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/lit/ - Literature

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1943298 No.1943298 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm reading Things Fall Apart and this book FUCKING SUCKS.

Prose, content, characterization, narrative style... ALL FUCKING CRAP. I think the only reason people read this or teach it in school is politically correct "multicultural sensitivity" bullshit.

>> No.1943487

honestly fuck you, i read that shit straight through to 4am and i wouldn't have done that if it was crap

this is the problem with affirmative action, even when a black guy does something legitimately awesome people get suspicious

>> No.1943493

What's not to like about that book? Fucking amazing story, setting and prose. You're full of shit OP, piles and piles of mind-clogging shit.

>> No.1943497

Oh yeah this is the asshole that was trying to make out Conrad was a racist, guess what?

>> No.1943500

Would you happen to be a butthurt A-Level student, OP?

>> No.1943502

OP, your criticism lacks any real soul. A good criticism of a work reaches deep into it and picks out all the various nits that need to be nit-picked. The criticism needs to be carefully fitted around the thing being critiqued and anybody reading that critique will- even with the title taken out- be able to recognize which work you are criticizing.

You have instead opted for the lowest common denominator of literary criticism. You list a number of components that make up any book and say that this particular work has "crap" examples of those things. The closest thing you had to a legitimate complaint was the ham-fisted multicultural dogma it seems to propagate, but in lieu of any other real criticism a more rational conclusion seems to be that you're an angsty contrarian hating on something his teacher forced him to read.

If a film reviewer submitted a review that simply stated, "characterization, writing, cinematography and sound were all woefully inadequate" his review would be thrown out and it's author fired.

>> No.1943503

I read this book and all I could think was "jesus fuck africans are stupid"

>> No.1943505


Second that. Read it twice, first the English version, some years later the German translation in order to review it. Damn good stuff. I like how the outcasts of the tribes become Christians first. Quite enlightening. Not at all one-sided. Unapologetic.

>> No.1943516
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funny, i thought the same thing about americans reading this book

>> No.1943522

Read this book a couple months ago and really liked it. Was thinking about getting some more Achebe such as "A Man of the People." Anybody here read it?

>> No.1943528

why is there a red man in the cover holding a pistol?

sometimes i think cover artists try too hard, and end up only failing.

>> No.1943552

Post-Colonial literature is a sub-genre propagated by white guilt.

>> No.1943560 [DELETED] 

It's supposed to be like a African folk tale.

Which means you'd have to be a semi-literate nigger to enjoy it.

>> No.1943563


i think you stumped the op.

>> No.1943567

Well, soldiers aren't really suppose to be intellectuals.

>> No.1943577


You thought that before you read it, I suspect.

>> No.1943589
File: 65 KB, 450x343, SunRa05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking a great book because of weak minded social hang-ups.

>> No.1943630


>Things Fall Apart

>Social hangups


>> No.1943682
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>sun ra
A+ post

>> No.1944155

I usually find shit like this tedius as fuck but it was short so I didn't care so much. I liked the arguments with the missionaries.

>> No.1944167
File: 3 KB, 173x180, al.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Achebe defending the Ibo tribe's practices

>> No.1944186

>He doesn't realize that Achebe wrote in very straightforward prose in order to emulate the structure of his African language.

Your review is shit. And even though I love Heart of Darkness, that gives me no reason to dislike this book.

>> No.1944189
File: 10 KB, 196x257, SunRa04..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like what? It seems like a bunch of people can't get over the fact that this book is written by an african and part of it is about europeans asserting dominance. This book is in no way whining about injustice. Half the book goes by before the europeans even arrive. The book is about the nature of strength and masculinity, the effects of a culture on the individual and the necessity of adapting ones beliefs to the changing world.

It's also nice being shown elements of a culture that is dead/dying, regardless of where or why.

It's like people are commenting without having read the book or having read the book with so much cynicism they didn't comprehend anything. Surely that kind of thing doesn't happen here.

>> No.1944198

>It's like people are commenting without having read the book or having read the book with so much cynicism they didn't comprehend anything. Surely that kind of thing doesn't happen here.

Welcome to lit, bro, you won't enjoy your stay too much.

>> No.1944211
File: 1.80 MB, 3543x1891, 1309661389873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fuck a book about Africa?

The place writes itself.

>> No.1944216
File: 79 KB, 589x450, 1309695770379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an Africa thread

>> No.1944218


I always saw it as being about a tryhard macho misogynist faggot who couldn't accept that he had a more feminine, emotional side. The argument with the village elder when he goes into exile, for example. For me that was the crux of the story.

>> No.1944219
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>> No.1944220
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>> No.1944222


Looks like a typical NRA rally

>> No.1944227
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hue hue hue

>> No.1944236

A big part of it was that he saw his father as weak and lazy and was terrified of the same being thought of him. So on one hand he becomes successful and respected but on the other he's driven by fear (an ironic weakness) and that causes him to commit the atrocity of killing ikemefuna (I think that's his name).

I really liked the character of Okonkwo.

>> No.1944235
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>> No.1944230
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You guys should watch the Vice guide to Liberia

I guarantee that an interview with General Butt Naked is better than a book.

>> No.1944241

>after 2005

>> No.1944243
File: 32 KB, 512x358, 1309692848069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking dust needs some busting

>> No.1944247
File: 37 KB, 532x417, wtf man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you wearing your sister's wedding dress, man?

>> No.1944249
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>> No.1944251
File: 129 KB, 759x506, 1309695916002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture is full of gold.

The kid behind the bride doesn't have any pants on.
You can see his leg to the left.

Also kid with 4 belts and different shoes is great.

>> No.1944263
File: 89 KB, 764x600, liberty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually I think I get it now. Pic related.

>> No.1944290

sounds like ya hit the nail on the head there op. main guy kills himself at the end if that helps you stick it through. but he chops off anothers head first.

>> No.1944297
File: 64 KB, 382x366, XhEcmCLl1hx999j95mwX5VO4o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple and straightforward without being simple-minded. Mimics the structure and vocabulary of that tribal language. I bet you're used to Meyers type prose, aren't you OP?
What does that even mean?
Do you not get Okonwo at all?
>narrative style
What does that means? I've always been under the impression that that, like "content," is a blanket term for basically everything in the book.

Also, I've found another story with this book's theme, pick related.

>> No.1944314
File: 69 KB, 273x240, dlxw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck a book

>> No.1944320
