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19455219 No.19455219 [Reply] [Original]

I just turned 25. Do you know a book for someone who has wasted their youth? By waste, I mean waste without conditions, a youth that was both devoid of social life or any sort of achievement.

Even if something that'd temporarily make me feel better would be helpful.


>> No.19455230
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25 is still young, go smash some arthoes. You'll be sorry in 5 years if you don't.

>> No.19455231

The holy Bible.

>> No.19455234

The Holy Quran

>> No.19455264

Just go outside and have sex.

>> No.19455265

The Holy Torah.

>> No.19455270

Super Roastie

>> No.19455271

In this order

>> No.19455306

25 is young. I'm a lot older than you and I've still done nothing with my life. Try not to judge yourself by the standards of today's achievement culture and instead focus on trying to be a good person. And contrary to what you may have been taught, life doesn't end once you reach adulthood. Anyway, read Oblomov. It's about a guy who spends his days sitting in bed avoiding life.

>> No.19455316

Probably some kind of self-help book. There's a reason they sell like fuck, the placebo is incredibly fucking strong and that paired with the common sense, how to be human advice they have will probably get you somewhere.

That being said, it's rough with the pandemic atm making people really fuckin reclusive, but I'm sure you'll get it.

>> No.19455323

Dont ask lit for books, most of them are 15 and the rest dont actually read

>> No.19455333

>Anyway, read Oblomov. It's about a guy who spends his days sitting in bed avoiding life.

Not hijacking, just corroborating. Sometimes seeing someone in your situation doing the same bad shit you are is enough of a wakeup slap to just fucking go. Sounds odd, but it almost always gives you perspective and kicks your ass into gear. It's hard to say it's a smart rec without having read it myself, but it probably is.

>> No.19455357

>Probably some kind of self-help book
What are some of them?

>> No.19455397

lol she's one of the most beautiful women alive

>> No.19455412
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It's really cold out and there's nowhere around except some old guy walking his dog.

>> No.19455484

Don’t worry, when 40 comes around, you’ll still be young at heart

>> No.19455524
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>Do you know a book for someone who has wasted their youth?
Yes, the Gospel. Read the parable about the prodigal son.

My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”

>> No.19455817

Butter up the old man with small-talk, then when he’s receptive enough proposition him for his dog’s arse.

You’ll have killed 2 birds with one stone.

>> No.19455850

How? I'm not OP I have a lot of achievement in my life but I'm still a virgin. I have a degree from a good university and a good job with money and I'm starting a STEM masters from an Ivy League school next year. I have lifelong male friends but they don't know any women. My job is all boomers to no girls my age there. I do cool things like surfing and diving but it's all male-dominated. I just want to touch a vagina

>> No.19455872

Life doesn't even start til 23. Mid twenties clears everyone's slates and if this isn't the case those people are usually worse off.

>> No.19455882


seriously start living your life right fucking now. You're not too late. You'll be eternally grateful 3 years from now if you start making changes today. You can do a lot of steps in the right direction in 3 years and trust me when you're 28 you will still be and feel young,

>> No.19455911

You don't need a book, you need to turn your life around. It's never too late.

>> No.19455932
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Most people around my age is on work mode. I don't want to seem like the older dude trying to reclaim youth by always hanging out with 21 year olds.
Or do you mean 'living life' in a different kind of way?

>> No.19455937

Go research pick up game on youtube. The only way to get better with social skills is to go out and practice social skills. Lots of people teach this. Their not douchbags alot of them started out in the same spot.

>> No.19455949

Don't listen to the other guy. Just go to night clubs, get drunk and knock on some doors. Eventually one will open.

>> No.19455989

Travel, stay in hostels, fuck some broad, maybe get chlamydia, oh well

>> No.19456001

I hate clubs because I don't know how to dance. It's not a problem like "man I'm embarrassed to dance" it's more autistic like "what do I do with my hands how does everyone know how to do this shit I must have missed this class". I go to bars a lot with my friends but never really dancing places.

What girls do you even try to pick up? I don't know any, I haven't talked to any girls my age who weren't a friend's gf in like months. I tried to approach girls randomly in bars when I just turned 21 a few years ago and they were always pissed off that I was interrupting their conversation so that never really seemed like a good avenue.

I'm carrying over a lot of vacation time to next year so maybe I'll go travel to Europe next year by myself for a couple weeks or something.

>> No.19456015

Is this really true? I never viewed sex as an important let alone necessary aspect of life before 4chan. t. virgin

>> No.19456020

Is your career in real estate or construction?

>> No.19456023
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This thread is filled with plebeian suggestions. You should spend as much time as possible at home reading and writing. Everything else is vain and futile

>> No.19456024

Only if you are neurotypical.

t. non-virgin

>> No.19456028

Idk I see guys on places like 4chan and Twitter all the time who are in their early 30s smashing 20 year olds. I dated a girl in her early 20s once who had previously dated a 30-something.

>> No.19456031

you still have 15 years of youth my friend

>> No.19456032

Pharma I just happen to work for a smaller company that has few low-level people.

>> No.19456034


>> No.19456039

>I don't want to seem like the older dude trying to reclaim youth by always hanging out with 21 year olds.
No one thinks like this. Once you are 18, youre an adult, its normal to hang out with other adults be they 2 years older than you or 20 years older.
When I was 18 I was going to strip clubs with 40 year olds and doing drugs with them.

>> No.19456046
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How do you date when you're in your mid to late 20's? Meeting girls was easy in college since they're everywhere on campus, but now I'm lost. All the girls at my work are married or engaged.

>> No.19456052

I have more success with young girls in my 30’s than I did at any other point in my life

>> No.19456059

If this is unironic then you're the ESL

>> No.19456063

Yeah I'm kinda autistic too and didn't know how to dance or establish a conversation with random girls, but it's something you pick up by simply imitating what other people do. By the third or fourth time you should know how to act.
Mostly comes down to establishing visual contact first, see if she's into you, then if she is get close to her, touching back to back if you can, and when it's clear you're just dancing with each other just turn around. Some girls will even find it cute if you tell them you don't know how to dance.

>> No.19456071

Turning 30 in a few months here.
Can confirm, I wish I would have smashed a few arthoes.

>> No.19456087
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yeah, i'm thinking you need a self-imposed 3 day ban from /lit/

>> No.19456094

I'm thirding Oblomov. Every single time I've read the book, I've taken a break after the first chapter to clean my room.

>> No.19456131

I don't really have anyone to imitate, none of my friends know how to pick up girls like that either. The few that have gfs got them back in college, on dating apps like Hinge, or by reconnecting with girls from our high school on Instagram. I don't have an Instagram so I can't do that and I don't have any good pictures to use for Hinge plus I have no idea how to talk to girls on it and when I do get matches they always stop responding to me. It became a suck on my confidence so I stopped using it.

I just feel super fucking uncomfortable at clubs everyone seems to know what to do and they know all of the new mumblenigger songs and are singing them out loud or whatever and having a great time and I'm like the "my feet hurt" wojak.

>> No.19456180

read this death haiku which describes the life of all channers:

Like a rotten log half buried in the ground –
my life, which has not flowered,
comes to this sad end.

>> No.19456198

Isn't it self-evidently better to remain virgin until marriage, even if your wife is no longer a virgin?

>> No.19456209

>Isn't it self-evidently better to remain virgin until marriage, even if your wife is no longer a virgin?
How could this possibly be better? Women respect experience.

>> No.19456270

Because you're wasting your sexuality and marring your memory. Because you will be attached to someone outside of marriage. Because you're trivialising relationships. How could you possibly not see this? I think that is a more poignant question. Can you provide a counter-argument which does not presuppose that (worthwhile) women place primary importance on degenerate experiences.

