, like yungeen ace in this song losing his brother and all his friends on his birthday.

>> No.19468731

Which one is most based?

>> No.19468748

This is exactly like the Iliad

>> No.19468768

Gangster rappers are the last samurai
>Disrespect is a death penalty and respect is the ultimate currency
>Kill your enemy then write a poem shitting on him
>If you're involved in gang activity you can be killed literally anywhere at anytime with no warning
>Life and death conflicts break out at random multiple times per day
>Children are raised in this brutal sink or swim environment and are trained killers, brutalizers and poets by the time they're teenagers.
>Worshipped not only by their community but by a nation of onlookers.
Unfortunately, the stakes involved are a few blocks of government housing and a bit of smack. Still undeniably epic.

>> No.19468789

No they're not the last samurai because they act in defiance of a highly bureaucratic law. The true is that all these "gangsters" are nothing but parasites. If the government acted on the same terms they'd send SWAT teams to exterminate them and their families and it would be over in a nanosecond.

>> No.19468839

After meaningful consideration of my life, I am this close to joining a gang and rapping about the crimes I commit. I have written poetry, produced music using a MIDI/DAW/mic and have a plethora of knowledge about firearms. Should I do it? Life is meaningless, I am amoral/without conscience, and I would like to at least have fun. Should I make my debut on 4chan?

>> No.19468876

>After his release from a B.C. jail last fall, a rapper calling himself Lolo Lanski posted his song Dedman to SoundCloud and YouTube. It had over 80,000 downloads as of this week.
>The anti-Brothers Keepers song describes Grewal being shot inside his penthouse home — noting that the killer “sent lead to his head” and that the violence was part of “trying to put a BK on TV.”
>Bizarrely, the song includes an audio excerpt of the recorded 911 call made by Grewal’s brother Manbir inside the suite after the BK boss was killed.
>The operator asks: “OK, so what is happening?”
>The brother replies: “I came to check up on my brother and found out he’s been shot.”
>He says there is neither a gun nor anybody else in the suite.
>“Is he cold?” the operator asks.
>“Yes, he’s cold,” the brother answers.
>“What’s you brother’s name?”
>“Gavinder Grewal.”
>Then the song has the sound of a gunshot echoing.

>> No.19468880

do it. listen to 669 cypher

>> No.19468886


It's mostly just the United States that does this. It's okay anon. We don't belong here. It's not our fault.

>> No.19468902

I’m tired of the satanic bullshit. I will kill and do harm for god instead. My works will commemorate him.

>> No.19468920

satan in the old testament is just a snitch for god, in his lyrics, freeze includes statements like "only god and iron no protein" and he makes threats to israel and heretics.

>> No.19468933

God I can’t wait to do commonly perceived wrong acts. I fucking hate you, myself and everyone/everything else.

>> No.19468941

I just want to cause suffering because suffering is the only thing I have perceived as true. I will not go into work tomorrow and God willing I will never see the penitentiary. Fuck everyone who reads this.

>> No.19468951

I hate niggerzoomers so much

>> No.19468964

good luck, anon
dont kill innocent people

>> No.19469009

I don't care if lowlives kill themselves but the african american community glorifies them and the liberals never critique them. It just goes to show that people don't see black people as humans. A person that glorifies killing is an evil person regardless of race, sex or gender.

>> No.19469026

you need a SWAT team to wipe the drool off your bib too you big fucking baby

>> No.19469057

You're a bitch. Cry more online about this on a little stupid website while these niggaz hu$tle and get famous. This is str8 fiah.

>> No.19469068

based. young pappy is the modern day equivalent of ernst junger.

>> No.19469074

Mid-2010s Chicago drill was the peak of Western music

>> No.19469077

They're basically part of the state. The government doesn't just send in Swat because they evidently find them useful in some capacity.

>> No.19469089

I’m a criminal defense attorney and these morons haven’t and will never kill anyone. It’s all purely contrived for this aesthetic of modern rap. Eventually, they will get big enough to start having beef and will start beef with the wrong person. Then they will understand what a real killer looks like.

