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19440907 No.19440907 [Reply] [Original]

Live with Purpose Edition

Previous Thread >>19435498

>> No.19440919

i refuse to

>> No.19440930

I have found a solution to the tragedy of the commons :D

>> No.19440931

im a horrible student. im about to graduate high school with an incredibly low gpa--around 2.1. its not that i'm stupid, i'm just incapable of developing a work ethic, self discipline, or anything that would make me successful in academia. i still want to go to college though, despite all of this. i know i love to learn, i just don't know what environment i learn best in.

>> No.19440936

I really want to connect with people, but I just can't find it in me to do so. I chalk it up to insecurity and paranoia, but I don't particularly dislike myself nor other people; I just get really annoyed whenever they start opening themselves up to me or ask me to open up to them.

>> No.19440946
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>> No.19440947


>> No.19440973

the demoralization is real. Ive been trying to live with purpose for years but I think the reason i eventually failed despite making a shit load of progress, is that im so demoralized that deep down i dont believe I can do it, I dont believe it will matter because the world is fucked, I have no confidence at all, and that lack of confidence absolutely saps my will

another big problem, perhaps the biggest, is that i find it difficult to just slow down and appreciate what i DO have already. its like im constantly hungry for more and constantly need to feed instead of just chilling out and enjoying myself. the weird thing is that it feels like there is almost a physical manifestation in the form of a sensation, whenever i think about it and try to tall myself to slow down and be content, it feels like a wall goes up in my mind and prevents that train of thought from going further and manifesting in action, like i can never actually feel good and chill out .

>> No.19440980
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Alternate new thread

>> No.19440981

anime is for trannies.

>> No.19440982

why would anyone want to post in the butterfly thread?

>> No.19440992

Not necessarily.. I mean yeah, they tend to want to live in fantasy land, but so do incels, neet/weebs and schizos

>> No.19441002

Butterflies are pretty?
Where are they?

>> No.19441003

Why did you make a second thread when this one was up for almost twenty minutes?

>> No.19441008
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>> No.19441013

Because it sucks already. Only jackasses post cancer man and his retarded cousins (“live with purpose” okay, sorry OP. I like the sentiment, the image sucks is all)
Let the chips fall where they may.

>> No.19441030

Is this how you would behave on the anarchist commune? Secede the first time someone likes a different banner or symbol? Not very democratic.

>> No.19441033

I just dont understand how you could possibly be SO autistic as to care so much about the OP image of these threads that would cause you to sperg out like this. i made a thread a few weeks ago with the most ridiculous image and it was literally no different than any of the other threads

>> No.19441060

How is the current "white people are the root of all problems" america any different than nazi antisemitic ideology? Did the Rothschilds being jewish somehow help the average jew during the war? It's the same with the people who own america there race is irrelevent because they will never make a decision based on anything that won't consolidate their power

>> No.19441068
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it really is starting to feel a lot like the early 20th century around here

>> No.19441078

All I'm going to say is that I am thankful I am not white. I don't see things ending well for you guys.

>> No.19441105

Watching zoomer vidya videos on youtube and holy shit every single one of them is some mixed mushmouthed retard

>fr fr ima hak u tho
>k u cant
>um i can
>fr tho u zip?
>zoop zop k u got da q?
>bruhhhh thats hella zop
fucking mongoloids, it's like hundreds of years of genetic and cultural decline happened in less than a decade. What the fuck is even going on.

>> No.19441112

I miss the state of this general back in 2018 before all the intra-thread politics and schizo games ever existed and threads would die for hours before a new one came up. Pre-2020 WWOYM was the best. Whoever you and the others manically waiting to start threads first are need to be crucified. Never seen a general turn to shit so fast. Surprised OP started this after the bump limit at least. Also your thread theme is peak faggotry.

>> No.19441126

>Surprised OP started this after the bump limit at least.
Nah, there was another one, but the mods pruned it.

>> No.19441127

>fine with anime pics and DBZ schizo anon but spergs over a gif with a wojack
Why do you even care. Just let these threads flow.

>> No.19441130

what makes me more upset is the massive fucking faggots who justify and excuse shit saying stuff like "heh, everyone says that about the next generation!" as if that is supposed to indicate anything but a clear and measurable decline

>> No.19441137

I saw that. Different OP image though.

>> No.19441142

Really, it was an inevitably that it was going to get prune. People just keep making threads earlier and earlier.

>> No.19441154

Never thought I would shill an e-celeb tranny on 4channel but has anyone ever seen Contrapoints before?? An actual Youtube philosopher who's not LARPing as an influencer. Been watching this for the last hour:


>> No.19441173
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>> No.19441185

>any video by a <25 year old
>chronic overuse of stock expressions like "ACTually" and "Lidderly"
>repetitive phrases in general, fine reusing the same expression ten times in under a minute to say one fucking thing
>all words blend together into a single mumbled slurry
>consonants dropping or blending into eachother, no enunciation
>retarded messy disorganized speech and thought (I remember recently "This is still currently in beta")

And my favorite, the neverending solecisms and mangled connecting phrases, like "This is actually lidderly such a good game TO WHERE I can't stop playing it ladely guys." I wish I could remember more of these, they're always amazing.

I am pretty sure the same Mexican who talks like a black makes 50% of the content on youtube.

>> No.19441210

I hate that sinking feeling I get when I think about what it must be like to die and have no soul. I can actually feel my body undergoing a low-level stress response, the same kind I get at work when I realize I may have done something wrong or forgotten something. This feeling is worse, though.

I try to imagine oblivion, or just not “being.” I can’t handle the thought. My mind automatically reaches for personal theories about how the transfer of consciousness works. Is it even possible for a state of nothingness to exist?

God. Fuck this, I just need to sleep.

>> No.19441379
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the 21st century is truly a great time

>> No.19441399

Just do things with your time. They don't have to be school-oriented. If you have a passion work on that consistently until you can turn it into a job (optional), or just enjoy being good at it. And I would recommend community college- it's really not as bad as people make it out to be.

>> No.19441445

fire https://youtu.be/7Sc8VqvGdSk

>> No.19441474

God is everywhere

>> No.19441488

my perfectionism has gotten so incredibly bad that i'll abandon anything that i know it's salvageable as perfect, therefore i never finish anything.

>> No.19441520

Perfectionist yet you have bad sentence structure and don't even capitalize the first letter of the first word of your sentence.

>> No.19441521

gimme a break anon its 4chin

>> No.19441523

Ok I will

>> No.19441534
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>fucking mongoloids, it's like hundreds of years of genetic and cultural decline happened in less than a decade. What the fuck is even going on.
Not exactly what you are talking about but I am currently writing a thesis about art/culture to hopefully get some information about art history out to people and I had the idea to film it and put it on YT because I want to reach more people who are interested in these things and think like me. The problem what I talk about is rather difficult to spontaneously understand (I assume) and I'll have to go into philosophy/history plus I am an autist and my dick gets hard when I get to talk about complex ideas. I was wondering is there even a niche of people who would care about this? I'm a zoomer (most early zoomer though - 97) so logically my target audience is zoomers but I am afraid they are complete retards and just won't be interested. What do you anons think? I mainly want to talk about art history in a complex way.

>> No.19441552
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I posted this before but it is still true so I am posting it again.

I don't want to know things anymore. I literally do not want to know all the so called erudite or smart thing rolling around in my head. It either makes me frustrated or unhappy. I feel like I don't know enough about any topic enough so if I start a conversation it end up with some fractured nonsense and no one learns anything and we all go home feeling like plebs. And if I know a little more then I just feel depressed that I cannot have a conversation at all.

Outside of conversation I feel terrible knowing certain things like philosophy. It has just made me despair. It makes me look at ordinary things and feel like I know some dirty secret about how it is a lie or a sham. I see through much and have not enough wisdom about how to actually go about handling the thing I am seeing. I wish I just spent my time at the gym and playing video games and going to the pub and have fewer thoughts.

I sometimes catch myself mumbling my thoughts and taking to myself under my breath in public then I have to pretend that I am chewing gum so I don't look weird. I am like a bookish Lovecraft protagonist that isn't actually smart enough to be an academic (I got mediocre grades as school despite being smart) and have already gone a little bit mad from seeing an Italian or something.

I have a manic desire to get rid of all my possessions and even get sick knowing I have any sentimental things that would hurt to throw out. I wish I had newer had to acquire them in the first place. I think this all has gone on long enough and feel I have seen it all now and much has lost its lustre. I am only 30. It is going to get worse.

>> No.19441606
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I have never been more gloomy. Been re-reading Crime and Punishment. Nevertheless my mind and body are becoming increasingly fatigued and I hardly see my family due to my odd sleeping habits. I feel utterly useless and idiotic. I am no longer sure if I have some sort of pre-ordained purpose to fulfill. My life feels like chaos and humiliation. I wonder if I would be more contented and stable in an age bereft of the Internet and other modern technological facets. I want to understand and experience life before it is irrevocably lost to me.

>> No.19441611

I don't share your feelings, philosophy gives me strength and I love reading philosophy, it makes me feel great. I suppose that by "philosophy" you mean you're reading a bit of Nietzsche/Schoppy and interpreting them too personally?

>> No.19441614

>I have never been more gloomy. Been re-reading Crime and Punishment.
The jokes write themselves

>I want to understand and experience life before it is irrevocably lost to me.
So do.