>> No.19456278

...as a condition for marriage?*

>> No.19456283

Yeah it's perfectly understandable. I wish we didn't live in such a degenerated world either. I'm just telling you the easiest way to get laid in this god-forsaken society, as its the only place where men and women go for the sole purpose of having one-night stands without much conversation.

At the end of the day, that's just a temporary solution to a fundamental need that is sex. But what you, as I, really need, is a partner. And I wouldn't trust a club girl to be the one. I can't tell you where to find the one, as I haven't myself, but logically the more you go out in places that interest you the higher the chances you will find someone. And always remember that "that someone" will like you for who you are. She will find you attractive, will like the quirkiness of your autism, and you will overall be made for each other. This person will come into your life some day. You just don't know when or where.

>> No.19456285

If worthwhile women do not place importance on degenerate experiences then why do you presuppose they have had more degenerate experiences than me? If they didn't value these things wouldn't they have equal, if not less? Clearly they value them enough to have them themselves.

>> No.19456308

"A man knocking on the door of a brothel is looking for God. “
G. K. Chesterton

>> No.19456311

Yeah I get what you're saying and I definitely wouldn't trust a club girl for anything more than sex. I went on a few dates with a couple of girls, never led to anything because I spilled my spaghetti real bad both times, but they definitely liked my goofy autism. I just don't want to be completely fucking inexperienced when I meet a girl who is actually relationship material though, you know? Like one of those girls I dated I for some reason let slip that I had never had a girlfriend (definitely would never tell anyone that I was a virgin) and she laughed at me and I could tell she was less interested. Idk maybe the solution is to just go on vacations places, with friends or even by myself, and try to get enough interesting pictures that I can pull on dating apps. I know I'm not ugly because I always had attractive girls into me in school when I was too autistic to make a move, I just need pictures that aren't shit. The whole club thing is really not my scene. The closest I've ever come to dancing in my life is moshing and well...those are very different skills.

>> No.19456363

This is what being a coomer does to your brain. I think you may have responded to my original question with an unintended yes.

>> No.19456370

>can't answer the question

>> No.19456397

Are you Christian by any chance? Christian girls from good families are by far one of the best candidates for a partner, but of course they look for a Christian husband, which is where I fail.

>and she laughed at me and I could tell she was less interested
I don't know if that's biological or cultural, but don't worry about having told her. It would have come up sooner or later.
Troubled people usually find solace in other troubled people that they can relate to. So if you happened to meet a girl that hasn't had a relationship either, the bond would be that much stronger I think.

>I know I'm not ugly because I always had attractive girls into me in school when I was too autistic to make a move, I just need pictures that aren't shit.
Same here. Always was the best looking guy in class, and usually get girls smiling at me the very few times I go out at night clubs, but somehow get no matches on apps. If you do get good picture, keep in mind the ELO score and all that, which usually stays on Tinder's servers for 3 months or so after deleting your account. So make sure you're actually starting from zero with a different phone number or waiting the 3 months to reset the score.

>> No.19456421

Same but 27. The only thing I have to show for it is a master's degree. No friends, no job, no gf, nothing.

>> No.19456432

I've literally never set foot in a church my parents didn't raise me in any religion. I haven't used Tinder in at least a year, the only one I ever had luck getting decent matches on was Hinge and usually just because I commented something funny at them but then the convo would just be super dry and they'd stop responding within a few messages. I stopped using that a month ago though because I wasn't getting anything from it anymore.

>> No.19456434
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The question was completely irrelevant. You didn't provide an argument. I didn't presuppose what you wrote. You do not write coherently, even though you clearly have the capacity to do so.

>> No.19456470

You said that inexperienced men should settle down with experienced women, and then said that women don't value experience. If they did not value experience then they wouldn't have it either. You're ignoring this because it shows how retarded your premise is. And now you're calling me a coomer, despite the fact that you're the one defending the coomers and telling the non-coomers to deal with it. 0/10 on propositional logic.

>> No.19456546

A Christian, a Muslim, and a Faggot walk into a bar. The Christian says, "what are you doing here Muslim? I thought your kind couldn't drink" Then the Muslim said, "I usually dont, but I got assraped last night while I was vacuuming my car" The Christian was astonished, "something similar happened to me two nights ago when I was walking home from work" Both men looked over at the flamboyant gay man sitting at the end of the bar. He quickly defended himself, "don't blame me, the bartender paid me to do it"

From the shadows behind the bar a pallid, hooked nose peeked out just enough for the men to see. "Another round goyim?", the bartender bantered.

>> No.19456994

I’m 25 and have a college degree and friends. They smoke a lot of weed and I haven’t used my degree at my current job. We probably feel very similar slumps despite you thinking that having these things will solve some problems.
Just stop being lazy

>> No.19457562

Aren't you atleast fulfilled to some extent?

>> No.19457601

Unironically read Infinite Jest

>> No.19457603

im 27 this week. definitely dont do this

>> No.19457658

Thank you for this thread friends. I'm not OP but a 25 year old virgin who often feels like they threw their life away. This positivity has given me some hope.

>> No.19459055


>> No.19459100

Same age, same degree. I have 3 friends who have become too busy to see me (not their fault, that's just life). I thought I was going to get a gf as I had a good thing going but turns out she led me on. This isn't worth it anymore.

>> No.19459182
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to all the younger folks here from an older man who drifted aimlessly and didn't figure things out until I was in my mid to late twenties: the single most important thing you have to look out for is your physical health. as long as you are physically capable the world is yours, you can work towards just about any goal. when you let go of your health, your body WILL become a cage, and your life will fall apart bit by bit.

So take care of your health, and from there, think long and hard about what kind of person you want to be and what kind of lifestyle you want to live, then set goals, long and short term, and work towards them. these things are how a man builds a life for himself, these are the only things that matter on a fundamental level, everything else, a family, your lifestyle, everything stems from this.

>> No.19459195

bumping for 69

>> No.19459201

Van Gogh started painting at 27.

>> No.19459209

I have a beleif that it's litteraly impossible to waste time, and that every experience, including being a complete loner loser with no acheivments, can then be transmuted into an art, personal philosophy, lifestyle e.t.c that is entirely unique and singular to you. What's more, with your given experiences, you have now an intimate knowledge of a specific part of human life, so only you can provide the perfect antidote, so others don't have to learn the hard way.

>> No.19459239

my diary

>> No.19460069

Are you autistic?
What you've written is so stupid in so many ways that it's frustrating to even try to respond. You're an extraordinarily annoying person. I didn't say what you've written. You didn't respond to my arguments.
>If they did not value experience then they wouldn't have it either
You're conflating the memory of the experience with the actual experience and what precedes the experience. My argument was that the memory of the experience is worse than saving sexuality for marriage. You didn't understand this because of your hypofrontal, fornicating degenerate brain.

>> No.19461037


>> No.19461329

Are you a double digit IQ? Do you not know how to think something all the way through? Is your brain rotted by your degenerate coomerism? Those are rhetorical, I don't need you to type out some stupid response again like "WELL AKSHULLY THERE'S NO POINT TO ANSWERING THAT QUESTION IT DOESN'T ADDRESS WHAT I SAID!" because the answers are obviously yes to all three. Nothing you've said here addresses my argument, even if your disgusting coomer apologetic brain thinks it does. Obviously we're talking about these events in memory, fucktard. If women did not value these things then they wouldn't have partaken in them multiple times. Nobody is going to by your whole "DURRR MAN UP AND MARRY A WHORE EVEN IF YOU'RE AN INCEL VIRGIN" schtick, it's so self-evidently bad advice that is setting inexperienced men up to get divorce-raped by a woman that's going to steamroll them. If you don't know how to handle women or relationships the last thing you should do is get serious with a thot. They'll play you like a fucking fiddle and they absolutely won't respect you because, again, women who have a lot of sex...GASP...value sex. And when they see a man who has no sex they see no value beyond your betabux.

