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/lit/ - Literature

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19430764 No.19430764 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19430774

I can't sleep. I don't know why. I lay on my bed hours on end, to try and sleep, but can't. I don't know if I have a sleeping disorder, or something, but it's been going on for two months now.

>> No.19430777

Are you working hard during the day? If not work hard, particularly physical labour. When my body's weak after a day of hard work, I sleep like a baby for 8 hours straight.

>> No.19430783

>Are you working hard during the day?
I don't work in any job that requires me to do physical labor. I do, however, exercise. I've also started curbing my more unhealthy dietary habits

>> No.19430795
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Well, after hearing about the piss jugs meme for over 10 years, i finally found myself in a situation where i needed to piss real bad but the bathroom was full and wasn't going to be available for a while, so i tries to piss in 3 empty beer cans and it was a terrible experience, i was retarded about it and I splashed piss everywhere, and the cans were like really warm afterwards and it was weird

>> No.19430797

Exercise is great. Push yourself to the limit every day. Also avoid coffee during the late afternoon. Try not to sleep during the day. Maybe even take a walk in the afternoon. It can help calm your mind. If nothing works just put some cloth over your eyes(sort of like a headband) when going to sleep. I don't know what exactly they're called.

>> No.19430821

Honestly, at this point, I was just thinking of drinking Nyquil or those gummy sleep things

>> No.19430824


>> No.19430829

I should go back to doing nofap

>> No.19430864

I want to date a woman that has Borderline Personality Disorder.

>> No.19430900
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No you don't. Look what's happening to Ethan Ralph. You don't want that kind of fate.

>> No.19430911

this was a horror to read through. absolute state of the west

>> No.19430929

I just think I can save her.

>> No.19430945

You won't. You will get her pregnant and then post your sex tape online to own the alogs, showing off your tiny dick to the whole internet while fingering her asshole. Then her father will shit talk you on the internet and sue you for tweeting about her having a loose pussy. You will never be able to see your child but pay child support for the next decade.

>> No.19430985

I can save her, anon. I know I can.

>> No.19431008
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Making out with twinks.

>> No.19431057


>> No.19431059

I can't get to work on scientific redaction. And people are counting on me.

I don't have any oneitis now. So the general situation is better than usual.

>> No.19431060

fuck anime

>> No.19431062

Love anime.

>> No.19431068

fuck phoneposters

>> No.19431074

Butterfly exercises her toned 10/10 ass everyday and masturbates to stroking my cock while tonguing my asshole :3

>> No.19431080

How's your day, <3 replier?

>> No.19431134

Mods have been doing a fantastic job in moderating /lit/ recently.

>> No.19431135

I hope this is ironic

>> No.19431182

They've been a bit more active in deleting low-effort threads.

>> No.19431196

It was a good week, I wrote a lot, my thought process led me to several artistic insights and I almost finished decorating my new apartment. I should be painting, but I am arguing with retards on /ic/. Hmm. Another coffee and I'll get to painting. You?

>> No.19431229

Glad to hear it, anon. Is there any of your work I can see on /ic/?
As for me, I just quit my old job as I transition into another, going to enjoy my hard-earned weekend outlining my next screenplay.

>> No.19431246

My alcoholism

>> No.19431312

>Glad to hear it, anon. Is there any of your work I can see on /ic/?
Hah I don't post it, it is recognisable and I like being anonymous. Inb4 /beg/let ngmi doesn't want to post his work. Would have loved to share though.

>As for me, I just quit my old job as I transition into another, going to enjoy my hard-earned weekend outlining my next screenplay.
I hope everything goes well, good luck!

>> No.19431314

Why do you drink?

