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/lit/ - Literature

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19439468 No.19439468 [Reply] [Original]

>Mike Ma
>Delicious Tacos
>Nick Land
>Curtis Yarvin
>Logo Daedalus
>F Gardner
>Icy Calm
Yeah I'm thinking literature is back on the menu. Probably the best art movement since 1930s modernism.

>> No.19439495

No one knows who your Twitter "thinkers" are. Fuck off.

>> No.19439496
File: 60 KB, 540x550, 21_0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize there are people for whom this is not a shitpost
>tfw you realize there are people who have read every one of these twitter nobodies' blog books

>> No.19439508

We are the new punk rock. You'll never be published.

>> No.19439509

I have never engaged any of these individuals.

>> No.19439514

Is RC Waldun right wing?

>> No.19439522

Mike Ma has sold over 200,000 copies this year.
You will read it eventually because everyone else knows how good it is.

>> No.19439527

Add Mike Cernovich a must read

>> No.19439535

Jack Donovon

>> No.19439633

>Mike Ma
>Delicious Tacos
>Icy Calm
fuck off

>> No.19439642

You're just jealous because you've never seen this much raw talent in a single post before.

>> No.19439647

>You will read it eventually because everyone else knows how good it is.
No I won't.

>> No.19439657

This is the only one I'm interested in. I've heard about his nietzcheanism. Where do I go to learn more?

>> No.19439694

Mr. Vitamins
Infowars.com (AlphaPower)

>> No.19439698

Friday Friday getting down on Friday

>> No.19439841

it made me sad to read logo daedalus' book, just a total failure from someone who cares so much about reading and puts so much time into it

>> No.19439888

Yes. His latest book, Die Akademie is basically about maosist fascism.

>> No.19439891

>Released: February 10, 2011

feel old yet?

>> No.19439895

I have no idea who half of these guys are and the rest are faggots like BAP and Mike Maloney.

>> No.19439915
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>> No.19439953
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>> No.19439972

didn't realise this was the youtube comment section, npc

>> No.19440012

I dont think the gays can be socially right wing but possibly economically right

>> No.19440027

You are not the same person who literally posted the song lyrics, r-right anon?

>> No.19440051
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Rod fresher
Richard Hanania
Michael Tracey

Yeah, it is like Sex Pistols in 1977

>> No.19440067

Rod Dreher, obviously

Forgot several names also:
>Ted Cruz
>Lindy guy (forgot his name)
>Default Friend
>Patrick Buchanan

New Swinging Twenties influential underground

>> No.19440304

We getting it done littey style

>> No.19440326

My work completely mogs these dudes' poorly edited screeds.

>> No.19440403

>no one knows who they are
>he says in a post demonstrating knowledge of who they are

>> No.19440409

lmao right

>> No.19440489

Anyone cultured has all these books loser.

>> No.19440509

Mike ma is better desu

>> No.19440523

doesn't write shit

>> No.19440657

Is he? I hear BAP is more intellectual while Mike Ma (who I've read) sounds like a crackhead (I mean that in a good way)

>> No.19440698

I read it, and honestly didn't think it was that bad. What was your problem with it? Other than the meme first 5 pages.

>> No.19440699

Not true. I'm a fag and even I think muslims are justified in throwing degenerate fags off buildings.

>> No.19440749
File: 363 KB, 1068x700, kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has the best book cover?

>> No.19440827

qrd on this guy? I'm a zoomer who grew up in metro van, I'd read the fuck outta this book

>> No.19440887

it literally doesn't matter how good it is if you don't publish and promote it.

>> No.19440998

I just got an order from Texas, that you?

>> No.19441021


Someone asking about the author and not the book is the author samefagging

>> No.19441029


No Jason, real people aren't ordering from you because until today your website told them not to.
I guess this is your dishonest, shitty way of saying your chopper blade is fixed?

How childish.

>> No.19441031

nah man, I still live in BC. Where do I order the book? the website seems to say that it's still a work in progress I think.
shut up retard

>> No.19441037
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Fix your website, idiot

>> No.19441055

Hahaha is this pathetic faggot shilling again

>> No.19441080

Okay, just working on the ebook right now, will get to it!

