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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 77 KB, 900x750, herbert marcuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19451024 No.19451024 [Reply] [Original]

this guy is basically an insane sociopath.
that is what i am gathering from his writings.
>capitalism has made the working class happy healthy and prosperous.
>thats shit and we need to ruin it via racial/sexual hatred so that there will be a revolution
>oh yeah, and pedophilia is justified because raping children will make people's lives worse and thus help the revolution.
am i wrong here?
>freedom of expression is banned because people will disagree with me and that shouldnt be allowed.

like holy fuck. i think i am understanding why the frankfurt school got kicked out of germany. if there is one thing that would cause the election of a nazi regime, jewish communists justifying pedophilia as a vehicle for the communist revolution is one of them.

>> No.19451030


No, he's unironically one of the most evil thinkers of the twentieth century (repressive tolerance).

>> No.19451031

Please quote passages when making claims like this.

>> No.19451512

going through that essay right now. its fucking astounding how good this guys is at justifying a totalitarian hellscape. how does he not see that he is setting up the conditions for a authoritarian cummuno-fascist empire?

>> No.19451532

pretty solid resume, no wonder he got a job working for the glowies

>> No.19451546

bro, i went to a CIA job fair. its not hard. unless you are talking about his skill for disrupting civilization?

>> No.19451584

You didn't get a job at the CIA, though.

>> No.19451593

didnt want it.
did something else.
if you have an engineering degree and arent a criminal/degenerate they want you.
i realize thats not what people on this board want to hear but its true.

>> No.19451617

Thats like going to bootcamp then realizing you deserve a better boss than your Drill Instructor so you quit. Nobody believes your story

>> No.19451625

i didnt want to live in virginia dude.
also you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

>> No.19451638

Weird comment. Colleges host career fairs all the time. Really not that of an unbelievable story.

>> No.19451653
File: 32 KB, 515x445, CIA niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le virginia maymay
personally i think you should be shot for even consorting with glowies

>> No.19451695

It's almost as if Hitler was right about them. Almost.

>> No.19451699
File: 100 KB, 960x960, 1636867074192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i only recently learned that the CIA was responsible for trying to turn the afghan war into a feminist crusade to shore up european support for the war. so they were spending billons of dollars to send fucking afghan women to read postmodern feminism. astounding how they didnt realize that feminism does not apply to a civilization that doesnt have ANY of the technology that makes it possible int he west. no washing machines, no electric ovens, no birth control, no super markets, no day care, NONE of the technologies that turn house keeping into a part time job.

fuck feminists, but if i wanted to do what they were trying to do, i would buy fucking washing machines and have more success for cheaper than pissing away billions to make them read judith butler. insane.

i am pleased that the patriarchy won that war tho. get what they deserve. now no more men will have there legs blown off so that afghan women can have painted fingernails.

>> No.19451705

>OSS during the war is now the same thing as the current CIA
This is the worst anarkiddie/hotep meme. Yeah, and Howard Zinn firebombed French cities

>> No.19451721

did i ask, retard? go enlist

>> No.19451726

KYS, you washed up, failure of wannabe glowie.

>> No.19451734
File: 8 KB, 232x217, 1615490083068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they never not Jewish? It's literally every single time.

>> No.19451742
File: 85 KB, 600x700, Ds0DoIQDlOb6g0ZnEisj1rAGBBrHVhJNwp6y0Uz5mrk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero tolerance for communist filth. Let's hope summer 2022 spawns a few more Kenosha Kids!

>> No.19451746
File: 152 KB, 1102x1200, 1636775796797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh nigga.

>> No.19451749

Why do leftists utterly refuse to face this weird coincidence (for a demographic so small too)?

>> No.19451752

>how does he not see that he is setting up the conditions for a authoritarian cummuno-fascist empire?
That's literally what he wanted

>> No.19451756
File: 936 KB, 1773x1080, Scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, I believe you OP but post quotes. Exposing fence sitters to communist ravings is the quickest way to redpill them. You have to be very unwell to read this shit and agree with it.

>> No.19451766

That's not the aspect he doesn't believe, dumb dumb.

