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/lit/ - Literature

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19436664 No.19436664 [Reply] [Original]

At what point are grammar and spelling errors a sign of someone whose opinion can be completely disregarded?

Obviously, I'm not talking about typos or people who have English as their non-native language.

>> No.19436666


>> No.19436669

>people who have English as their non-native language
are precisely those
>whose opinion can be completely disregarded

>> No.19436673

Shut up !!!!

>> No.19436678
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is it ez to get quads on /lit/ because of how slow it is?

>> No.19436727

based gene pool polluting niggress

>> No.19436742


>> No.19436761
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>> No.19436769

men really will fuck anything

>> No.19436795

FYI, putting an extra space before your exclamation mark is a punctuation error in English.

>> No.19436804

Alright, so geniuses might say "I could of gone their, but I chose not two"? Is that what I'm getting from this? Who the fuck is Henry VI anyways? He clearly doesn't know what he's talking about, probably a result of being an inbred piece of shit.

>> No.19436817

Shut up !!!!

>> No.19436819
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2 weeks ago I delivered an essay with over 30 grammar and speeling errors

>> No.19436825

>I could of gone their, but I chose not two

>> No.19436858
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Honestly, whenever I make a spelling mistake I crumble. Not like as in I get all upset and depressed, I just tend to laugh at how fucking dumb I am for not noticing and/or laughing at how whenever I used the wrong word entirely how it fucks with the argument, post, etc.

>> No.19436888

The reason I ask this, is because there is obviously a lot of retards posting dumb shit all over the internet. And I need a good way to filter it all and I'm thinking that anytime some writes "could of, should of, or would of" they are certified stupid, and can safely be ignored.

>> No.19436889


>> No.19436894

I'm a middle manager in IT, and I ensure that every memo I send out has embarrassing errors (I threw in a "between you and I" and a misused "principal" the other day). I enjoy making my educated underlings feel miserable.

>> No.19436935

by yr metric, w.s. could be considered stupid
henry vi is a character in shakespeare's play, henry vi part 2. the more educated types will know

>> No.19436939

At no point, the quality of an idea stands on its own feet and the only thing that judging someone based on their grammar or spelling achieves is in measuring how experienced they are with this inconsistent chimera of a language, which has the contradictory logic of about 4 different linguistic groups all asserting their own trends at once

>> No.19438500

Based letterless grain merchant. How will Oxfordians ever recover...

>> No.19438562

The human equivalent of pug-breeding, jesus christ

>> No.19438587

I never take people who confuse bear/bare, whose/who is, your/you are and other such homophones seriously.