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/lit/ - Literature

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1946480 No.1946480 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, I was chillin last night, talking to some whore, masturbating to the fine works of Edgar Allan Poe, you know the usual, when i came across a very sick story? by Franz Kafka.
It's called The Penal Colony. Now I'm familiar with most of Kafka's works and can usually get some meaning out of it but this one is just....what the hell man.
Could any of you provide me with a somewhat adequate analysis/interpretation of that particular work?
And I guess General Kafka Thread!

>> No.1946484
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Penal Colony was shit in my opinion

>> No.1946494

yeah but what's its meaning or atleast what do you see in it

>> No.1946499
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I think what Kafka was trying to convey is that you should do your own homework

>> No.1946509

for the love of god dude i'm 20 and am studying engineering... besides i dont think anyone studies kafka in highschools..?

>> No.1946535


Then why don't you engineer your own interpretation?

>> No.1946536

It's about smegma.

>> No.1946543

>implying studying literature is about decoding some mysterious 'meaning' underlying great works of art

>> No.1946549

You must not be a very good engineering student if you can't figure out the meaning of a story about a fucking machine.

>> No.1946553
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well fuck me for asking for your opinions on something I find interesting
screw you guys I'm going back to masturbation.

>> No.1946556


Not interesting enough to figure it out for yourself, apparently.

>> No.1946567
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>> No.1946574

OP, let me try to walk you through it. What sort of state was the machine in? Why was it in that state? What was its operator like? What happened to him? What did the machine put on his body?

>> No.1946575

man it's so weird how you don't need to read into the "meaning" of well-written literature to enjoy or appreciate them but how on the other hand it's absolutely necessary in order to discern any worth in the case of shittily-written books and warhol exhibits

man that is so weird

>> No.1946576

>I'm going back to masturbation
>figure it out for yourself
depressing thread

>> No.1946582

>I dont think anyone studies kafka in highschools

It's compulsary in German schools. Don't know about other countries, but I think it's quite common.

>> No.1946586

not op, ive read this thing a year ago and the only thing i could really think of is something bible related, possibly the endless interpretations of the bible and how most of the times they cause extreme injustice
am i rite