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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.76 MB, 2801x4096, A city without sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19450180 No.19450180 [Reply] [Original]

A city without sunshine edition

Previous Thread:>>19435579

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19450193 [DELETED] 

What books post-2000 aren't jewish tranny shit?

>> No.19450235
File: 199 KB, 1140x641, formerly bakker's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this thread's already off to a good start.

>> No.19450249

Could you edit Homer's head to be Bakker's one?

>> No.19450259

I could.

>> No.19450266 [DELETED] 

Answer my question you mutilated kike.

>> No.19450491

any books where music is a big element of the story or setting?

>> No.19450554

Little Heroes by Norman Spinrad.
Also one of the short stories in Mirrorshades, I think it's the one by Pat Cadigan, but I can't remember the title and I don't know if it was expanded into a novel.

>> No.19450708

The Song of Albion by Stephen Lawhead
Heavy influence of Celtic bardic mythology
Indeed, most of lawheads works pertain to that subject

>> No.19450909

Note: I haven't read any of these.

The Memory of Whiteness: A Scientific Romance
Space Opera

The Soprano Sorceress
Kings of the Wyld

>> No.19450933
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drawfag here, any suggestions for books with lots of well-written imagery or good books in general? I want to enhance my visual library and was told to read lots of book but don't know where to start? I read lord of rings and loved it enough that I want to read more fantasy stuff. thanks

>> No.19450976

Wings, or no

>> No.19450978

You should probably first expose yourself to a lot of real world natural visuals first.

>> No.19450996

What are some good sword and sorcery films?

>> No.19451032

I found some of the most vivid "mind's eye" images I ever experienced were acquired reading David Eddings' Belgariad/Malloreon and Elenium/Tamuli books even though they aren't really overly detailed and specific like other books I've read are.

>> No.19451059

No? I don't recall it being something that has wings. Though it's been a while since I read it so I can't be certain.
I draw from life often, but i want to stimulate my imagination as well.
I will consider it, thank you.

>> No.19451061

I'm going to get completely shat on by the haters in this thread, but unironically the work of R. Scott Bakker. If you can stomach some very unpleasant grotesquery, he delivers some passings of captivating visual description. He has a way with tiny details and huge scale that dazzles my imagination. A baroque or Boschian touch. Since you're also an artist you might be interested.

>> No.19451273

I'm not going to shit on you because you seem to have a balanced take for your opinions rather than endless rote shilling like the bakkerfag.

>> No.19451467

The audiobook on youtube of Gibson reading Neuromancer is kino. I like Gibson's voice. I'm thinking in it now.
He looked cute in 1990.

>> No.19451585

The Phantom of the Opera.

>> No.19451633

>drawfag here
Almost as bad as 'writefag here', find a different thread

>> No.19452526

I just read Malice by John Gwynne, and its an absolutely amazing and I highly recommend others here to read it.

>> No.19452545
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This is one of the cringiest books I have ever read, but it's also pretty good.

>> No.19452561
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I need a palate cleanser after this absolute clusterfuck

>> No.19452601

i am going to write a litrpg that will redeem the genre compretery!

>> No.19452664

You rated it 3 stars though.

>> No.19452665

We already saw your Sanderson-esque music magic writing sample and found it wanting

>> No.19452669

That genre doesn’t need to be redeemed, it needs to be forgotten.

>> No.19452697

This thread isn't for writefags, off yourself

>> No.19452748

I shall read this mine giuy

>> No.19452752

Iron Prince has already been written.

>> No.19452786
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Eh, it's messy, not bad.

>> No.19452789
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The Cruel Stars, The Cruel Stars #1 - John Birmingham (2019)

This was a moderately fun and action-packed space opera. Its most glaring flaw is that it's a mishmash of basically every other popular SF series there is from every sort of media. I'm not sure if it has a single idea that it didn't borrow. That wouldn't be a problem for me if it worked well, but it works ok at best.

There are six viewpoint characters, five protagonists and the antagonist. The former all converged by the end. It used the modern sort of slang that still made me groan a bit, but I've grown used to it. The most salient examples were calling someone a "douchebro" and the relatively frequent use of "omigod". There are many other examples though. I didn't mind the pop culture references, mostly. One character talks about their love of J.R.R. Tolkien, S.M. Stirling, and other ancient authors. An exception to this was the discussion of lesbian tentacle porn, which made me roll my eyes. There were several other references of varying silliness.

The antagonists are described in the book as space nazis, though I'd also say they're similar to the Butlerian Jihad from Dune. The characters go hard on the nazi narrative. The Human Republic, as they call themselves, want to destroy all AI and non-baseline humans, for reasons of genetic purity. They also mention The Great Replacement as well, though in this case they feel they're being replaced by genetic mutants and cyborgs.

A summary of the plot is that the characters are introduced, have their arcs, try to survive the onslaught, and meet up. That's pretty much the book. I assume the next one is that they plan their counterattack. I don't know if I'd read it. The odds are against me doing so, but it could happen.