>> No.19441619

Anime pics were aight. DBZ anon should have posted more Dragon ball and less Z

>> No.19441621
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>> No.19441626

Tomorrow night jll be having gay sex

>> No.19441635

Hmm today I will pass out and tomorrow I will wake up with DTs

>> No.19441666

I started with Nietzsche when I was about 16 yes but it is anything really. I try and read theology and it is the same. Reading Aurelius was nice but he and Epictetus also give me that it is cope all the way down and you just need to white knuckle it till death takes you. Never actually read Schopenhauer. It was a mistake reading Ted Kaczynski and Pentii Linkola too. Reading Bodhidharma and some sutras was mixed as it gives you some contentment that the essence of life is emptiness but then it often feels like this is all a show for nothing too. I am by no means ultra well read in philosophy but I have more than just a Phil 101 crash course that leads to some acute angst for 6 weeks. I been reading it on and off since I was 15 so that is 15 years now.

>> No.19441689

Think I'm just going to go with classics and the Bible, when I feel like reading.

>> No.19441726

Does anyone here also only feel really alive when you’re 3 pints down at a pub?

Nothing else in my life captures the high and feeling of that. Every other waking second, I’m plagued by terrible, chronic muscular pain and anxious feelings.

Yet, with 3 beers down, I am calm and pain-free and prescient and conscious and feel like I can make something of myself.

>> No.19441732

Yes, but only when day drinking... best feeling is: stepping out of the pub, greeted by the sun and the crisp air.

>> No.19441737

This thread is better that s4s

>> No.19441780

Abso fucking lutely man

Day drinking with the sun out and the right amount of crowd activity just makes me feel like I am alive and excite for my future

>> No.19441948

I found out experimentally that if I don't nut for over a week I start being depressed and anxious (more than usual).

>> No.19442136


>> No.19442170

Too beautiful to be posted in a place like this…

>> No.19442206


>> No.19442220

I wish I was European

>> No.19442242

Is there a way to increase or open yourself to intuition?

>> No.19442339

I think there is, but it’s along the lines of organic feeling rather than any sort of mechanical idea which I could articulate to you rationally, especially over this medium.

>> No.19442402

>who's not larping

>> No.19442491

I received a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from a somewhat prestigious University and now I work as a civil servant and I couldn’t be unhappier. I feel as though I sold my soul and I have no idea where to go from here. This isn’t the story that I wanted.

>> No.19442499

I am too heated. I think faster than myself and consequently an cursed with an overstimulation of thought that prevents me from doing the simplest of tasks. I feel like people somehow inherently "know" certain things that I'm out of the loop with, and when I talk with others it is very algorithmic... Been the same way for years... I'm not unhappy about it I'm just curious as to why I am this way and how can I exploit this ability for my benefit. I tried reading I try math, and maybe hopefully Yoga or Mediation and working out shall do the trick... This is advice I get from others like myself and it has bettered me for the least.... Why is it this way though?

>> No.19442513

I feel the same way but don't obsess yourself with demoralization. Rage is too much energy upon yourself. Quit the hotheadedness and adopt a policy of coldness for your own sake, but not the realm of indifference. I respect you and thus, want you to feel calmer...

>> No.19442517

My dumbass keeps forgetting to change my trip. I don't understand why it's stored in the cookies.

>> No.19442518

Why bother going to Uni if you dont finish your studies?
A masters is required otherwise you might do anything else because the opportunity costs of those three years are too high for a stupid Bachelor.

>> No.19442526

This general has always been shit and this one is shit

>> No.19442534
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Before moving to west Germany for uni I lived in East Germany my whole life and worked there at minimum wage for like two years. The conversations I had with my colleagues there were much more interesting, informative and overall enjoyable than over here in the west with college students. Some of them were GDR boomers who knew what life was like before the fall of the berlin wall and who now wander from one wagie job to another, barely making ends meet. Most of these guys, if not all of them were pretty right-wing culturally, even were pretty racist towards me and some migrant workers sometimes, but we were still cool and stuff. Interestingly enough they all had typically socialist positions despite voting far-right. Talking to them about these sorts of topics and how they view the GDR compared to united Germany was so revealing and fascinating. There was this remarkable sense of solidarity and unity, we all worked together and tried to talk out disputes if there were any - it's something that was completely new to me and it impressed me so much.
But now I'm in uni in a urbanized corporate city and everyone I meet just has the same fucking opinion on everything. "Racism bad" - ok. "Sexism bad" - ok. "Inclusive language" - ok. Just nod in agreement and think ok. No actual debate, no thesis and antithesis, just going with the flow. When I talk to them it's like I can hear what they're about to say before they actually say it. Just mundane conversations where nobody actually says anything but rather just speaks. Speak for the fuck of it. Speak to hit this and that criteria. If I'm talking to person A or person B makes no difference to me. They all sound equally strange. I'll have to endure this if I want to have a social life unfortunately.

>> No.19442539

What am I supposed to do for a date

>> No.19442609

That's why you're called a porn addict. If you keep at it for about a month you'll overcome the addiction.

>> No.19442636

It's basically newspeak as Orwell portrayed. A simplified language that is designed to limit the range of the expression of thoughts. The one difference zoomerspeak arose organically via the internet and the spread and promotion of ebonics via the rap music industry rather than being crafted by a propaganda ministry. (Although advertisement and media is the de facto propaganda ministry in capitalist systems)

>> No.19442637

Are you suggesting I get a Master’s degree? If so, I really don’t think that’s the solution to my problems…

>> No.19442656

See, the thing is I actually would consider it were I already on a path for an English/Literature degree. From there, I could teach if I wanted to. But I have an Economics degree and I work as a Budgeting Analyst. It’s a far cry from what I’d actually want to do, were I get another degree. And besides, my current job is comfortable. I’ve grown increasingly convinced that whatever I’m looking for, I’m not going to find it in any sort of careerism, this or that occupation, this or that degree. Pursuit of any of these seems to me a waste at worst, a distraction at best.

>> No.19442872

Is it immoral for religious people to invest, if they believe money is in contrast to religion?

>> No.19442874

>he doesn't remember why we have baka desu senpai filters

>> No.19442882

Dont know wha to read first?
To sickness unto death by Kierkegaard or
A portrait of the artist as a young man by Joyce.
Help me to decide

>> No.19442903

I greatly admire the Arabs. To me they are the closest thing to a superior race: cruel, cultured, ruthless, intelligent, sadistic, artistic. They are a race of conquerors: first Arabia, then North Africa, then the Sahel, now Europe. They are a free people, not bounded by moral qualms or guilt. They are free to do as they wish, conquer as they wish, rule as they wish. I like to think that I am a member of the J haplogroup but that’s probably not the case. I hope that my wife/gf will be an Arab: imbuing my children with Arab blood would make them the closest thing to the ubermensch that can exist.

>> No.19442921

Arcane has dismantled progressivism, science worship, liberalism and the old loop of heroism.

Books need to step up their game, but language itself is proving too clumsy and limited to provide for our human needs.
They are still capable of doing what they have always done.. but their limits are bursting at the seams. All nations and people with high linguistic IQ relative to the others are going to be phased out. And that's a good thing.

>> No.19442991

>lines of organic feeling
change the brain?

>> No.19443021

No. That question is indicative of mechanical thinking. Feeling precedes thinking organically. True feeling isn’t cut off from thinking, but elevated by it, reigned in by it, amplified by it.

>> No.19443028

>0 results


>> No.19443035

Something similar to gut feeling, I presume.

>> No.19443062
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>About 60% of America’s gun deaths are suicides.
>Nearly 14 times as many whites than blacks commit suicide with a firearm.
>Although they account for only about 13% of the population, blacks commit about 56% of America’s murders.
>When Hispanics are taken into account, about half of white murder victims are killed by non-whites.
>Even when Hispanics are taken into account, about 86% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks.
>More than twice as many whites are killed by blacks than the inverse.

>> No.19443141
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>work as warehouse associate the summer before moving to california for university
>pull out newport pack when 60 y/o italian delivery driver locks the parking brake
>throws up a confused expression, yells 'what are you doing smoking nigger cigarettes?'

and during my first semester, the first and last conversation i had with a calculus study group was borne out of a passive remark about the heritability of IQ. two years after the fact, though, almost all of my time is spent with graduate students and professors for upperclassman biochemistry/mathematics courses, armed by the knowledge that my peers have next to nothing to offer. after all, you deserve what you tolerate

>> No.19443152


>> No.19443164

i used to desperately wish to beat off and give in but at this point i'm beginning to enjoy my desperation and the deranged fantasies oozing from it

>> No.19443170

Try to find Vladimir Solovyov’s Lectures on Divine Humanity

>> No.19443220

>Getting the go to therapy or its over threat from the GF

Seems anytime this happens its over...

