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File: 499 KB, 990x658, the christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19448043 No.19448043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I believe.

>> No.19448048

So do I, so do I.

>> No.19448050
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>> No.19448075

in god

>> No.19448107
File: 280 KB, 705x535, Christian LARPer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's based brah. No cap on yo frap my nigga

>> No.19448126

And I believe your gay haha

>> No.19448187

prove that a Christian God exists

>inb4 slander and non-arguments

>> No.19448196

1. If we assert/accept any x as true, and x is an element of the set A, and the set B purports to prove/derive/deduce/etc the set A it must also deduce the element x. (If a cat has whiskers and evolves from a dog, the evolution from dog to cat must account for whiskers).
That sets up a verification process for inductive sets.
2. The definition of God is the foundation (as a creator/emanator/whatever) of creation. Some particular creations that come from him are justice/love/charity etc.
3. Ethics is what shows what is right or prudent in some asserted term (e.g. bioethics is how to rightly or prudently carry out biology perhaps in relation to human social concerns).
4. Conversly, ethics is of an asserted term in that the nature of an object implies an ethics necessarily couched in it. So the second I say any object or position there exists an inherent verification process for achieving or carrying out in some quantifiable right or prudent way.
5. Considering point 1 we can say that there exists orders. Given the ontological aspect of chemistry derives biological functions, we can say that chemethics encompasses bioethics in an asymmetric relationship. This makes every order less expansive or have less being than that which asymmetrically informs it assuming chemistry covers everything biology does and more.
6. Asserting everything we wish to say exists we can say that there exists some more fundamental asymmetric relationship to it towards a maximum.
7. Given points 3 and 4, point 6 applies towards ethics.
8. The most maximum foundation which can account for all ethics would be by christian theology, among any monotheistic theology, God.

>> No.19448244

Just a bunch of overly abstract gibberish and playing with words.

>> No.19448272

The proof will arrive when (if) God opens your eyes to see, and ears to hear, the gospel. Until then, no proof will matter to you. If it never occurs, then I’m afraid God has designated you a reprobate.

>> No.19448275

You are deceived.

>> No.19448285

praise zeus

>> No.19448294

Which God?

>> No.19448323

(1) Occam's razor shows God is the only logical explanation to why we are here, how the Big Bang happened, what makes physics act the way it does, macro and even microevolution trends etc.
(2) Another decent argument is that some God existing in the minds of most people means he must exist without the need for even one of his believers to believe in him, this is essentially a flawed ad populum argument, but I think if so many people hold a concept of something above the material plane (or feeling of divinity if you will) to be true (reminder a lot of atheists believe in unprovable heat death, multiverse, faster than light etc. theories) then it must be something natural to believe in God and this means that for something to be believed in it must first be "made up" and everything "made up" is a mere reflection of things in reality.

>> No.19448344


>> No.19448869

I don't see how I can begin to take your arguments seriously when you can't even properly interpret my 1 sentence claim. I said prove a CHRISTIAN God exists.

>inb4 "A Christian God implies there is only a single God because a Christian God is that only God that exists"

>> No.19448876

And I believe you're ESL.

>> No.19448900

Amen, brother.

>> No.19448903

So God could could choose to open my eyes to His Word but he doesn't and would rather me and most of humanity suffer for eternity. Kind of a dick move senpai.

>> No.19448908

I'm >>19448196
And that allows God in christianity. Do you mean something more specific because that covers a lot of theological conceptions.

>> No.19448917

Jesus fulfilled prophecies written hundreds of years before his birth, death, and resurrection. Prophecy is the proof the Bible itself cites.

>> No.19448920

Are we back to Christ larping /lit/ ?

>> No.19448932

I can fly.
I can touch the sky.
I dream about it every night and day.
I spread my wings and I fly away.