Rating: 3/5

>> No.19452854
File: 1.73 MB, 382x678, disgusted 3d anime girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds very cringe

>> No.19452870

Yeah, I expect that to be a common response.

>> No.19453013

rec me some new SF that's not a space opera or something-punk or dystopian/apocalyptic bros
rec me some fantasy where magic/fantastic shits are always present in that world until their equivalent of post-industrial age

>> No.19453080

The whole series is excellent and written by a white man without any SJW agenda.

>> No.19453105

Prince of nothing

>> No.19453229
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I just finished this one last night and I enjoyed it so much. Totally recommend it. I'm surprised I haven't found many talks about it.

>> No.19453308

How do I tell good fantasy from bad fantasy novels?

>> No.19453337
File: 37 KB, 897x451, ltirpoghw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate women. They come into a genre about wish fulfillment and fun and start whining

>> No.19453339

By redeem do you mean make it a feminist and lgbt friendly story?
Litrpg doesn't need to be remained.
It's wish fulfillment and will remain as such

>> No.19453376

Someone should recommend Bakker or Conan the Barbarian for her.

>> No.19453382

She actually thought that the trannies that play mmorpgs are females.

>> No.19453390

Gormenghast. Written by a proper artist, so he knew how to write a vista.

>> No.19453391

To be honest ark of main female character in prince of nothing looks like something straight out of low quality smut for women so I don't get why they complain about that one.

>> No.19453398

After reading those books after all the shilling here all i got from it is that Bakker seems like a beta.

>> No.19453413

Youre right, Bakker is a liberal beta cuck with blacked tendencies. If you want a masculine new writer without any SJW bullshit give John Gwynne a try.

>> No.19453467

conan the barbarian

>> No.19453864

I'm on book 3 of Dune and I just don't know bros, do I keep going? People say it gets weird and philosophical and all that, which I like, but there isn't much that makes me want to actually open the book and read it. Maybe book 3 is just kinda garbage?

>> No.19454022

Why would you even expect a litrpg author to be an actual writer? Seems a bit silly to hold them to any literary standard.

>> No.19454048

Book 4 is a divisive book. A lot say it's a great and and a lot say it's terrible. /sffg/ is more on the great side. Mostly 5 then 4 stars. If you want more details, look at what's been written about it.

>> No.19454155

Anyone got a link for Michael Andre-Driussi’s BotNS chapter guide? The one in the archives is dead

>> No.19454420
File: 157 KB, 318x454, neal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read any of Neal Asher's works? Worth getting into or not?

>> No.19454439
File: 96 KB, 300x300, rereading-wolfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about the Michale Andre-Driussi's one, but in a thread probably years ago there as a link to the ReReading Wolfe podcast. I haven't listened to it yet because I haven't read BotNS yet, but they have this cute logo.

>> No.19454443

>author's name is the most important part of the cover
don't read it

>> No.19454445
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King of /sffg/.

Simple as.

>> No.19454447

how is it cringe other than glokta being cuck

>> No.19454455

even spellmonger is better

>> No.19454618

tried it and couldn't get into it. i don't get the hype.

>> No.19454625

any woke shit?

>> No.19454634
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>> No.19454641

its fairly try-hard

>> No.19454646
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>> No.19454703

Yes, could you not tell by what was written? Aside from that 3/5 of the protagonist viewpoints are empowered women. One is a lesbian. A background character is noted as having been recently relifed as the opposite sex. However, the side the protagonists are on fully support monarchy, slavery, capitalism, and so forth. So, as noted it's a mishmash of a lot of stuff. Woke Grimdarkness as it were I suppose, like Woke Capitalism as it were. Whatever Woke means these days anyway. Seems some are distancing themselves from it because it's been semantically compromised, so I'm only assuming that's what you may mean. I'm also assuming that's a throw away message not deserving of a serious answer, but I may as well.

>> No.19455038
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Any recomendation to help me cope with WoT adaptation being such a disappointment?

>> No.19455206

Disappointed with what exactly? The Wheel of Time was always shit to begin with.

>> No.19455220


>> No.19455226

watch any other recent book to screen adaptation and take solace in how much worse it could have been

>> No.19455242

I wasn't asking, anon.

>> No.19455254

I didn't ask your opinion either.

>> No.19455256
File: 772 KB, 2048x1362, 35893C72-2020-496B-8169-6ED2FDA931E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur cool

>> No.19455259
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>> No.19455424

>the waste of time

>> No.19455453

It doesnt matter, the book is still there

>> No.19455507

>Iron Prince
>school setting with a super sekret unique and individual AI
Hard pass on that pile of Wil Wheaton
I struggled for a while with adding diverse characters, but unfortunately i had to put them in or how else would i be able to kill and cuck them?