>> No.19443229

Wow I was right

>> No.19443246

I'm so tired of living in an apartment in the city. I was laid off last summer and got a taste of the outdoors that I will never forget. I spent the entire summer outdoors camping, hiking, fishing, swimming, driving all across the state visiting new towns, eating new foods, meeting new people but now I'm back to wage cucking and I've grown so discontent with everything. All of this just feels so fake and pointless to me. I want to get back out there, I NEED to get back out there. I want so badly to start living, to feel free again, like I'm in charge of my own life, doing what I want to do.
I despise this gay country and how the system is designed to force you to work. I have to work to make money to buy an over priced home. I have to work to simply be able to afford insurance. Why do we even have insurance and why is it so expensive? The only logical conclusion is the system is designed to keep us working like slaves. I dont want to spend the best years of my life and health, locked up in some apartment working 40 hours a week in front of a computer. I want to be outside, I want to feel the cold, smell the trees, the dirt and the moss. I dont care if its not as comfortable as my comfy apartment, atleast its real.
As I sit here working my boring job and gambling shitcoins with the hopes of getting rich, I feel like I'm just waiting for my life to start. I want my life to start so badly bros.. every fiber of my being is itching to start living.
Idk where I'm going with this so I'll just end it here, thanks for reading my diary

>> No.19443278

why does she want you to go to therapy

>> No.19443293

What's it like being Polish?

>> No.19443305

I spend all my time studying construction. My goal is to buy 20 acres somewhere deep inna woods and build my own home. Nothing fancy just a small 20x30 single story cabin. Here is a rough outline of my plans:

Phase 1 (6 mo - Summer time):
>Buy land
>Build pole barn (simple barn with no walls)
>Buy cheap used trailer/5th wheel
>Park it under pole barn
>Live in trailer as I work on next phase

Phase 1.5 (6mo - Winter):
>Harvest timber
>Process through saw mill
>Create lumber for the purpose of building home
>Allow lumber to dry for several months

Phase 2 (2 year):
>Construct my cabin
>Install well
>Get power hooked up

Phase 3:
>With a home I own outright, I can begin to live life
>Spend most my time doing whatever I want (work on cars, garden, build things, hunt, fish, explore..etc)
>Maybe work a small part time job for spending money

Thats the plan

>> No.19443310

how do I write wtf? do I just write???? where do I put my writing? do I just write??? if i wanted to write something like erotica where do I even post it. Why do I stop every time I do try to start something like writing? I've written dumb fanfiction before but I can't bring myself to even finishing a short story anymore.

>> No.19443329

Inability to effectively communicate is probably the main complaint.

>> No.19443352

thats a necessity

>> No.19443380

Not polish i was just molested

>> No.19443381 [DELETED] 

I hate sin, I hate Satan, I hate sodomites

>> No.19443417

Oh for sure, shes also very sentimental and i'm just not so it makes it tough and shes prone to comparison

>> No.19443437

New girl at work won't stop flirting with me. Great butt. Problem is I hate women and want to be left alone.

>> No.19443444

I read a bit about the Franco-Prussian war. I don’t deny there is a glory to it, a sense of greatness in seeing Prussia ascend and whatnot. And yet I feel more sorrow for the people of France and the German states who died. It’s a shame so many soldiers and civilians died and so many lives were disrupted and ruined. I don’t know what I’m trying into say.

>> No.19443470

need a big tiddy goth gf desu senpai

>> No.19443476

Zoomerspeak wasn't forged in 4chan basedboy

>> No.19443490

Matthew 19:23-24:

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

>> No.19443503

I just finished list 3 of introduction to calculus, on to list 4.

>> No.19443509

I am in a FOUL bitch of a mood.

>> No.19443572

I have become the greatest American poet of all time and I feel nothing.

>> No.19443601

I feel that

>> No.19443624
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some girl in the bus today asked me where I got my jacket. No idea if it meant anything but fuck I should've just asked for her number. She kinda seemed underage, though I'm not sure as I've met some small girls that were in their 20s. In any case she had one hell of a dumpy. I should've just asked for a quick fuck. But now I'm in my room with a raging boner and I can't stop thinking about her ass. Fucking hell why was I such a stupid moralfag pussy. I'm gonna go jerk off now.

>> No.19443735

>started reading bible
>feel peaceful and happy
>listening to indie christian music right now
>feel like i'm converting unironically
guys. this feel.

>> No.19443741

Lmao stop being a coomer

>> No.19443753

just beee yourself :)

>> No.19443761

do not jerk off

>> No.19443785

doesnt lumber take a few years to properly dry

>> No.19443795
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I'm glad this story had a happy ending, but I still don't understand how this was ever a case to begin with when from day 1 everyone could tell this was self defense

>> No.19443812

I'm good at everything

>> No.19443813

Hr should thank his lucky stars he didn’t kill a Black guy. Even if it was self defense he’d be going to jail if that was the case.

>> No.19443820

How to let go of anger toward someone who hurt you badly but you're unable to take revenge on?

>> No.19443827

Don't worry, it'll pass.

>> No.19443835


>> No.19443841

Dissociatives, or dissociative techniques.

>> No.19443869

speak english goddammit

>> No.19443878

t. satan

>> No.19443954

You know what dissociative drugs are. You don't need a high dose.
>dissociative techniques
For example EMDR, or VK dissociation.

>> No.19443978

How to live sincerely, anons?

>> No.19443992

Just spoon feed me this is new territory.

>> No.19444031

i got myself thinking...

im 27. got my CS degree and working as a web developer for half a year now.
Realized i dont care about any of this stuff. I just need the money.
What's a smart play for me here? Money is good but stress is real bad, i barely have time for myself, to make music or to read or to chill in nature.
I need to find a way to make enough money so i can just chill, occasionally read and walk in nature. Is that possible?
Alan Watts said find something that you love and eventually you'll find a way to make money off it. I'm not sure what i love to do, i think it's music but if i really loved it why would i pursue programming? Am i that big of a coward?

>> No.19444057

see >>19443753

>> No.19444064

Stop communicating through words
Art, music, body, etc

>> No.19444071

too late brother

>> No.19444168

doesn't have much to do with porn, it can be any type of nut

>> No.19444174

>favorite spot in the library is now also the favorite spot of several dry lip smacking four course meal eating literal nail clipping IN THE FUCKING LIBRARY old men


>> No.19444247
File: 5 KB, 300x134, Screenshot(456).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can make a booty call right now but its another guy and I kinda wanted to start dating girls, but the dick is good.

What to do? (No anal, we both hate asses, just a suck and rub fest)

>> No.19444251

I like these words
Please supply me with more.

>> No.19444279

I feel like you'd be a fan of "truculent"

>> No.19444287

you know times are tough when facebook is sending you targeted adds for therapists and AA groups

>> No.19444292

If you want to do it then do it. A gay frot-fest won't disqualify you from "dating girls"

>> No.19444294

know yourself

>> No.19444312

cringe samefagging

>> No.19444320


Ive been more depressed than I have ever been, but this song still manages to make me feel better sometimes.

>> No.19444321

I guess its a matter of my energies and where I want to focus them.
I was trying to maybe leave that all behind.
Chicks don't really dig bi guys. Even ones like me that are clean and safe.

Plus I sort of broke it off with this guy in an attempt to recapture my straightness in the past. I wish I was more secure, but its hard to be homo even in 2021.

The body says yes. The society is still pretty fucktarded about it.

>> No.19444342

I came to know myself and that was the moment I started living insincerely. I want people to never find out what's inside me.

>> No.19444350

thats a shame but if its working for you godspeed

>> No.19444365

I want to change that.

>> No.19444374

what is inside you that you want to hide

>> No.19444383

I think I may have been born the wrong gender.

>> No.19444397

you need to seek some serious fucking help my man

>> No.19444434

Yes! Thank you, anon. It's perfect. I added it to the list.

>> No.19444461

Stop impersonating me fag

Numerous shortcomings

>> No.19444527

>Numerous shortcomings

that's everyone, you've got to come to accept yourself if you want to live sincerely

>> No.19444555

hobos or relatively prosocial final-form boomers

>> No.19444583

read some houellebecq and oscillate between internal metaphysical debates and thoughts of how juicy prepubescent thighs are next time you're commuting
t. biochemistry student/recovering fag somewhat rehabilitated by the elementary particles

>> No.19444602

>>>/trash/ and not much else
are you a furry?

>> No.19444605

If i make a cult and then it gets full of federal agents cant I just make these agents work for free?
we could do consulting or something

>> No.19444607
File: 101 KB, 720x900, 1608382879777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to be friends with a woman? I became friends with a girl earlier this year; she has a good sense of humor and can actually hold a conversation. I enjoy hanging out with her more than I do hanging out with some of my bros. Very recently I got the "wouldn't it be cool to date her?" bug in my brain and I can't get rid of it. She's engaged so it's a total nonstarter. I'd like to just have a real friendship without thinking about fucking her. Wat do?

>> No.19444621

I’ve come to realize Marx was a revisionist

>> No.19444622

>enjoying the company of a woman
you're beyond saving

>> No.19444647

lol, the answer is no. all it takes is for there to be the one moment where you see the person as a prospective partner and you can never go back. people cheat overwhelmingly with coworkers or friends for this reason.

Find a guy to be friends with, if you want to enjoy a woman's company get married dumbass

>> No.19444652
File: 184 KB, 650x838, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you'd just wish women were guys with vaginas, the world would be so much simpler. All the perks of our favourite hole combined with hanging with your best bro playing vidya.

>> No.19444657

There’s nothing you can do other than find someone else to think that way about. But if you’re already thinking about dating her there’s simply nothing that can be done, you can put on the disguise of friendship but it will make you miserable

>> No.19444671 [DELETED] 

Abstract crimes deserve abstract punishments.