>> No.19431355

When I read about prodigies I want to kill myself. I have absoultely no talents. I have tried extremely hard to accomplish certain things and I always fell short. It really seems like genetics are what makes or break you. I wish I were a genius or at least good enough at something to be remembered, even if it's just for a while. Instead I will pretty much have to live a life as some worthless number because this is actually what I am fit to do, and the thought of this makes me want to blow my brains out more than literally any other among the countless suicide inducing facts about my life. I just don't know how to cope with the fact that I'm one of the average cattle people, if not actually retarded. It feels so miserable. I did horribly in all STEM subjects, partly because I was sick throughout my childhood, partly because of the teachers, but had I been talented I would have easily shown that I could handle the subjects. Whenever I have to mentally calculate something I can't. I don't know if I am paralyzed by this terror but I am also aware that if I had a decent working brain I'd be able to navigate through these things too easily to be stopped by fear. I took the mensa test online and scored 135 but I doubt it's valid. I also don't know if taking the test multiple times get you a better result, and that was the first time I took an IQ test. I don't like it when people use IQ to determine a person's worth but in moments of weakness when I am ruminating I cannot really divorce my worth from my mental worth, and my accomplishments from the accomplishments of geniuses. I feel so miserable.

>> No.19431366

I know this feel all too well... It really wants me to give up altogether.

>> No.19431421

>see kitty crying in bushes cold night
>bring it home
>realize i made a bad judgement call cause my living circumstance doesn't allow raising a kitten
>drop it back in the bushes
now can't stop thinking about it
it was really warming up the second day and playing a lot whenever i was around

>> No.19431424

You could have at least kept it until you found another owner.

>> No.19431430

i know i wasn't going to find one it's one of those countries
i was also worried about people thinking i'm some crazy cat person who keeps collecting cats instead of getting out of neetdom

>> No.19431437

One cat will not impact your economy significantly. Actually caring for an animal would help you get some discipline. Sounds like that kitten is better off in the street, your thinking is really loathsome.

>> No.19431457

>your thinking is really loathsome
i agree it's deteriorating so fast soon i will be worried about walls watching me and shit
anyway i have the discipline it's just space that i lack and people keep complaining about cat smell who live here

>> No.19431460

If you get a closed litterbox, clumping litter and clean it every day it will not smell. It's low quality non clumping litter that smells.

>> No.19431463

I want to be a bestseller

>> No.19431501

i don't buy litter just sawdust in a cardboard box
now the garbage truck has refused taking the trash bag with the kitty poopee sawdust
it's a real problem disposing that shit can't even just dry it in the open and burn it later cause it will stink the whole neighborhood

>> No.19431583

I want to move to Europe, but have no clue how to make that happen.

>> No.19431618

University? Many do

>> No.19431619

I need to watch a shameless tearjerker that'll really tug at my heart strings. The more melodramatic the better. Any tips?

>> No.19431700

I already went to University.

>> No.19431719

i hate philosophyfags so much, all they do is write incoherent drivel using sufficiently big words that other retards will be impressed. Any remotely curious person will have some philosophical thoughts but people who identify as philosophers tend to have the most moronic ideas about philosophy. And Chomsky is one of the most based intellectuals alive

>> No.19431759

Oh well, what languages do you speak?

>> No.19431772
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I saved this picture 15 years ago to send to my online friends because I thought it was kooky and silly. Now I just saw it again for the first time in 15 years and all I thought was "yes, correct." Back then I never "got" it, it seemed like a manic blend of paranoia, but now other than it being a bit goofy to make such an image the point of the image itself is a perfectly sensible and comprehensible one.

>> No.19431784

I feel a need to brag. I managed to hookup with an extremely hot twink who does porn--like actual studio porn--and he keeps texting me.

>> No.19431789

German and French

>> No.19431799

>t. I got btfo in an argument with a guy who read the book I pretended to read and now I seethe anonymously on the internet

>> No.19431810

Is it possible to escape digital and mechanized society? If not the society itself, then perhaps your job?

>> No.19431818
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>> No.19431820

It’s really about escaping systematic modes of life. Even the farmer today serves a system and uses machinery. So how can you possibly escape?