The litrpg genre is just incorrectly utilized. People just waste so much time explaining stats and screens that they loose the flow of the story.

>> No.19455549
File: 171 KB, 1280x1811, lllll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be edgy and say
>female protagonist bad
and I would be right. But that's only because the vast majority of female protagonists are written by american women and american women are just about the vilest creatures that plague this earth.
My own novel has a female protagonist and of course I consider it to be genuinely good fantasy. But at the same time what I'm striving to write about transcends mere gender and sex and such lowly denominations of the flesh.
Another red flag for bad fantasy is
>love triangle
Holy shit, I've never seen a good love triangle
>but what about esmi, akka and kellhus
That was a straight line, not a triangle in the slightest.
Another is
>making a point to exhibit race
By that I mean making a point to show someone's race and how it affects then within the world. Normally that wouldn't ever be an issue, but we live in a reality where most fiction is written in america.

Ok, guess what I'm trying to say is
>fantasy written in america bad
>fantasy written by foreign authors good

>> No.19455568

Kellhus is not human.

>> No.19455607

it really do be like that

>> No.19455610
File: 142 KB, 720x629, baby hacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen a good love triangle.
>but what about esmi, akka and kellhus
I've never seen a good love triange.

>> No.19455630

recommend me books like hitchiker's guide to the galaxy

>> No.19455662
File: 54 KB, 310x500, options.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Robert Sheckley, maybe look at Mallworld if you can find a copy for cheap. I hate that faggot Douglas Adams and I hate all the proto-redditors who thought he was cool.

>> No.19455691

>but what about frodo, sam and the ring

>> No.19455801

Hitchhikers is just a bad pastiche of Venus from the Half Shell, because Philip Jose Farmer was a great writer and Adams was a hack.

>> No.19455821
File: 24 KB, 254x390, Terminal_World_(Amazon).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good steampunk book.

>> No.19455826

>The Alteration
>Times Without Number
>Ruled Britannia

Four alternate history novels with a common subject-matter, which ones are worth reading?

>> No.19455858


>> No.19455865
File: 63 KB, 500x750, 171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the point of reading if we're all just going to die and get eaten by maggots

>> No.19455867

Severian, Dorcas and Jolenta

>> No.19455886

Two words together that don't make sense.
t. Dave Mustaine.

>> No.19455889

The Agent Cormac series is just great.

>> No.19455898

Alastair Reynolds is probably the best living SF writer and you can get fucked.

>> No.19455925

This is pure autism.

>> No.19455926

No point is required.

>> No.19455929
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 1631123700491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alastair reynolds
>best living sf writer
He's Welsh, writes "hard science fiction" and is responsible for the Revelation Space doorstoppers. The state of the industry is so depressing.

>> No.19455934

No, it shows that name recognition is the most important thing. Look at any regular best seller series. It means they're trash.

>> No.19455938

Don't listen to the other anon. I was away from the thread and could respond. He was just some joker who interjected.

I have read it all. And I'm not going to say Licanious is the best series ever written, but it's pretty good. Worth a try by anyone, I'd say. If a gun was put to my head, and I was forced to give it a number rating, then I'd say it's a 7/10.

There's no woke shit in the book at all. In this world, women are treated equally to men. But it still has royalty where princesses have to make political marriages. So if you're hardcore, you might find it odd that a princess is so very opinionated and has so much influence. But that's all first wave feminism. Nothing crazy like you see today.
Physically, women are weaker than men, and have to use bows or magic to rival men in battle.
There is a lot of religious themes. A lot of questioning faith. But it's done respectfully. It's not about bashing religion. But just asking a lot of the questions a man might struggle with, and observing various sides of the issue.

The takeway here is that no: it's not a woke book, and it's worth a shot. If you're not feeling the first one, then just skip the others. Though, books 2 and 3 do somewhat shift gears and become more philosophical.

>> No.19455939

Says the anime poster with an image of an anime about stealing breast size.

>> No.19455944

space merchants comes to mind although it's not really funny or trying to be, but it has a funny tone, it's a very laid back read and so on

>> No.19455948

The problem is that even if a love triangle is written well, it's still uninteresting. Because love triangles are inherently uninteresting.

>> No.19455953

>Women are treated equally to men
>not woke
>not woke btw

>> No.19455958

For You

>> No.19455973

Asher is not a household name. You are a moron.

>> No.19455979

You're both an anime posting cretin and don't know how to use quotations marks.

>> No.19455982
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>read garbage
>it's garbage
woah mama

>> No.19455986

It's the same tactic regardless.