>> No.19469098

my inner conspiracy theorist tells me it's bc the government wants to keep African American communities in perpetual chaos. I guess that sucks. The music is pretty awesome though

>> No.19469106

The thing that annoys me about niggers acting tough is that it's implicitly only possible because retarded white society temporarily allows it. Any other society in history would have exterminated or Trail of Tears'ed them a century ago. The only reason you don't get shot in the street for "mean mugging" white people is because of THEIR collective psychosis, not because your mean muggin' is just that powerful, you dumbass.

I have a theory that niggers are too stupid to realize 2000-ish urban life under capitalist liberal democracies isn't the "default" that all societies have experienced and will experience forever. I don't think they can put things like this together. I think they think ancient Egyptian kangz were writing rap music and subscribing to eachother's instagrams.

>> No.19469116

I mean at some you can't say it's temporary. This is just the way things are. Whites will never crack down on it and frankly I don't think they have the ability to do so if they wanted.

>> No.19469119

You're not being exactly charitable about the variety of factors influencing their mindset

>> No.19469131

It is temporary because whites are on the way out. You think a hispanic majority or chink run government would allow this shit? They are ten thousand times more racist against blacks than me, and I'm incredibly racist. Either white society wakes up and responds to blacks in kind, or it continues dying and is eventually replaced by something that will have even less patience for negro shenanigans.

>> No.19469133

>I will kill and do harm for god instead. My works will commemorate him.
>being a faggot and hoping ot make it


>> No.19469139

>You think a hispanic majority or chink run government would allow this shit
Ah I see
Blacks would be fucked if Hispanics take over. If Chinese take over they'll be fine, China is all over Africa anyway.

>> No.19469150

What do you suggest? I am starting to think blacks are being genetically and culturally engineered as orcs by the ruling classes so I'm open to any suggestions

>> No.19469159

I have a childhood friend who is high up in the RCMP and basically the different ethnic groups are "managed" and "funneled" in ways to keep the peace. Their are basically different approaches to handling each different community of people, inadvertently being racist to avoid being "racist" if you know what I mean.

Also, my friend is non-white and he acknowledges it off-the-record.

>> No.19469169

Chinese are very tolerant of other ethnicities so long as they don’t cause trouble.

>> No.19469175

That's what I said

>> No.19469181

those which do commit those crimes really don't have such a foresight. those who don't know history cannot imagine a future much different than what's contemporary. gangbangers aren't all of them, tho

>> No.19469193

Black people are wild man. Them and rednecks I think are truly americas most unique cultures for better and usually worse

>> No.19469207



Stop using reddit newspeak nigger. Yeah, they are wild if you mean "savage", but that's not how your post reads.

>> No.19469213

Shieeeetttt dayuuuuummmm, little frog ass bitch. Shit's wild af senpai frfr.

>> No.19469214

Savage is also reddit newspeak. But yes in the primitive sense they are "wild" This probably was their natural conclusion as a people

>> No.19469221

Might makes right

>> No.19469222

Read as many books as you want to cope for the fact that you're a blank slate in the universe

>> No.19469223

It would take too long to explain my entire view of it but you're aware im sure that the situation wasn't like this in the 50s so it needn't necessarily be like this.

>> No.19469226


I meant savage as in literal savages, not as in "yoooo, that's savage man".

>> No.19469228

that's crazy conspiracy. the real reason why is because white society is incredibly divided in terms of ideology, so mobilizing anything is hard. mobilizing something like a genocide cannot be done unless it's a secret project, even if the subjects are criminals — most people wouldn't even agree with it, and if the majority did agree, the opposition would be fierce.
any critique towards african americans is regarded as conservative or white supremacist; liberals uphold the problems, or simplify everything to economical issues. the only groups which can change anything then are african americans themselves or liberals.

>> No.19469235

The way you talk about black people and talk like one is pretty "wild"

>> No.19469238
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It's just so depressing that white people are just taking it. It would have been better to lose a war and get violently genocided.

>> No.19469246
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Prep me, whitey.

>> No.19469249

lol go do something about it then
people like you are all talk and want others to act in your place and it's so pathetic

>> No.19469254

Well, they are being genocided if that makes you feel better. I think it's a kindness, a mercy. It's cruel to keep a once noble race in this sort of shattered form.

>> No.19469263

But the very thing he is talking about is other people. You mean set up a white nationalist organization in a town? Cnn that even work in the current atmosphere?

>> No.19469265

Black people are Gods in this society. They don't answer to the same rules as you.

