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File: 73 KB, 606x879, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19440285 No.19440285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Rails a lot about scientism and how doctors have replaced the role of priests in a post-religious society.
>Debates Chomsky and tells him to his face that his utopian ideals are naïve and will get people killed
>Embraces liberal economics
>Is characterized by the right as being the founder of SJW identity politics

What am I not getting?

>> No.19440294

he was a pedophile anon.
He is no model for virtue.

>> No.19440296

most conservatives that are worried about sjw identity politics don't read theory, but you already know that

>> No.19440303
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>> No.19440330

pomos didn’t realize that if you abandon grand narratives you abandon all cultural power
it’s why they say postmodernism is the cultural logic of late capitalism: it allows those in power to dismiss any movement against them and rob it of its moral force, leaving nothing but their power. think about how the vietnam war is depicted in american culture: the stereotypical lament is “in the jungle, there was no longer any truth! how could we know who was right or wrong, how could we hold to any morals? nothing made sense!”
all this does is accede complete control to those in power—when there’s no longer any sort of moral force guiding the world, what is truth except the strongest surviving?
the deleuzean ideal of schizophrenic revolution and rhizomatic knowledge is impossible. accelerationist revolution cannot be manipulated; either the system will devour itself and leave nothing or it will find new places to consume and destroy.
in short: the pomos were retards

>> No.19440365

People (especially those who don't read shit) tend to oversimplify and outright deform philosophic thought. Happens to most thinkers, really, just more strongly in Fuckhoe's case.

>> No.19440372

>He is no model for virtue.
No such thing to begin with, read Foucault

>> No.19440424

You'd be surprised at how many people (even prominent intellectuals) don't read anything about the ideas they criticize/discuss at all

>> No.19440429

I do not need to know how a meal is cooked to know that it doesn't taste good.

>> No.19440442


False analogy, ideas are not sense impressions. The rejection of ideas calls for reasons going beyond "I don't like thing".

>> No.19440446

>I don't like your conclusions
>Therefore your arguments are bad
Never change /lit/

>> No.19440449

I don't know if I'd take his medical critiques without some consideration of his AIDs.

>> No.19440450

He was a spook. Given millions by the CIA

>> No.19440458
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>> No.19440490

>the deleuzean ideal of schizophrenic revolution and rhizomatic knowledge is impossible
Deleuze didn't believe in revolution. Only finding new weapons. All knowledge is rhizomatic. All capitalism is schizophrenic. This doesn't diminish the inability of capitalism to co-opt the schizo as individual. That would be impossible. This isn't to claim schizophrenia as emancipatory, but it does provide an interesting way of navigating power structures. In short: FUCKCSDFES OFFF NIGGER!

>> No.19440498

Yeah? And what would that consideration do for you? Does his premise not stand because he died of a disease? How stupid are you?

>> No.19440502

you don’t have an erection. You’re not thinking about raping and eating kids

>> No.19440512

The disease that was barely known at the time he caught it?

>> No.19440530

*Shoves 3 male arms up his ass*
Dumber than those ivermectin retards.

>> No.19440531


>> No.19440536

,>scared of a coof

>> No.19440540

>someone who hasn't read Foucault claimes he's x because of what he saw online
>someone who hasn't read Foucault claimed he's y because of what he saw online about how people who say Foucault is x are stupid and haven't read Foucault
ad infinitum

>> No.19440542

Infinity is not real take your meds

>> No.19440544

Not getting into a theological debate with you

>> No.19440562

AIDs was not the first dangerous illness spread by promiscuity, that’s hardly an excuse

>> No.19440565

I heard someone cough on the street the other day, almost had a panic attack. Scary times..

>> No.19440608

>Oh no I might die from something!
>Oh no a disease!
You are truly the faggot here.

>> No.19440785

>social constructs aren't real
>by the way I'm taking my history of kidfucking to the grave because the social construct against it would be too great to bear

>> No.19440865

>What am I not getting?
wannabe edgelord who wanted to cover up his pedophilic nature.this retard was literally memed into prominence by glowies and the big companies to distract academia and the populace.

