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19463885 No.19463885[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've read the big essays on this topic, but this seems to btfo it

>> No.19463892

All landback arguments have this issue because humans have been roaming around conquering each other forever. Like the fucking Israelis are making a landback claim from thousands of years ago lmao

>> No.19463897

Grow up

>> No.19463909


>> No.19463911

By being snarky and trying to ruin your life when you ask the wrong questions. See:>>19463897

>> No.19463938

As long as its returned to whatever non white group possibly resided there they dont care. Its really that easy

>> No.19463951

T. This Land Is Mine

>> No.19463965

>in-group squabbles means that group doesn't belong to the land
what's the logic here? Europeans also had wars for territories, but that doesn't mean Europe does not belong to Europeans

>> No.19463980

>Europe does not belong to Europeans
Not a single one of these people believe this lol. They think its fascist to even say that

>> No.19463984

Europe doesn’t belong to anyone because Europeans colonized other continents. You need to keep up with the discourse.

>> No.19464002

They're insane, then. Indigenism and ethno-nationalism a la nazism have lots of things in common.

>> No.19464005

>Debating land rights from a non georgist perspective
why not just start flinging your shit at each other?

>> No.19464011

Blood & Soil should apply to every ethnic group native to a place.

>> No.19464077

Well your phrenologist heroes proclaim the Garden of Eden, from which all humans sprang, was in Europe so yeah Europe for everyone

>> No.19464088

>no is native
>no gets any land rights
>end up with exactly what we have now

>> No.19464090

Cringe. Might is right. All else is cope.

>> No.19464091

Natives are very very lucky it was whites and not any other race which colonized them. Literally no one else would have been dumb enough to let them live.

>> No.19464095

I will offer you barrels of straw at 10$ per for any future requirements you may have

>> No.19464107

They have no strong arguments. I mean for fucks sake they literally made up a psuedo religion about how the land is sacred. These people will say and do anything to get "their" land back. They're pathetic

>> No.19464121

Look at how Europe is being conquered. That is what they went through. Can you really blame them for trying to win back what they lost?

>> No.19464127

They at least fought back valiantly, eurocucks are literally welcoming it

>> No.19464129

What hubris. The Arabs did not wipe out the Levantines , the Indians, the Malays and neither did the Turks and Mongols wipe out the Persians and other Middle Eastern groups. How can you be so willfully ignorant
Kek. I made a probably assumption, which is probably still correct in spite of what you say

>> No.19464131

That's my point you nimrod

>> No.19464134

I have literally never in my life heard of Europe being the garden of Eden, nor of it having anything to do with phrenology, and I dont believe either of those things. Would you like to respond to what I actually said?

>> No.19464136

Does that mean East Africa is for everyone since out current biologist heroes claim we all came from there?

>> No.19464139

I have always thought the modern whites are the dumbest race to ever exist. Honestly their demographic replacement is a kindness. It's less painful than seeing this broken descendant of what once was stumble around.

>> No.19464147

It is exclusively predicated on anti white sentiment. Everything else is merely a means to that end

>> No.19464153

I reject the notion that land can belong to a 'people'. You can privately own land, you can collectively (as in collection of individuals) own land, but the category has no inherent right to the land. That is not to say that they cannot advocate for it

>> No.19464154

>only people who agree with me are mature. Everyone else is childish

>> No.19464163

Its an absurd question altogether. On what do we base legitimacy to land? All liberal arguments are either contrived or self contradictory on that question

>> No.19464173

Good for you, but my post was about the inconsistency in the concept of indigeneity as applied to Europe vs elsewhere.

>> No.19464175

>Might is right.
Caveman tier ideology. Might as well go live with the lesser beasts in the jungle.

>> No.19464177

No they didn’t. They got drunk and opened casinos.

>> No.19464179

No, they didn't. This argument could be made for Israel, though.

>> No.19464181

The US Supreme Court recently gave Native Americans a shit ton of its land back under its treaty obligations with them in Oklahoma. The legitimacy comes from your own Constitution.

>> No.19464182

I'm not a liberal. I'm >>19464002 and I want >>19464011

>> No.19464184

That was after they lost. The natives fought the euros(and each other) for a good 4 centuries

>> No.19464185

One can bandy about higher principles at the end of the day, but when all is said and done, land is won and defended with force. I would be interested in any rebuttal of this, because I can't think of any.

>> No.19464188

That was centuries after.

>> No.19464207

Just because something happens or many do it doesn't mean it's right. Europe being raped these days and the Americas being genocided back then are equally shitty things. If someone rapes your mom and kills her because the guy was stronger, does that make it right?