>> No.19441084


>nah man, I still live in BC. Where do I order the book? the website

for those of you just tuning in, this is jason pretending to be a new customer mentioning a website that the customer shouldn't know exists because nobody mentioned it and its not on the book cover.

Literally too stupid to samefag shill. I'm sure hos writing is just as cohesive.

>> No.19441087

Shitkick ca just add the dot :)

>> No.19441091


too late

>> No.19441094

holy schizo batman, how does this dude make you guys so crazy?

>> No.19441107
File: 112 KB, 482x483, the-shitkickers-white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too based

>> No.19441109

jason if that's you I sent my email using your "contact me" page. would be cool to get in touch with a local author, I'm trying build a network in southern BC. got a number of guys already, but nobody in the artistic world yet

>> No.19441123


Nothing, he's a lolcow.


>> No.19441150


heh you saw the (ypu) and didn't realize I was replying to your fake customer

>> No.19441152

Will check, I'm in Kelowna now, had to escape Vancouver as the place is rotten to the core!

>> No.19441155


kicked out of your baby mama's parents' basement suite

>> No.19441164
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Shit is tough but I'm hangin' in there!

>> No.19441188
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>but I'm hangin' in there!

This picture disagrees. Also get your story straight

>> No.19441235

Yeah, I moved to the Okanagan October 1st, I was evicted because I refused to wear the fucking mask anymore.

>> No.19441256


>I was evicted

Post your notice of eviction with caise and I promise to not post anything in /lit/ again because I don't believe you

you lie about everything

>> No.19441283
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>> No.19441478


So not evicted. A minor strata fine.

You lie about everything.

>> No.19441505

a tr00 shitkicker

>> No.19441599


A middle aged child, imagine your parents acted like this

>> No.19441669

That's just your internalised homophobia, faggot
I will fuck you in the ass

>> No.19441697

Who knows, or dares to dream, at what profound truths are contained, just waiting to be uncovered, within the esoteric tome known as Meme Magic by seminal author Baked Alaska

>> No.19442454

Oh fuck

>> No.19442728

how come these self published losers like bap are selling more than NYT best sellers?

>> No.19442842
File: 112 KB, 1541x661, oh-ya-i-lie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "elderly lady" called the cops on me the first time when I was working on installing my digital dashboard in my car in the underground parking garage... without a mask on.

Yes, working on my car with the door open in the underground parking and she called the strata and RCMP to fine me. Fucking cunt. I am not wearing the fucking mask, I am NEVER, EVER taking the fucking vaccine. Elderly cunt can fucking die for all I care, stupid fucking vaxxhead bitch.

I don't lie, it is just that 99% of /lit/ posters cannot fathom someone as based as me

>> No.19442851

Imagine wearing the cuck muzzle and taking the vaccine

>> No.19442915

all these are fucking trash

>> No.19442949

wear the mask you manchild. why not? because you saw some propaganda meme making fun of mask wearers online? how retarded are you?

>> No.19442962

Are they? There is a scam to get fake reviews which probably inflates sale numbers too

>> No.19443095

The mask is clearly bullshit.

If the mask worked, large corporations would have already made them mandatory during flu season. Manpower hours lost through sickness and such can cost huge amounts of money if key people are sick, again, if masks worked, in history we would have already seen corporations enact them as mandatory in order to avoid losses.

>> No.19443289

You can spot always Jason Bryan because he steadfastly refuses to compromise his artistic integrity to conform to the demands of mainstream audiences. He will never heed to the hordes of pozzbrained cucks who whimper and whine with requests for "more information" about the "plot" or "characters" so they can "decide" if it "sounds" "interesting." Blegh. Jason Bryan knows that what really sells books is authors who aren't afraid to tell you how cool they think they are.

>> No.19443299


>Manpower hours lost through sickness and such can cost huge amounts of money if key people are sick

It is such a low cost sink compared to low retention, poor training, extended mat leave and other factors that masking up the entire staff to mitigate illness would be insignificant compared to the losses on churn.

Which HR study are you referencing ?

>> No.19443339


If masks worked, then surgeons would have been wearing them before the pandemic.
If vaccines worked then we wouldn't have constant polio outbreaks.