>> No.19440901


>> No.19440934

>What am I not getting?
1) Individuals are incapable of praxis
2) As a normalien he isn't proletarian
3) As a highly developed bourgeois scholar during the 1968 crisis of capitalism he was capable of an insight into proletarian autogestation, particularly as he self-identified as proletarian aligned.
5) He board wiped Chomsky with a methodology goal in the first half and with a "service to the proletariat" in the second half
6) Bourgeois dilettantism explains his alignment with liberal economics, that and mussy
7) Foucault destructured the identity to make the post-structural identity available to capital to instrumentalise. The "right" here are "reactionary" in that they deny a fundamental necessity of modern capital: the destructuring, the destruction of identity categories. All must fall before the circulation of capital, which we know through the over production hypothesis to be the problem of realisation (ie: purchase). which requires the destruction of "traditional" identities.

I mean the history of philosophy of foucault is pathetically easy to anyone who has actually studied the German revolution of 1916-1923.

>> No.19440952

>distract the populace
From what?

>> No.19440965

>scared of unprotected anal sex

>> No.19440978

he's the original "everything is about power dynamics" faggot

>> No.19441036

>unprotected sex
>protected sex
Anon, I...

>> No.19441064

my big brain

from actual issues that were affecting the 3rd world such as race realism,communist insurgencies fuelled by ethno-cultural-linguistic differences,poor nutrition thx to shitty economy adding more fuel to the fire to the 'iq' problem,etc..

>> No.19441073

>from actual issues that were affecting the 3rd world
This shit isn't important so good on my man Michel. Also completely untrue. Academia loves to jerk off over developing nations subaltern.

>> No.19441077

every intellectual in France signed that damn thing

>> No.19441111

>This shit isn't important so good on my man Michel.
oh yeah bud,preaching to legalise pedophilia is gr8 eh?or,or the classic 'reeecism' and oppression by whites?he was neolibshit and got what he fuckin deserved,AIDS!!

>> No.19441148

So some nigger dying of aids in africa IS important? get real. Foucault wasn't a revolutionary nor was he trying to 'solve' the problems of the third world (what a faggot pursuit anyway). Should we tax the heckin rich and give the niggerinos gibs??? There are no solutions here, dipshit. THAT is what Foucault was about.

>> No.19441178

>Foucault wasn't a revolutionary
then y preach and protest?why did bother himself with revolutionary activities?
>Should we tax the heckin rich and give the niggerinos gibs?
i didn't even remotely try to say that either.
>There are no solutions here, dipshit. THAT is what Foucault was about.
yes,but there are certain courses of action that can give u positive,bang for ur buck,results.

>> No.19441194

Imagine typing this out.

>> No.19441214

>why did bother himself with revolutionary activities?
Early part of his career. Every Frenchman was in the streets in '68.
>i didn't even remotely try to say that either.
You're implying it by harping on third world problems as somehow deserving of attention or emblematic of our own issues. While I can see their tangential relation to the fuckhouse situation of where we are now I don't think
>Foucault was a CIA psyop to distract from heckin Nicaragua
holds any value whatsoever. It was a stupid point and you have not provided any evidence that it is true. Not that it isn't evident how retarded that take is in itself to begin with.

>> No.19441479

not every intellectual in france raped little algerian boys

>> No.19441500
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>> No.19441514
File: 452 KB, 1251x1838, cape philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Merquior's Foucault (1985), the entire premise of his academic monographs (arbitrary structures qua biopolitics/episteme) is undermined by spurious sourcing and misinterpretation. Reading through Folie et Déraison is like reading Bernal's Black Athena (1987-2006) - interesting, but mostly incorrect.

>> No.19441532

citation needed

>> No.19441538

Conservatives just run with whatever they hear from other chuds

>> No.19441540

I don't read anything written by niggers or faggots nor aimed at niggerfaggots

>> No.19441541

Guy Sorman

>> No.19441542

Marx didn’t “believe in” revolution either. Deleuze was a revolutionary Marxist. Any other reading is pure cope and mutt brainrot.