>> No.19461611

I will not marry a whore. I will not marry someone who doesn't understand that marriage entails children and a lifetime of commitment. It is not hard to find out what someone is like. That can be done by looking another person in the eye when asking serious questions. Overall demeanour, especially toward other people, often immediately betrays personality as well.
I was talking about my own experience, not that of the woman, retard.

>> No.19461630

Do you really unironically think that fucking around has been worth it all things considered?

>> No.19461655

Yes? I haven't missed any opportunities because of it and it has taught me a lot about women that I definitely didn't know before. If your first relationship is to some 30 year old thot who's banged 50 guys and is looking to settle down you're going to have a bad time and she's going to make you her bitch because you'll be stuck viewing her as a woman she's not.

>> No.19463069

not sure kek

>> No.19463483

East of Eden by Steinbeck

>> No.19463522

Doesn't matter because women will think you're a loser, possibly be disgusted, and never become your wife.

>> No.19463582

What's more tragic is I had plenty of opportunities for socializing and rejected them in favor of wasting time on the internet. I was popular in school and college, and people generally find me pleasant to be around and easy to get along with, I just didn't like going out very often. I would reject invites out in favor of staying inside and consuming media. My relationships with friends are strained since I deleted all social media out of principle. Now it's too late.

>> No.19463623

27 year old anon here.
when i turned 25 i realized i was 5 years from 30 and had wasted my youth and had nothing going on in my life so i decided to start reading to compensate, at least that way I would be "smart" (or so I thought at the time)
that's why i started coming to /lit/

>> No.19463689

don't worry anon, i am 32 and smashing a 20 year old arthoe see: >>19456028

anyway still feel like i wasted my youth. mostly just lost years to being a career wagie even though that meant spending a lot of time abroad, which i guess is a decent life experience.

>> No.19464012

The only burning urge I have when I open your picrelated is to bash her skull apart with a club
Fuck off back to /soc/ or whichever faggot hellhole you came from

>> No.19464021

Y'know that having sex is nowhere as good as edging it to depraved porn for hours while under the influence, right?

>> No.19464558

i just turned 22, do you know how i can avoid being socially autistic before i turn 25?

>> No.19464569
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>except some old guy walking his dog.

>> No.19464577


>> No.19464751

Yes and ideally you should find a woman that is also a virgin.

>> No.19464779

Which is why it’s not a good thing to edge for hours

>> No.19464806

I cant do that unless they match my chic

>> No.19464844

have sex incel

>> No.19464928

Welcome to the NHK

>> No.19465003
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>> No.19465832

your taste in women is tiktok tier you apebrained nigger

>> No.19465838


I went outside and I tried to have sex in the middle of the street but then I got arrested, why do you give bad advice ?

>> No.19465843

But why not when it's better than sex with no downside or extra obligations or bitchy partner?
You should try it too

>> No.19466079

Chesterton didn't write that.

>> No.19467625

>with no downside
Okay coomer

>> No.19467783


>> No.19467968


>> No.19467982

I've been coming here since Chanology faggot

>> No.19467997

Oh god i wanna hump her legs

>> No.19468116

The Buddha proclaimed the annata concept referring to all phenomena. This is the foundation of the idea of impermanence.

Your marriage will fail because is impermanent and prone to decay because of aging, illness and death. Not because of celibacy.

Indeed your experiences will have an impact on your memory but if you don't fuck people in a relationship or mentally incapable of giving consent, it's considered licit and there will be no bad karmic interactions.

You're not a priest nor a monk, if you want to take the monastic path it's ok. But if you are a secular human and the years are passing by without fucking because of a belief, your animalistic center will be affected and great shadows will be produced in your subconscious. Be carefull my celibate anon.

>> No.19468998

explain why I should have sex instead of jacking it

>> No.19469028
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>> No.19469261

Do people actually consider degrees and "achievements" in professional life achievements? An achievement should be something like writing a novel, mastering a language, or mastering an instrument.

>> No.19469504

lol just use an app bro

>> No.19469660

As cringy as it sounds, Models by Mark Manson

>> No.19469676

So don't waste more time and start reading, sorry op its to late to fuck teen pussy and being around cute girls, I myself have realized this and will be dedicating my energy in stacking money for the future and spending my time reading , learning new / useful stuff and probably doing some excercise just for the sake of it

>> No.19469796

I have tried using apps and it leads nowhere. I get barely any likes because I don't have many pictures of myself and I don't really know how to take an attractive picture and even when I do match with girls I'm interested in I have no idea how to talk to them over an app and they stop responding in a few messages.

>> No.19469802

it's not too late to score some lsd and trip balls

>> No.19469807

A degree in a worthwhile field from a prestigious university is definitely an achievement. Generally it means you've spent hundreds of hours studying in a particular field and you probably have a great deal of knowledge in it that has been tested by some of the most important people in that field. Obviously your mileage may vary though, a degree from some shit for profit school or a degree in something stupid is worthless, but actually getting a degree in a something that's not completely retarded from a good school where you're learning and being tested under people with actual achievements in that field is itself an achievement.

>> No.19469929

>writing a novel, mastering a language, or mastering an instrument.

How are any of those more impressive than getting a PhD?

>> No.19469942

Any idiot can get a PhD, its all about knowing the right people and sucking the right cocks as with everything else, academia is not different from business or what other would call 'real life out of college'

>> No.19469955

I don't like living a promiscuous lifestyle. I tried it once in college and started feeling gross and empty after the first 4 girls.

>> No.19469974

That’s not how that works. Keep coping lol

>> No.19469979

No Longer Human
Osamu Dazai

>> No.19470085

brainlet cope
The amount of work it takes to get a PhD in biomedical sciences according to estimates from my program director rounds to about 10000 hours, coincidentally the same meme number everybody trots out in terms of mastering something. But the thing is that you're time-constrained by funding and other circumstances.
So that's about 4 years of 50+ hour workweeks and relentless pressure juggling multiple projects if you actually want to have prospects in your further career.
If you were able to write 10 pages in an average 8-hour workday, and spend half your total worktime editing and revising, this amount of effort would produce a 6500-page book series in the same 4-year timespan.
It is different depending on the field of course

>> No.19470174

well that sounds fucking awful, I guess only somebody with a genuine interest on the topic or some sort of insane ego would get into such efforts
I just hate college and academia in general,those were some bad years

>> No.19470320
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>stage 0
talk to a girl you like
get her number (not sc, girls will think your immature if you ask for snap chat)
make friends with her

>stage 1
build up a relationship which involves going on lots of dates
get personal reveal yourself, make her laugh

>stage 2
one day when you two are comfortable with eachother's company, you have sex

>stage 3
you now live in the same apartment as her
meet her parents
you two are having lots of sex now
introduce her to your parents
meets her friends
introduce her to your frens
do actives with her (going to markets, movies, book stores)

stage 3
talk about getting married
think about having kids
buy a house
propose to her

stage 4
have wedding
get her pregnant
become a father

its a lot of effort but when you're in love its a enjoyable process

>> No.19470411 [DELETED] 

Look at this fucking faggot

>> No.19470494


>> No.19470517

Can confirm this, have a PhD although not in STEM. Everyone getting a PhD twenty years ago was already a dipshit, now they're fully fucking retarded. If you can get B+'s and A's in your undergrad classes, you can get a PhD. Getting into a prestigious program just requires having good letters of recommendation and a bit of presentation.

Beyond that point you can easily just cruise control as a glorified undergrad. Obviously if you want to succeed you will need to have some combination of actual talent and, much more likely, cynicism and willingness to network aggressively with other cynical assholes. But you don't even have to succeed. You can coast to a vanity PhD if you want as long as you're basically proficient at writing papers. Hell, you don't even need that anymore. The standard of writing on /lit/ is usually higher than what I see in PhD students' working papers, if only because /lit/ will crucify posters for shitty grammar and purple prose.