>> No.19455991

>female protagonist bad
For me it's unironically this.
I refuse to read anything where the main protag is a woman

>> No.19456027

putting the author's name in big red letters, or using pretty and flashy covers in general is a marketing tactic, it says nothing about how good the book is or if you are going to like it or not. obviously it doesn't necessarily mean that it's a bad book, but it's something to be wary of

in the same way, you should be wary of a work being recommended a lot. is it being recommended because it's good, or because it's popular? i always try read old books, same with movies etc

>> No.19456037
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>> No.19456045

i'll add that nowadays with all the competition out there and hundreds of new books coming out constantly most of them have to do these kind of thing. it's either be dishonest, or accept at best a 0.0001 chance that you will get any attention at all. tough job to try to live do art and do it honestly and pay the bills at the same time

>> No.19456054

The first only that matters is profit. Art is for children.

>> No.19456065

Straight White Alpha Males Only
t. You

>> No.19456092

>fantasy written in america bad
>fantasy written by foreign authors good
It's... it's like a cloth was finally pulled from my eyes!

>> No.19456104

Watts and Egan are still alive.
>"but they are actually bad writers"
Correct, but Reynolds is somehow even worse. Revelation Space is such a steaming clusterfuck of modly shit after the first two books it's kinda unreal.

>> No.19456128

All /sffg/fags must hang

>> No.19456142

god forbid, i am not a racist. any male of any race is fine. it's specifically women that i do not want to read about as protagonists.

>> No.19456234


I'm compartmentalizing it. It's so different that it won't spoil the books, which is some solace. I'll still retain my vision of what characters and settings look like, and can treat the show as a separate entity.

>> No.19456464

so whats jim butcher's excuse for being an absolute fatass this year?

his dog's wife died moving houses or something?

>> No.19456490

Never contact me or my wife's boyfriend's dogwatcher's dog ever again.

>> No.19456550

He doesn't give a fuck since he has shat out enough Dresden to live well the rest of his life.

I'm sure he is losing a lot of sleep at not being able to get the next book off the presses fast enough for all the soggy doughboys who still read that series.

>> No.19456632

Same reason E William Brown is shitting around.

>> No.19456633

He released the first book of a new 9 part series in 2015 and never released another book since. Dresden Files had 2 books last year.

>> No.19456653

>Dresden Files had 2 books last year
and the one before that came out 2014

>> No.19456673

Which means you're not due another book until 2030

>> No.19456684

jesus christ i'm plenty traumatized already by scott lynch and patrick rothfuss dont even say that

>> No.19456733

I'm currently reading him for the first time, and god damn, the memes weren't lying.

>> No.19456771


>> No.19456788

Could be worse. Could be one of those series where they literally never are finished, even decades later, despite the author saying they will still do it sometime, even like 30 years later.

>> No.19457087
File: 242 KB, 455x416, Ancestor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly correct. Amerimutts and their "culture" are such a cancer on this earth

>> No.19457273

You mean a story like Fearsome Farmer ?
Note: only on mtl

>> No.19457298

> Normally that wouldn't ever be an issue
Then how come in all my chinese web novels they tell me that people not of my own family/race will never share the same heart ?

>> No.19458471

Will pick up.

>> No.19458498
File: 181 KB, 500x750, 1637340343720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the best fantasy books I've read was about "race" in one way or another.
It's only through the lense of the American writer that stuff such as race or female protagonist becomes a problem and turns out shitty.
Not my problem yours is a culture of dogshite

>> No.19458517

reading mark of the fool on the recommendation of /sffg/

>> No.19458591

me, (You), and /sffg/
more of a hate triangle i guess but the most interesting relationships are … complicated ones.

>> No.19459208

Does fang yuan ever pick a gu path that isn't enslavement path? Enslavement path is boring and for cowards, here's no enslavement venerable because a super autist confident in himself isn't going to rely on pokemon to win a battle.

>> No.19459245

>My own novel
why the fuck are you here? This thread isn't for writefaggotry

>> No.19459248

Yes, why would I want to read about a protagonist I can't relate to?

>> No.19459315

Fuck off chinksucker

>> No.19459318

Is the webnovel any good?

>> No.19459572

you only read part 3 to get to part 4

>> No.19459627

All I want is a book or series that features mechs

>> No.19459678

Spoilers obviously but he basically only uses it for that one arc and pretty much every path gets it's time to shine. The northern plains arc is a real outlier, by far the worst arc. Keep going though, it gets much better once everyone gets into the blessed land.

>> No.19459694

Unironically one of the best stories I've ever read period. Obviously it shits so hard all over every other chinese webnovel it's literally physically impossible to read any of them afterwards.

Unfortunately the author's next project is kinda meh, it's obvious he must have spent a shitload of time and effort planning out reverend insanity, meanwhile he's re-written infinite bloodcore like 10 times and it's just barely readable now. Also all the translators dropped it and won't come back until he finishes because they got stuck re-translating the same chapters like 100 times in a row.

>> No.19459807
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Because I'm writing fantasy. If Bakker was in this thread would you also tell him to fuck off because no writefaggotry?

>> No.19459821

need more goddess mommy milkie

>> No.19459930

Bakker HAS literally posted in this thread before and he was indeed told to fuck off, though for different reasons

>> No.19459997
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How the fuck did they make this shit to be even worse than the books.