>> No.19443368

The Shitkickers has tons of plot, you're just too much of a faggot to support the anti-establishment

>> No.19443382

As a dedicated Jason mocker I would like to point out that googling "Jason Bryan Shitkickers" will take you to his website, which has a contact form but no order form. If there's one thing I would commend Jason for, its that his cover design is provocative. I would also like to point out that Jason's website reveals he is doing something that most 4chan authors seem to consider an irrelevant aspect of writing: he is apparently working on new projects. His prose is horrendous and garbled, his mindset and worldview are childish, but the thing that makes most 4chan authors so annoying is that they seem to think they can write one novella with a few references to /lit/ memes (or they can write the same fucking novella over and over again, Gardner) and just constantly spam the board with transparent shill posts and that will lead to success. Jason Bryan is a retard, but as long as he keeps trying, there will remain a chance that he will improve.

As another anon in this thread has said, I believe my own prose is far superior to any self-published screed I've seen shilled here. But I also recognize that until I work up the nerve to publish and start advertising, my work is meaningless compared to any Gardner or John David Card or Waldun or, although I understand the words I am about to type are probably going to tank this thread, also Jason Bryan. It is a terrible thing to admit, but refusing to face reality is how you end up with a car trunk full of homemade paperbacks, a buggy website, and delusions of grandeur.

>> No.19443386

Unless they're ffp3, they literally don't work if your goal is to protect yourself from a virus. If you want to be thorough, you'd have to wear eye protection as well.

>> No.19443395


>they literally don't work if your goal is to protect yourself from a virus

confusing the size of a virus vs the water droplets critical to their transmissibility is a common mistake

>> No.19443403


nice try Jason but youve already been caught samefagging in this thread by replying to the wrong (you)

>> No.19443427

I did a year long contract at one of BC's largest construction companies in a role supporting the HR department.

We had a couple pieces of special equipment that only a small portion of the work crews could operate. The issue was, the piece of equipment bills out at a high rate and often goes into overtime. It is a loud, smelly, uncomfortable piece of equipment and probably the most dangerous one we have. A worker was distracted for a moment and his head was slammed into the back of the machine and off work for nearly 2 months as he had numbness in his feet and needed crutches to walk.

Another issue, that equipment is usually only used 2-3 times a week, and you'll get hot shots that want to take all of the hours and get well-paid for it. Problem is, they are always prima donnas and cause workplace bullying because they'll brag about how much they're making on overtime, so that causes another issue.

Third, when the workers are not using that piece of equipment, they are generally looking for steady daytime shifts. People get burnt out quickly on a nightshift using this piece of equipment, and so you'll rotate these guys in and out of that role as to keep them happy. Problem is, when one or two of those guys in your company are sick, you can offer cash bonuses to people to learn this piece of equipment and nobody wants to take the job. The types of people that work this piece of equipment are the types to be hungover and not want to work a 12 hour shift from Friday 9 PM to Sat 9 AM, then be scheduled for every weekend to work that shift, even if they're making like $1000 a day, some of them still sperg out and it causes massive issues because the equipment is so key, AND the worker is so key.

Often we had the flu go through a crew and it would make people sick. If I believed masks worked and I wanted to extract as much money as possible from the crew, yeah, you should probably ruthlessly require everyone to wear masks, take vaccines, not go to the bar to dance and have too much booze, and to get a good night's sleep every night.

Come to think about it, since dancing is illegal in British Columbia still, maybe we are already living under a system of governance where corporations and politicians are aligned to extract as much wealth out of the working man as possible.

>> No.19443430

Tacos is the only respectable one on that list.

>> No.19443443

It sounds like your job should not even exist kek, what are you even actually doing

>> No.19443455
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I gotta finish the shitkick ebook so I can increase my smiles-per-hour!

>> No.19443471

My opinion on the covid crisis is that democrats hyped it up as a way to oust Trump, thinking they could impeach him and then declare a solution before people started looking at the science and realized what they were actually saying was full of contradictions. That failed and they were left holding the bag with an unfixable artificial crisis. The vast majority of pro-maskers are just idiots who want to feel like they're apart of some huge historical moment, like old WW2 propaganda or something. The vast majority of anti-maskers are idiots like you who look for any opportunity to argue with authority because they never matured past the age of 16. And out of these two groups, the democrats have the most power, and the quickest way to get past this shit is to pretend like they've won, because what both sides are really fighting for is attention and praise, not control or domination or freedom. Because mature people understand that going out in public and screaming and raving about whatever social issue is bothering you doesn't garner sympathy, it results in annoyance and contempt.
I know The Shitkickers has a plot. Its about you fighting crackheads in the street because they stole your bike. The only reason I know that is because I dragged it out of you, because its not on your website and its not something you feel inclined to mention whenever you start another shilling campaign.

