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/lit/ - Literature

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1945106 No.1945106 [Reply] [Original]

I Am The One

___ ___ __

I am the one who, in the middle of the night,

Rolls like a fog into the deepest of your souls light.

I descend upon many, be they just or evil.

To resist my love would at this point could be next to lethal.

Yes I am the one, who you cant seem to let go.

Yes I am the one, to whom you cant seem to say no.

Now go bury your dreams, hopes and desires.

I require their fumes and demand their fires.

Many of man’s imperfections and follies render him useless, broken and void.

Many of man’s decisions have kept him trapped in my cycle of perpetual waste,

of which he digs himself deeper, unable to put down the shovel so to acquire a taste.

Now run faster to your fate, your lust has consumed all your second chances.

Desired at first, then despised upon recollection.

You’ve helped with the process, of darkening your heart.

Now you’ve made that final selection,

to close for all eternity what you loved at the start.

Friends and family no longer hold a purpose.

Through the tears you ask me what could possibly be worth this?

I laugh as as I tell you that you already know,

you laugh and admit what you already know…

>> No.1945109


___ ___ ___

I try to picture somewhere in my mind, of a place oh so more divine,

Then the one in which I currently reside.

Yet the moment I put my thoughts to action they crumble like dead leaves.

Motivation and concern dissolve as their vapors whisper in my ear what could have been.

So many paths before me, curse this road not traveled.

Indecision has me wanting to shake this life till all it’s secrets are unraveled.

They say you will go places, to never let life pass you by.

But what if you cant come to terms on which life to try?

I look back on time wasted and see the outcomes of a thousand different lives.

All in which I finally chose to turn this dusty page and start a new chapter.

I could make a change right now, disregard any doubt or disaster.

Though what holds me back is the results of what would come after.

Will I continue to occupy the same page I am on,

Continuing to collect the dust of so many “could have beens”,

Until every possible chance rendered dead and gone?

My mind breeds oh so many endless dreams I could be in.

Only for me to lay them in a pile of disregard and procrastination.

My outlook on the future is equivalent to emotional masturbation.

Life has become a ritual of work, eat, sleep.

And around the corner, death may creep.

But hey man, cheeseburgers America and rock ‘n roll, life’s fucking grand!

Success seems to be, whats in demand.

Except for me it seems…

The sound of deafening silence when asked about my life are my screams.

The thoughts in which I do not occupy a crossroad are my only dreams.

Maybe one day ill make up my mind, but today I just do not know.

But wait a minute, I’ve said that line each and every day,

What difference is there in tomorrow?

Only false hope and perpetual sorrow…

>> No.1945114


If you want to troll /lit/ with atrocious poetry you should at least be discerning enough to use something that is at least good enough to fool someone into thinking you're sincere.

>> No.1945116


ok , post some of your poetry

>> No.1945118

oh a tripfag. guess I can ignore your opinion.

and I'm not even op

>> No.1945127
File: 77 KB, 1125x681, tripfagsinanutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh a stupid fag. guess I can ignore your opinion

>> No.1945132

Alright, here we go.

The sky was lit
by the splendor of the mods
So powerful
I fell to the ground

Their love
has made me sure

I am ready to forsake
this worldly life
and surrender to the magnificence
of their Being

>> No.1945135

oh look, it's d&e being sarcastic again

>> No.1945140

so i take it /lit/ isnt that kind to newcomers then? i just felt like posting some poetry i came up with the other day. dont frequent this board really but whatever.

>> No.1945142
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> implying he is not sincere

>> No.1945144

I Am Number Two


I am what makes noise from your bowel, in

Case you thought that I was Tao Lin.

I am less pretentious, hipsterish, and gook-y

I am in fact a sentient talking dookie

Can such a thing exist? What is amiss?

What else could write a poem quite like this?

>> No.1945147

/lit/ is probably the worst board on 4chan. Meanest, least funny, least constructive, most overridden with tripfags who contribute nothing of value. Hell, /tg/ puts out more quality content than /lit/, and it's based on the very things /lit/ claims to hate.

>> No.1945149
File: 11 KB, 229x261, gentlemen_bubbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is a bunch of assholes and jokers, they will rarely help you critique your writing and generally do their best to lord over anyone like the pompous brats they are. I know this because I've seen it time and time again first hand

Unless you really enjoy seeing people parody your poetry with shit jokes, don't bother posting your writing on here. Just stick to insulting people in somebody else's thread where you have no vulnerabilities

>> No.1945150


It's got nothing to do with you being 'new.' It's about how terrible your writing is. If you turn up at a dinner-party, where you don't know the hosts, with a bottle of nice wine you'll be greeted with a smile. If you turn up with fecal matter dripping from your fingers you'll be shown the door.

>> No.1945156


We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death’s other Kingdom
Remember us—if at all—not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.

>> No.1945158

Sorry dude. If you post mediocre adolescent poetry, we're going to tell you it's mediocre adolescent poetry. Probably in a harsher manner than necessary, it's true, but we're basically honest.

It's not devoid of talent, there's a few interesting things you do here and there, but you need a lot more work. Nothing wrong with that - gotta start somewhere.

>> No.1945160


...and you could do any better? where are your great literary feats that i could feast my eyes upon?

>> No.1945161

I only read professional poems from professional writers


>> No.1945173
File: 152 KB, 800x600, 1307232643308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this going to turn into an OC THREAD


>> No.1945179


Hey, I'm the one that keeps parodying everybody's poetry. And I'm Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.1945182


That's a pretty poor inference to make given that I have obviously read OP's poems and, therefore, am clearly willing to read awful poetry from time to time.