>> No.19460004

>Bakker HAS literally posted in this thread
Zero proof.

>> No.19460260


>> No.19460282

Has anyone else actually read these books?

>> No.19460287
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>> No.19460328


>> No.19460334

I accept your defeat.

>> No.19460405

Someone roll out the screencaps.

>> No.19460417

> chilling for depraved degenerate author

Fuck of to discord you degenerate trannies

>> No.19460476

I said I could. Hypothetically, I am physically capable of shopping Bakker's head onto that image. But I never said that I would.

>> No.19460787

I accept the defeat of /sffg/.

>> No.19460794

Didn't ask.

>> No.19461050

If you like short stories, you might enjoy my blog:.


>> No.19461059

Thank you for demoralizing this general and making its surrender inevitable.

>> No.19461068

For what purpose? Are you trying to curate The Gutenberg Archive or similar?

>> No.19461074

Not my problem.

>> No.19461079

Indeed, I wish you luck ravaging your next targeted general.

>> No.19461087

I accept your surrender.

>> No.19461093


>> No.19461095


>> No.19461100


>> No.19461270

I was a poster of /sff& xianxia general/ in life, and when I die I will be a ghost of /sffxg/

>> No.19461367

Not your problem.

>> No.19461417

Cursed thread

>> No.19461459

Gutenberg, creative commons stories, movies, interviews.
I improvise so It's a bit random.

>> No.19461488

>because I'm writing fantasy
nobody wants to hear about your shitty novel. Writefags are literally ruining this general

>> No.19461496

But why though?

>> No.19461505

Blessed post

>> No.19461515

>>19461488 (checked)
Don't listen to writeschizo, anon, he acts like everyone who mentions writing is out to get him and his shitty general (Bakkertards and Sandershits vomitting at eachother for hundreds of posts on end is fine though)
How's the novel going? How are you hoping to publish it?

>> No.19461527

Fuck off to the writing general, you faggot.

>> No.19461663

It's a hobby. I have fun discovering stories and interviewing authors.

>> No.19461720
File: 186 KB, 321x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does the fucking first melee end
They have been stabbing each other for 50 pages now

>> No.19461722

I went in with extremely low expectations and am really enjoying it. The retards screeching about this being a 100% accurate, 100% beautiful adaption are the ones who shouldn't have put all their faith on AMAZON, of all production companies.

The show is fine.

>> No.19461760
File: 353 KB, 720x404, t40bihw0w9f01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im reading cradle ghostwater and im liking

>> No.19461815
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WoT TV show.

>> No.19461962

*Licks gums*

>> No.19462014
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I just finished Hyperion. What did I think of it?

should I continue?
why did the shrike turn itself in some computer lady only to try to bite off Kassads cumming penis with a metal teeth-pussy?

>> No.19462034

>should I continue?
Can you decide for yourself and not be a such a beta bitch?

>> No.19462044

Riverworld is all but unreadable.

>> No.19462055

So, what are the best on-going fantasy series besides ASOIAF and Nope-Deity? I keep reading shit that's finished, I just want to feel the hype of reading a fresh new Thing once

>> No.19462073


>> No.19462087

Because he's a dirty Palestinian and even destroying a whole planet full of shiites isn't enough to make up for it.

>> No.19462104

I have -- rapey biohorror, but in a good way.

>> No.19462117

You absolutely must not continue. The sequels shit all over everything great about the book.

>> No.19462391

wait till you get to the chase

>> No.19462432


>> No.19462497
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Reading ancient verse literature is a fool's errand for anybody but a dedicated scholar. Read prose translations instead.

>> No.19462554

Yeah, i realize that
I just wanted to have a solid background before reading Simmons' Ilium

>> No.19462556
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Is anything as fun and spergy as mgs?
(I've read hyperion and shadow of the torturer which are the only ones that come to mind)

>> No.19462575
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5 days before a disappointing finale!

>> No.19462631

Don't read it then.

>> No.19462898

>is callous

>sells his warfare skills

>gets his boyass ravaged

>> No.19463043

>i came again watching kellhus cuck me

>> No.19463061

>a semen net that catches any man's cum for a price

>> No.19463270

>isn't worth 12 talents though

>> No.19463276

so what the fuck? achamian isn't a real name. nothing comes up on google except the books. I swear to god it was an actual fucking name though.

>> No.19463344
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Is this good?

>> No.19463346

You probably heard some random Armenian name that sounds similar, they have a lot of names that end in -ian

>> No.19463395
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I briefly considered getting into this series before I learned it was as big as Wheel of Time but consisted primarily of libertarian objectivist screeds. That alone is bad, but not enough to totally dissuade me from it; the thing that put me off most though is when the author said "if you think my books are like any other fantasy series, you are not old enough to read them."
Well I'm 30 years old, and I'm proud to say that I will never be old enough to read The Sword of Truth.