>> No.19441549

To go even further, the term SJW is used by brainlets who can't into books. From both sides.

>> No.19441569


>> No.19441572

It’s funny 4channers screech and tee about how they get attacked as hoc then “refute” this guy by calling him a pedophile

>> No.19441578

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.19441600

>you don’t believe there’s instrinsic values so you must think there’s no consequences from society to break those values LOL
why are you so fucking retarded?

>> No.19441602

I think the root fault of the hate Foucault getting is not so much political views (since he can teach both left and right a lot) or just dumb people. I think its just cultural differences. The writing style, the problems, concepts Foucault presents has its own living world that people need to get used to, but most of the people approach him as if it was a textbook. So after failing to understand what he is getting at, they look for copes (he is gay/pedo blabla). Its a shame, because he is just a great thinker, that has to be read by anyone who follows western intellectual tradition.

>> No.19441608
File: 57 KB, 740x555, foucault-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most /fa/ philosopher

>> No.19441634
File: 733 KB, 1600x1131, fallacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like your conclusions
Re-read the post.
Your argument was based on a logical fallacy (false equivalence)
When he pointed this out, you responded with a strawman argument and a micro-adhominem

>> No.19441742

That retarded buzzword spewing couldn't be less trustworthy if it tried

>> No.19441757

What if I'm 65?

>> No.19441892

love watching retards get a reality check, maybe pray to god for answer kek or for a brain hahahaha

>> No.19441898

I blame the internet right for spreading the "cultural marxism" meme and the general commie phobia. Just look at people using commie to describe everything as of we were in the 50s

>> No.19441941

>The writing style, the problems, concepts Foucault presents has its own living world that people need to get used to
Where would be best to start in order to appreciate this?

>> No.19442165

Personally, I found his interviews to be of great help, because in them he is very open about his influences, about what he is trying to do in his theory. And even if you will not read his main texts, they are a good read on their own. Foucault himself isnt that hard to read too. Discipline and punishment doesnt need a lot of preparation, maybe I can see History of sexuality vol 1 filtering some people, but if read slowly and with open mind, its not that hard too (my favorite text of him, because of its nietzshean sentiment).

>> No.19442169

>>Rails a lot about scientism and how doctors have replaced the role of priests in a post-religious society.
This is something I've been thinking about. Where does he talk about this?

>> No.19442194

Birth of the Clinic. His second book.


>> No.19442211


>> No.19442265

People also use liberal, reactionary, etc all the time.
I think overall the level of political discourse in most (if not all) countries is awful. And the worst part is that I think it's always been like this.

>> No.19442342

It's designed because dumb low IQ poor that are now right wingers are exactly the kind of people who would be leading a communist revolution.

>> No.19442346
File: 370 KB, 504x489, 1637527762691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like leftists have no core principles beyond "how can this aid me personally?"

>> No.19442352
File: 936 KB, 1773x1080, Scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a perfectly natural reaction to parasite infested freaks and their BS ideologies, commie faggot

>> No.19442462

>ackchyually I am a Trot and dont even like Gramsci, that makes a big difference!
idk you are all commies, and snowflakes on top of it.

>> No.19442489

>low iq people
Oh no no no no

>> No.19442533

At least he isn't Sartre.

>> No.19442553

Does anyone know where I can find this Spengler quote?

>> No.19442576

The hour of decision

>> No.19442582

thanks senpai

>> No.19442634

in the past year every time the word covid and biopolitics hve appeared in a foucault thread it gets deleted. as of right now there are none and the thread stays up

>> No.19442667


>> No.19442917

Excuse me but I identify as an AnCap, you're going on Tiktok Xer
The only natural thing is the exploitation of youngfags by merchants selling tshirts and mindbreaking them by selling 50s ads as a model society. I wouldn't even call them militants
Plebs gonna pleb