>> No.19469270

Stay strong and don't get demoralized. Read shit like Counter Currents, Amren, VDARE, Occidental Observer, to keep morale up and stay abreast of culturally significant movements.

Go research the Rhodesian Bush War. Whites can go 10:1 and still win. Things are never as bad as they seem. It was always going to get worse before it got better, and the last 10 years have done irreparable damage to white faith in liberal democracies (aka crony capitalism).

>> No.19469272
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I'm gonna shatter yo girl's little pink arsehole, ya feel me?

>> No.19469279

>Rhodesian Bush War. Whites can go 10:1 and still win
Whites lost the war you idiot

>> No.19469282

I legit would fuck the girl on the right

>> No.19469286

This is not a matter of the black or white masses, who are irrelevant. The state itself doesn't clean up gangland for various reasons, even though it could(and has in some cities), which makes it complicit in the violence, and makes the violence basically part of the state.

>> No.19469292

why not the girl on the left? does she look too slutty?

>> No.19469296

Yes, Samuel Francis calls this "anarcho-tyranny."

>What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through “sensitivity training” and multiculturalist curricula, “hate crime” laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures. In a word, anarcho-tyranny.

>> No.19469297
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>> No.19469298

The girl on the left’s tattoos just look retarded to me. I don’t like how 3 of them on the arm are close together

>> No.19469307

>lol go do something about it then
What would I obtain if I went up to the niggers pushing drugs in my city and whacked them over the head with a shoe other than getting instantly murdered while the media cites me as yet another nazi white incel racist madman who acted upon his hatred and bigotry against innocent refugees and then everyone claps and upvotes this story on social media for brownie points?
My complaint wasn't really about niggers which are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but the general indolence of people in their subservience to the system and the system's narrative. It's not like people agree about this shit, they just agree with the system. There's nothing organic about this shit. People know there's something horribly wrong going on but they would rather just follow the program like cattle on a conveyor belt to the slaughter. I've alienated myself from everyone and everything for talking about these things and acting against them. Really the only thing you can do is some sort of criminal action and if that's what you imply, well I don't have the means, nor I see the utility in doing any of that since it will be only used to further the agenda. Same reason why if some new Ted K kind of guy came up and went on an eco-terrorist mission he'd only serve the system with another narrative to tighten the rope a bit harder.

>> No.19469309

>riley reid
trash, the only blacked actress worth a fap is lana rhoades

>> No.19469322

And you faggots are part of the problem, watching porn. You animals aren't better than a nigger.

>> No.19469326
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Whatever, nigga.

>> No.19469331

I'm not here for the political conflict, I came for the music and then I saw anons talking about porn, so I joined the conversation

Her face looks off

>> No.19469335

>having favorite bl*cked actresses
I'm abandoning this thread

>> No.19469352

>lana rhoades
Pfft, can that bitch do THIS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rpoj3YAREY

>> No.19469355 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Cya, cracker.

>> No.19469469

/lit/ is a high IQ board.
Take it back to >>>/mu/ and >>>/gif/, cucks.

>> No.19469524

Based. Porn is fucking disgusting and immoral.

>> No.19469570
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> Not Jia Lissa
Are you even White?

>> No.19469580

More talk, less action
you people are hopeless

>> No.19469581

>Are you even White?

>> No.19469598
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Irrevocably based. It would approach the Ancient Greek style if they removed the crude rhyme scheme and had some concept of meter.

>> No.19469600
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Yikes...don't tell me that you're an Asian or, Allah forbid, a fucking HAPA.

>> No.19469616

Indian, if you must know

>> No.19469619

fuck niggers and niggermusic too

>> No.19469630

you can't just waltz in here, into MY thread on MY board, and start SAYING THE FUCKING NIGGER WORD

>> No.19469648

you do realize these women are the absolute bottom of the barrel of white society and even they demand extra money for being around niggers, right?

>> No.19469651
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I am surrounded by cretins with no taste

>> No.19469657
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>> No.19469673

Parasitizing an evil, totalitarian system is based. These blacks are completely ungovernable. The reason they don't send in SWAT to exterminate them is because doing so would inspire a cat-5 chimpout and the government would lose

>> No.19469678

You're absolutely delusional, look how easily they cleaned up NYC in the 90s. I'll leave it to you to figure out why NYC was allowed to do that

>> No.19469679

No kek. Not even close.