>> No.19444675

Yes very rarely since women capable of true friendship are extremely rare, but then only if she's engaged so it's a total non-starter. That way it's a solid stone wall of rejection before you can even begin to think of trying anything or hoping for anything. If you are a total Chad who sees women as interchangeable and can stay just friends with an amazing girl, if she's single or even if she has a bf, she will do some weird shit almost guaranteed, because your very aloofness will be like morphine to her. If she is fuckugly and you aren't interested her except as a friend, she will likewise do some weird shit and try to bag you.

Simply put, women cannot be relied upon to be the one with self-control in a "is there something more going on here?" situation, because they are actually attracted to you exerting self-control. The more you seem like you don't need or want something more with them, the more you control your side of the urges, the more they will feel attracted to you. Conversely, they can't control themselves if they think you want them, and they don't want you. If you reveal to them through your actions or words that you want them romantically or sexually when they don't want you, all that nice friendship you're trying to preserve will be irrevocably poisoned by them seeing you instinctively as something like a mix between a tumor and a piece of shit, the lowest form of life imaginable.

Also, if you are the one who is engaged or in a more serious relationship, even the best woman will do thot shit. If she's an amazing person, she will still do it, just without realizing or admitting to herself she's doing it. I'm telling you, women cannot be trusted to handle their side of this equation. Men will mostly fuck it up by being horny and stupid, but at least horny and stupid is theoretically surmountable. The kind of horny women get for validation from a taken man or a man they think doesn't want them is like a meth addiction and a heroin addiction mixed together. They become monsters.

So the single best way to pull it off is for her to be already taken, in a way that you can't even think of wedging yourself into. Married with kids is ideal. That way no matter what feelings you have, they remain wistful melancholy occasional or background thoughts, and never reach a critical mass. That's why kids are ideal, because it's harder to even beat off to her if you mainly picture her as a happy mother.

You're in the ideal situation to pull it off if you really want to. But 9 times out of 10 you're still going to be a horny stupid idiot and enjoy the warm fuzzy oxytocin you get from your little "just friends" conversations so much that you will convince yourself you're more important than her marriage. If you can be the 1 out of 10, good for you. But commit to it consciously and commit to scourging yourself in shame if you fuck it up.

>> No.19444682

Also, even if you do it perfectly, it's just plain weird for women or men to have BFFs when they also have a relationship. I don't think that's fair either, but I don't make the rules. If the guy is a Chad, he will be secure enough not to care that she has a close male friend, but that's rare, and also if that's the case you may have a situation on your hands like I mentioned above, where she sees all men as feces in comparison to her gigachad husband. If that's the case, you need to never ever show any feelings or attraction to her, never be awkward or nervous around her or she's going to know you're one of her half a dozen orbiters, and she will instinctively stop treating you like an equal, and you seeing eachother as equals is a precondition of genuine friendship.

Basically, if she's a rare woman and you're a rare man and ideally her husband is a rare man, you can maybe make it work. But even then the window is large and open for irreparable fuck-ups.

Get rid of that "he's a total nonstarter!" shit right now if you want any chance of success. Make her a platonic friend and cease having an interest in rating whether her bf is "worthy" of her or not.

>> No.19444690

>Get rid of that "he's a total nonstarter!" shit right now
I meant to say, get rid of any "he's a loser / he's not good enough for her" shit right now if you still have it. For some reason I had the non-starter comment stuck in my head and the wires got crossed my bad.

>> No.19444694

Just stop being an autist and hang out with your friend, anon.

>> No.19444710

Most of these replies are retarded. You can't date her, so get over it. If you can't get over it, let her go.

>> No.19444712
File: 433 KB, 500x542, 1585541863536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at times i can't sleep unless i imagine that the next day i'll wake up in a cute girl's body instead. it's a combination of wanting to be unconditionally loved and not having to wrestle my way up a corporate ladder or sweat blood making investment decisions or punish myself physically until i look like a shounen manga protagonist, unironically wanting to be dicked until i'm reduced to a panting, sweating animal, and observing the plight of similarly discarded imageboard dwelling outcasts in abject horror
is there a way out? do i just not beat off and all at once, like a poorly engineered dam collapsing from a slowly growing river, i'm granted the brain of chad? do i wait until i'm older and shriveled and tights can't even fit on my wrinkled thighs?
god i just want to be walking sextoy and forget fucking everything

>> No.19444729

Gay AGP anon you need to find a way to vent your urges without confusing them with solutions to all of life's problems.

If you do become a tranny you should at least face up to the fact that the vast majority of men you fuck will be third or fourth rate consolation prizes for the men you imagine fucking you in your fantasies. Sex never works out the way you want it to. People who ruin their nonsexual lives to become the living embodiment of their fetishes usually end up with the few other people stupid enough to be into it, and those are usually fat ugly old creeps.

Do you really want to be a tranny still on grindr when you're 35 and look like shit?

>> No.19444733
File: 589 KB, 2000x1333, Jordan-Peterson-Dangerous-Mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*triggers you automatically*

>> No.19444738

Index funds are 100% halal but shitcoins, options and short selling are haram

>> No.19444748

it's not like they genuinely care for the difference; throwaway comments such as that aren't even borne of observation, they're just regurgitated to them and repeated whenever there's the slightest hint of opposition
to them, although they don't know it, it's like how many see voting and why they don't bother to do so - it's an infinitesimal difference between two parties, and both of them are selected by the same lobbyists anyways - so as they remain as political as a ream of paper, zoomers consume the product they've always known, guffawing mindlessly to their subboxes, attributing any profound thought to psychoactive drugs, to our horror

>> No.19444757

You write like Nick Land having a seizure

>> No.19444784

eh, in what way? he did break entirely from the european radical movements before him, which is probably a good thing

>> No.19444797
File: 142 KB, 1054x1033, 1b53c944dd5908ceb7893ffe2df57335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, fuck that. That isn't what I meant. This sounds like pussy shit, I don't want you as my girlguy. Keep that bussy away from me, the smell from your clench of oyster disturbs me. You're suggesting some sort of transworld. I meant more like all women are born with guy brains. Hunter gatherers. (suddenly being hunted themselves, though.) I do, however, dread the idea of all women suddenly finding farts funny. Highly unattractive. And I also worry, that the mere separation between sexes, having different genitalia, would lead to men and "women" still being totally different, because they grow up with different expectations and treatment. I'd rather turn it into fiction, where I don't have to explain the logic and just go with it. I'd call it "dudeworld" or something, you can suggest me a better title though.

>> No.19444798

I'm so fucking horny i will marry the next person who's willing to let me touch them

>> No.19444799

Is it just me or is /lit/ especially terrible and boring atm.

>> No.19444809

I thought it was a pretty good show.

>> No.19444810

its been terrible for months now. even when i make on topic threads about books ive read they get a minute bit of engagements then die

>> No.19444837

>everyone else is retarded so i'm going to say exactly what everyone else said

>> No.19444855

Anyone notice any difference in content with seasons?

>> No.19444881

im starting to think none of you really care about me :(

>> No.19444898
File: 749 KB, 874x580, utopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god of course not - i'm certainly aware of what stands at the end of the line, but even sexual anomalies aside, i can't even see myself above the age of 27 as a 20 year old currently
it's not that i wish to be dicked by chad. often, the sexual partner takes an abstract form, like a shaggy-haired, mute main character of a hentai animation and the only static details are the presence of a cock and not being morbidly obese; instead, i idealize myself, and i take the form of anything from the tight 12 year old aryan girls i see from the tram to whatever quadrupedal pokemon i have the twitch for at the moment
so, i do recognize that salvation lies in being monastic, but i fail to see what to do after i've either redirected or smothered all of these sodomite desires.
i apologize, for the most part day 22 of NNN is to blame for that insufferable blogpost. but then again, any other month i'd just beat off and not allow these feelings to amass at all, and not have the energy to even identify my wet dreams as objectively fucked, let alone seek for consolation. also, maybe if i were to have actually had buttsex, the spectacle brought upon me by japanese paintings would be shattered instantly from the sensation of taking a shit in reverse and drowning in male body odor, but as for my bunghole it's unscathed. i'm physically clean, but obviously mentally filthy.
anyways, if women are born with guy brains, that's more or less identical to what i was recommending, no? the difference is that guys (with guy brains) become women spontaneously, and actual, biological women unlike the mutilated, drugged horrors beyond human comprehension shambling pride fairs and discord servers we see today.

>> No.19444906
File: 330 KB, 1336x576, jap soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


鳥が運んでくれた種は tori ga hakonde kureta tane wa
静かに呼吸をしているよ shizuka ni kokyu-u wo shiteiru yo
どんな景色が広がるかな don-na keshiki ga hirogaru kana
思い描くよ土の中 omoi egaku yo tsuchi no naka

そっと覗いてみましょうか sotto nozoite mimashou ka
少しばかりは怖いけど sukoshi bakari wa kowai kedo
おひさま満ちる世界が見たい ohisama michiru sekai ga mitai
この気持ちは揺るがない kono kimochi wa yuruganai

風の音色が変わったら kaze no neiro ga kawatta ra
雨の棘がなくなったら ame no toge ga nakunatta ra

あなたにはこの世界 anata niwa kono sekai
どんな風に見えますか don-na hu-u ni miemasu ka
ここで私は根を張って koko de watashi wa ne wo hatte
夢の途中のため息で yume no tochu-u no tameiki de
綿毛を遠く空いっぱいに飛ばして watage wo to-oku sora ippai ni tobashite

叶わない願いも kanawanai negai mo
届かない想いも todokanai omoi mo
深い深い色になって hukai hukai iro ni natte
私をそっと染めてゆく watashi wo sotto somete yuku

あの屋根を越えて ano yane wo koete
隣の町まで tonari no machi made
どこかの知らない誰かの庭へ dokoka no shiranai dareka no niwa e

幾つかは踏まれ ikutsuka wa humare
幾つかは船の上 ikutsuka wa hune no ue
あなたの肩にたどり着けたなら anata no kata ni tadori tuketa nara

小さな火が燃えている chi-isana hi ga moete iru
土の中で音もなく tsuchi no naka de oto mo naku
明日自由のときが来たら ashita jiyu-u no toki ga kita ra
きっとあなたに会えるから kiito anata ni aeru kara

>> No.19444910

what, you don't enjoy the countless threads about guenon, evola and mccarthy?