STEM is probably different because there's much more grunt work in labs and shit but most of the STEM PhDs and PhD students I've known were just bugmen as well. Obviously a few crazy talented ones too, savant mathematicians and so on, but they were all reddit as fuck. Or unimaginably autistic, like literally doesn't bathe autistic (those guys I liked).

>> No.19470527

You can't waste youth. Youth serves no purpose other than to cushion our failures and mistakes. Ergo, failing to exploit that cushioning or making the mistake of taking it for granted is, itself, absorbed into the folly of youth.
You are an adult now, anon. Live better.

>> No.19470932

>talk to a girl you like
I dont know any

>> No.19471105

>You're not a priest nor a monk, if you want to take the monastic path it's ok. But if you are a secular human and the years are passing by without fucking because of a belief, your animalistic center will be affected and great shadows will be produced in your subconscious. Be carefull my celibate anon.
I'm having these problems. I've had two girlfriends before. I'm a handsome, charming guy. I've just chosen celibacy as a path because that's what I believe the Church espouses but ffuuuuuaaaaarrkkkkkkk do I just want to clap some cheeks. it's not healthy to be celibate for this long. I need to get married soon, but I need more money to do that.

>> No.19471154


>> No.19471251
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So which one of these should I believe?

>> No.19471306

I don't understand how this is possible. Do you think yourself to be unattractive? In university all you needed to do to make some friends was ask to sit next to a group of people in the dining commons and crack a few jokes.

>> No.19471313
File: 446 KB, 500x300, 1406621246075.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tatami Galaxy

>> No.19471344

> He's good looking
> He's charismatic
> He's energetic
> He has a good car
> He lives in residence
> He lives without roommates
> He gets straight As and can help with schoolwork
If a guy doesn't have 3 of these he isn't likely to make it with women in undergrad these days

>> No.19471353
File: 105 KB, 629x523, D_SPWRIWwAEA95o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on an app
get a club slut

>> No.19471495

Why is this graph so depressing?

>> No.19471498

>wasting your youth
That doesn’t exist. Thinking that by “achieving things” you have met some kind of parameter that makes your life a fulfilling one is a delusion, you need to take a step back, see the big picture.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I think delusions aren’t a bad thing, it’s good to live by your own delusions, but you have to be aware of these delusions, once we become aware of them, and the reality that surrounds them, we gain a totally different perspective of things. and you can’t take the delusions too seriously or you’ll get yourself into the silly situation you find yourself in.

>> No.19471519

Because those uptrending lines refer to relationships which started on a hypercasual hypergamous basis and will continue as such until they fail within two years.
If marriage is dead we are now witnessing the death of human partnership as a whole.
I wish everyone who contributed to this a very speedy death of despair, and good luck to all the rest

>> No.19471546
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 1636426465367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reclaim your youth by growing a beard, working out and having sex with younger people

>> No.19471563


>> No.19471630

>just turned 25
you are a baby and your life hasn't even started yet.
people would kill to be your age. They already did everything just to have your hormones level.

>> No.19471664

You wouldn't be so depressed perhaps if you weren't so dense and listened to our advice

>> No.19471679

aha yes do you want to have sex younger person?
here let's meet at this secluded cabin in the woods it'll be so romantic :)))
(seething is not depression fag)

>> No.19471692

both make good arguments.
you should believe both and meet in the middle

>> No.19471767

I remember that Bloodborne boss room.

>> No.19472694

see >>19469796

No I've been on a couple dates with a few girls who were attractive, one of them even came up to me cold in the gym in college to ask me out. I spilled my spaghetti every time but they were just openly telling me they thought I was good looking. In college I had friends but they were all guys and none of them really knew any girls. I was too autistic/oblivious through most of college and when I eventually figured out how to ask girls out and when to tell if they were into me I messed it up the few chances I had. Now I'm outside of college and I don't know how you even meet girls.

>> No.19473114

> Christian girls from good families are by far one of the best candidates for a partner

Where do you meet these Christian girls?

>> No.19473236

Like I don't understand this whole attitude of "that's not possible how could you not be banging girls regularly". People always say something to this effect like "boy I bet you're swimming in pussy" or whatever and if I tell them I don't know how I'm supposed to meet girls they never give me an actual answer. They just awkwardly laugh and tell me the same stupid shit like "oh well don't worry you're doing well in life just keep doing what you're doing and you'll get a gf" that I've been hearing for like half a decade now. It doesn't matter whether I spend my whole day in my underwear shitposting and playing video games or if I spend my whole day outside fishing and doing errands and going for a run and whatever else, either way I don't just magically come across situations where I can meet women. How is this not possible? Where do you go in your day-to-day life where girls in their early 20s are in a situation that you can talk to them and get their number and where they'll actually care enough about some random guy to text back?

>> No.19473252


>> No.19473377

>Where do you go in your day-to-day life where girls in their early 20s are in a situation that you can talk to them and get their number and where they'll actually care enough about some random guy to text back?
Through mutual friends, work/uni, sports, bars, clubs and random encounters in general.

>> No.19473406

My friends are all guys who are mostly single themselves and they don't know any girls. My job is all boomers who are way older than me. I'm out of college so there are no sports or clubs for me to join. I go to bars every weekend but like I said all of my friends are guys and none of them really know any women. I don't understand what you mean by random encounters, what is an example? That sounds like some kind of video game-tier thinking.

>> No.19473455

You could try bumble. I personally don't think I could ever ask a woman out irl, but I know a few relatives who have gotten married from dating apps, so I have hope for myself.

>> No.19473476

I've tried apps and it never seems to lead anywhere. I don't have many pictures of myself and the ones I do have are low quality, and I don't seem to be good at taking them myself. Because of this I don't get many matches. And when I do get matches they always stop responding after a few messages because I suck at texting. I try to go on places like /soc/ or reddit to read how other people text on apps like Hinge or Bumble but I can never really seem to replicate the "funness" of their texting style and it's always super boring and dry. I've never been called a boring person irl but I think my sense of humor just doesn't really translate to text because I have been told before I'm weirdly boring to text.

>> No.19473480

have friends take pictures of you and learn how to shitpost on tinder
don't take seriously what's meant for fun
also make friends with women

>> No.19473543

I'm going on vacation in a couple weeks so I guess I'll ask them to take pictures of me then. Dating apps aren't fun though, it's a soul-crushing slog.

>> No.19473549

if they're not fun then don't do it. you can make it fun if you want to but you have to treat women poorly which they like anyways

>> No.19473563

I don't really have any other way to interact with women though. I don't really get how you treat them poorly without just like outright making fun of them in such a mean-spirited way they ghost you.

>> No.19473621

>I don't really get how you treat them poorly without just like outright making fun of them in such a mean-spirited way they ghost you
light-heartedly tease them. since you're on /lit/, just go to bookstores and talk to random women about books and then get their numbers

>> No.19473633

I don't live in a major city, just a smaller beachtown. The only book stores around here are communist cooperatives selling pop genre crap.

>> No.19473667

I live in a small (liberal) beach town too. women here are atrocious. I know where you're coming from. I think you have a few options
.. join a church or get involved with other local communities
.. make more female friends and then date their friends (see previous step as to where to find tolerable women)
.. cold approach

>> No.19475089


>> No.19475217

>or get involved with other local communities
What would this part mean. I've never had any female friends idk how you get them

>> No.19475649

too late at 25? unless you are fat and balding it's not too late at 35

>> No.19475768

You're a non STEM retard for sure...

That being said the same is true for STEM.