>> No.19431823

I make poor decisions on an almost perpetual basis.

>> No.19431841

So why did we let this happen?
This isn’t a proper general at all.

>> No.19431862
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So stop?

>> No.19431882

I reckon you can find some stage or an actual job then, what do you do for a living?

>> No.19432117

The Tropic of Cancer just arrived fellas what am I in for?

>> No.19432139

I’m infatuated with adolescent boys. I am heterosexual but find them aesthetically appealing.

>> No.19432224

These people are older and their drinks are clear
They grimace and shake and I sit and I fear
I was at one point younger than I am
Why is my glass empty and what am I doing here

It's a poem about how I came here to have one beer but I'm on my third vodka tonic

>> No.19432227

Broke up with my girlfriend because I couldn't stomach that she had an Only Fans account in the past. All she said was
>but that was years ago, we didn't even know each other
>never showed my real face so there is no danger of being recognized
>never ever commited real prostitution, never slept with another man for money
She cried a lot, she yelled at me, she insulted me. She even said I called her a slut despite I never used that word. She called me a couple of days ago. I could barely understand because she was crying so much. She said something like "please forgive me for what I was in the past, I love you". I laughed.

>> No.19432240

post your nnn status

>> No.19432247

You did the right thing. It's not a question of whatever cope she's producing, it's a matter of principle.

>> No.19432268

I genuinely don't get women who have an OnlyFans and think it won't have consequences. You are literally selling yourself for money. I think I differ from most dudes who despise that in that I legitimately don't care about the promiscuity. Post your nudes on Reddit for all I care. But the minute you start selling yourself, I can't be with you.

>> No.19432413

Watching these anti-lockdown protests across the West is something odd. It's like watching something drown. It's fighting desperately to avoid its fate, but everyone knows it'll tire and give in and drown.

>> No.19432416

need a gf so I can beat the shit out of her

>> No.19432441

>You are literally selling yourself for money
and how do you pay bills anon?

>> No.19432499

There is a difference between labor and sex work. In this capitalist system, we have to draw a line somewhere. I truly hate how everything is monetized, turned into a product. Even sexuality is like this. What should be an act done for pleasure or to create life is turned into something that is bought and sold. You will of course respond with something along the lines of "prostitution is the oldest profession", and my response is that never before has it occurred on such a scale and with the tacit (and sometimes open) encouragement of those in charge.

You should never sell yourself, sexually. I acknowledge that some people find themselves with no choice but to do that, and that is a deep failure on the part of society and our economic system. But frankly, most OnlyFans people do not fall into that category. By selling their pictures, the people on OnlyFans are accelerating the process of monetization, and the erosion of sex as what it should be. Post your nudes online if that is what brings you happiness/pleasure. But do not sell them. Decouple money and sex.

>> No.19432501

Things that never happened.

>> No.19432503

>never before has it occurred on such a scale

>> No.19432505

A letter to you, anons

>> No.19432511

>You should never sell yourself, sexually.
Damn sounds nice, what are your credentials for saying what should never and should always be done?

>> No.19432520


>> No.19432594

I've been subsisting exclusively off a bag of rold gold pretzel sticks for the past several days. For no particular reason. I've just been snacking on them absent-mindedly and it never occurred to me to eat anything else

>> No.19432597

What makes you think it is uncommon?

>> No.19432628

What are your credentials for saying people should refrain from telling others what they should and shouldn't do?

The "negative liberty" is itself a moral code, just one of permissiveness. It also presupposes all kinds of metaphysical beliefs about human nature and morality, like that the purpose of human life is disinterested individual pleasure-seeking and we "should" refrain from intruding on any other person's pleasure-seeking as far as is possible. Like any worldview and conception of humanity, this also has anthropological and political consequences, like the degradation of human beings into mere pleasure-seekers (if one believes they were never intended to be such and that is only one, base aspect of their nature).

