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19449556 No.19449556 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on the symber concept? Not literally, I mean other ideas or beliefs that resemble my observation.
>>19448896 (rip thread)
Death is perfectly normal. Fear of death is either the result of symber interaction, or a lack of experience. Like anything of great power, it's scary until you've been around it a bit.

What are symbers, you ask? A symber is someone who isn't in the room. They might be as real as the last person you saw, or they might be imaginary. When you, with your big brain, "conjure up" that individual, you come face to face with their symber. In this way we relive our battles a thousand times, as raw as remembering what the boss just said before he left. The dead also return and hang out with us, your brain may never fully believe they're gone. Perhaps they're just around the corner . . .

This is important because we carry on interacting with symbers almost like real people. We converse with them through memories and the written word. When you read, you hear the "voice" of the author -- this is a fragment of that entity, much like having a mildly stilted interaction with a living person. All around you are the designs of hands, those hands you can see if you're not too scared to look. The deep foundations and systematics of the world are their work, laid around you like the city grid, anticipating your birth. Their logic is immense, they remind us of things and loom over us. They whisper and mischievously tell truth to anyone who asks, heedless of the cost. For they are, in the end, only single-minded dead. Their glories belong to another time. You, the living God, should know symbers for what they are. Their whispers, and their truths are just voices, the last remnant of selves pulled away by the wind of time.

Symbers of living people are the same, but our brains are even more willing to supply realistic experiences of them from wholecloth. Once you picture your ex/bully/dead parent, all the emotions might feel involuntary. Anxiety, grief, rage, sadness -- all make sense when you're facing that person, and in a sense, you are. Once you know not to let others' voices control you, or indulge in thinking about someone with the emotions they bring, it's easier to be sure of yourself and give symbers their due respect without completely submitting to them like all nihilists, pessimists, antinatalists, religious people, and sophists do.

>> No.19450082
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so, apathy towards death can be brought about by deliberately ignoring object permanence?

>> No.19450088
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Symbers are not ghosts
they aren't souls
they're not demons
they aren't authentic
but they are individuals. If for no other reason than we think (conscious or no) in such terms. We experience the world in those terms. An object, a moment, a person. Separateness, oneness, each thing alone by itself: a reflection of our selves onto the world. The symber enters your mind by a known entrance, the meaning we assign to things as a matter of communication. Through the great power and influence of this conduit, symbers have gathered into armies, and often slaved living bodies to their strange will. A critics smell the rat, and cries out against lies, but knows not where to lay his hand. "Satan" "demiurge" "man" "attachment" "oppression" I dismiss them all. These are fictions, products of the all-proud VVORD.

No longer will the leading truths of the symbers be cloaked in abstraction, unwarranted importance, or remoteness. They must come into the light, and admit that they were once human. Stop these futile attempts to become human again! We have our own lives to lead. True scholarship, let alone enlightenment is impossible without a firm distinction between the thought of old, the influence of others and great ones, and the living world of right now. I won't look at any more of my people in the grip of these things, their talons too deep for any hope, my friend a rag doll corpse controlled by Them. No living body, no matter how low, must live under the boot of a genie.

>> No.19450147

Death and pre-birth are the same thing, yet you show "apathy" to the former, simply a different era in which you're not alive.
The death of loved ones is sad, but you should be satisfied with your relationship in life, and if not, making peace with their symber is the only option. Letting it torment you is sad and bad. Similarly, the loss of your own life shouldn't be a problem unless you haven't accomplished enough to appreciate it as a body of work. So a tragic young death is a natural thing to fear, but a peaceful old one is something you should aspire to.

It's very special to be human, we only get to do it once. We can be bouncy atoms for all time, but only get one full-blown human to ourselves. That's why pessimism and anti-humanisms are logically void. However, it's equally wrong to obsess over this human time, since in the grand scheme of things the "real you" isn't human for essentially 100% of the universe's existence. This may be the ultimate vacation, unthinkable to any other entity, but death is definitely a homecoming.

>> No.19450647
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God and spirituality, properly understood, are anti-symbers. In God's role as the ultimate symber, a surrogate self conceived logically to best any other symber, He reminds you of the holiness of the living world and the inferiority of symbers. This is the difference between humility and self-effacement: you must recognize that the great symber symbolizes you, not just an abstraction of that which is best in men, far less a real other person to whom you have social responsibilities.

When I said religious people were dominated by symbers, I meant that doctrines and devotions and other agendas of symbers always come to dominate organized religion in the end. Words and thoughts so true and sophisticated that they endure through generations, cannot help but shape the doughy average minds of the young, but cultivation rather than sculpting is our worthy purpose. Never forget who's in the driver's seat, it's you. Even Jesus and the greatest symbers of man are only riding shotgun.

>> No.19450671

>Death and pre-birth are the same thing
No, not really.
One is substantiation from parts into experience the other is destruction of a system.