What's worse is all science is ruined by politics nowadays. Even after PhD your success is determined by conformity to politics, not scientific discovery :(

>> No.19475818 [DELETED] 

Man, this is looking like my kind of thread, lucky me.
t. Looking to get a PhD and date a hot undergrad

>> No.19475828


>> No.19475836

Some people aren’t likeable. People are selective about who they hang out with and fuck. Not that complicated. It is usually some hard to diagnose mental affliction.

>> No.19476166

good post

>> No.19476244

if you have to ask how, youll never know.

most things can never be taught.

social knowledge is fundamentally incommunicable.

that's all i can say

>> No.19476284

Damn shit, I'm close to 25 and the only things things I can remember of the last ten years are internet memes and the death of my father, nothing else has happened

>> No.19476295

>I'm out of college so there are no sports or clubs for me to join

What are you talking about? There are tonnes of sports / clubs / hobbies you can join outside of college. Join a martial arts class, BJJ, rock climbing, futsal etc. They all seem to be very popular these days, particularly amongst people looking to make friends. You might not meet a girl there but you might meet someone who can introduce you to more girls.

>> No.19476317

>if you have to ask how, youll never know.
>most things can never be taught.

This isn't true by the way.

>> No.19476322

I used to wrestle/karate and have wanted to get back into it. My roommate does BJJ and I've been meaning to go with him. That said he definitely hasn't made any good friends, let alone female friends from there lmao. It would be more of just a hobby thing which is fine but I have a couple hobbies like that already like surfing or diving where it's obviously something I do because it's fun and it's worth doing but nobody should expect to meet women there.

>> No.19476362

>I have a couple hobbies like that already like surfing or diving where it's obviously something I do because it's fun and it's worth doing but nobody should expect to meet women there

Yeah that's the right attitude, do a hobby because you think you'll find it interesting but obviously don't do it with the sole intention of meeting women. My point is more that if you are struggling to meet new people, then a hobby is basically your only option. There isn't some magical secret way of meeting women unless you sign up for a dating service, you just have to meet more people and hope things transpire from there.

>> No.19476451

It's not really a problem of meeting new "people", I know plenty of guys but none of them know any women they could introduce me to. I know guys from high school and college and previous jobs, so I really don't need to meet more of them lol but I don't really have consistent contact with any women. And unfortunately all of my hobbies and potential hobbies are male-dominated. I don't really know of any hobbies/sports I could go do as a guy in my mid 20s out of college where I could also meet women. I don't really know what they like to do, let alone what they like to do that I would also like to do.

>> No.19476479

I'll be honest anon you seem to be looking for excuses. I'm not saying it's easy to meet women, but for every suggestion someone here gives you seem determined to come up with a reason against it because you have already admitted defeat. A lot of people I know have met partners through mixed sports teams. I'm giving away where I live but mixed touch football and mixed netball are very popular. I'm sure wherever you're from has some equivalent. Those types of hobbies are the go to for young professionals out of college looking to make friends / meet people of the opposite sex. You don't have to be good at the sport either if you just join a casual team.

>> No.19476493

Are those things that exist outside of major cities? The only time I've really seen this sort of sports team exist post-college for adults is soccer and it's always full of Mexicans and Squatemalans.

>> No.19476517

>Are those things that exist outside of major cities?

I mean yeah if you exist outside of a major city then you are going to have a hard time meeting single women. That's why partially why young people move to major cities. To be honest, I don't think you can really complain if you live somewhere small and you are struggling to meet new people.

>> No.19476533

Yes he literally did. If you don't understand it he's saying something like 'everyone desires good, even if they look for it in the wrong places'. Read the Socaratic dialouges, this ideas in there.

>> No.19476686

I live in a beach town that's flooded in the summer and dead in the winter. So what you're saying if I want to lose my virginity I have to completely uproot my social life, career, and hobbies?

>> No.19476737

>So what you're saying if I want to lose my virginity I have to completely uproot my social life, career, and hobbies?

Yeah kinda. If your problem is that there aren't enough women around then you need to move somewhere with more women. It's what everyone else does.

>> No.19476986


**There is no unconditioned soul, because there is no undonditioned soul we are a product of our environment. Our education, our evolution, our culture, our past, our history**

**Self is made of 5 parts, the fifth is discernment, that which considers things satisfactory or not**

**Time and space is the same, if we say "I will eat dinner at 6" then 6 is I will eat dinner. Time and space are one. When we look back on an event and say "I should have done this, instead of that" we are separating time from space, with correct insight we should know the fact that it happened that way means it HAD to happen that way. There is no other possible option.**

**We have never wasted a single moment in our life, we have never made a single mistake, cause it was all necessary to bring us to this. A place where external and internal is one, Buddhahood, which we had all along but were not aware of**

**Being aware of our Buddhahood, knowing what takes place has to take place, we rid ourselves of delusion, and are at last totally free. Never more we think: "I should have done so, I should do so, or this is not good enough". Because we now know it could not have been improved, that which cannot be improved is by definition perfect**

>> No.19477113

He also killed himself, anon

>> No.19477124

>he thinks Van Gogh killed himself

>> No.19477249

Variously ascribed to Chesterton, St. Francis, and St. Augustine, we have discovered that the only documented source of this quotation is the book The World, The Flesh, and Father Smith by Bruce Marshall (1945) And the quote is really: “. . .the young man who rings the bell at the brothel is unconsciously looking for God.” (p. 108)


>> No.19477275

this, 30 soon, mid 20s are the time to smash as much puss as humanly possible, although now i regret having had so much sex lmao

>> No.19478116

Entertaining thread

>> No.19478698

Op if you want to fuck just smash as many whores as possible. Paying is better than having to listen to a npc talking
Making frens is much more important

>Morgan Stanley forecasts that by 2030, 45 percent, or 20.9 million, of U.S. women of prime working age (those between the ages of 25 and 44) will be single—the largest-ever share in history and up from 41 percent in 2018.
Just hang on retards its gonna be interesting once f*moids start roping en masse

>> No.19478794

how do I do this

>> No.19478962

I feel you, gonna turn 25 in 3 months

>> No.19479050

Go outside incel

>> No.19479717

Seethe harder dreidelbro

>> No.19479850

Isn't this already the case in Japan?

>> No.19479867

are you indian

>> No.19480027

No I'm white

>> No.19480682

That seems ridiculous. There are women around I just don't know what they do all day or how to meet them

>> No.19480742

Book of the Disquiet

>> No.19480806

Do everything to stay healthy and be at peak physical fitness
Money comes and goes, jobs come and go, friends come and go but your health will always be there

>> No.19482026

Jay - The Defining Decade

>> No.19482216

Anyone have a quick tldr of this?

>> No.19482500

You keep coming up with arguments for why you are a failure. It seems very important to you to convince everybody of this and I don't know why. Seems like you need to feel this way about yourself because there is some thing or another you can't handle, and whipping yourself is the coping mechanism. Maybe you're trapped in narcissistic self-obsession, and the realization that your real life can't keep up with your inflated idea of yourself is what pulls you down. When I was 25 (I am 10+ years older than you), I was hanging out with people from 21-35 or so. All this generation-thinking clots the mind. It's good for people of different ages to spend time together. You can learn and teach each other a lot. Just make sure you're with good people, that's all. When In was 18-20 I was hanging out with the worst of people, vandals, druggies, hooligan types, drug dealers, small-time hoodlums, I was a lot into graffiti back then. It's ok to spend time with jerks when you're that young but later in life you will only want good and steady people around you. Age won't matter.

>I tried to approach girls randomly in bars when I just turned 21 a few years ago and they were always pissed off that I was interrupting their conversation
Uncannily, that is because you were interrupting their conversations. You can't just come on like that. The moment has to be right. Girls get a lot of attention all the time and if you jump in like that you're just another fool on that particular day.