>> No.19463403

I've read all his stuff
Absolutely love it. He writes amazing action scenes when stuff is going down

>> No.19463413

So you don't know if it's good or not? You just got offended because he's a big brain chad.

>> No.19463425

What the fuck even was that Tekne bomb thing?

>> No.19463527

a bomb made with chemicals and teknology

>> No.19463588

Just read Starship Troopers for the first time, I passed over it because the movie was such shit but what a mistake that was. I read the jew who directed it admitted to reading no more than half the book, because he was upset that Heinlein was right of Mao.

>> No.19463700
File: 93 KB, 719x719, Cradle-Reaper-e1634693934858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's Cradle!

>> No.19463757

I was going to give it a shot then I learned it was just edgy Game of Thrones style trash with sanctimonious political moralizing on top of it
if I wanted that I'd read something written by a woman

>> No.19463759


>> No.19463763

watch legend of the seeker instead

>> No.19463778

>directed by Sam Raimi
this can't possibly fail to entertain

>> No.19463791

Me use big word me smart

>> No.19463908

I get burnt out on one series too quickly. Can hardly finish a trilogy sometimes. The real maximum immersion feeling peaks at some point and then it just gets too much, like eating too much cake and getting sick

>> No.19463913

is "faggy" small enough for you?

>> No.19464022

Would you?

>> No.19464029

just started reading The Miracle of the Namiya Convenience Store and I'm still at the first client and I really enjoy it. But does characters response, especially Atsuya, get better? I'm really enjoying the story and I want to find out more, but their response is almost inhumane and definitely makes me angry.

>> No.19464044

my faggy's small enough for YOU though eh

>> No.19464079

The part in chapter 2 about the neodogs could be the start of an entire novel in it's own right.

>> No.19464474

Read more and find out.

>> No.19464572

I don't have the evil chicken excerpt saved on this pc, but no it is not.

>> No.19464587
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Terry Goodkind is just the prototype Chuck Wendig

>> No.19464669

>I have mastered myself and I am above principles and emotions. Nothing gets in the way of achieving my goals. I manipulate everyone around me to get what I want and destroy them when they are no longer useful.
I can't stand reading protagonists like this. I can't relate to them because they're not even human. I can't self-insert because I don't want to be anything like these despicable people.

>> No.19464677

Stop being such a beta cuck.

>> No.19464723

Telling. Power fantasies are only appealing to the powerless. The cruder and more devoid of humanity it is, the more of a sniveling bullied runt you must be to enjoy it.

>> No.19464761

Imagine being such a pseudo-intellectual for genre fiction.

>> No.19464852

That's just terrible characterization. There is zero appeal or interest in such characters. They're carcboard cut out villains. Completely boring.

>> No.19464855

>That's just terrible characterization.
Is it though? How you even manage to make it good in the first place.

>> No.19464863

>Is it though?
Yes, it's just a bland machine without emotional depth or complexity.
Unironically read Bakker for such a kind of character done interestingly.

>> No.19464880

Here's an example:
>Domination. Over lives and nations. Over history and ignorance. Over existence itself, down through the leaves of reality’s countless skins. No mortal had possessed such might. His was a power and potency that not even the Gods, who must ration themselves across all times, could hope to counter, short of scooping themselves hollow and forever dwelling as phantoms …

>No soul had so owned Circumstance. He, and he alone, was the Place, the point of maximal convergence. Nations hung from his whim. Reality grovelled before his song. The Outside itself railed against him.

>And yet for all of it darkness still encircled him, the obscurity of before, the blackness of after.

>For those who worshipped him as a god, he remained a mortal man, possessing but one intellect and two hands—great, perhaps, in proportion to his innumerable slaves, but scarcely a mote on the surface of something inconceivable. He was no more a prophet than an architect or any other who wrenches his conception into labourious reality. All the futures he had raised had been the issue of his toil …

>He suffered visions, certainly, but he had long ceased to trust them.

Those gookshit super masters are inhumane not in a abloo bloo muh feels way, but in a "the author has no understanding of neurology or cognitive philosophy" way, so their characters end up being inhumane in the most boring way possible.

>> No.19464905

I really applauded this series because,at least in my opinion, Donaldson managed to redeem that character. Even though the series starts in his head and shows how foul his thoughts are.
Any other rapey in a good way scifi recommendations?

>> No.19464959

what example is this? it reads like one of those retarded edgelord faggots who have no business writing for star wars writing star wars fanfiction (i.e. Expanded Universe novels)
I wholeheartedly agree with your distaste for this sort of character, it is positively unreadable

>> No.19464973

>Unironically read Bakker for such a kind of character done interestingly.
No, and stop shilling your faggot author.

>> No.19464996

He is more plot device than actual character, and story doesn't focus on him for all his central role in it. That's probably the only way you can write extremely overpowered character in the story without it looking like mary sue wankfest, as a plot device that acts according to certain rules and has no ego.