>> No.19448948
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The proof is everywhere, anon. Several books of the Bible declare that nature itself and the world around us give us enough proof that we are without excuse, and I agree. We live in a rational, ordered and intelligible cosmos bearing the imprint of one Creator. And on top of this, it is not hard to see that prophecies of the Bible have verifiably come true in history, such as that of Daniel 9.24-27, which if interpreted correctly gives us an exact timeframe for the coming of Christ, the destruction of the Temple and the end of sacrifices. Even evidence in the Talmud shows that Jews stopped having their sins forgiven after roughly 30 A.D. It all adds up

>> No.19448979
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I hope not. I'll take pretty much any kind of creep over a self-righteous christfag dork.

>> No.19448988
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 13F8B4AD-5D35-4A06-927E-C101A0C0773F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope not. I'll take pretty much any kind of creep over a self-righteous christfag dork

>> No.19449032

>we are without excuse

regarding the whole "we are without excuse argument": Humans are fallible. Even the simplest proofs or reasoning elude us. Study for one exam for a whole semester then royally fuck it up. We are easily deceived by our senses as Descartes notes. The cute girl with glasses sitting next us actually has a massive 9" penis.

So God made us limited and extremely fallible yet he expects us to grasp proofs of his existence that are, charitably, extremely abstruse. Why should I or the poor heathen natives of South America need several semesters of Thomistic philosophy to believe in God?

If proofs of the Christian God are everywhere why are there so many religions in the world that do not resemble Christianity? Why did Christianity need to spread via evangelization if proofs of God are everywhere?

>> No.19449068

Me too. That you're a retard

>> No.19449083

>2. The definition of God is the foundation (as a creator/emanator/whatever) of creation. Some particular creations that come from him are justice/love/charity etc.

I'm cherry picking a bit but let's discuss this point specifically. Why did you specifically choose "justice/love/charity" when you could literally insert any attribute like injustice/hate/greed? Is God only only responsible for all of the "good" attributes in the universe? If not, why did he create things we conceive as "evil"? If something else created "evil", doesn't that imply that God is not almighty?

Another point, what's to even say good and evil even truly exist and aren't simply human concepts?

I'm going to pre-emptively counter any "God's will", "It's in the bible" or any other similar argument claiming it's beyond human comprehension. Let's keep it the realm of human understanding.

>> No.19449109

What I’m saying, and what the Bible says, is that from the harmony and beauty of nature alone, we can deduce that there is a Creator. That’s all I’m saying. For all of human history people have recognized this in quite similar forms. Christianity, however, is the full truth, the full revelation. You don’t need abstract and confusing intellectual ‘proofs’ for God. These are post hoc anyway, and are more to edify faith than to construct faith. Most people just ‘know’ or ‘feel’ God exists and they don’t need much more than that. The purpose of evangelization is to bring people into the full truth.

For example, many Hindus believe in one transcendent creator (Krishna, Narayana, Vishnu, etc) and believe that the purpose of life is radical devotion to God and loving service to God. This is essentially the message of the Bhagavad Gita. However, Hinduism is mixed with idol worship and remnants of polytheism and is thus not in the fullness of truth, and they often attempt to render Jesus Christ into a mere enlightened man.

>> No.19449122

>What I’m saying, and what the Bible says, is that from the harmony and beauty of nature alone, we can deduce that there is a Creator.
Which would be an excellent example of the survivorship bias, and your own narrative mind filling in the gaps

>> No.19449160

I don’t see your point, I have already said that natural theology is essentially post hoc, and that humans have an innate knowledge of a Creator, as dim as it may be at first. Due to this, there is no excuse for the atheist.

>> No.19449174

Fucking cope.

>> No.19449184

wtf I don't believe in god anymore

>> No.19449194

>God exists
>therefore Jesus
I don't get it

>> No.19449195

My point is that your narrative mind can make a lot of things real that aren't actually real. The survivorship bias works very neatly with this, because all you see in the world is the successful lifeforms. You don't see the failures, because those are dead, so your mind makes up a story to give you the impression that everything is meant to be perfect, which is demonstrably bullshit. This is usually covered up with the old "you can't disprove it".

