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19462261 No.19462261 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19462279

kike lol

>> No.19462305

>people who disagree with me are just goofy n silly lmao
Oh okay Jean-Paul

>> No.19462306
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>> No.19462455

The fact that there's been a two thousand year debate on whether kikes should be gassed or not really makes you think.

>> No.19462470

reads like a meth addict who wanted to be popular

in philosophy mogged by Heidegger
in fiction mogged by Celine
>the typical anti-Semite is a mediocrity
no that's you Sartre

>> No.19462635
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Amazing how true it is up until this day.

The green part: "jews control the media, the banks, jews are behind covid etc"

The blue part: Yes_meme.jpg

The Red part: Read Siege! 109 times!

>> No.19462642

Personally I never understood the hate people have for Jews. An Israel for their own is the dream of every people in the world. The fact that Jews achieved it is a massive whitepill for me, a sign that winning back one's homeland is possible.

>> No.19462654

>winning back one's homeland
Jews were never the majority of any country before 1948

>> No.19462664

Because they dont want any white countries to have their own

>> No.19462673


>> No.19462678

>Never believe that anti-Semites are unaware of how wrong they are. They know that they are wrong, and wrong. But they say wrong things anyway, for this forces their correct opponent (you and me) to be correct, which is very noble (we are very noble), since we believe in correctness and truth and good and righteousness. The anti-Semites, conversely, are wrong and know they are wrong and say wrong things anyway! They even like to pretend to be right despite knowing you and I are right and they are wrong, for, by being obviously wrong (so obvious it's even obvious to them that we are right and they are wrong), they attack the good righteous correctitude of you and me. They delight in being wrong and not admitting that I'm right, since they do not seek to be right, but to be wrong and deny that I am right. If you push them, like I often heroically and nobly do, they will fall silent and run away, very unlike what a hero like me does, namely, writing "My opponent is wrong; he's so wrong he knows he's wrong and I'm right why won't he fucking admit it!!!!!" five thousand times and thinking it's an argument.

Embarrassing. Literally how a woman or a slippery Jew argues, just keep blathering and emotionally restating precisely what is in dispute.

>I think this art is good.
>I think it's bad.
>Well it seems we disagree.

>> No.19462687

Now research how they achieved it. Here's a hint: Who is the famous Balfour Declaration addressed to?

>> No.19462692

people with little or no experience with actual jews shouldn't post on this topic

>> No.19462705

I mean, a rich Jew helped the Jews win back Israel. Am I supposed to take offense to that?

>> No.19462727

poster is either Jewish or AGP transbian

the point here is that if you pronounce "Rothschild" in a way that suggests any bad influence you immediately become persona non grata. when in reality they totally out here doin bad shit

>> No.19462743
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>> No.19462760

Do Jew defenders really?

>> No.19462774

De Certeau and Girard looking real good about now

>> No.19462843

This isn't some insane behavior restricted to one class or the other, I would argue its an almost submissive reaction to an opponent's obvious mental/social dominance. Reducing your argument to a joke of logic, almost like engaging in some absurd exaggeration of a kung-fu master when you crack a joke that offends a guy that is obviously much tougher than you. "Haha if we take this any further it's obvious that I can only make a fool of myself, please have a laugh at my expense instead of kicking my ass."

Obviously its not the most mature way of handling the situation, but immaturity isn't restricted to anti-semites nor even a really consistent indicator of correctness.

>> No.19462865

this is just cope for people who won't go into depth and read Jewish Power or The Culture of Critique

>> No.19462870

t. No reading comprehsion

>> No.19462888

It is sheer projection, as expected.
>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again.

green part + blue part + red part
There are factions though, this is something /pol/acks need to acknowledge. The Israelis are not the problem (ignoring Palestine, whatever your thoughts on that may be), it is the atheist/secular diaspora where all the issues lie; see Weimar, the Soviet Union.
One may argue that it is merely two sides of the same coin, but I find it funny that symbiotically Israel supports the Western 'right' such as Trump, Bolsonaro and Orban. I'm pretty sure Netanyahu said at one point that without Israel, these people would not exist.

>> No.19462900

Substantiate your claims or don't post at all. Phoneposting has lowered your expectations for yourself so low that your posts are glorified downvotes. This isn't a request, this is advice. Obviously feel free to make another shitty post if you want to remain a retard forever.

>> No.19462905
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surely Jews are the honest ones

>> No.19462921

Check out who signed the 1977 French petition to abolish the age of consent
there are quite a few familiar names

>> No.19462928

What a bunch of kike bullshit. No one's acknowledging it because it's not true. kys jew.

>> No.19462951
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>> No.19462956

Serious question, have Jews EVER lived peacefully with another culture

>> No.19462964

Medieval India and China

>> No.19462965

wtf i feel bad about being an antisemite now

>> No.19462971

What did I say that was incorrect? Yes Israel uses the US and its Evangelicals to further its political gains, but that is about the extent of it.

>> No.19462975

never heard about India but China is interesting: the only nation to assimilate them. they literally just closed the synagogue and became Chinese

>> No.19463036

Forgive me for not giving a shit what he says about the matter

>> No.19463045

You will never be a woman, ever

>> No.19463170

CNN Jeff Zucker
FOX Bob Iger
ABC Bob Iger
NBC Brian L. Roberts
CBS Sumner Rothstein

>> No.19463190

let's not forget the Sulzberger paper
meanwhile it's a hereditary monarchy

>> No.19463457

This is true of many /pol/posters

>> No.19463942
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>the time for argument is past

>> No.19463990

HH trips of truth, and i agree

>> No.19464015
File: 240 KB, 873x873, Sartre_1967_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy comes up and slaps your 8 year old son on the ass what do you do?

>> No.19464028

The concepts of good and bad faith are illegitimate, and Sartre was dumb for coining them.

>> No.19464093

Antisemites are just deranged jealous fags but philosemites are more embarassing in their own right. Sucking off a group of people that will NEVER give you the time of day is some gay shit. The uncle toms of whites