>> No.19443495

Come on, there is no way you legitimately believe that Jason Bryan could entertain the hypothesis that other people actually exist long enough to honestly speculate on what it might be like for a stranger to look at his website.

>> No.19443511
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>> No.19443528
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I worked on onboarding and training classes, COR certification, safety audits, and customer service, it was great for the experience and all that I witnessed, I even won a corporate award along the way.

Doing a year of 9-5 in the corporate world leading up to COVID was a complete and total nightmare, it shouldn't be surprising that so many construction workers overdose on drugs. I know of several during my short stint that died alone on drugs. Being creative helps me with the overall nose-dive of the culture and way of life around me. What else is there to do, but art or drugs, to keep one's mind sane-ish when shut out from society?

Bodily autonomy is the hill I'm willing to die on, I guess.

Well, I better close /lit/ and actually get my ebook finished and on Amazon, can't exactly sell any paperbacks when I'm not even allowed in the local pub without a fucking bullshit vaccine!

>> No.19443540

>A bunch of twitter pseuds and nick land
Literature is well and truly dead

>> No.19443548

I still dont really get what your job was but nice award all the same. Gl with your book

>> No.19443550

>nick land
One of these is just like all the others.

>> No.19443553

The same people telling me to take a vaccine and wear a mask are the same types who would ban or silence me for saying:
"women don't have penises"

So sorry, but if those ideologically brainwashed fools are in control of art, media, speech, law, government, education, I'm doing the world a favour by still being a free mind and someone who will preserve the idea of liberty. Because having control over what you think is perhaps the most important thing in the 21st century. If you buy into everything that state news, MSNBC, Twitter, Facebook, /pol/, Alex Jones, Noam Chomsky, Adam Curtis, Tucker Carlson want to tell you, obviously you will no longer think for yourself. The truth is somewhere in all of the noise but when issues are surrounded by censorship and billions and billions of dollars are involved, chances are, things like the fact checkers only exist because people started getting too close to the truth.

Truth is... the masks and vaccines are bullshit.

>> No.19443555

Have you read either of his books

>> No.19443814
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>> No.19444078

Criminally underrated.

>> No.19444082


>> No.19444172

I have never found literature more compelling than what these people write. It's revolutionary stuff and anyone who constantly shills against them probably also thinks that veganism and getting aids is cool.

>> No.19444183

I prefer Ma

>> No.19444196

I found this guy recently. Total garbage, trite style with not a single original thought. You guys love to be pandered to though.

>> No.19444305

yea you can tell by rankings in the respective genre sections. it's not fake reviews

>> No.19445828

Fake reviews involves selling the books.

>> No.19445954

I will not engage with a leftist who uses ideological and moralistic language.

>> No.19445975

Based AF. Im subscribed to all of their patreons and podcasts! Do the same if you want the best hot takes!

>> No.19446034

>my twitter friends are the greatest writers evar!!!1

>> No.19447266
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Stuff like Lil B (the Based God) and Yung Lean started being chilled here on 4chan. Years later they influenced what's now mainstream rap. Don't be too surprised if in the future the same happens with these authors. You already have Pewdiepie telling 10yo's to read Mishima and saying it's /fitlit/...

>> No.19448172

How do you know this

>> No.19448188

Whatever you say, Tim

>> No.19449176

Because he's the greatest writer of our time.

>> No.19450299
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good point

>> No.19450721

this. 4chan is actually pretty influencial in the long run, at least when it comes to internet culture. good to see a chad yung lean fan

>> No.19451052
File: 40 KB, 313x499, 51j95UDLdGL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst cover is the book by K.D. Walter. The book is actually way better than the cover would suggest.