>> No.19444913

I've got a very good classical guitar bros. Makes me so happy!

>> No.19444926

We just had 3 threads about whores that were up for 2+ days. Didn't enjoy those?

>> No.19444967

a treatise on the virtually-induced premature senility would never be complete with some excerpts from uncle ted:

>Instead of using their technological means ofproduction to provide themselves with free time in which to undertake intellectual and artistic work, people today devote themselves to the struggle for status, prestige, and power, and to the accumulation of material goods that serve only as toys.
>Yet the inconvenient fact is that human individuals seem to differ greatly in the degree of autonomy that they need. For some people the drive for autonomy is very powerful, while at the other extreme there are people who seem to need no autonomy at all, but prefer to have someone else do their thinking for them.
>The argument that "people now have more freedom than ever" is based on the fact that we are allowed to do almost anything we please as long as it has no practical consequences...In short, we have more freedom than ever before to have fun, but we can't intervene significantly in the life-and-death issues that hang over us. Such issues are kept firmly under the control of large organizations. Hence our deprivation with respect to the power process, which requires that we have serious goals and the power to reach those goals through our own effort.

what do you have so far? any drafts for a script?

>> No.19444976


>> No.19444978

No problem anon, I was just larping/joking a little. My advice, don't watch porn. Lastly, where is that image from? I tried image searching it but go not hit, that's exactly what I was talking about!

>> No.19444980


>> No.19445004

Yes this. God awful threads. Got invaded by pseuds, snobs, sneeds, incels and poltards. One of the biggest reasons I visit /lit is to get away from all that shit. Especially the typical gender-related bullshit discussion that takes place EVERYWHERE ON THE NEWS, MEDIA AND THE FUCKING INTERNET 24/7. It's like they purposefully make some thinly coated /lit related thread with the intention to fire up discussion about gender.
And yes, also this.

Yet, to each its own. I like these threads most, also writing prompt threads, creative writing, sharing stories. Yes, I'm generally more interested in the writing side of /lit than the reading side.

>> No.19445009

What if it’s for your kids though?

>> No.19445056
File: 682 KB, 980x836, asian gook tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link was already posted, but i sure miss the days when tim heidecker left them alone, when sam didn't have mountains of ethereum as a cushion, and before charls stopped taking lithium.

i agree with you there, and to add to that even if every speck of decadence remained like barnacles stuck to the hull of a boat to my grave, at least libido can become a creative exercise. it's like how some mathematicians or painters can make history by getting insights from schizophrenic, hallucinogenic episodes, except my only audience is a handful of coomers quarantined to /trash/. regardless, it's an improvement

but in the case of my version of 'dudeworld', if the genderbending comes at random, how would you react if you woke up on the other side? and if a sufficient proportion of straight males were sex-swapped overnight, would that society collapse under a mass identity crisis? would there have to be 'sissy hypno clinics' sprung up hastility, in which recent transformees are strapped down with vibrators on their former cocks, until they buckle under the successive orgasms and resign to their fate as the weaker hole?

>> No.19445058

I wish those kinds of threads could just be about why promiscuity is bad for anyone that wants to get married and have kids. At least there was a little bit of discussion about the book, Anna herself had her life destroyed(literally ended) by her indiscretions. But they always turn into some weird discussion about the nature of women making them inherently evil or some other cringe stuff.

>> No.19445059

I'm a web dev and my coworker was going on about a new side project of his with a hobby he has... Which is making me wonder if there is any want or need for a web app similar to goodreads but more anonymous? Currently looking into these other types of book tracking websites/apps and wondering what the best ones are.
What do you guys like out of your favorites and what would you want to see out of a new one, if made?

>> No.19445066

>goodreads but more anonymous?
yeah you're on it

>> No.19445079

There are already cataloguing websites where you just have usernames. How do you get more anonymous than that? It'd just have to be a personal app where you can link your page to people I'd guess.

>> No.19445104

yes, if you really loved music with a religious fervor, necessarily you would have hated any other serious engagements, especially things leading to a wholly different career; in a universe in which you did, you would have endured living with your parents into your late 20s instead, writing songs all the waking hour and being content with the crapshoot that is profiting from the oversaturated market of creative endeavors
but, perhaps it isn't too late, and what you instead needed to lay the foundation of a musical life was to whittle your soul over years of living a different one. in that case, pack your shit and live in your parents basement, and set the goal to /making it/ a decade into the future.

>> No.19445114
File: 465 KB, 1024x1473, 1630794624203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spent the weekend writing a racist pamphlet—I had a hard-on all the time I was writing it. Monday, I called L’Infini. This time Sollers asked me to come to his office. He was sharp and mischievous, just like he is on television—better, even. ‘It’s obvious you’re a real racist. That’s good, it really carries the piece. Well done!’ He pointed to one of the pages with a graceful gesture. He had underlined a section: We envy and admire the Negro because we long to regress, like him, to our animal selves; to be animals with big cocks and small reptilian brains which are no more than appendices to their pricks. He tapped the page: ‘It’s strong, spirited, very aristocratic. You’ve got talent. A gift for words.

>> No.19445122

Same with me, except I'm an old fuck. It's like I feel time is racing against me, yet I don't want to dedicate the time to anything.

>> No.19445169

>There are already cataloguing websites where you just have usernames.
Do you have any examples? Genuinely curious.

>> No.19445185

kaczynski was on the fucking ball, really. with the game of survival now turned trivial by mass agriculture, medicine, and housing, all that remains for mankind is to either find a 'surrogate' purpose for existence, or saturating your head with every flavor of distraction you can financially afford and physically endure - about everyone finds a baseline level of satisfaction in a combination of both, to the point of modern personalities being defined by the ratio of the two.
demoralization is simply the logical conclusion. from primordial soup to walking fish, minds were born from and built for a struggle against death, and in its wake remains either suicide or a lifetime of self-deception until your physiology chokes under its own weight

>> No.19445216

>with the game of survival now turned trivial by mass agriculture, medicine, and housing, all that remains for mankind is to either find a 'surrogate' purpose for existence, or saturating your head with every flavor of distraction you can financially afford and physically endure - about everyone finds a baseline level of satisfaction in a combination of both, to the point of modern personalities being defined by the ratio of the two.

The game for survival is only trivial in the west, people still starve and have malnutrition in other countries. Buts what's wrong with enjoying your life with your friends, play some games, watch some sports, and just be okay with it. It's not like anyone except for a tiny minority that wants to give up the luxury that modern technology affords us.

>> No.19445222


>> No.19445229
File: 17 KB, 474x248, +4 Str +4 Sta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I go grocery shopping I get a bottle of wine and drink it entirely. I love being wine-drunk, it is such a fun buzz. I love you /lit/ you make me laugh when the rest of my day is dour and miserable.

>> No.19445235

It’s not a question of what we want: global warming ensures our civilization will collapse and soon, like by 2050. We mus prepare.

>> No.19445245
File: 749 KB, 808x853, 1637347009059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man walks into a pet shop and says to the owner. “Ok I want to buy a pet, but I don’t want a boring or normal pet, I want something different.” The pet shop owner informs him that he has a talking centipede. “Really?,” the main replied, “How much?” The owner informs him that the talking centipede is £50. Happy with the unusual offering, the man pays the money and takes his new pet home.

On getting home he lays the match box with the centipede in it on the table, opens it and says “Hello Mr. Centipede, fancy going to the pub for a few drinks?” The centipede says nothing. Figuring it must be tired from the journey, he decides to leave it for an hour and try again later.

An hour later he opens the match box and says “Hello mr centipede, fancy going to the pub for a few drinks?” The centipede again says nothing. Starting to get suspicious the man decides he will give it one more hour, and if the centipede doesn’t talk, he will take it back to the shop for a refund.

The man opens the match box one final time and says “Hello mr centipede, fancy going to the pub for a few drinks!?” The centipede says “I heard you the first time!!! I’m still putting my fucking shoes on!”

>> No.19445261

I recently quit my job as a scientist in the field of environmental protection to pursue a career as a traditional hand tool woodworker. Out of the many /lit/ paths to choose for a meaningful life, this is mine. I'm following in a tradition passed down by countless generations of carpenters who put their mallet to a blade to make something worth making. It's the most enjoyment I've had in my life.

>> No.19445263

I constantly wonder whether communicating with human beings is worth the effort. I believe society is a construct made up of lies and perpetual deception, that obfuscates everyone's true intentions and feelings, making it a landscape way too threatening to navigate for extended periods of time.

I keep telling myself there's good in people and people aren't that stupid, but secretly (I think) I hate everyone. No one can be trusted. It's not sad, I'm not lonely, it just seems like the state of the world. I do worry about whether or how I should communicate. Ugh.

