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19465331 No.19465331 [Reply] [Original]

books about charismatic leaders?

>> No.19465350
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>we didn't touch people who worked for the good of belarus
who are these imaginary people exactly?

>> No.19465355
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I live close to the Belarusian border and I'm already tired of this shit. Military copters fly over my house every single day. I live in constant fear of being conscripted in an event of war with Belarus.

>> No.19465370

I don’t understand why the EU was so mad about the whole refugee thing. They were going to import that many migrants anyway, and probably funnel them to Eastern Europe as well. Belarus was just giving them a helpful hand. How’d the Euro liberal/left wings handle this?

>> No.19465422

holy fucking based

>> No.19465489

you have no context so don't read a too much into it

>> No.19465496

enjoying your government jobs much?

>> No.19465505

Lukashenko is a cringey puppet in hands of Russia

>> No.19465532
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EU be like
>if you oppose taking rapefugees you are racist
>but Belarus is attacking us by sending rapefugees
>but Poland is bad for violently protecting against rapefugees
>but Poland is good for protecting against Belarus rapefugees-attack
>but we need to take in and help the rapefugees
>but we need to punish Belarus for attacking/blessing us with rapefugees
>lets turn off Russian gas and freeze to death

Ive said it before and Ill say it again
>Belarus based for dabbing on neighboring NATO-puppets supporting Soros-tier colour revolution
>Poland based for putting armed troops on their border and defending against rapefugees
>Rapefugees based for invading Europe, further radicalizing Europeans and destabilizing EU

>> No.19465540

and nato is a cringe puppet of america, whats your point?

>> No.19465602

My point is that he is not someone worth simping for, but I do agree with what you've said.

>> No.19465647
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i hope the refugees will riot in Belarus and further drive that swampland shithole to the ground
t.Grzegorz Kowalski

>> No.19465680

no dear redditor, it's just as based as it looks.

>> No.19465687

nah this was pretty fucking based, calling out the eu and nato's hypocrisy

>> No.19465711

And what's so based about it? He is not a part of EU, so he can say whatever he wants. It's almost the same as admiring Xi Jinping for criticizing degeneration of western culture and saying he is based, the only difference is that Lukashenko has no power whatsoever.

Imagine Lukashenko sucking Putin's dick. And below all of that there is you, saying it's based. Imo it's gay af, not based

>> No.19465712

this is the take

>> No.19465737

whats your problem? you got some mental block where you can't ever concede somebody can saying based things while also being retarded? you learn to learn to compartmentalize instead of of brushing everything with large paint strokes

>> No.19465769

Cassirers Myth of the State
Jungs Wotan
Kantorowiczs Frederick the Second
Hitler Mein Kampf
Anything by the George Circle really

>> No.19466918

1 Kings
2 Kings
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles

All found in the Bible.

>> No.19466946
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>> No.19466947

The Autumn of the Patriarch - Márquez
All the King's Men - Warren

>> No.19466965

>>Belarus based for dabbing on neighboring NATO-puppets supporting Soros-tier colour revolution
you realise belarus itself is being used as a puppet by russia to destabilise western europe, mate?

>> No.19467108

The guy basically says as much in the interview

>> No.19467161

Colour revolution is a meme. It can't work if there's not a significant amount of the population that genuinely supports it.

>> No.19467189

Good considering western europe is a dogshit amalgamation of museums dedicated to past glory of people greater than their descendants

>> No.19467195

Russia is preferable to western Europe and I'm well aware of how fucked up Russia is

>> No.19467200

The population are total and utter NPCs and will follow literally anything that is put in prestige media outlets and backed by academia and other sources of authority

>> No.19467221

Who are those great people organizing protests, color revolution and regime change to install Tihanovskaya Western Reich Komesariat of Belarusen?

They should be literally liquidated, not jailed or expelled.

>> No.19467233

Maybe if you did not creep up to Russia, install nukes in Europe, promote regime change in Russia *failed Navalny circus), provoked wars to draw them it and try to dismantle it into peaces to incorporate it into Western Empire so US can take global Hegemony, Russia would not need do this extremely important existential thing?