The difference between an essentialist or moralist and a negative liberty proponent is that the essentialist is at least more likely to say "you're right, I can't ultimately justify not raping kids, but nevertheless I'm gonna kill you if you do that." The negative liberty person is more likely to be disingenuous and try to make his "heyyyy c'monnnn how do you even KNOW fucking kids is bad?" sound like a scientific or rational position instead of what it really is, "I want to fuck this kid; don't kill me."

No one is saying that disdain for whoredom is scientific. They're saying they don't want to live in a world where all women are whores, and they're willing to stand by that even if it means conflict with pro-whore people.

>> No.19432631
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despite it all, i'am just another statistic

>> No.19432637

>we have to draw a line somewhere
you draw it, strangely, between those who hold the camera and those who don't

>> No.19432641

cool pic anon

>> No.19432647

>between those who hold the camera and those who don't
I don't follow.

>> No.19432657

Womanbrain: "You are criticizing a woman's actions? Wowwwwww did you ever stop to think a man coerced her into doing it with his actions"

Women are always victims and objects, men are always perpetrators and subjects

>> No.19432688

>What are your credentials for saying people should refrain from telling others what they should and shouldn't do?
My credentials are no one is going to stop doing the shit you don't like just because you don't like it.

>It also presupposes all kinds of metaphysical beliefs about human nature and morality, like that the purpose of human life is disinterested individual pleasure-seeking and we "should" refrain from intruding on any other person's pleasure-seeking as far as is possible.
No it doesn't logically presuppose it, you are making a false logical connection. No one said anything about "individual pleasure-seeking", I do not know who you are talking to.
What I said :
>It is laughable that a no name faggot on 4chan chooses to use the words 'PEOPLE SHOULD /NEVER/ DO THIS AND THAT', enacting no positive influence upon the world and making himself seethe in the process.
What you think I said :
>My only moral aspiration is individual pleasure-seeking.
Let me be clear, I didn't say this. Learn not to strawman and project your triggers upon every person who responds to you before talk about metaphysical beliefs. Subjects like metaphysics and human nature are still too out of reach for you, shut the fuck up. Fucking faggot.

>The difference between an essentialist or moralist and a negative liberty proponent is that the essentialist is at least more likely to say "you're right, I can't ultimately justify not raping kids, but nevertheless I'm gonna kill you if you do that."
Prostitution is not an equivalent of rape because it does not transgress the individual will of individuals involved whereas rape does. This is base ethics.

>They're saying they don't want to live in a world where all women are whores
You think that you live in a world where all women are prostitutes, or a world even remotely approaching that status quo, statistically speaking?

>> No.19432703 [DELETED] 

the problem is not that some people commodify themselves on onlyfans, the problem is that everything is commodified. you separate labour and sex work spiritually because you've been tricked into believing sex is some divine pearl and that the immortal soul is wounded by strangers cumming to naked pictures of you.

>> No.19432726

*before you talk about

>> No.19432741

>What makes you think it is uncommon?
It is uncommon for the little sex-starved bitches on 4chan who would kill their own father for a drop of pussy juice, so don't lie to me about breaking up with people over OF.

>> No.19432755
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let me out

>> No.19432759

In the time you spent dissecting my post into greentext so you could individually reply "Fuck you that's not what I fucking fucked you fucking faggot" to everything pointlessly you could have read Carl Schmitt's critique of liberalism.

Rather than returning the favor and starting an ugly greentext war I'll just say you misunderstood my point, so read it again or don't if you don't care. The rest of your post is a muddle of the very contradictions that provoked my post in the first place, so responding to them would be restating. Your worst offense is that you keep switching between the abstract (who says what is moral?) and the concrete (if 5 prostitutes tied 500 women to traintracks, who would you rape if a pornographer held you at gunpoint and statistically only 20% of women have an Onlyfans?).