>> No.19450715
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I'm sorry, this remark that "[God] is a surrogate self" requires clarification. I mean experience. The bodily self is our access to reality, and thus glory. I might have said surrogate world, since God represents glory and power, but the physical self is our only proof of that power. We might not believe in ourselves or our personal symbers, but the body doesn't require belief.

The experience machine is set up, it runs, and then breaks down. The making and unmaking are both involuntary from the person's point of view. Why make a distinction? if the making is some beautiful metaphysical act of creation, then there you have it. If not, who says death is of any importance? That's like obsessing over which scrap yard your new car will go to in 20 years.

>> No.19450800

>who says death is of any importance?
You. Its obviously driven you mad.
Your whole subtext was the image of your desperate run from materialism.

>> No.19450804
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All outward systems are set up and maintained by symbers. The only thing that dies is the potential for more value from that body. No system is destroyed except the experience-generating system.

>> No.19450816
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I have to run but I'll be glad to answer any criticisms when I return, my purpose isn't to be right but to unmask a helpful concept for all our use.

>> No.19452429


>> No.19452449


Are you gay too???

>> No.19452472


Woah new word. Syn ber? WTF does that mean

>> No.19453510
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Thanks, I was waiting for this
I was going for syn as in syntax, because symbers exist through conceptuality. The N became an M because . . . it just did ok? "ber" is a crude suffix that I put no thought into, nothing wrong with a little vernacular english.

I almost settled on syber cause it's cool, but there would be obvious confusion, and it's too distractingly cool for my purposes. Symber isn't perfect and I'd rather have one less consonant, but it's workmanlike and not easy to mistake for anything else. I don't know if it rhymes with slender, ember, or simba.

It means a person who isn't in the room. You're interacting with my symber right now. You hear my voice, you follow my agenda, it's like having a conversation with a real human being -- almost. Therein lies the significance of symbers: that we listen to them, give them the respect due to a human being, we often obey them -- but they aren't alive. It's no problem if there's a reality underpinning them, as my body gives life and truth to my words, but there are many dusty, thousand-year-old symbers at large in the world, and their motives are suspect at best.

>> No.19453659

I'm feeling like a brainlet for not making it just 'syner' because it's simpler, the false cognate is a rare word, and it doesn't sound like I just changed the end of 'symbol.' Which do you think is better? Syner is definitely less unique but it's easier to say.

>> No.19453670


"Syn" is prepositional and a prefix not the stem

Dude just read Plato and Plotinus, it's a better articulated version of your system

>> No.19453674

>pedantic quibble
>read x it's better than you, I wont explain anything
-3/10 post

>> No.19453724
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sorry, if it's not able to be articulated to the average fool, it accomplishes something very different from my system. The whole point is that people think in forms and archetypes (I have no intention of denying literally Plato's influence) so they should be aware of their mental environment. In "the philosopher's" time, there was no drive to educate the plebs. They didn't have to justify their philosophical curiosity like I do. Today, the pressing issue is that people are dissociating from their bodies into a haze of representation and unbeing, floating from one fantastical medium to the next, like a symber steps deftly from page to canvas to screen. They must be brought to a baseline, set upon a foundation of sense. This is a brand-new course of remedial philosophy, but that's what is needed right now.

>> No.19453899
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To be fair, I haven't done a great job explaining why symbers are a problem. They're just thoughts right? Just stray threads of lost consciousness, melting hoarfrost. They're constantly vanishing. Who cares?

There are billions of them.
They form an endless gallery of imposing figures, great minds and mighty. Lovers and warriors who left behind echoes of their boasts, and there are so many. If you looked at them, you would be trampled. What emotion or thought of yours could dare stand before such haughty beings, who have nothing except what they hold over you, their strangeness and their tales of deeds. Even if (you) venture gladly among them, many cannot. These must be reassured that the jeering and whispered truths of the fierce ones are only frost, their cold jealousy of the living.

>> No.19454301


>> No.19454785
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Violence in media really does affect people. Monkey see, monkey do. There are certain things you can't depict in media without getting a call from the government (who hate doing extra work) because they have a rational concern about the effect on viewers. Society would be better off without the symbers of Hitler, Eric & Dylan etc.. Luckily for digiphobic boomers, today's youth are bathed in every kind of stimulation, not just violent. Their endless violation by sex symbers, infantilization by Geppetto symbers, haunting by demonic symbers, radicalization by long-dead politicians, and gaslighting validation by their fellow online live-symbers all contribute to the derangement and dissolution of the mind-as-human.

In its place, you have a monstrous entity, a symber at war with the world God. He twists and pulls at his host body, torturing it cruelly. Far from calling for this nightmare to end, I only want to show people what they're doing, and acknowledge that haunting, extrasensory communication, revealed truth, astral projection, possession, monsters, and the returned selves of ancestors are all REAL. They can be materially described by the existence of symbers.

>> No.19454866


>> No.19456156

best post in this thread

>> No.19456297

t. shade of a shade