>> No.19465018

So a poor man’s ubermensch?

>> No.19465035
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Ok bros i just finished Cradle Ghostwater and holy that was goood, much better than Skysworn

btw, I thought Skysworn would be complete crap according to what some said here, but it was "good" but weaker compared to the previous ones

>> No.19465042

>Believing whatever /sffg/ says

>> No.19465065

Surprsingly yes. The author goes insane partway through, but 1-3 are perfectly good fantasy, 4-5 are weirdo schizo shit but still entertaining, and after that it goes FULL MADMAN which can be entertaining for different reasons. Some hilights are
>MC cucks himself by raw dogging his own wife while pretending to be a stranger raping her
>commits suicide afterwards
>comes back to life and bangs a witch on the rebound, but she steals his soul and enslaves him
>she takes him back to fantasy soviet russia to work hard labor in the gulag
>he starts a black market through the power of capitalism and takes over the camp
>uses his vast fortune of communist prison scrip to carve a giant statue of himself
>this statue instantly converts all communists who see it into devout libertarian objectivist philosophers
And all that in ONE BOOK!

>> No.19465070

What if you're the one who's not human? Makes-you-think.jpeg

>> No.19465091

Was the author on drugs?

>> No.19465099
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>libertarian objectivist philosophers
The fuck did I just read? How is Objectivism still a thing, much less have an author write about it in fantasy form?

>> No.19465113

>libertarian objectivist
Ironic, considering that Rand condemned libertarianism as being a greater threat to freedom and capitalism than both modern liberalism and conservatism.

>> No.19465135

Who cares what Rand thought? She was just some crazy jewish woman.

>> No.19465140

>Who cares what the founder of a philosophy thought.

>> No.19465148
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>> No.19465173

Just finished Hyperion last night and am picking up Fall of next
What am I in for

>> No.19465175

I care. Rand was pretty fucking based.

>> No.19465184

I don't really see anything based about Rand. She was a weirdo who wrote a crappy book that people pretend they read.

>> No.19465188

>founder of a philosophy thought

>> No.19465191

No the worst book is bloodline, not uncrowned or skysworn. Halfway through bloodline I wanted to just skip the book. Thankfully reaper was good enough to justify wading through the shit that was bloodline.

>> No.19465194

>Objectivism is a philosophical system developed by Russian-American writer Ayn Rand.
Not him, but they’re one in the same.

>> No.19465204

It WAS written quite a while ago you know. That book actually contains a 1-to-1 recreation of Atlas Shrugged in fantasy form.

>> No.19465213

>That book actually contains a 1-to-1 recreation of Atlas Shrugged in fantasy form.
Good lord, it becomes even more of a mess. Does it match the length? Does it have the John Galt speech?

>> No.19465227

You guys have been memeing Cradle for a while now. Is it really good?

>> No.19465229

Literally yes. It's hilarious.
But the REAL reason everyone reads the series is for the fantasy magical dominatrix BDSM witches. Literally the main villain of the first three books commands an entire army of smoking hot evil bitches in skin tight leather fetish outfits who use pain-rods and magical whips to control anti-revolutionary gimp-squads.

>> No.19465232

It's awful trash, read Reverend Insanity instead.

>> No.19465241

>But the REAL reason everyone reads the series is for the fantasy magical dominatrix BDSM witches. Literally the main villain of the first three books commands an entire army of smoking hot evil bitches in skin tight leather fetish outfits who use pain-rods and magical whips to control anti-revolutionary gimp-squads.
The novels don't happen to have some illustrations? To get a better idea on those magical dominatrix BDSM witches?

>> No.19465249

I too started the series because of the anons shilling it here. Its not well written but it's fun to read. The books are small, you can finish all 10 in a week.

>> No.19465251
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I mean, if you're an all powerful evil wizard and you DON'T have an army of dominatrixes, what are you doing with your life?
No illustrations, but there IS a TV adaptation that made absolutely sure to include all the ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY PLOT IMPORTANT SCENES.

>> No.19465254

I assume the tv adaptation is the same name as the novel?

>> No.19465265
File: 23 KB, 500x375, MV5BMTgzNDc3NDQ3OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDc5NDczMjE@._V1_FMjpg_UX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the most part, there's a bunch of cut content though.

>> No.19465296

Finally, a faithful adaptation.

>> No.19465304

Find, sell me on it.

>> No.19465326

>but there IS a TV adaptation
They actually, no joke, kept all the sex kinks?

>> No.19465356

It was a different time then. Everything was so liberal.

>> No.19465361

How many seasons did it get?

>> No.19465379

It got two season, running at 44 episodes. The tv show is called Legend of the Seeker

>> No.19465386

Forgot to add, but you can see it on Amazon.

>> No.19465407

>25 dollars
I don’t know. Just for one season?