Purpose for me is in video games, reading, podcasts, watching lecture etc. Once you put people into the equation everything becomes a mess. But as social creatures we are forced to communicate because auto-effective sensory stimuli have dampened amplitude to our nervous system... hence you rely on others to "scratch your back", to follow an analogy here.

People use people, to scratch their back, solve some kind of problem. What if you don't give a shit about anyone because everyone seems alien?

The funny thing is, I know tons of people would say to something like this "I relate" blah blah blah. But I've seen it time and again; in the end we're all alone.

>> No.19445267
File: 40 KB, 750x710, 1636129595474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoying your life with your friends, play some games, watch some sports
where do you think you are?

>> No.19445274

Properly speaking, I do not 'exist.'

>> No.19445277

I don't think that's true

>> No.19445286

It’s inevitable. How will civilization function when the global economy breaks up and cities begin drowning?

>> No.19445288

Mormons are gonna CRISPR the niggers into pure divine black kings to undo yaqub's evil and blacks and mayo ass crackers will break bread. Then and only then can we think about ending the pandemic.NPHS0

>> No.19445322

I think that's just fear mongering. It won't be that bad.

>> No.19445324

Least schizophrenic post itt

>> No.19445326

Can someone please explain why "IQ and genetics" is such a taboo topic? Besides outing yourself as an aspie or whatever, why would it be so terrible if it was genetic? Are gas chambers coming back the day after they prove it?

>> No.19445339

If we start accepting that some people are genetically smarter than others, the entire framework of American liberalism collapses. It’s like accepting that indulgences don’t do anything: the Catholic Church wouldn’t tolerate that thought even though it had no earthly impact.

>> No.19445347
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Modern morality is gnosticism but without the spiritual aspect. You are not allowed to make assumptions (even educated ones) on people or apply statistics to a group based on their biological characteristics. The irony of this morality in an otherwise completely materialist worldview is lost on the average midwit liberal.

>> No.19445351

Do you honestly wonder why that's a taboo topic?

>> No.19445355

back to uncle teddy, civilization itself is unnatural since fundamentally, it exists to organize diverse and even hostile individuals into a single hivelike organism. feudal monarchies found it necessary to have divinely attributed caste systems of royality/everyone else and our contemporary """democracies""" do the same secularly with economic sectors. yet, for the overwhelming majority of our race's history, mankind has existed as disparate tribes, making any feeling of alienation entirely natural.
of course a hivemind would entail the suppression of genuine expressions of discomfort. everyone must meet a baseline agreeability or be shunned. before, when humanity never conglomerated into groups over a few dozen, there were less people to take into account when defining an 'average'. conflict itself, then, can be defined as a numbers issue - as the population in question grow, disagreements between its constituents with it follow suit.

only the hermit is completely free.

>> No.19445362

Got a good hearty chuckle out of me, that's pretty good

>> No.19445370
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Anglos are based. The only problem with Anglos (and this doesn't even apply to all Anglos, but rather only a specific type) is the pragmatist/empiricist tradition in Anglo philosophy of the last 300 years that rejects all metaphysics, which is extremely retarded. Continentals like the German idealists (except for M*rx, who took the soul out of Hegelianism and replaced it with Anglo empiricism) or even the French postmodernists understood that vulgar materialism and naive empiricism is a philosophical dead end. The Anglo rejection of metaphysics since the "Enlightenment" was a wrong turn. It also was an influence on American pragmatism, which in turn led to the [[[Frankfurt school]]]'s so called "critical theory" and its consequences.

>> No.19445376

So what are you going to do about it?

>> No.19445388

What metaphysics in particular are important that empiricism rejects?

>> No.19445390
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post here fervently and masturbate

>> No.19445392

Yeah, I completely agree with you. In fact this is one of the points of contention I seem to constantly arrive at when discussing my philosophy of politics and society with people.

Many ppl I talk to seem to have really idealistic and frankly absurd views on how value systems form and collide--they seem to believe ppl could all "converge" on some "ultimate truth", and that values are something we can "discover together".

I believe values are something that is imposed and enforced. Now it's just more hidden because of all the obfuscatory mechanisms of technology, background politics etc.

There's this grand machine chewing everyone up and they won't even see that it's happening.

At the same time I am certainly not happy with being a hermit either. At the least I want to communicate, but communication is conflict--and I don't really like conflict, and I have very little patience or empathy as well. It's difficult just to talk I guess.

>> No.19445414

So we just get the worst of both worlds then? There are a lot of TV shows and maybe some of them are entertaining and you take amphetamines or smoke weed and that's it? We're gonna heckin get to mars and terraform venus if we just trust the science BUT if IQ is genetic then that's the end of the world? The tranny singularity is more likely (and preferable) than convincing some people they should or shouldn't have kids? If IQ is genetic there's no reason to keep (example) black people around? Its preferable to give black people guns and drugs and free gibs and just incite shit behavior and lotto tickets and commercializing poverty but its all preferable to the definite 100% holocaust that is guaranteed if IQ is genetic?

Not even a little bit. I understand perfectly well that it has nothing to do with actual objections but that doesn't bother me, it probably has to be that way for society to work, and I'm inclined to view it as a good thing. I understand its a similar subject to vocal veganism or saying that recycling isn't going to say the environment, to shit like saying that most women orgasm during rape.

>> No.19445427

>most women orgasm during rape.
ugh, hot

>> No.19445458

i'd like to stress that the natural state is living amongst a pack, as a small, autonomous group numbering no more than a hundred. often, and i'm sure you can relate to this grating against your ears to your dismay, this is brushed away under the 'live laugh love' tier platitude 'humans are social animals!!!' as if they're yet to wake up to the planet's transformation into an international anthill replete with congested highways and internet connections, as if they've considered that the logical conclusion of their trusims is each man becoming a tech-savvy, bipedal termite. the only means to 'converge at a universal truth', which i imagine to mean 'cease all ideological conflict', would be to change the very mind capable of ideological divergence.
from this is another appeal of sci-fi as a genre. turning space into a near-infinite frontier would allow humanity to fragment and ditch of this dreadful cooperation without burning everything down into the stone age. but good luck building venusian cloud colonies with our best minds stuck programming shitcoins and advertisement algorithms. so, in the meantime, waiting for industrial society to either collapse under its own weight or shoot for the stars as if its life depends on it (which it does), we post here, for so much as a simulation of the dead humanist spirit, buried under a lost frontier. god i want to jerk off.

>> No.19445461
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Do you think that there is a distinct lack of intellectual curiosity among modern liberals? I think that there is.
In the past, a lot of people even in the popular sphere had some level of intellectual curiosity like Pink Floyd singing about philosophy or David Bowie singing about space travel.
From modern liberals, in contrast, all I see is the most vapid and petty political posturing for social points on twitter and horrible, repulsive hip hop music.
You might say that there is the same lack of intellectual curiosity among average, milquetoast, Ben Shapiro tier conservatives, which is true, but my point here is that modern liberals like to think of themselves as the intellectuals and intelligentsia of modern society when in fact they are very dull and bland people. All their media like John Oliver and Trevor Noah and white guilt horror movies like Jordan Peele are incredibly low brow and embarrassing.

>> No.19445492

I'm not so sure, aren't Republican voters less educated than Liberal voters? They're more likely to have studied philosophy than conservatives.

>> No.19445499

the rebellious intellectual provocateur torch has been passed to young right wing types by the hip liberals of the mid-20th century since all the liberals that were on the ideological frontier are now high ranking members of business and academia--they've become mainstream and have plateaud. the only way to rebel now is to be right wing. youth will tend toward rebellion because it is "cool"and the ideals will follow them throughout life until the cycle repeats and liberals are the source of curiousity and new ideas again--maybe not for another few decades though.

let me know if this sounds right. I've been thinking about this topic lately also.

>> No.19445543
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Maybe some liberals have studied philosophy and have some education and so on but the point I am making is that liberals in general, and I some personally myself, are very vapid, petty, low in curiosity, low in intellectualism, and mostly just obedient, boring, trend following, snide people. I am speaking from the ones I know myself. All they talk about is social media liberal outrage politics and whatever trendy new netflix show is out.

>> No.19445546

So the events in the Wisconsin parade are very tragic, and I hope for the best for the people in the hospital. That being said, I worry that car attacks like this will lead to laws banning human driving once self-driving cars are viable on a mass scale. I enjoy driving. I find it to be the closest I can get to a meditative experience: where I am calm and highly focused. My fear is that experience will be taken from me in the name of public safety.

>> No.19445563

good angle. I'll now tell everyone in my immediate circle that car attacks are people being MKUltra'd into committing vehicular homicide to give ammunition for mass rollout of autonomous vehicle infrastructure

>> No.19445580

What happens when some little Sergei alone in his basement writes the code that turns self-driving AI into a targeting system?

>> No.19445585

I think the same can be said for conservatives, they just follow conservatives trends, like outrageover football players kneeling, Qanon, Trump is going to save the world. Both get outraged over trivial things like court cases.Two sides of same coin imo.

>> No.19445633

gf listening to shitty music and moping, law school is killing me, drinking too much, too much kratom, no friends, don’t read enough, etc

>> No.19445639 [DELETED] 

Yeah I mentioned that in my first post. Of course there are many conservatives with no curiosity as well but in general it is liberals who are supposedly, we are told, the smart and intellectual ones. But it is simply not true.