>> No.19464219

Thats not a real answer. Give me a concise standard and cite where in the constitution this is stated

>> No.19464224

Its really an issue of function. Wars arent won on a basis of philosophical integrity

>> No.19464225

Indians were literally just slightly more advanced cavemen when Europeans found them and most Indian stories tell of them fighting with and killing off ancient tribes that were here before them.

>> No.19464233

They weren't cavemen, the Aztecs were like Rome level and the plains Indians were maybe like how germans were in roman times.

>> No.19464239

Yes until I'm free yes everyone deserves terrible things

>> No.19464243

Wow thats a very mature take

>> No.19464249
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>until I'm free

>> No.19464252

I'm not interested in what is right. In a world where what is right happens, we all live in a peaceful utopia, where cultures and regions are preserved. What is right is never going to happen. What we must worry about is what can actually be done.

>> No.19464257

No legitimate individual is saying that and no Twitter schizos don't count. I can't believe you feel so offended by skinnyfat trannies

I read it was a popular belief among those who ascribed to the new evolutionary beliefs of the 19th century. I lament I can't find a proper source
>This argument could be made for Israel, though.

>> No.19464258

Until I'm free you're literally less mature than me always. If you treat me as lower than anytging and then borrow what I say, cannot produce it yourself etc then you are dragging humanity that low. That you're not aware of it is retarded for you

>> No.19464266

Wow you don't sound adolescent at all

>> No.19464268

Again so long as y'all cannot do what I do and y'all treat me like shit I will drag you down. You can only behave like monkeys because you can't behave higher without engaging w anything which crossroads on me

>> No.19464271

That's just a fact you're not riling anyone up

>> No.19464272

You sound retarded and alone.

>> No.19464274

>long as y'all cannot do what I do
What do you do that I can't do

>> No.19464279

What a big boy take. You're very mature for your age

>> No.19464282

>No legitimate individual is saying that
On the contrary Europe is filling up with immigrants and it is heavily sanctioned to oppose it. Trannies on Twitter literally just repeat what regime tells them to, do you really not understand that? It's not their opinions.

>> No.19464283

>Europeans also had wars for territories, but that doesn't mean Europe does not belong to Europeans
I can assure you that they do not believe that Europe is for the Europeans, and believe it is incredibly racist to suggest such a thing.

>> No.19464286

Aww see, I made you mad and I spoke the truth. Your retarded crab bucket doesn't get cozier just because everyone shits in it.

Prove atheism is false, win any debate worth a damn, try race iq, statistic anything. Y'all can't talk about anything but you should already know this and feel shame. I can assume you're some wannabe shit head nazi or a shithead entirely

>> No.19464293

You're literally replying. This is my point you keep missing. I will drag you down and you will retardedly go all the way down w me because you are nowhere near the top.

>> No.19464297

>I will drag you down
Lol thats for sure. You'll drag everyone down to your level

>> No.19464299

Nazis still missing the point in 3... 2... 1...

>> No.19464301

>Yes until I'm free
Can you expand on that? What is your life situation?

>> No.19464308

I’m not the weird one in this conversation, lol.

>> No.19464309

remind me of the qoute "The whole earth, perpetually steeped in blood, is nothing but a vast altar upon which all that is living must be sacrificed without end, without measure, without pause, until the consummation of things, until evil is extinct, until the death of death"

>> No.19464311

Yes that's the point. I will go down very very low and you will be forced to be lower. Are you a kid or what is this? You learned your rhetoric skills from jerry springer. Eat shit dumbass

>> No.19464315
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OK? But they are doing it of their own volition. Natives in the Americas were never given a choice for example.
Also I submit to you that saying "Europe is for everyone" does not contradict "Europeans are not native to Europe"

>> No.19464316

What a surprisingly daft statement. The Arabs didn't genocide the people they conquered. The fucking mongols didn't even genocide the people they conquered. They massacred an unruly city in its entirety, sure, but the Persians and Chinese that remained lived pretty damn well in the Mongol empires.

>> No.19464320

I'm guessing you're a kid. I don't mind dragging you down lower. You are a shithead. You deserve to have your face slashed open and to develop gangrene all over your face. I didn't realize you're early 20's.

Aww I mean I will drag you down the whole way. You are a shithead.

>> No.19464326

>Aww I mean I will drag you down the whole way. You are a shithead.
I am tryng to talk in good faith here. Why do you consider yourself not free? I'm not white, if that's what you are upset about.

>> No.19464330

So you're a shithead good to know

>> No.19464332

Ahem, thanks. I am a miserly phenposter

>> No.19464333

Yes you're bottom of the barrel. We know.

>> No.19464338

And I'll make you respond. You can treat everyone who does good things in a terrible way. That only makes you look like a shithead pig or a bunch of perpetual 15 year olds.