>> No.19432802

I think you are taking it too personal anon, 4chan is not your cool sekret club for virgins anymore.
I just wanted to let it off of my chest, if you don't believe it then keep walking. You are an idiot if you think you can tell people what they can post on the internet and what not

>> No.19432811

>Your worst offense is that you keep switching between the abstract (who says what is moral?) and the concrete
No, you simply cannot say this. While explaining my point I have provided zero concrete examples within the entirety of my post. YOU have delved into the concrete by talking about child rape and individual pleasure-seeking. I am convinced you suffer from schizophrenic disorganised speech and schizophrenic impaired comprehension.

>> No.19432818

>uh i don't know how to defend my point of view so just read this book nigger

>> No.19432824

I just got to the part in Blood Meridian where the kid is now grownt and a man now where he's at the bar in Texas and there's a bear dancing on stage. Someone shot the goddamned bear. Was it actually a bear, though? I'm thinking it was a barbarous human. Just seems that way to me. Spits. Eats tortilla.

>> No.19432825

>Be me
>Return to WWOYM thread
> See my post >>19432499 has led to a furious argument
What have I done :|

>> No.19432830

When you learn how to think philosophically, consider reading Schmitt.

>> No.19432836

>What have I done :|
made a brainless post

>> No.19432837

I know you are exaggerating on purpose when you say 20% but for the sake of your mental health you should know that a lot less than 1% of the population has an OnlyFans in America let alone in the world

>> No.19432846

No thank you, I have Wittgenstein and Deleuze

>> No.19432859

What's so bad about buying or selling?
Let things have value. Are you afraid that your inner desires will be coined, turned to a number? Don't place them on the market.
You already have a value attached to love, sex, dignity, etc. Your value is glorified above cash, and that's good because cash is just a store of value, and there isn't necessarily an exchange between this abstract value and the ones you want - "can't but love", right? So if you want love, strive for love - and cash might be a path for it, but In itself cash is just an abstraction believing it is value in itself is illusion.
The love of money is the root of all evil, not money is the root of all evil.

>> No.19432873

>Are you afraid that your inner desires will be coined, turned to a number?

>The love of money is the root of all evil, not money is the root of all evil.
How can money exist without people coveting it

>> No.19432877

Buy*, is an* illusion
Sry phone post.

>> No.19432879

Got something to share with the class, anon?

>> No.19432890

>How can money exist without coveting
It can't, because people want value. Since money can be translated into value, people love money.
Their mistake is confusing what it can be used for itself
Your mistake is believing it is bad because it makes people confused.
It is half an idea, half a tool, nothing more. Use it as you will.

>> No.19432892
File: 90 KB, 607x900, adult-groovy-hippie-woman-costume-size-m-l-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had been around in the 1960s bros. I can see how awesome my life could have been:
>Easily get into a uni
>Because it was easy to get a job back then, I could have majored in whatever I wanted
>Then I would have lived on an anarchist commune out in New Mexico or Idaho
>I would have gotten a hippie gf, and we would have had lived in a van, driving from place to place
>We would have had crazy sex: sex in nature, sex while on LSD, swinger sex, etc.
>I would have learned to play the guitar and make psychedelic rock music
Why did the boomers give up on this stuff, they were so kino

>> No.19432900

It's still a bit goofy

>> No.19432909

they got big paychecks and started doing coke at office parties and fucking they secretaries instead. being a boomer mustve been something, still is something now that they can post deranged shit nonstop on the internet with 0 repercussions. the peak of human existence

>> No.19432917
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I'm 27 and have nothing to show for my life. Suicide may be the only way to solve my terrible life choices. I'm a clown and a laughingstock to everyone you gets to now this.

>> No.19432928

life is long idiot, get over yourself

either do it or move towards the life you want

>> No.19432933

Love me Ana, I know you want to as well

>> No.19432942

>the peak of human existence
That's how I like to think about it, not only human existence in terms of the individuals boomer's life, but also in historical terms, as in the boomers were the peak of humanity, the peak of what human life on earth could be, an entire generation devoted to partying and orgiastic celebration, leaving the hangover and cleanup to their children.