>> No.19451768

A reminder, nearly half of all wealth in the united states is controlled by Jewish individuals, despite making up less then 2% of the population. Anyone talking of racial and ethnic inequalities between wh*tes and others, while absolving the biggest offenders of cronyism and nepotism are lame brained fools.

>> No.19451781

Mod, please delete this thread. 18 replies to a thread about multiple claims about someone and no passages cited. This is a fucking literature board, not a gossip magazine.

>> No.19451818
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1633140439043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cries out into the void for the janny... refuses to google the author himself... demands to be spoonfed plain text to satiate his desire... decries the state of the board while himself making the most base of efforts in his own posting... ah yes, a /lit/izen...

>> No.19451823

was the cashier rude to you at walmart or something? jesus

>> No.19451830
File: 2 KB, 427x83, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thread breaks no rules.
there is no rule that says "you must post screencaps of writing to discuss a book/author"
you just dont like it because it makes him look bad.

>> No.19451879
File: 231 KB, 700x875, andrew-mar-324142-grouppatronruler-andrewmar-work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so ive been listening to this guy read and comment on "Repressive Tolerance" if anyone wants to watch it with me and talk about it.


im only on part 2 but so far i find the essay completely disgusting and i dont understand how anyone can think it is a good thing.

>> No.19452107

Nowhere in any of his writings does it say any of this

>> No.19452240

he said the reason the working class is not revolutionary is because they had become stabilized by the success of capitalism

>> No.19452261
File: 49 KB, 800x499, 1629571701291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19452270

It's just a circlejerk thread for gossip with no reference to text. You should strive for higher quality discussion if you hate degen frankurters so much.

>> No.19452324

Go back to Wikipedia if you want to gatekeep.

>> No.19452345

Dummy thread detected

>> No.19452351
File: 35 KB, 550x543, 1636691371337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19452412

Marcuse was very critical of the Soviet Union just as he was capitalism because of its way domination. Not all leftists hold the USSR in a positive light. But I guess that's what happens when someone thinks New Discourses is a good source.

>> No.19452530

Gatekeep what? This is not a conversation with any substantiated elements. Just gossip queens.

>> No.19452544

>Just gossip queens.
>oh my god Becky, did you see the size of Marcuse's book?

>> No.19452549

The whole Frankfurt School conspiracy is based off of unsubstantiated gossip based on an excerpt from Kevin MacDonald's book.

>> No.19452598
File: 148 KB, 358x674, 5380938095830534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this Herbert Marcuse guy sounds like a total loser and I don't think anyone today reads him or take him seriously.


>> No.19452903

i mean....
the criticism of him this entire time has been that totalitarians fucking love him because he was a crypto totalitarian. so i dont understand your post.

>> No.19452932

Literally worked for proto-CIA.
Adorno didn't like him that much and I can see why. He is basically the astrology of the Frankfurt School

>> No.19452936

Xi also reads Carl Schmitt and Goethe.

Also he probably took what Marcuse was criticising as an instruction manual, since his nation is basically communist one-dimentional people.

>> No.19453040
File: 321 KB, 660x883, 1562801511933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19453062
File: 428 KB, 1980x660, dsadsad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but this might be some of the stuff he's referring to, not sure

>> No.19453064
File: 93 KB, 1358x794, Marcuse on Repressive Tolerance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19453127
File: 296 KB, 832x1000, 9DE9AF34-D53E-4432-93A1-3035969A89E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism has made the working class happy healthy and prosperous.
>thats shit and we need to ruin it via racial/sexual hatred so that there will be a revolution
>freedom of expression is banned because people will disagree with me and that shouldnt be allowed.
>oh yeah, and pedophilia is justified because raping children will make people's lives worse and thus help the revolution.

>> No.19453263

Also add on was CIA funded to split the Western Left from the Soviet Union and destroy the glory of actually exisiting socialism.

>> No.19453460

>to shore up european support for the war.
Suuure, that was their motivation.

>> No.19453689

Fuck off with your Alinsky tactic bullshit. People can read their works and see this psychobabble for themselves you know

>> No.19453703
File: 260 KB, 716x462, 1610169946673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got permanently banned from /r/worldnews for suggesting that jews are responsible for the economic problems of the world today