>> No.19464343
File: 22 KB, 160x195, babylonian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great video, i've been taken with it since i first watched it
i particularly love the ancient near eastern relief style of the art

>> No.19464344

Keep it up and I'll come up w a society-breaking insight you little shit head and you'll have to respond and alter everything

>> No.19464345

The masses of Europe dont really have any say in the matter. I dont understand what you're even trying to say in the rest of your post

>> No.19464349

Another broken zoomer. you’re all the same, you all live monotone, cowardly lives, and spend all the time online, reading, studying, playing games etc, l you never experience how it feels to truly look at something in life honestly through your own pathetic perspective, it’s probably because you can’t think for yourself.why you need to fill your brain with other peoples takes. Getting stuck in this arrogant, rotting hole for ages must be energy consuming, since they arent humble enough to change, and their life is too boring and plain to humble themselves l that change.

>> No.19464350

>at least they're fighting for it
they are convincing a bunch of jewish and white liberal women to feel bad enough to vote against their interests, and for all this bitching they've really got nowhere

>> No.19464352
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I have literally said nothing to you except one genuine, respectful question and you're reacting like I keyed your car.

>> No.19464359

Too long didn't read. Eat shit dumbass. You are dumber than me and ik you are too stupid to recognize this and ik the world will let you dumbasses take potshots at me because y'all got rid of your aristocracy and literally anything which could teach you proper ethics. You want to look like a dumbass then go ahead. Now reply and say tldr. Ik you'll reply shithead

>> No.19464361

And I'll make you respond. Keep the (You)s coming. Or are you just giving up?

>> No.19464365

Gl shithead until im free your creepy privilieged lynch mob asses deserve to be tortured. Y'all demand im at my best 24/7 while you do absolutely evil shit and torture me.

>> No.19464371

You can copy me all you want. I'm telling you what im doing. You are a dumbass. You are a shithead. You are an npc.

>> No.19464375

Literal retards here. You have a perfect view into how humanity works. They will get caught into a cycle of doing dumb shit because they're retarded.

>> No.19464377

Why? I believe I made myself quite clear.

The statement that "Europe is for everyone" does not necessarily negate the statement that "Europeans are native to Europe."

I also said that those Europeans who welcome immigrants to Europe have a choice which was not afforded (to my knowledge) to Native Americans

>The masses of Europe dont really have any say in the matter.
Yes, I lament the fact that the sentiment is not genuine not because I have any particular sympathies for the immigrants

>> No.19464379

I don’t know what your talking about but your dopamine hit, you stupid zombie.

>> No.19464384

Heh I made you reply again. You're so easy to manipulate lmao.

>> No.19464387

Aww you poor npc bitch, you can copy that too you dumb bitch. Did anyone even have a soul until y'all brainwashed and started mindreading? Probably not huh?

>> No.19464390

Yes that's what I said. I will bring you down. You confused copying me and being brought down lower than me w winning. You learned your rhetoric skills from jerry springer.

>> No.19464395

Lmao even after telling you what I'm doing you still keep biting that bait. Very adolescent. Go on. Give me another (You)

>> No.19464398

I will be here forever you dumbass. You do not win.

>> No.19464401

You said the opposite of that in the first post, that's why I didn't get it.

The point here is very basic anyway, it just do people deserve an ethnic homeland or not. Naturally it is annoying when the principle is not applied consistently.

>> No.19464404

No, I won. Reply again.

>> No.19464407

I never say this seriously, but you need to touch grass, for real. Zoomers get stuck into this deep trench due to internet subcultures and viewing life through “Studies” to make up for lack of real world experience.

>> No.19464412

You're a shithead pig who will be castrated.

>> No.19464415

Holy shit, this anon is a schizo

>> No.19464417

I know you are but what am I?

>> No.19464419

Why are you replying to me?

>> No.19464420

You're a shithead pig who will be castrated

I got 2 dumbasses who don't have the social skills to get out of this.

>> No.19464427

You're a shithead pig who will be castrated

>> No.19464431


>> No.19464434

Which first post? The garden of eden shit, that's an obvious shitpost

As far as people deserving an ethnic nation, I reject the need for one. It's all a globohomo ploy that serves the needs of those in power by appeasing the populace

>> No.19464436

You're a shithead pig who will be castrated. .

>> No.19464437

You're not even trying anymore. Guess i broke you

>> No.19464439

You're a shithead pig who will be castrated. .

>> No.19464442

Looks like I was correct, i’m not the crazy person in this conversation. You owned yourself bitch boy, hahahaha.

>> No.19464444


>> No.19464445

He's giving up already boys.
You're a shithead pig who will be castrated.