>> No.19482530

Doesn't look like it anymore. Most likely he was killed by a farm boy in an accident and the boy lied to the authorities. Sure, van Gogh had a crappy life most of his life, he was an aimless drifter for most of it. But he was actually cleaning up his act in the time before his death, he had started painting daily and had a big solo show coming up. His brother was an arts dealer with good connections who saw the uniqueness of van Gogh's paintings.

>> No.19482545

/lit is just /r9k with books

>> No.19482552

It's never too late. You just need to cultivate some interest that a computer can't satisfy or simulate. Then you start finding where like-minded people gather and you start spending time with them. Consuming media isn't an interest. It's something you started doing to keep your mind off of other things.

>> No.19482557

Avoidance is your very problem

>> No.19482560

im you but 20

>> No.19482569

Good. You learned what you don't like, and you've drawn your conclusions. Better than being an incel and obsessing about sex forever

>> No.19482584

>I don’t
>I can’t
>I don’t
>I feel
See the problem here?

>> No.19482601

>So what you're saying if I want to lose my virginity I have to completely uproot my social life, career, and hobbies?
At this point just get a hooker to get it over with. Then you’ll realise sex isn’t as big a deal as you’ve made it out to be. Holy shit anon where is your sense of masculine drive? Look into therapy as well

>> No.19482635
File: 190 KB, 652x1000, hans_albers_050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
Is that from The Mirror? Been a while I've seen it.
Anyways, good write-up. Fags will try to poke it here and there but this is the way if you want an honest relationship. Also good you didn't talk about love. Marriage based on love is a historical anomaly

>the few chances I had
Stop pretending your life is at the mercy of perceived circumstances. Stop pretending your every thought is the total truth about yourself. Start acknowledging that there are useless and corrosive thoughts that don't do any good in your life. Learn how to ignore these thoughts. I am not bullshitting. I was victimizing myself for many years until I decided to straighten things out, for the sake of myself and those around me. I got help, too, there's no shame in it. I tried a lot of things. It's much better. Reconnect with your interests, or cultivate new ones. Therapy won't magically solve things. I tried several therapies until I found one approach that simply resonated well with me. Take care of your mind, your spirit and your body. STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM. It's for your own good.

I feel we are somewhat similar, but I have my experiences. When I was 16 I used to think I'll die a virgin. I was one until I was 20. I have been with very many women since then, and I'll say right away that a lot of these intermezzos were superfluous but they also taught me exactly that: To not waste my time like this anymore. For me, meaningless relations are mentally and spiritually taxing.
Hell I even get to know women right in the streets, in broad daylight, at cafes, at libraries... Not on a daily basis, but it happens. A guy like you should have no problem getting to know somebody at a bar or a party were inhibitions are generally lower. Maybe your problem is that your freezing up and your language is getting all stilted and artificial because you feel the pressure to perform?

This, it's not on some obscure remote island, it's all right where you are

No, random encounters are LIFE. Hence why video games use them as a mechanic: Because they are good shorthand for simulating an inherent aspect of life. Maybe all your thinking is video game-tier. Women LOVE meeting someone they clicked with in a "random encounter"

>make friends with women
Golden advice that will get you nothing but shit by the retards itt

>> No.19483399


>> No.19483504

I don't know what kind of life I want to lead is the problem
25, have fiance, going to be a public school teacher because I hated old STEM job lifeless cubicle and realize I will work from cradle to grave so I might as well be involved in other people and see vibrancy of young life
I want to be a positive male role model to embody vitality and positive mindset
I am becoming healthy of body but I have no people I want to emulate. I am not sure what I want to do. This idea of beinga teacher feels like a stop gap solution and a concession to futility of urban/suburban living

>> No.19483607

regret, why?

>> No.19484934

>Uncannily, that is because you were interrupting their conversations. You can't just come on like that. The moment has to be right. Girls get a lot of attention all the time and if you jump in like that you're just another fool on that particular day.
I don't understand what this means, what is the right moment. Girls are always there with a giant group of people they already know and they're always talking to them.

This doesn't actually mean anything, you're just ignoring all of the things I actually said

>Take care of your mind, your spirit and your body. STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM. It's for your own good.
I don't need therapy I'm not mentally ill and I have plenty of interests but none of them magically lead to women my age. I surf, ski, spearfish, run, read, grow plants and mushrooms, etc. None of these magically lead to conversations with girl my age.

>Hell I even get to know women right in the streets, in broad daylight, at cafes, at libraries...
Do you just like walk around in circles on the streets until you somehow have a conversation with a girl your age? What are they coming up to you/you going up to them for to talk about? If I go to a cafe it's usually with friends and we're at a table so there's not really any "random encounters" going on there and I doubt the libraries around here have girls my age at them, it seems like a place moms would bring their kids to get read to or something. When I was 16 I figured I'd lose it before high school ended and when I was 20 I figured I'd lose it before college ended and now I'm 25 and I don't know what to think.

>No, random encounters are LIFE.
Like what? I don't really have any random encounters with people. How/where do you have a random encounter? Other than like a cashier or waiter I can't really think of what this would mean but that's not really random that's someone doing what you want because you pay them.

>> No.19486367

20 is nothing take advantage of college it only gets harder

>> No.19486386

I'm 28 with no degree and 9 years wasted working crap jobs. I live like teenager. My life is completely ruined and have no thoughts on fixing it. I hope this new covid virus kills me.

>> No.19486406

Fear is the mind killer. You’re still a young man.

>> No.19486572

I know it's probably worthless but I'm sorry that things turned out like that for you. You deserve better. But I can't give you any advice since I'm essentially in a similar position. There is nothing of value to show for the life I've lead. I hope something saves you, whether its you yourself or some outside force.

>> No.19486929

Take your gay words with you and go back

>> No.19487206

It's not possible, just give up. People saying all this advice are either in the same boat as you and delusional, or they've been getting pussy their whole lives and can't even fathom what your problem is so they're just saying random shit.
The truth is, there is no cure to your condition. Some men will never walk, some men will never learn calculus, and some men will never have sex. That's just the way of the world. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can move on. It's really not that bad. People who can't walk aren't always moping around and depressed because of it, and being able to walk is way better than sometimes having sex. The difference is that they know that they'll never walk again and just get over it, rather than clinging to false hope and watching crackpot YouTube videos that promise to regrow their legs. Seriously, watching game videos is just as delusional and pathetic as that.

>> No.19487277

I got my first gf at 26 only a month after reading this book. It really works. Although it made me come to terms with a lot of things about myself too. I realized from the book and from dating this girl that I never wanted a gf all along, I just wanted validation from women and I wanted to be seen as cool and fit in. I thought a woman would give me something magical but they can't. I really hate women and I truly want to be alone. So I dumped her, and now I'm alone by choice.
Now, finally, I feel at peace for the first time.

>> No.19487362

what did this book magically teach you to get you a gf in a month with 0 previous knowledge

>> No.19487381

That's just gay defeatism and your analogies are stupid.

>> No.19487394

Unironically read it and find out. He uses a lot of language and concepts that can be easily misconstrued in a summary. I heard about that book on /lit/ and the guy basically said the same thing to get me to read it, and it worked, and it's also true. You'll know what I mean when you read it.

>> No.19487407

I've seen it talked about a lot on here and I've never really been one to latch onto the whole PUA thing, they had some useful concepts but overall it seemed pretty cringe. I guess I have nothing to lose though, just my virginity

>> No.19487418

It's absolutely not PUA in the slightest. One of the central tenets of the book is that strategies, techniques, methods, and "game" don't work because they approach the problem fundamentally the wrong way.

>> No.19487499

>realized from the book and from dating this girl that I never wanted a gf all along, I just wanted validation from women and I wanted to be seen as cool and fit in.
What does this means? Can you explain it

>> No.19487507

He is absolutely right. You're all retards blinded by optimism.