>> No.19465412

Literally around the same cost of a fantasy book.

>> No.19465416

>paying for media
Not all of them, only the BDSM leather dungeons stayed in. All the villain's child rape and cannibalism was cut out, and so was the part with demonic barbed wire covered horse cocks.

>> No.19465419

How else are you going to support the author?

>> No.19465430

>paying for media
Anon, I hope you actually buy the product and support the author.

>> No.19465444

>All the villain's child rape and cannibalism was cut out, and so was the part with demonic barbed wire covered horse cocks
Shame, but it’s understandable given the circumstances. Sounds like something that would be better animated than being a live-action.

>> No.19465451

>Sounds like something that would be better animated than being a live-action.
A lot of things would be better if they were animated. The Koreans animated Starship Troopers and it’s a more faithful adaptation then the live-action.

>> No.19465463

>The Koreans animated Starship Troopers and it’s a more faithful adaptation then the live-action.
The problem is that very few people, if ever, take animation serious. Shit, just imagine if GOT was animated instead of being live-adaptation? Would have been for the best, and we wouldn’t have gotten that horrible shit pile we got.

>> No.19465470

If you won't like it, why even read it to begin with?

>> No.19465472

Sunk cost.

>> No.19465474

But just stop?

>> No.19465479

I at least want to know more about the interdimensional aliens

>> No.19465481

At the very least spare us your bitching when it does disappoint you.

>> No.19465485


>> No.19465486
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I will bitch if i feel the need to and you won't do shit about it.

>> No.19465491

I genuinely don’t understand your mindset.

>> No.19465492

But why though?

>> No.19465497

>Why would you talk about a sci fi book in /sffg/
No you're right, i'm in the wrong here
Back to posting bakker memes

>> No.19465503

If you actually talk about, that would be one thing, but endless bitching is another.

>> No.19465509

And i will sure do once it's actually out, nigger.

>> No.19465521

>What am I in for
Read it and find out, anon.

>> No.19465526

Didn't ask. Cope.

>> No.19465528

I hope you like John Keats.

>> No.19465529

Virtuous Sons.

>> No.19465533

More about this cosplaying woman?

>> No.19465550

>mark of the fool
The Webserial? Is it any good? Was thinking of starting reading some myself, going to start with Worm.

>> No.19465551

>going to start with Worm.
Don’t. It’s just edgy bullshit. Read some western Xianxia instead.

>> No.19465553

>Don’t. It’s just edgy bullshit.
But the people who recommended it to me, seemed to like it and apparently, it sheds a more realistic light to superheroes.

>> No.19465556

>it sheds a more realistic light to superheroes.
Yeah, and that’s a huge, crimson flag to not read it. Besides, it’s mostly overhyped bullshit. Really, at best, it’s average webnovel that just got lucky

>> No.19465558

>Really, at best, it’s average webnovel that just got lucky
It got lucky because the author/writer could churn out chapters on a consistent basis. Literally the only thing that saved many mediocre webnovels was due to the author just dropping big ass chapters.

>> No.19465561

Worm got big because it’s a power fantasy. Nothing more and nothing less. The story literally starts with the MC, a shy, introvert teenage girl getting bullied by her classmates, only to reveal at the end, that she’s more powerful and she’s going to be a hero. If that ain’t a power fantasy, I don’t know what is.

>> No.19465565

>If that ain’t a power fantasy, I don’t know what is.
Anon, a power fantasy is living out your ideal life vicariously through escapism. How the fuck is getting bullied part of that?

>> No.19465568

>How the fuck is getting bullied part of that?
We got a author who wrote a power fantasy novel and it involves him getting cucked. Besides, getting bullied and rising above it, is literally how some people think they’re better than others.

>> No.19465571

>We got a author who wrote a power fantasy novel and it involves him getting cucked
I doubt Patrick Rothfuss speaks to the majority of the male readers, outside of the cuckolds. No one wants to be cucked. At best, they want to do the cucking.

>> No.19465574

>I doubt Patrick Rothfuss speaks to the majority of the male readers, outside of the cuckolds.
And for the cuckolds, being powerful and still having the woman you live be stolen from them is a fantasy of theirs. I don’t see a problem how that doesn’t count as being a power fantasy.

>> No.19465575


>> No.19465582

>Worm got big because it’s a power fantasy.
Worm got big because it appeals to "rationalist" people and the fact that it spawned an absurdly large fanfic community. Quite a few fans Worm have never even read the book; they've subsisted just on fanfics. If anything, that should mark John C. McCrae as a failure as an author.

>> No.19465585

But it’s not a rational fic? Like that one cringe Harry Potter fanfic.

>> No.19465589

Something about how no one really holds the idiot ball appeals to them. I don't fucking understand those people.

>> No.19465596

>I don't fucking understand those people.
And you shouldn't. They're retarded for the most part

>> No.19465600

New thread

>> No.19466228

Why do so many faggots like this shit?