>> No.19445657

Yes I mentioned conservatives in my first post. Of course there are many conservatives with no curiosity as well but in general it is liberals who are supposedly, we are told, the smart and intellectual ones but it is simply not true. They are so dull.

>> No.19445658


>> No.19445666

I know the feeling.
You know, in my mind I had this image of "the communist". This person was a cultured person: well-dressed, hard-working, well-read in both leftist literature and in the arts in general. My ideal of the communist was someone who was well versed in science, in mathematics, as well as in literature, history, and the like. He or she would be someone passionate about labor rights, ecological issues, and the overarching trends of society.

In reality, I've realized most (Western) communists are either:
1. 14 year olds who like the aesthetics of the Soviet Union
2. Liberals who like the "ideas of communism" but haven't read a page of Marx or Engels once in their lives
3. People who are pretty much fascists but who happened to fall down a CCP propaganda rabbit hole.

It is what it is.

>> No.19445673

To be fair a lot of communists can be fairly well read Satan.

>> No.19445685

We can make generalizations all day but there are intellectuals on both sides.

>> No.19445687
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Also another thing that I was trying to say is that intellectualism and taste among liberals has gone down drastically over the last few decades. Compare artists in the 70s like Pink Floyd or David Bowie to a contemporary "punk" band like Idles. I think that Idles are the epitome of fake, manufactured, corporate committee approved "rebellion"

>> No.19445693

I guess but look at the "country music" that is played today, it's terrible.

>> No.19445695

Yeah that is true

>> No.19445725
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I guess William F Buckley is the archetypal intellectual conservative, but you don't see his type on TV anymore.

>> No.19445761
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liberalism was inevitable. yeah yeah say what you will about jews and to what degree you see them responsible for what we percieve as the inexhorable decline of tradition and normalcy, but at the receiving end is a dreadfully comfortable society. and why blame them for feeling as if nothing was wrong? the days of wars were over, for any conflict between any two internationally relevant powers would be a stiff wind away from mutually assured destruction and ruining the fun for everyone else. all that remained for one to be concerned of, and by extension, nations at large, were how to serve the global GDP and how to have it serve them in turn. japan turns into a car and loli hentai factory, and we subsist in symbiosis with them, driving their civics and scouring danbooru for erotic kicks to remain efficient and productive in our own factories. memories of war-crime-happy imperialism and the armed rage against that system fade into a handful of mass-produced video games and memoirs a microscopic minority care to read in the midst of infintiely more immersive spectacles.

i think the right wing, the antithesis of liberal 'apathy', seek to undo the resultant moral loosening. even without international conflict, they percieve enemies that are enough of a threat to justify cultivating personal strength against them. and good for them, really, because their hostility is justified most of the time. the wake of rittenhouse's aquittal is proof enough.

>> No.19445777
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>foundations of an actual career
a lot of us here would drag our testicles through kilometers of glass shards to just be able to complain about such things, faggot

>> No.19445788

Strange dream this morning. It was like my mind was trying to solve some kind of abstract logical puzzle. Yet the stakes felt super high. Anyways I get up still half asleep and experience a kind of mini panic attack. What's strange though, and I've had this before, is it feels kinda good. Like power is surging to my head. And my head suddenly become strangely empty and frozen in place. At the same time there's an overpowering sensation of incoming ruin and my heartbeat goes crazy. Anyways this lasts maybe 30 seconds to a minute tops. Then I'm back in bed sleeping.Noticed this happens more often after a night drinking alcohol or when I've been in taking too much information before going to sleep.

>> No.19445807
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I swear I'm not a schizo or anything but I've been having a strange problem for 5 or 6 years and I'm not sure what to do about it. Basically instead of experiencing things normally I'm noticeably detached from my senses, my thoughts and impressions, and my emotions, to the point that I can sort of manipulate them or turn them 'off' by concentrating. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be a way to do the opposite and the result is that I can't enjoy or take pleasure in things very much anymore, or express myself like I used to.
After around a year or two of taking notice of this it started feeling like I would be able to manipulate further things about my mind. I felt like if I pushed hard enough in one direction I would break something and greatly reduce how much emotion I felt, but I held off from doing that. I also felt that I could enter a sort of unconscious state where an outer personality would continue to go through the motions of my life while I 'slept' internally, similar to how I might enter a state of 'autopilot' while driving to work or walking a long distance.
The other thing I noticed was a sense of being unreal, or less than real, or being a character in the dream of something more real than me. This generally fits into my views on things so it doesn't bug me very much but being constantly aware of it 24/7 has made me feel a little unhinged.
I've tried to force myself to consolidate back into a unified person with no 'gap' or 'wall' between thoughts/impressions, the origin of those thoughts/impressions, and the thing that observes and/or makes decisions based on those things, but if anything it made it worse - it felt like trying to find handholds on a mirror.
And in the past couple months I've started having intrusive thoughts telling me to do very immoral or disgusting things and hearing voices/thoughts telling me to worship demons or something. I've learned not to pay stray thoughts in my head much mind and generally just say a quick prayer or ignore it when it happens but it might have something to do with what's been going on.
What's going on with me? Is this fixable or is it something I need to live with for a while longer?

>> No.19445808

>Also another thing that I was trying to say is that intellectualism and taste among liberals has gone down drastically over the last few decades. Compare artists in the 70s like Pink Floyd or David Bowie to a contemporary "punk" band like Idles. I think that Idles are the epitome of fake, manufactured, corporate committee approved "rebellion"
I'm not really sure what "liberal" music is. It sounds to me like you just singled out a band you dislike. That's fine but I could probably find many examples of artists that are liberal that aren't fake or bland. Interpreting music through the lens of culture wars sounds exhausting. Listen to the music that moves you.

>> No.19445823

Do the symptoms of this disorder sound like what you are going through?

>> No.19445846

Trips of truth. Fuck that guy.

>> No.19445856

Yes, almost everything matches.

>> No.19445858
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nigger doesn't even deserve a (you)
are you vaccinated

>> No.19445870

Maybe see a doctor if it's really affecting your life.

>> No.19445883

Yes but this has been an issue for years and years.
What are they going to do, prescribe me SSRIs or something?

>> No.19445912

They'll probably send you to a psychiatrist SSRIs don't solve your problem, they might advise you to psychotherapy. If you are depressed or have anxiety they might advise SSRIs but that doesn't deal with depersonalization.

>> No.19445937
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I fucking hate the Greeks. Like I really think they have nothing to offer but an understanding of the history of philosophy. Any one the believe in 'ancient wisdom' is a fucking pseudo intellectual. At this point your at or post Hegel or not.

>> No.19445973

Struggling to find the motivation to study. I can't break my addiction to social media. Everyday I wake up thinking I'll immediately get into studying, but no matter what I find myself caught in the loop of social media. 8 hours pass that I've wasted reloading pages over and over. I've even tried installing website blockers. Inevitably I find ways around them. There's no inbetween for me. If I'm studying then studying will be all that I do the entire day. If I open social media once then I'm going to be browsing for the rest of the day. Yet I know I can be different. When I was a freshman I'd spend entire weeks doing nothing but reading and studying. Admittedly I was horribly depressed then. So maybe the real issue is that I'm too comfortable rn and need to force myself into pain again or into depression to regain my prior concentration.

>> No.19445985

The only solution is communist revolution. If the soil is dead what can become of the seed?

>> No.19446001
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You are wrong. Platonic Forms are real. Nominalism is a lie.

>> No.19446006

You need to have an end goal brother. It could be anything from earning money to getting a girl or whatever. Set limits and try not to break them. Take the first step and you'll never know when you start running.

>> No.19446024
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>Platonic Forms are real.
>one thing turns into an other, so that means there is a magic other place with a perfect things.
the definition of anything is only a generalized symbol. At a deep reductive level this breaks down and there can be no 'taxonomy of all things' as it where. What is a chair? It's a cultural-social understanding of what it is. There is no higher form of chair.

>> No.19446037

I really love Plato's explanation of Eros.

>> No.19446057

as far as we give value to romanticism then yes I agree, and of course a person needs some in there life. But in a totalistic since, its all random fluctuations of quantum fields.

>> No.19446062

No platonist or aristotelian has ever thought that every word has a corresponding essence, only "natural kinds" have essences, natural meaning real in nature as opposed to just convention

>> No.19446070

I really need to escape this insanity. Every moment, every second, is a torture that I can never escape from. And when I do finally escape it in death, I will regret not enjoying the torture more. It's the definition of hell, and the worst part is that I created this hell for myself. If I just did my work, I would enjoy life more. I would feel satisfied applying my intelligence. But I am lazy. That is my curse. Sloth is my sin. I don't want to do anything. I want medicine so I can feel normal again. I want to ability to actually focus on my work without immediately daydreaming, but my parents don't believe in mental problems. I can blame my parents for not getting me medicine when I was younger, but its my fault that I don't have any now. The truth is that I am afraid. Afraid that the medicine will change my personality. Afraid that medicine won't work. Afraid of addiction. Afraid that I will get a taste of normalcy before I build a tolerance for the medicine. And no matter what choice I take, I will be shamed by the people I look up to the most. This is hell, and I can't leave.

>> No.19446077

Yes you're right. The issue is I can't make up my mind as to what I truly want. I definitely need direction but when I look inward there is nothing but emptiness, so I look outward divulging my self in empty stimulation. The problem is impulse control. I become enraptured by whatever strikes my attention the most.