>> No.19487620







>> No.19487981

What I hate about my only two friends as a 27 year old guy is that whenever we get together we only ever talk about “the good old days” as if we were fucking boomers and drink a couple of beers before they have to leave because they can’t go late to bed since to sleep they need to go to work next morning. Is this really what awaits me for the next 50 years until I die? I know I’m not young anymore but I the self-imposed life of “adults” seems so miserable to me, specially this early in my life.

>> No.19488004

either way, you must keep your health in check, because if you figure things out only to find you've dug yourself a hole you cant get out of, suicide becomes a very very real inevitability

>> No.19488205

You could say that about every board desu. At least this board isn't quite as vile as r9k.

>> No.19488213

This. 30s are prime for men, because you can last longer but your dick still works.

>> No.19488250

I cant believe youre a 25 your old wasting their life and nobody has recommended hemimgway yet

>> No.19488398

>People saying all this advice are either in the same boat as you and delusional, or they've been getting pussy their whole lives and can't even fathom what your problem is so they're just saying random shit.

Complete bullshit by the way. I would wager that most of the advice on a board like /lit/ are well meaning people giving the advice BECAUSE they used to think like OP and CAN sympathise to a degree. Defeatism is so frustrating to someone who has managed to pull themselves out of a defeatist mindset because they understand how bullshit it really is.

But the thing is, people like OP aren't likely to take on the advice right away even if it is the advice they need to hear - their ego / pride is too strong. The truth is, they DO want the advice, which is why they made the thread in the first place, even if they shoot down every suggestion with some defeatist cope. But the point is that they hear the advice and even if they are too stubborn to accept it now, a tiny bit of it might stick in the back of their brain and they might make better choices or re-orient their way of seeing the world sometime in the future, so I think it still worth giving the advice.

>> No.19488487

I meant University libraries/reading halls, been on loads of dates with girls I met there. All of them started with some intense eye contact and often had been simmering for a few encounters until I went over and flat out said that "hey, you seem really nice and pleasant, would you like to go for a coffee one day?" I also have to pull myself together for doing this every time and I get really nervous but as soon as I am in the conversation it tends to flow nicely. I honestly never got a no. But yes I look good and I learned how to have conversations at some point which I was totally unable to in my extremely anxious and doomy teenage years. Exposure and forcing myself out of my shell were all that it took to learn how to this. In the streets or cafes, same thing, but only if there is clear and intense attraction on both sides, if you get a couple of broad smiles from a total stranger then there is no reason to not go over and strike up a conversation. And yes, if I see someone in the streets that I find genuinely attractive I stop and see what happens when we have eye contact, if it seems favorable I do the same as above, simply say that she seems really nice. Don't fumble or do small talk, go right in with your question, ask if she'd like your number. Just practice and it will be less intimidating the more you do it. I had a period where I got obsessed and went out every weekend with the sole purpose of finding a girl, often even all alone. This was good practice, too. Nowadays I meet women at bars, concerts or similar artistic environments, sometimes through other friends. Don't know where you live but yes, it definitely helps living in a big city

>> No.19488498

Can you elaborate on how slates are cleared during the mid twenties? I desperately want that to be true because I’m about to enter mine as a monumental fuck up

>> No.19488507

It’s an image board it’s the face they are ostensibly making as they type that post

>> No.19488523

Girls like meeting attractive guys in random encounters, not ugly guys, because then it’s basically rape

>> No.19488559

What is the best version of meditations and other stoicism books and philosophy books for a 25 year old to read

>> No.19488580

My diary desu.

>> No.19488611
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>met in primary school: declining
I just want my tomboy childhood friend future wife fantasy but she's A FUCKING LESBIAN

>> No.19488653

This is based, thank you older anon. Fixing my health, swapping from soulless cubicle job to career that is dare I say soulful.

>> No.19488685

> I'm out of college so there are no sports or clubs for me to join

This is just false depending on where you live. Just use the internet and look leagues of the sports you want to play in the city you live in, look up community centers/gyms and see if they have open gym time for playing. If you think you can’t play sports after college it’s because you havnt looked, or live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere

>> No.19488708

The most important thing to realize is, no one’s coming to save you. No one. To achieve things you’ve never had, you must do things you’ve never done. What do you want to have happen? Figure that out, and take the steps required to make it happen.

If you have an excuse to this, it’s clear you want to continue on your current path, and thus you shall. Simply do what is necessary to get what you want.

>> No.19488735

It depends on the person and their values. If you've spent a long time wanting sex but not getting it you probably place a lot of importance on it, which is why so many people on 4chan think sex is the answer to all their problems. But I was a normie in my teens and early 20s, had plenty of sexual partners, and from my point of view you're not missing out on much if you're not having sex. Though I'm not someone who thinks physical pleasure is the most important thing in life.

>> No.19488853

there is not such a thing as a lesbian anon, just be yourself

>> No.19488906

Anything by mainstream publishers like Penguin are fine
Listen to this for now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu0xDtK3g3Q&ab_channel=VoxStoica

>> No.19488908


>> No.19489111

Just get /fit/ and learn to go /out/. If you can make even one friend that will go on a camping expedition with you you can set it as a goal and acquire some reasonable skills. By the time you're a competent outdoorsman with a decent physique you can find a woman and live a decent life. Your social skills will take care of themselves as long as you're honest and humble. People talk about having confidence but IMO that's kind of stupid because you can't really pull confidence out of thin air and if you try you usually look stupid; humility and sincerity is a much better approach and people will appreciate it right away as long as you don't subordinate yourself to others. Good luck.

>> No.19489142

Woman are very capable of distinguishing between beta males and dominant men who choose celibacy. Obviously a volcel who is incapable of having sex regardless will be seen as a weak man but strong men who could have sex if they wanted to but choose celibacy until marriage are among the most attractive to women because they have control of their sex drive which puts them above almost everybody. Women are particularly attracted to the way men act more than they are to status markers.

>> No.19489217

your problem is this>>19489142
>Women are particularly attracted to the way men act more than they are to status markers.
Conquer your fear of rejection and detach from your desire to be admired so that you can be calm in the presence of an attractive female. Stumble until you understand the boundary between casual talk and deliberate flirting and avoid the latter. Notice her signals and gradually reciprocate if they are positive. If you have a calm demeaner, reasonable assertiveness, a forthright gaze and you don't act unreasonably foolish you will immediately have her respect. Women who respect you will most often be attracted to you unless you are significantly disadvantaged in some way. Your ethic has more impact on your overall attractiveness than your looks.

>> No.19489284


Lol no they aren't, sex is what social status revolves around. And I mean casual sex, not marriage and reproduction. Women, being women, always accept the customs of their own society

>> No.19489924

You are correct but the spirit of being human is failure. Anon should still try.

>> No.19489935

Social status is way more complicated than sex. Having sex with hot girls is one way to raise your social status(though it typically requires status in the first place so how much it really raises it is ambiguous)

>> No.19490404


So what is the conclusion of this thread?

>> No.19490512

All women are whores; unless you're Chad who can pump and dump easily, just stay away from those vaginal demons.

>> No.19490548

Just read Tchekhov, it's a great way to be even more depressed.

>> No.19490591

The Bible

>> No.19490999

Was he the first /ic/ user?

>> No.19491101

>People talk about having confidence but IMO that's kind of stupid because you can't really pull confidence out of thin air and if you try you usually look stupid; humility and sincerity is a much better approach

Your advice is good anon. People misinterpret confidence to mean "loudness" or "arrogance" but confidence really means exhibiting a sense of calm and control in a situation. Most of the guys that the girls I know like are the more "quiet confident" type you describe - i.e sincere and humble and comfortable in any situation. You'll also see this described as big dick energy, but really it is just what you're describing. Women can sense insecurity, quite literally it seeps out of your pores. Likewise, women can also pick up on a guy who is confident. Ultimately they want a guy they can rely on to raise their kids without having a meltdown every second hour of the day. Getting /fit/ and /out/ are good ways to develop those traits if you have patience.