I mean just look at COVID, they put most of the world in effective house arrest for over a year just to ensure they wouldn't die 18-24 months prematurely to a flu, but got to enjoy those last few months in an oxycontin haze, bullying the ever-living fuck out of everyone else. It's pure master morality, and such a giant bang to go out with.

>> No.19432949

I'm going to message this girl, its been months since we spoke but her profile has changed and hasn't unmatched me. Miss 100% of shots you don't take right?

>> No.19432951

I feel claustrophobic just existing. Life is starting to feel more and more limited every day. I want to die soon so I can vibe harder and end this monotonous existence.

>> No.19432956

daily suicidal /wwoym/ post

>> No.19432970

kys bro
nothing bad in trying and getting done if you dont want to live

>> No.19432973

>4chan is not your cool sekret club for virgins anymore.
Ok virgin, go fuck your fleshlight to sissy hypno.

>> No.19432981

What did he mean by this

>> No.19432988

I miss the high of being suicidal....enjoy it while you can anony

>> No.19432997

I will be feminized with enthusiastic consent, not hypnotized into it

>> No.19433004

not cryptic
straight up saying kill yourself if you want to
there is nothing worth going if you are going to live like that

>> No.19433005


>> No.19433009

what do they look like anon?

>> No.19433011

Cool except I'm not the anon who wants to kill himself and I didn't say I wanted to kill myself in my post

>> No.19433012

like the anime girls but without the anime part

>> No.19433015

sorry bro
thought you were this fag "daily suicidal /wwoym/ post"

>> No.19433019

>I will be feminized with enthusiastic consent, not hypnotized into it
Absolutely based and sissypilled, that's the spirit.

>> No.19433020


>> No.19433058

>projecting this much
Go get your ass fucked, faggot.

>> No.19433060

"At first I would have turned you into an Arco-flagellant, but then I remembered it would spoil your beauty," the Inquisitor replied coldly. With a giggle, he said, his hand sliding to her check, "Why don't you work for me, or will I send you to be the pet slave of some perverted nobleman? It's entirely up to you."

>> No.19433068

I think morality is objective, the source of human awareness is the soul, human evolution was a divinely guided process, there is a Grand Design, Jesus was an ordinary man who walked the path of mysticism to the fullest, and God is Ultimate Reality.

>> No.19433076
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Tonguing bussy.

>> No.19433085

i wish i could have more confidence in myself. 99% of my problems stem from the fact that i dont believe i am capable, so i lose before the game even starts

>> No.19433087

>Go get your ass fucked, faggot.
Ok when my bf stops staring at his crypto stock and goes back to our room.

>> No.19433104

the first person the con man must convince is himself

>> No.19433111

I've been stockpiling an arsenal of melee weapons--swords, daggers, maces, axes-- in case SHTF since it's impossible to buy guns around here. Rest assured if a fool tests me I'm ready to go medieval on his ass. As a bonus, it's fun to collect such things.

>> No.19433118

>since it's impossible to buy guns around here
Where do you live? It is possible to buy guns anywhere even if it's "illegal"
t. French

>> No.19433129

I’m a civil servant.

>> No.19433132

i want to seduce and fuck a cute priest

>> No.19433148

Wondering if A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man is too difficult to follow? Because if it is not then I wouldn't mind reading it

>> No.19433154

You're so unoriginal that you're boring. A boring useless member fembot that thinks with their vagina. Just leave the site

>> No.19433159

I'm absurdly horny for white cock rn

>> No.19433162

A girl with braces has been flirting with me at the restaurant she works. I’m 30 years old. What do?

>> No.19433172

k but t.

>> No.19433173

ignore her. shes just laughing at you.

>> No.19433190

What makes you think that anon is not a man?