>> No.19469685

Pretty sure two dozen preteens whose dads have shown them how to shoot .22's in the backyard could put down a cat-5 chimpout

>> No.19469701
File: 8 KB, 260x194, 1616853345068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP i've been watching a lot of videos about these gang-affiliated rappers, i think the algorithm might have recommended you something about it because of me

>> No.19469705

sigh now i have to fap to her again

>> No.19469747

if you watch blacked beastiality you should be chemically castrated, I'd be willing to give up my civil liberties if I could have this made the law of the land

>> No.19469749
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Because NYC is Jewish, I know. But I think it's a bit of a false equivalence. Manhattan was only 22% black in 1990 and down to 17% by 2000. It's extremely expensive real estate and the epicenter for global finance, with the largest and most draconian military police force in the country. Blacks now and then who commit violent crimes in NYC are more like lone wolves who spring up out of nowhere and rob stores or rape women alone on the street. This element could be heavily suppressed just by arresting blacks for hopping turnstiles. They're not roving paramilitary gangs.

Cleaning up Chicago, Detroit, or Baltimore would be more like eliminating the insurgents in Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan, all of which our military failed at.

>> No.19469814
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There's also a response diss track made by the best friend of one of the dead gangbangers they name-dropped.
Here, he ridicules Ace's dead brothers.

It's just an endless cycle.

>> No.19469827

Actually the Jew producers purposefully pick the most beautiful white girls they can find to make the effect more devastating.

>> No.19469864

soap operas in the streets.
some real female shit if you ask me.

>> No.19469887

How is it even legal to make rap videos claiming responsibility for murders? They want you to believe them.

>> No.19469893
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>> No.19469901

NYC is not Manhattan, nyc was insanely violent in the early 90s, and Chicago is also mostly not black.

Detroit idk, that might be a lost cause.

>> No.19469911

/lit/ - Rap music and BLACKED.com

>> No.19469927

Always has been

>> No.19469944

Holy keked and checked. I thought this was "le most intellectual board on 4chin(zel)"? lmao.

>> No.19469948

BLACKED is the thinking man’s fetish

>> No.19469953

The porn spam on 4chan has made me probably 500% more racist

>> No.19469957

what the fuck. not even 2 minutes in and this retard just admitted to like 4 murders. I thought zoomer rap was supposed to be smarter about snitching on themselves.

>> No.19469969

Then these retards cry when feds show up

>> No.19469983
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>> No.19470083

what kind of reddit ass r/thedonald faggot thinks the word "Wild" is owned by niggers? You retarded zoomer faggots are so sheltered you would think every american colloquialism was invented by gangbangers if @Outsideness or @vargvikernes said so

>> No.19470169

Nice digits

>> No.19470182

Good lord they filmed it at the opp's grave

>> No.19470184

Yeah these niggers are entertaining but at the end of the day I'm glad I live in a nice neighborhood surrounded by decent folk who don't want to kill me and write a rap song about it. Hopefully the lower class mixes with the trve jungle niggas until all the black is destroyed before it reaches me.

>> No.19470189
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This. I do not see the problem here.

>> No.19470199

Vid is maximum ADD lol

>> No.19470209

This shit is moving so quickly, damn.
Also those are some HQ vids

>> No.19470234

>doesn’t capitalize God of Him

You are unworthy.

>> No.19470402


It's a replacement for "crazy" because bugmen don't want to offend the mentally ill. You never wondered why there was a sudden uptick of calling everything "wild"? It's duckspeak pushed by reddit bugmen.

>> No.19470459

Black culture is the single most powerful homogenizing force in the history of human culture. Part of its appeal is just how easy it is to reproduce.

>> No.19470495

This is going to sound incredibly racist, but I think the appeal is that at the end of the day everyone, on some level, wants to be the stereotypical "ghetto" Black person.

Men want to be that man who has sex with as many women as possible, who is desired for his physical prowess. Men want to be that man who isn't bound by rules or logic, who kills those who challenge him. Men want to be that man who flaunts wealth and weapons. Men want to be Black.

Women want to be that sassy, emotionally vibrant woman a stereotypical Black woman is. They want to be sexually free and attractive like the Black women they see on Instagram or TikTok or the television.

Of course, real Black peoplr are not what the stereotype is. But people want to be the stereotype.