You can't disprove that the anti-vaxx movement is a leftist plot to kill off right wingers, but that's bullshit too

>> No.19449198

>le world was created in le 6 days
>le plants were created before le sun
>we live in le universe created by le rational Christian God
>le at this moment I am flagellating myself for le natural urges(sins) God created

>> No.19449208
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The greatest proof of a creator and his love for us is the beautiful world he's given us.

>> No.19449244
File: 3.60 MB, 2595x1863, who are the victims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the beautiful world he's given us.

>> No.19449252

your gay lole

>> No.19449256

I don’t think you have an argument. The universe is undeniably intelligible, rational, harmonious and law-driven. This itself is proof enough of God. This holds independent of whether humans or any life exists.

>le world was created in le 6 days
>le plants were created before le sun
Yes, the adornment of the Earth is older than the sun, and the plants were brought forth by the Word. The wisdom here is that the origin of life is God, not the sun, as some pagans have falsely said. So says St. Basil the Great
>we live in le universe created by le rational Christian God
Yes, and these are the implicit presuppositions that modern science is built on.
>le at this moment I am flagellating myself for le natural urges(sins) God created

>> No.19449267

>le Bible is completely scientific
>o-of course le world was created in le 6 days and le sun was created after le plants that require le sun for photosynthesis

>> No.19449289
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>he hates the sun

>> No.19449291

For the sake of the argument I'll agree with everything you said. So we can know God from all the knowledge in the world just like I can know what's on my exam if I study all the books and resources available.

But I'm just not smart enough for my subjects or I was born with ADHD and I spent the whole semester playing COD WarZone and jerking off to trap porn, So I'm SOL as far as passing my exam.

So God made me like that, knew that I liked vidya and trannies. So even if all the proofs and demonstrations in the world are available I still fail to see His truth because I'm a degenerate retard. So now I should be punished eternally for being fallible?

>> No.19449298

Well then, can you prove the anti-vaxx movement wasn't a leftist plot? The article that started it all did appear in England in 1998. You know who was in the White House in 1998?

Must've been Hilary herself who made the call to the Lancet. Or your mind is just playing tricks on you, dumbfuck

>> No.19449301


>> No.19449304
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>You don’t need abstract and confusing intellectual ‘proofs’ for God. These are post hoc anyway, and are more to edify faith than to construct faith. Most people just ‘know’ or ‘feel’ God exists and they don’t need much more than that
The absolute state of herd animals

>> No.19449308

Repent anon. Jesus loves you and will forgive you for your sins. Accept him into your heart and you'll enter heaven

>> No.19449336

Pseud detected. The prelapsarian world is impenetrable by science since it describes a complete different form of nature than what we see today. For science to work it requires a uniformity of nature. Christianity doesn’t have this. Science only works in relation to the post-Fall world as we know it.

>So now I should be punished eternally for being fallible?
You abiding in a life of depravity and rejecting God was totally brought about by your own actions and free will decisions. I don't believe Hell is a firepit where God tortures you for eternity. That's borderline blasphemous to even consider as far as I'm concerned. Hell is the rejection of God and everything godly, good, beautiful, loving, etc. and the doors are locked from within.

>> No.19449344

Part of this meant for >>19449291

>> No.19449362

>if I use le jargon to confuse le anons, maybe le jew God will become real
Schizo babble characteristic of christfags with overwhelming cognitive dissonance

>> No.19449383

I’ll simplify it for your low IQ:
>world different before Fall
>science assumes a uniformity of nature in order to hypothesize about past events and to be able to do induction
>therefore the world before the Fall is inaccessible to science

>> No.19449394

>>science assumes a uniformity of nature in order to hypothesize about past events and to be able to do induction

Again, more unfalsifiable bullshit. You can't disprove it, therefore it's true, exactly like I told you you would respond