>> No.19451103

go to bed mike

>> No.19451183

it's incredible to me how someone can pump out a hundred thousand words, spend ages polishing them up and preparing a book for (self-)publication and then shit their pants with a meme of a cover. they don't even need to be fancy, just nice. get some street-shitting fiverr fag to do it. i honestly don't trust writers who settle for shitty mspaint covers; that total lack of sensibility has to leak into the prose somehow

>> No.19451260

It bothers me too. I would really suggest checking the book out but even the author knows he picked a crap cover. The generic KDP cover options would have been better.

>> No.19451454

might makes right, ragnar redbeard
the way of men, donovan
ride the tiger, evola

>> No.19451495
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>> No.19451503

Truly the kali yuga.

>> No.19451521

>Ted Cruz
>Not Ron DeSantis

>> No.19451535

And NYT bestsellers don't inflate their numbers?

>> No.19451570

>he's fit and into the occult
>what would he know about essence of man?

>> No.19451594

im on the internet a lot and am only 25 years old but i only know two of these people. 4chan is filtering me hard these days.

to those who have read these people, are there any individual writers in this cohort you like? if so, what resoantes with you?

>> No.19451605

>this homosexual witch will teach me how to be a big man!

>> No.19451612

Wow that cover is like acid in the eyes!

What is the book about?

>> No.19451620

Do you guys ever consider whether or not the author is an artist or someone trying to make money?

>> No.19451641
File: 258 KB, 828x533, 5F4B767C-48D2-45BE-BBA2-FB38C0258181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m here for spicy tweets, lifting memes, Roman memes, Roman lifting memes, and eventually I’ll release my book on physical recovery.

>> No.19451645
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>having an ugly cover will help you make money

>> No.19451646

A teenager is groomed after crossing the wrong
"upstanding citizens" of the community (it's never actually mentioned who). He gets offered a literal get out of jail card but the strange favors he's asked to do become increasingly perverted until he's affectively implicated for terrorism and can't ever go back to his normal life. It's stops being a humor novel half way through.

>> No.19451647
File: 389 KB, 828x1131, BFDC6F52-5427-4020-B6E7-29F56F3160E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow for memes.

>> No.19451655

Literally who?

>> No.19451667

it's funny because this comment proves you missed the point. manhood is a higher virtue, not human.

>> No.19452093

Black Ass Pussy?

>> No.19452109

just use BAP for his recomendations

>> No.19452116

good bait fren

>> No.19452292


He's too unmanly to hold any political beliefs

>> No.19452376


>> No.19453575

>Manhood is a higher virtue than being human

>> No.19453797

manhood is an ideal, a virtue. it sits up there in the world of forms. material beings try to emulate the ideal. the ideal (manhood) transcends the human condition.

>> No.19453807

You’ve never been published. self publishing is not the same ss being published

>> No.19454193

>manhood is an ideal, a virtue. it sits up there in the world of forms. material beings try to emulate the ideal. the ideal (manhood) transcends the human condition.

Sounds like idolatry

>> No.19454203

is striving to be a good person (ie: trying to emulate the ideal) idolatry?

>> No.19454676

Trad pub is not for straight, white, masculine men.

>> No.19455135

No. You don't have to make an idol of good. The good is already real.

>> No.19455147

so is manhood

>> No.19455154

>manhood is an ideal

You said right here that it's an ideal. Good isn't an ideal. Good is real.

>> No.19455173

when plato speaks of the world of forms, he is referring to the ideal, which is also real.

>> No.19455198

Ideas are idolatry. I reject Platos world of forms as there are many ideologies that simply don't line up with reality. I think Donovan's view on masculinity is one of them based purely on the opinions of his followers.

>> No.19455429
File: 174 KB, 1116x1053, 55818AE0-E196-49EF-96AF-4C64D6EFF6DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manhood isn’t fixed. The romantic ideal of manhood that tradfags/wheatfield virgin waifu posters embrace has far less utility than it used to at least in the developed world/parts of the country. Therefore the yearning is one purely of nostalgia and aesthetics and reaction to the world around them. The gender roles are diverging somewhat. I’ll emphasize that “manhood” is changing not obsolete. I just kinda laugh at people like the golden one who have warped the idea of masculinity into a grotesque ideal that seems to be so out of place in today’s world. It’s some kind of weird boudrillard copy(simulacrum) of masculinity just because manbun hipsters and soibois evoke a negative emotion. I wonder, when robots eventually do ALL hard labor and combat, if warrior phenotypes will even have widespread appeal.