>> No.19446103

I am so bored with my life. I don't want to travel, or party. Work and writing is unfulfilling. Feels like theres nothing to do in this world.

>> No.19446116

My brain has been balkanized.

>> No.19446119
File: 28 KB, 528x440, 1490063248254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like you might be mental ill or learning disabled in some way and end up blaming your self instead of realizing your place in history at the end of an epic. I'm guessing your in the US so you cant afford to get medical help so you just end up feeling like shit instead. What good is the seed if the soil is dead?

(We used to live in a world where you could graduate high school and get a well paying factory job and all the nice stuff that went with it. Now, well its not that things are getting worse but the are acutely returning to normal in this post-post WWII world. Of course the contractions of capitalisms are unsustainable so there is an unavoidable end to this ear. Ether with the transition to socialism or total collapse.)

Don't blame your self. Just do what you can do to make your life better, even if its a small thing like going for a walk.

>> No.19446128

then point to the prier reviewed nature of forms

>> No.19446185

language learning is for children.
not because they learn it easier, no -- it's much easier to understand grammatical concepts when you're older, much easier to find appreciable material to read, and so on...If anything it's easiest as an adult, even if the brain has become more rigid. however, the one thing children and teens and even young men in their early 20s have is time.

spent 4 years on-off learning a language. i have a decent grasp of reading but I couldn't speak or converse. i realize now it was all a waste of time. ill never visit that country anyway...i have a job, a child, a wife, and other obligations. the amount of time i have to myself in a day is probably 2 hours, and I stay up late to get it. it's worthless time. i might as well go to bed.

>> No.19446204

Anything or anyone not speaking English is a waste of time. Its all been translated by now so fuck the rest.
Also French is a faggot ass langue that people only pretend to like because its popular to do so. If anything its Italian that's beautiful.

>> No.19446220

Is it as it where that each part of the brain is a separate person? Only one or two selves seeing or hearing? A person has a stroke, one of the minds goes blind, yet the eyes still see. Thus they eat only half there food. The self which talks is the ego self, the prefrontal mind. The only one of which that has evolved to speak. If one had more than one voice, it would not be evolutionarily advantageous. One voice trying to be both rational and instinctive. Yet others minds control the body as well. Why does an atheist get religious tattoos? The prefrontal mind is the atheist, and a mute one is the religious one in this case.
When someone takes psychedelic drugs parts of their mind connect that were not connected before this they may see colors more intensely have hallucinations. A schizophrenic brain, is structured abnormally similar to this permanently. Just giving other minds within the brain a voice, and sight, and hearing. Causing the hallucinations.
May it be that the brain is not of one mind, but that all brains are hive minds? How many geniuses have been schizotypal?
Truly there is no free will. This age is the last of the spiritual. The theory of everything will disprove God.

>> No.19446317

I am NOT Bulgarian.

>> No.19446540

Is productivity to an individual a self fulling prophecy?

>> No.19446576

Self inflicted injury.

We evolved that way

>> No.19446628

is the worm pill real?

>> No.19446797

Rand… how could one woman… be so based? The fact she makes so many seethe shows how valuable she is.

‘A man’s highest pinnacle of virtue is to live for himself, to do what he thoroughly desires, to live for himself and no other’ ..and I’ve often thought the words that a man, metaphorically, is one who does what he wants.

Here I am trying to live for another and it’s a big lie. Not only have I sank in another's self-destructive spiral but I’ve been incapable of changing somebody who’s committed to suicide. I felt I had to try and by god did I make more progress than any thought possible, did more for my mother than any thought possible, that told me it was impossible. I have sacrificed myself on the alter of self sacrifice for what exactly, to who’s benefit.

I’ve lost a lot of my self respect. It all goes back to a revelation I had writhing in agony. Perhaps, it was means of self-preservation.

>> No.19446814

Does anybody know any good 4chan archives with no obnoxious mass popups on every click that archive /v/, /his/, and preferably /a/? I use warosu for lit ever since yuki la went down, but I don't know what people use nowadays for other boards.

>> No.19446848
File: 20 KB, 1443x228, J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the anon I emailed a month ago telling him not to kill himself didn't end up doing it
J if you are reading this, I'm sorry I only just saw your response, the email I contacted you with is an alt that I don't check often, either way I am glad to hear you are doing well <3

>> No.19446873

I’ll support anarcho-primitivism but only if we keep video games, ebooks, YouTube and 4chan. And modern medicine. And modern food.

>> No.19446994

>tfw stayed up till 3am again playing scopa on my phone...
when will it end...

>> No.19447069

I hate the fucking middle class. That’s all.

>> No.19447186

ok..............now THIS is EPIC

>> No.19447231

Why the middle one?

>> No.19447314

does anyone else get sweaty hands while reading?
i feel like it's abnormal in my case

>> No.19447319

it all started when I developed the childhood dream of being an intellectual aristocrat and prince of the realm, but then I realized I was a stunted ape and I've been whipping myself ever since.
this is how it has been going for years: I'll be doing something or other, and I'll soddenly want to escape from my plebian nature and become a real prince of the realm who is noble and beautiful in mind spirit and body, in other words really sublime and beautiful, and I'll try with all my effort but I cannot escape my banal stupid thoughts and pierce the veil with enough concentration of force to reach the sublime and beautiful...put another way it is always a game of connect the dots but after the tenth or so connection the line ten turns back fades into nothing, and the picture is never revealed to me in its completeness, only the distinct feeling of incompleteness, and the painful thing is that I am sickeningly conscious of it

>> No.19447657

This nice anon

no matter how you try, you can't ever escape the conditions of your upbringing

>> No.19447695

One of the frustrating things about bipolar is being unable to trust your feelings.

>> No.19447739

And the right to be trans

>> No.19447805
File: 12 KB, 250x170, EC41F4DB-5F23-4955-98A3-F59F14CE649E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really would like to not live in north america

>> No.19448142

My single biggest problem for the last several years, and it will be for several more, has been student loan debt.

>> No.19448163

You’ll have to get over it, or try going literally anywhere else so you see it’s either the same or worse in many respects.

>> No.19448169

I wanted to spend these years traveling. Living in poverty is okay, but how am I supposed to do that when the student loan servicers come knocking every month and I can’t defer? I can’t. I’d feel better if I could work a job I don’t despise, but there lies another problem. I’ve always felt myself pretty unconcerned with money and career, and yet both of these are the single biggest problems I have and causes for misery.

>> No.19448175

I'm very attracted to a girl I see semi-regularly but am very scared of rejection

>> No.19448191

just pull yourself up by your bootstraps chud

>> No.19448263


>> No.19448278

so I've been rewatching the Bladerunner sequel, and I noticed something interesting that ties into something I noticed on the show Magicians.

In Magicians, there's Ember and Umber, Ember (Fire/Light) the stronger of the two brothers, Umber (Shadow/Darkness) being the weaker. Initially it confused me why Shadow was portrayed as being the epitome of Order (if you remember, Umber created his own world, without the help of his brother, which he called "Cuba", and that world was extremely ordered and kinda boring and repetitive). Ember is considered the opposite of his brother, so if Umber is "order" then Ember is "chaos", which is exactly how Ember behaved too, very whimsical and capricious, but also extremely creative.

How this ties into the new(er) Bladerunner movie is that the two brothers Ember and Umber exactly correlate to the android lady "Love" and the police chief woman (forget her name, but she was the blonde lady that K worked for).

"Love", like Ember, represents Light/Fire, Chaos, Change. There's a scene in the movie where Love kills the police chief woman, very symbolic scene, where Love is dressed in white suit (with dark hair) and the police chief lady is dressed in a black suit (with blonde hair). Police chief lady was sitting in her office, in the dark, and "Love" enters the room and turns on the light ("it's too dark in here"). "Love" gets angry at the police chief because she is trying to stop Change from happening; the Change she was trying to prevent was the androids being able to reproduce like real humans, though the specifics are kinda unimportant, the key word is Change, any Change of the "natural" Order.

The police chief lady even said earlier in the movie to "K" that her job is to "maintain order", that there is a "Wall" separating humans from androids and that it's her job to maintain that boundary. Very esoteric concept being described in a movie, about Shadow/Darkness and how it relates to Order, Limits, Boundaries.

>> No.19448318
File: 188 KB, 900x675, gang-cats-Alaksa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a moron
Universals are real.
Nominalism is for gays

>> No.19448351

I think I have ADD, but I am not an idiot. I am near the top of my class at a highly ranked law school.

>> No.19448359

But otherwise, I agree with what you are saying.

>> No.19448587

new thread

>> No.19448602

All places are converging on north american levels of degeneracy, in 10-20 years all eastern european cities will be indistinguishable from new york and london culturally

>> No.19448730


>> No.19449351 [DELETED] 


>> No.19449475

Over the past few years, I've noticed a general trend.
Conservatives see things that they have no control over and say, "It is what it is."
Liberals see things that they have no control over and say, "It is what it is, now let me explain to you why that's a good/problematic thing."

I think it could be developed more though. Like it's impossible for one of my liberal friends to see two lesbians holding hands in public and not just acknowledge it happened, but have to go out of their way to say it was a good thing.

>> No.19449498

why put up with such insufferable faggots in the first place?

>> No.19449725

puppy cock?