>> No.19467252

Okay. The other part of the population are utter NPCs that will follow literally anything that is put in nationalist media outlets and backed by government and other sources of authority.

>> No.19468348

Napoleon: A life - Andrew Roberts
Napoleon: A life - Adam Zamoyski

All other leaders are poor imitations of this man, so two biographies suffice.

>> No.19468386

So western yuros seethe if its eastern yuro refugees? But open every orifice for black ones?

>> No.19468469

post nose

>> No.19468475

We agree then that you can easily pull off a color revolution since the population are entirely lemmings

>> No.19468511

>imp lying Putin isn't quietly pissed with Lukashenko for so transparently starting shit with Poland when it was already sabotaging its relationship with the rest of the EU just fine

>> No.19468750

so what?
belarusians are basically russians anyway

>> No.19468973

I love this man so fucking much bros

>> No.19469005

>has never heard of a based retard

>> No.19469176

The most cringe shit is when americans/western euros simp for strong eastern "daddy" leaders. You wouldnt stay alive for a month in the conditions of these societies. Eat your hot pockets and stay humble you fat retards.

>> No.19469194

Reminder this Chad almost ruled Belarus, Russia and Ukraine as one country while Yeltsin was busy passed out drunk.

>> No.19469768
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>> No.19470796

lmao you stupid fuck, it's hilarious that you thought you were imparting some little known knowledge

>> No.19470978

Poland and the EU just bitch slapped Russia and Belarus. Poland is based af. They manipulated the EU to exclude refugees. Russia and Belarus thought they could export shitskins to the EU, but now, they're stuck with them and look bad for it. This is one of the funniest political things in the past 20 years. Russosphere btfo-ed.

>> No.19470991
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Everyone is winning.

Belarus reveals the hypocrisy in the EU's ideology and political propaganda, sends "payback" to Brussels for the sanctions it imposes, and demonstrates the strong leadership and character of President Lukashenko. On a grand level, this may even accelerate the split within the EU between the left and the right given the inevitable demographic and ideological changes, which could result in a historical strategic gain for both Minsk and Moscow in the long term.

Poland demonstrates its importance to the EU for doing the "dirty work" (contributing cheap labor while stopping the migrants) to keep Brussels "decent" and "pure" enough to continue lecturing Belarus. The PIS also benefits from this crisis to silence political opponents, and even showcases Poland's mobilization and military power. The PIS can utilize the migration crisis to coerce or at least bargain with Brussels for a better deal. Poland is indeed a major player in Europe's geopolitics.

The EU also dialectically "wins" in terms of absorbing more cheap labor to bring down the cost of production and services, while also fattening the pocket and belly of the industrialized NGOs specializing in the refugee industry. Via absorbing migrants, Brussels once again showcases how advanced, civilized and merciful the European civilization is compared to the selfish and barbaric Turks, Slavs, Mongols, and Tartars on the eastern front.

So everybody has been winning so far. The liberals are winning. The conservatives are winning. Muslims are winning. Christians are winning. Eastern European members in the EU are winning. Brussels is winning. Belarus is winning, and in fact, even Washington, Moscow, Turkey, and Beijing are winning. Everybody, like it or not, gets what they want from this win-win migrant "crisis" to the extent that even their complaints and protests are for a high-profile PR show.


>> No.19471005

He never said that they existed, only that they never touched them.

>> No.19471885
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>> No.19471922

it's geopolitical theatre needlessly manufactured by poland's retard government with the EU only joining in because of jingoism over russia

>> No.19473256
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By Joachim Fest.

>> No.19473288

>wahhh life is so hard in eastern europe, we would have it so much better if gays were allowed to hold hands in public or whatever

>> No.19473788

Ah yes I bet the EU will change it's immigration policies any minute now, no more Africans and Middle Easterners near you right?
I bet you're the kind of person that celebrated every day when Trump accomplished nothing as "3D chess"

>> No.19473879

Gays are allowed to hold hands in public in Russia lmao, do you think there's a law against hand holding? St. Peterburg and Moscow are full of queers.

>> No.19474384


>> No.19474564


This makes Anti(bela)russian, Zionglobalist useful idiots seethe before fainting from the aftereffects of their nth inoculation.