>> No.19464448

>reject the need for one. It's all a globohomo ploy that serves the needs of those in power by appeasing the populace
How is it globohomo? To me it seems like the literal opposite.

>inb4 "You're a shithead pig who will be castrated"
I have a castration fetish, try again

>> No.19464451

You're a shithead pig who will be castrated. ..
Lmfao what a bunch of little faggot cucks. I bet you feel smart you dumbass bitch. You still can't get out of this social situation. All I have to do is talk shit and copy paste.

>> No.19464454

Thats all you can do

>> No.19464456

Aww I got another one? We'll see how long you last.

You're a shithead pig who will be castrated. You're a shithead pig who will be castrated. You're a shithead pig who will be castrated.

Y'all are easy asf.

>> No.19464457

The post just before the last, it really doesnt matter.

I dont think the old ethnostate is really the ideal solution either, but given what we have to work with at the moment...it would be an improvement

>> No.19464462

Aww poor bitch are you still here?

You're a shithead pig who will be castrated. You're a shithead pig who will be castrated.

>> No.19464470
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>who will be castrated.

While we're on the topic:

>> No.19464475

I won and I will make you engage w my good insights and you will act like little retarded pigs w no manners. This specie has no decency and that's why y'all will get into civil wars and why you always lose. Y'all thought being a bunch of retarded pigs to natives was a winning strategy. You will all die. I am easy to deal w you're all just shit.

You're a shithead pig who will be castrated. You're a shithead pig who will be castrated. You're a shithead pig who will be castrated.

>> No.19464480

You will be castrated midfuck w shit on your head begging for it.

You're a shithead pig who will be castrated.

>> No.19464481

From my perspective, life is filled with mystery and we are never truly ourselves. The best I can do is to be honest, just and considerate of others. Our knowledge is limited/skewed by our experiences and time in history but I do know that I want to leave the world 'better" than it was before.

>> No.19464483


>> No.19464489

You dress like a girl or you're just a faggot?

>> No.19464493

The second option, although if you want to buy me panties I'll wear em for you <3

>> No.19464494

That's not a reply you esl dumbass. Welcome back dipshit.
You're a shithead pig who will be castrated. You're a shithead pig who will be castrated. You're a shithead pig who will be castrated.

>> No.19464502

That's fine but if your goal is to look more like shit then you're proving my point. You're kinda where the behavior ends up. And in any sense I deserve respect. We would have gotten nowhere near here had it not been redneck temporarily embarrassed celebrity behavior

>> No.19464510
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>ctrl f "shithead pig"
>22 results

>> No.19464512

>redneck temporarily embarrassed celebrity behavior
I'm not white, but I do have a fondness for white guys

>> No.19464514

Provide evidence

>> No.19464527

Huh guess I won

>> No.19464567
File: 68 KB, 391x521, Matjaž_Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit

>> No.19464570

Why do you talk so strangely? Are you black?

>> No.19464595

Ive never heard of a decolonization movement that literally wanted to deport white people. This is just something chuds complain about that have no basis in reality other than smug "gotcha" comments

>> No.19464607
File: 46 KB, 341x344, 1744B8BE-2E40-494B-9000-98E3B28FD6AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found amogus shadows in da background

>> No.19464608


>> No.19464620

Those are examples of a small population conquering larger civilizations. No wonder they didn't. Also they didn't have disease to do 90% of the work.
Just in China there's the ancient erasure of the Yue tribes (Spanish style mestizo making) to the early modern genocide of the Dzungars (American style war of genocidal conquest).

>> No.19464632

They'd be more admirable if they actually had that goal, or at least the goal of making native into megalandlords. Instead they just want whites to be insufferable virtue signalling faggots with lots of guilt and no culture or pride. Revenge genocide would be preferable.

>> No.19464683

Its really simple, land belongs to the most civilized and cultured group, thats us Europeans. Be careful civilized does not mean morally good.

>> No.19464692
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>Meanwhile in Europe

>> No.19464700

Probably by pointing out the inherent stupidity and dishonesty of the point it's trying and failing to make.

Native Americans aren't hypocritical anti-immigrant nazis.

>> No.19464707

They actually are often opposed to immigration, why would they not be lel

>> No.19464718

>in-group squabbles
Murder and rape and torture and cannibalism are not "squabbles," you disingenuous little fuck.

>> No.19464725

Because they're not dumb nazis.

>> No.19464728

So Indians love having white people around?? Every one of them???

>> No.19464733

Is it not tiring being this obsequious

>> No.19464735

>The fucking mongols didn't even genocide the people they conquered.
They did, where are all the White people that used to life in central asia.

>> No.19464742

Every ethnic group except yt ppl who are marked for exterminatus due to the crime of being yt.

>> No.19464767

What was the essay?