>> No.19455509


>> No.19455688

Liberalism? I think it never left the menu, OP.

>> No.19455863

Logo and Kantbot are both faggots who should be ignored

>> No.19456398
File: 206 KB, 479x330, contempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I reject Platos world of forms
stopped reading

>> No.19456413

Greta is a very weird looking... Girl

>> No.19457247

Platos world of forms literally isn't real by definition. Perfect forms do not exist in reality. There's no objective truth in it.

>> No.19458688

Nature is fixed, AKA YWNBAW. The industrial revolutions, even agriculture, are just blips on the radar of human evolution. Men are evolved to fight and kill for resources, not to lift boxes or mine coal. And as history has proved, no amount of resources is ever enough: it's as though the desire for victory is hard-coded into us.

>> No.19458704


>> No.19459348
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>F Gardner
What does a scientist from Congo have to do with this.

>> No.19459650

yung lean had a bit of a following here and MAYBE that contributed a little to him blowing up, but i'm pretty sure lil b was mainstream before 4chan memed him

>> No.19460375
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>> No.19460795

Yarvin is the only decent one, the rest are cling on meme faggots terminally online

>> No.19460856

>The gender roles are diverging somewhat
Zoomers using They/Them to express themselves online isn't going to undo 1 million+ years of biological stability, sorry bro

>> No.19460868

>I wonder, when robots eventually do ALL hard labor and combat, if warrior phenotypes will even have widespread appeal
You naive little brainlet. Religion will upend the robot utopia, even NRx spergs like Dark Anchorite believes so

>> No.19460917

>submitting to irrational demands made by sociopathic tyrants makes them go away
are you sure you are not annoyed at, and contemptuous of your own weakness?

>> No.19462280

For me, it's Thomas Wangenheim (heir to Oswald Spengler) and Outdoor Illner (heir to Martin Heidegger)

>> No.19462289


>> No.19462357

>logo follows me on twitter

u jelly?

>> No.19463241

You left out (or I missed them):

New BAP essay published today:

>> No.19463259
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>Die Akademie

>> No.19463893

delicious tacos: finally some good news was a fun post-apoc pulp book desu

OP you missed the best ones: behead all satans and the tainted turd

never laughed so hard in my life at those two and the writing is a cut above the others in your list.

>> No.19464126

what about that based deleuze book?

>> No.19464265

I have never seen anyone intelligent recommend reading BAP and thus I have never bothered to give a shit about him and anything he has written.

The people who DO recommend him are usually the lifting types who like to larp as an aryan spiritualist yet they don't truly understand anything and it's all just material aesthetics to them.

Does anyone want to tell me I'm wrong for not reading BAP or have I got it right?

>> No.19464336

Hes just another altright poster, albeit of a higher than usual quality because hes funny and fairly smart. As an artist or philosopher or whatever he is not to be taken seriously.

>> No.19464354

His whole milieu is extremely annoying to most alt-right people because they're constantly stirring up infighting telling people to stop worrying about jews and politics and JUST FOCUS ON LIFTING AND MAKING MONEY IDIOTS, i.e. deradicalization.

>> No.19464388

I'm not really that up to date on the broader alt right, never was. There are a handful of guys who i still read, a couple are in baps sphere, but I don't quite agree with any of them.

I'm not even sure what the altright is exactly, like I can spot a dissident by their views on the taboo questions but that's about it.

>> No.19464400

If you can make a lot of money, enough to have some even slightly considerable degree of real influence, you'll be practically superior in significance to all of the alt righters who spend their time shit posting on twitter and 4chan, as well as tenured academics who are desperate to pretend their ramblings, confined to small university milieus, have any effect on the world as it is today. Money is the only thing capable of making a difference in the world today, the only other thing that could come close now is a catastrophic collapse of economic support structures, which would not lead to any intended outcome, except arbitrary mob justice.

>> No.19464408

Collapse of the police would lead to people arming and defending themselves which would be vastly preferable to what we have now.

>> No.19464432

Having some small pile of money isn't important if you don't use it for political organization. It's basically a platform advocating for depolicitization.

