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19448896 No.19448896[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Kinda spooky iddnt it.

>> No.19448901

You dont.

>> No.19448952

You don't.
You're going to die and that's it.
The only to contact people in the past is to remember them.
Do you find the period before you were born spooky?

>> No.19448965

whats it called when someone you love dies and you feel death coming for you very quickly and you feel helpless and scared

>> No.19448992

If you're afraid of death, you simply exist, not live.

>> No.19448994

>Do you find the period before you were born spooky?
That's absurd. He wasn't alive, he didn't know what it feels to be alive, but now he does and death will take it away from him. That nothingness, the unknown, it's simply dreadful.

>> No.19449000

unfortunately it's best not to think about it. live a fulfilling life, have someone there to hold your hand when you pass and if you lived a good enough life you can probably peacefully know that whatever happens will be okay

>> No.19449009

being an adult, growing up etc.

>> No.19449016
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try to make something that will last beyond yourself. children is the surest way but also one of the most temporary.

>> No.19449059

Nobody has any clue bro. We're all the same in that regard. It is exciting and terrifying.

>> No.19449062

There is no death, as there is no life.
Are not the skies cloudless
And the rivers clear?

>> No.19449072

Live a saintly life and never lose hope of salvation.

>> No.19449076

Magic mushrooms

>> No.19449078

regardless of what you believe this is a good way to live in general

>> No.19449111

Read Gilgamesh

>> No.19449129

There is no point in thinking about death. Once your body shuts down everything constitutes yourself ceases to exists. That's it. Focus on what you can do while you are alive and how you can live with people when they are alive.

That is not to say that is easy to deal with a loved one's death. It's hard. But with the right mindset and external help, if needed, you'll be able to cope with it. Of course, in some cases is next to impossible. Like the case of dealing with your child's death.

When it comes to your own death just accept you're a mortal and try to do your best while you're alive.

>> No.19449149

kek, it's the other way around. Living is hell on earth, existing is sacred and pure awareness of the vital mind that permeates everything.

>> No.19449188

I really want to live but its too hopeless and unfair.

>> No.19449224

How to cope? Work towards unbinding yourself of the things you identify and find pleasure with. Understand that the fear of death is present when you are clinging to any of the five aggregates: form, feelings, perceptions, fabrications, consciousness.
This detachment alone is not enough and can lead to suicide if there's no moral life supporting it. This means no killing, stealing, illicit sex, lying, or taking intoxicants.

>> No.19449253

imagine not being able to die. just eternal reincarnation. that'd be worse IMO. you shouldn't worry about death or eternal life anyway, you can't stop it but it doesn't mean it's a bad thing, it just is. live a good life now, whatever happens next is a problem that you won't be having.

>> No.19449257
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Tell your amygdala to shut the fuck up, chemical man.
You're not afraid of anything. Your just a walking soup of neurotransmitters trying to tell me about reality. Why should I trust your stupid soup?

>> No.19449265
File: 59 KB, 850x400, quote-the-real-question-of-life-after-death-isn-t-whether-or-not-it-exists-but-even-if-it-ludwig-wittgenstein-36-23-73 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really death you're worried about? Aren't there those who are unbothered by their own mortality? If they fear waxes and wanes, then isn't the real instigator something in your own life which is the problem?

>> No.19449272

pseud denying causality and personal responsibility

>> No.19449283

Well, problem of getting fucked in the ass by fear whenever you think about death is a big one.

>> No.19449292
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Life is death. You're already dead OP.

>> No.19449294

All have million different answers you dogmatic cunt

>> No.19449296

>wants to cope with death
>cares about personal responsibility
you do you then

>> No.19449310

the only people i've met that are fixated with their own deaths are people who grew up in staunch atheist households who were bombarded with the notion that the fact that one's death is final means that meaning itself is impossible.

argument goes like this: you are your only mechanism for interacting with reality, you cannot be certain anything outside of you exists, once you die, the world ends with you, the fact that nothing is permanent means that meaning is impossible. even if the world doesn't end with you, it will in fact end, so nothing matters.

there's a bunch of leaps in the argument, i feel. while i don't believe in god or in the existence of an afterlife, i'm not so convinced by the average atheists' assault on the existence of meaning. i don't believe that impermanence means meaning is impossible, but i'll admit i don't have the tools or the education to prove it, it's just a hunch.

and for a hunch, it does me a lot of good. i focus on what i feel matters and don't worry too much about the fact that one day my consciousness will be obliterated. if anything, the idea that one day i won't exist sounds pretty relaxing.

>> No.19449313

Death is the greatest psyop ever invented. If only you guys knew it wasn't real

>> No.19449361

I concur