>> No.19491149
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Wow, same. I didn't reject invites though, just didn't text my friends and never made it known that I wanted to hang out.

>> No.19491164

that thing you consider doing? do it

>> No.19491192

31 here and still plenty of young college girls. Stop trying to scare

>> No.19491218

yep this is basically a similar conclusion I arrived at years ago after attempting suicide and spending months in a psych ward. nothing else has ever helped me cope, aside from the fact that at the end of the day the only thing "real" is myself and my own experiences, if that makes sense.

>> No.19491241

>wasted their youth
You're still a boy. At least mentally,

>> No.19491255

Neither, it's "just a title", what the person did or not is what counts. Obviously for curriculum it counts, but I've met dumb people with PhD that don't know what a 12yo knows.
I've also had an amazing math teacher that never got a PhD because he wasted his youth jerking around and then it was too late. Yes, he probably COULD get a PhD, but he already had the job he wanted, why would he leave it just for a title?

Also, "mastering a new language" was an option for life achievement... It's dumb to think an 6yo that talks 2 or 3 languages has life achievements, but the PhD on microbiology is just not enough.

>> No.19491259

is 27 too old to go to university?

>> No.19491279

Is this talking about cold approaches? Like where do you go to meet women?

I live in an east coast beach town outside of a city where people go during the summer to go to the beach. I've looked on meetup.com which reddit recommends and all I found around here were social clubs full of boomers or like super nerdy weeb tabletop type stuff. Are there any other website like this where people post these things?

I'm 25, have been out of college for 3 years. So I don't get it, you'd walk around and just look at girls until they look back and if they smile you just go over and ask for their number straight away? I don't live in a big city, just in a beachtown that has a small several bloc large urban area with a ton of bars and shit. I don't really feel like I've ever felt an "intense attraction" just from a girl looking at me. I've come to learn that most of my life has been girls who were into me but I was completely oblivious, but now that I know I should be looking for something I don't really know what "it" is. So just if any girl looking at you smiles they're attracted to you? And if you think a girl is attractive you just keep looking at her until she looks at you and hope she smiles at you?

>> No.19491326

Go straight to the source. Does your town have a YMCA / Sport and Rec centre? That'd be a place to start. If you're unable to find anything then you're beginning to realise why people move away from their hometowns...

>> No.19491345

It depends what you want to do with it and why you think it would benefit you. There are lots of mature students in university, including some older people who just go for fun, either getting a degree or just taking classes as they please. You shouldn't feel out of place on a college campus because you're a bit older than the typical age for an undergraduate. There are all sorts of returning students, PhD students pushing 35 or 40, younger professors, and dumbasses getting their third Gender Studies MA because they are made of money and would rather get a bunch of pointless vanity degrees until they're 35 than admit they're useless.

You should throw out the thought that university is "for" young hip smart people who are all living "the university life." But what you should then focus on is: why do you want to go, is this actually useful for you, is it worth the time and money and opportunity cost, etc.

If you are thinking something like "I want to be in academia," you should be realistic and also do your research to understand how things typically work. While it's not that unusual to enter PhD programs at differing ages (I know plenty of people who started in their late 20s and a few who even started mid 30s although that is pretty unusual, at least unless you don't care about getting a job afterwards), if you start undergrad now you will probably be finishing it (+ possibly an MA) in your early 30s, thus possibly entering a PhD program in that rare/unusual mid-30s bracket (but not impossible, especially if you have some crazy story or rare field like you're the only person on Earth who can read Etruscan and your uncle is the one other Etruscan scholar or something). Of course this paragraph only applies if you want to be a professor, since all this only matters if you are thinking of trying to get into competitive PhD programs and then enter the even more insanely competitive academic job market.

There are many threads here to untangle and pose to yourself as questions but that's why you have to know yourself, know your goals and priorities, and know how the system works. Maybe you naively think an English lit degree is going to be some magical experience like in a Donna Tartt novel? Or you think it guarantees you a writing job instead of being questionably useful on a resume even if you were 21? Or maybe you just want to go fuck around and read books for 4 years because you have money and time to burn? (But then why do you NEED to do that in a university program?)

All depends on you. But you can safely discard any worries that you will be "out of place" in the high-cultural setting of a university campus. Mostly because the latter is a myth.

>> No.19491364

Is there something specific you want to do? Think about it, in 3 years time you'll be 30 anyway. You'd rather be 30 and progressing towards your goals than 30 and in the same place you are now, dissatisfied. It all depends what you want to do though, there might be better places / ways for you to spend your time than uni - it's only one option.

>> No.19491387

>YMCA / Sport and Rec centre
Isn't that like a ghetto thing?

>> No.19491644

Control the things you can. Apply for jobs you want at companies you'd like to work in cities you'd like to live in. Applying for jobs are like free lottery tickets. For meeting women, hang out with your friends anyplace you enjoy where there are women. Stay alert. They will make eye contact and smile if they're interested. That is the invite. Accept it and approach. Stay healthy and energetic and positive. Read and listen to interesting stuff to help improve verbal fluency. Women are crazy for an articulate man with a pleasant sounding voice. Working on that will help when you do interact. No one likes a mope. When you're out socializing eat, drink (caffeine, alcohol, . . .) smoke whatever necessary to maintain energy and a good mood.

>> No.19492116

There are no books or philosophy that will extricate you or console you. It is clear the last 7 years of your adult life has been abject failure and you will carry the consequences of it for life. You're gonna have to change radically and that needs courage. Religion is one of few mainstream institutions left that demands radical change even if they bungle it often. Moreover, my suggestion would be to engage with society and people with good will because everything about our lives are inherently human. Go for success, money and a good job but keep a more noble thing as your bigger perspective.

>> No.19492311

I already work in the telecommunications industry so would study networking and security or something similar. Purely for career prospects, I have no intention of taking part in the academic life.
Being in late 20s attending university is not so much an issue desu. Its more that I spent my early adulthood working blue-collar and the working class ressentiment of the 'educated and upperclass types' took hold early. So now it feels like a reversal, idk, and a gronk redneck such as myself has no place in an institution of higher learning..

Thats the thing, I dont want to be in my 30s still thinking the same thing.
I have other options I'd like to pursue, business ideas etc but they can wait. I'd also like the spend a couple years living abroad while still under 30. Possibly study overseas. Maybe I can mix the three, something I should look into.

>> No.19492373


>> No.19492654
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It's all pointless, anon. 30 year old virgin here. I can't stand this life anymore.

>> No.19493798

Tartar Steppe

>> No.19493871

>For meeting women, hang out with your friends anyplace you enjoy where there are women. Stay alert. They will make eye contact and smile if they're interested.

>blogposty post ahead, ignore if you can't stand those
Fuck man, this reminds me of one time when I hanged out with my cousin and his group of friends, and this one girl was looking at me and chuckling, whispering in some other guy's ear. The whole evening I brooded over why she was laughing at me until I burst and made a scene in front of everyone, asking her why the fuck she was laughing at me. My cousin put himself between me and this girl, he really thought I was gonna beat the little slut up. I worked out and put on a decent bulk at the time, maybe he thought I could do some real damage. I was sort of expecting the other guys in the group to whiteknight over her and beat me up, I was always the quiet shy inoffensive guy, but they just stood there, my outburst must have taken them by surprise. Immidiately after the fact I thought I had impressed them by standing up for myself and not being that bitch's bitch, but the more I think about this the more I believe they were actually displeased with the way I handled myself. I had shouted, I was furious, lost my face, I behaved like an ogre.
I've shared this experience only with my father and uncle. And my uncle confirmed what you said anon, that she was trying to get my attention in her stupid roundabout way. Fucking hell. Clearly I don't get people, let alone women.