>> No.19464435

Which will never happen without a natural catalyst (for example, sudden exhaustion or restriction of petroleum). The desire for economic security is too heavily implanted, even among the alt right itself, to be disrupted by ideological agitation.

>> No.19464458

I suggest you never read him so that you can continue to make your critique with all the confidence that ignorance engenders. Keep relying on your sources, you'll be just fine.

>> No.19464466

It could happen if [heavily redacted] but yes its not likely

>> No.19464703
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>Donovan was born in 1974 and grew up in a blue-collar household in rural Pennsylvania. He moved to New York in the 1990s to study fine art. During this period, he says that he attended and worked as a dancer at gay clubs, marched in gay pride parades, and associated with drag queens.

>> No.19464903

I read Harassment Architecture and liked it. Haven't read anything else from the others OP listed though, aside from a few Icy Calm articles on video games. Mike Ma I wouldn't necessarily say is a good writer, but what I read was very engaging. Read the whole thing in one sitting.

>> No.19465818


>> No.19465833
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What wouldn't I give for a Hakan or Miya book...

>> No.19465874

Thinking about all the friday nights of my adolescence spent alone in front of my computer instead of cumming inside autistic virgin qt’s like op.gif

>> No.19465969

This is either logo or KB. Fuck yourselves.

>> No.19466123

>Does anyone want to tell me I'm wrong for not reading BAP or have I got it right?
You hot it right.
BAP main gimmick is basically pseudoNietzschean takes mixed with shitposting and hyper-irony.
It is not really "deep" or insightful once you get down to it.

>> No.19466129

>hot it
got it*

>> No.19466139

I always wanted to know, what does it feel like to be a nigger (even if not in flesh then at least in spirit)?

>> No.19466411

u mad?

>> No.19466676

Agree with this completely.

>> No.19466915

Eh, not really. Worst books have been shilled here before, and there are far more immoral ways to get money.

>> No.19466957

I'd say his main gimmick is that he is willing to say all the alt right stuff, but unlike the majority of such people he doesnt pair it with doomer or angry sensibilities but his meme ethos of neo-grecian whatever. He combines a positive vision with willingness to flout taboo, which combination is unironically pretty much nonexistent elsewhere. So people forgive a ton of his flaws and the general ridiculousness of him because there isn't really an alternative node to coalesce around. That doesn't mean he really knows where he is going or has any plan but I'm not surprised he has amassed such a devoted following.

Maybe I'm forgetting people but honestly I cant think of anyone else that has managed to convincingly combine the two elements.

>> No.19466973

>when robots eventually do ALL hard labor and combat
Sci fi fags are cringe

>> No.19466986

You do not understand Plato. The forms are perfect Ideals from which ideas originate.

>> No.19467058

Also I think people overlook the fact that the main draw of the book is that it's really just fun. Nobody is picking up BAP and thinking they're about read some dense sweeping theo22J0Wry

>> No.19467151

That's part of what I mean, he has a very upbeat sort of vibe for someone who says such edgy stuff. People tend to forget that he spouts full on /pol/ rhetoric because its always couched in this sort of goofy manner

>> No.19467159

>Nobody is picking up BAP and thinking they're about read some dense sweeping theo22J0Wry

>> No.19467223

I would say his vitalism is so reductive that it just makes the nightmare of modern life vanish. You return to your own body, as though you had been astrally projecting into hell.

>> No.19467263

Yes and no, the whole "owned space" thing really implies rather radical political restructuring because it depicts our society as a kind of prison. But it's easy to just take it in larp form: lift weights! Sun your balls! Etc

>> No.19467290

Only read the first two. It's literally Last Man style consoomer gets mad a how nice things are bovine level takes. When Fukuyama predicted men who would throw a shit fit at the future out of essentially being spoiled by the success of liberal democracy, this is what he was talking about.

>> No.19467351

the whole lot are tap water induced soibois. i'd tell em to go to school and get an education, but there is no such thing available in english these days

>> No.19467372

>how nice things are
We just spent 2 years heavily restricted because old people might have gotten a cough

>> No.19467419

>Rod Dreher

>> No.19467460

i've met curtis multiple times

>> No.19468158

A perfect ideal isn't real. Ideals aren't reality.

>> No.19468485
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this guy gets it