What a winning riposte! I ignored you the first time in the hopes you'd drop it and save me an explanation, but since you persist. OP is the one posting poetry on here, and therefore inviting criticism (yes, yes, I know OP didn't ASK for criticism, but publishing a work in any context implicitly invites it). Criticism is what he will get. My own creative efforts are irrelevant to the matter. It is OP, not I, who wants /lit/ to critique his work - when I want /lit/'s input I'll make my own thread.

I could adduce further reasons why the "u post ur work then lol" refrain is stupid, but I can't be bothered.

>> No.1945185


>If you want to troll /lit/ with atrocious poetry you should at least be discerning enough to use something that is at least good enough to fool someone into thinking you're sincere.

Your criticism is lacking at best, outright bankrupt of any ideas whatsoever at worst.

>> No.1945191


>If you want to troll /lit/ with atrocious poetry you should at least be discerning enough to use something that is at least good enough to fool someone into thinking you're sincere.

>Your criticism is lacking at best, outright bankrupt of any ideas whatsoever at worst.

I like your attempt to critique my critique but you need to work on your comprehension. I wasn't actually criticizing OP in this instance, I was accusing him of trolling. Obviously the implication is that I think very little of his writing, but I haven't really delivered a critique as such, nor will I - I'm still having a laughingsluts.jpg moment after realizing OP was serious.

>> No.1945197
File: 24 KB, 264x413, brautigan-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1945198

>Obviously the implication is that I think very little of his writing,

so you've just been making snide remarks this whole time?


>> No.1945229

"Men are pigs." Of course. I've gone off on so many people for saying this, and I've said this so many times, I can't imagine how often this cliche phrase and many other similar ones gets thrown around in everyday conversation.

But what makes me a man?

As soon as people see my name on facebook, as soon as they see my body, my facial hair, they know instantly I'm a man. That's a fair assumption, right? It's also fair to assume I have the parts of any other man. It's entirely possible that I don't, but for a normal person, it's assumed that I am in all ways a DUDE.
Yep. That's a fact. I am a man.

A lot of guys will act like jerks; some are really nice guys. Some jerks want to get laid, some don't. Some nice guys just want to get a girlfriend, others are genuine.

>> No.1945232

What I'm getting at here, though, is that all of you *%^&*$^&*# assholes have been so nice as to attribute me with the gender label. Given, I'm not conceited, I am a lil arrogant and a lil obnoxious but not to the point where I constantly tell everyone, hey I'm better than y'all. Still... I am NOT the average man, nor am I an average person in general.

Why the hell does everyone find it necessary to, I don't know... remind me that my gender is a huge part of my identity? It's not. I don't consider myself or any other man as a penis. I don't look at women and think ooooo pretty vaginas. I think of you all as either interesting, awesome and distinguished people, or acquaintences. I am not the guy that made out with you in seventh grade. I'm not the douchebag that hits on you at work. I'm not that creep who looks at your cleavage with drool in his mouth. I might look once in a while because I am not, in fact, gay. But I am not that guy who liked what he saw so much that it gave him a boner that everyone pointed and laughed at and you knew it was your accomplishment that caused such a comical piece of awkwardness.

I don't want to get in your pants, even less so if you automatically think that's my end goal. When you talk shit about men, keep in mind that you're talking shit about me as well. I don't really care if you say that stuff because it is a generalization and isn't aimed at me. Again, though, don't blame me for all the undressing you've gotten from random dude's eyes. Please, if you're going to remind me that most men want to bone you, piss off because I don't find it attractive or even friendly when I get cast with the lot who are responsible for glass ceilings and gender bias.


Thanks everyone!

>> No.1945234

Honestly, you should just trash this. It is pathetic.

>> No.1945235



>> No.1945239

"Pigs are men." Of course. I've gone off on so many people for thinking this is what George Orwell actually believed, and I've said this so many times, that I can't imagine how often people miss the paradox that, in fact, Orwell was right. Most animals are not people. But this is not true of people. Nor is it true of pigs.

As soon as people see the spiderweb woven above my sty (there's a photo posted on facebook), as soon as they see my radiant snout, my dextrous trotters (that's how I type, p.s.), they know instantly I am Some Pig. That's an obvious statement, right? It's also fair to assume I have the parts of any other quadruped. It's entirely possible that I don't, but for a normal person, it's assumed that I am in all ways a MALE.
Yep. That's a fact. I am a male. But also a pig.
Did you know male pigs have penises in the shape of a corkscrew?

A lot of pigs will hunt for truffles; some are only into ordure and feculence. Some pigs liked "Babe", others thought it was the ethical equivalent of blackface minstrelsy. Personally, I couldn't give a shit about herding sheep.

>> No.1945241



What a boring, hackneyed rant. Not only have you failed to say anything, you haven't even said nothing well. You lack flair.

More importantly, who gives a fuck if people label other people? You don't need to accept the labels conferred on you if you don't want to. Equally, you have no prerogative to demand that other people cease to categorize you. It doesn't have any significant impact on your life anyway, especially if you are just a 'normal guy' as you put it.

I don't get why a 'normal guy' would write this, or want to read this, though. Gender issues are only interesting to people on the fringe because they have something to gain from whinging about gender discrimination et cet, if you're a bog standard heterosexual male, I wouldn't worry too much about this shit bub, because guess what? The labels you have confer the advantages everyone wants.