>> No.19433192

marry her

>> No.19433193

I'd rather not disclose my location. And yeah I could buy a gun if I went along the appropriate blackmarket channels but I'd prefer to own one legally, because the laws are very strict here and they will lock you up.

Of course if society collapses and I'm out in the fucking streets hacking at people with a broadsword, all that goes out the door. But I'm not expecting that to happen, I just want to be prepared for it and own some weapons, as any man should.

>> No.19433205

Maybe but I doubt. I do alright with women and get hit on pretty often so I know what I’m doing. Just never a situation like this.

>> No.19433207


>> No.19433220

If she's old enough to flirt, she's old enough to squirt.

>> No.19433226

Oh, you might be right. Its just my projection. Im a wizard after all.

>> No.19433240
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I think some structure in my brain has changed, I suddenly believe in god, when on a hike I saw them, a god thats seen through the design of the world, the beauty, the interactions and purpose of all parts but not a god that concerns itself with humans, to my god a drop of rain is no different from an ocean, a human no different from the dirt they stand on

>> No.19433257

Next time you meet her throw a spinning heel kick right at her head. That'll shut her up.

>> No.19433303

I just beat the personal high score on my solitaire app that's stood for over a year and a half.

>> No.19433308

I read a portrait of dorian gray and it wasnt so hard

>> No.19433315

congratulations !!

>> No.19433325

You literally have to submit 100 documents and applications, be subject to a years long background check, suck 1000 dicks and receive an anal probe and then repeat the process all over again to even be considered to be eligible to own a single-shot pea shooter in the cucked state I live in.

Yet gun violence is still rampant and all it does is deprive upstanding citizens of the means to defend themselves from the ever proliferating criminally minded riffraff.

>> No.19433332

you are close to it anon, but it is not that these things are "no different," they are "not different"

>> No.19433347

>Yet gun violence is still rampant and all it does is deprive upstanding citizens of the means to defend themselves from the ever proliferating criminally minded riffraff.
And not only that I might add, but all this "defund the police" retard-babble means you can't rely on the police for protection because they've been muzzled and are concerned about getting in trouble for doing their jobs as animal control . You can't have it both ways

>> No.19433369

I got into this random deep conversation with a homeless guy the other day and he kept telling me to believe in god . I can't do justice to his way of stating it, but it was highly inspirational. Especially coming from someone who has reason to believe in something better than this cold world.

>> No.19433374

I would love to be born in Edwardian era Britain. Be a small to mid country priest, worry nothing about anything except if God was gonna hate me because I got titillated by seeing a local woman's ankle. Sit around reading, eating cheese gazing out into a beautiful farmland

>> No.19433481

Thanks anon

>> No.19433601

I have a weird phobia of people noticing that I'm nervous. It's very strong. Anytime someone checks my blood pressure, it goes through the roof (unironic 180 bpm heartbeat too) because I cannot hide it there.

>> No.19433606
File: 220 KB, 643x530, matisse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is a difficult thing to realize just how laughably thin and downright sterile your whole thinking has been all along, to witness the puppet strings of self-delusion. i am so embarrassed and cannot stop apologizing profusely to everyone.

>> No.19433640

I agree

>> No.19433653

why cant i fall for the nice, homely girls. why must God send me these demonic creatures which demand blood. this one is by far the worst since she's far more intelligent than the previous ones and she is slowly (and unconsciously) leading me down into Hell. She's obsessed with Power and being around her sometimes is dreadful but I can tell she feels the same way about me.

>> No.19433663

LMAO, just walk away.

>> No.19433714
File: 17 KB, 301x168, proxy-image (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self is a concept
By which we measure
Our pain
form (or material image, impression) (rupa)
sensations (or feelings, received from form) (vedana)
perceptions (samjna)
mental activity or formations (sankhara)
consciousness (vijnana).[5][6][7]

>> No.19433775

Made another based salad:
Bunch of cherry tomatoes diced
Half a cucumber diced
1 avocado diced
Like 1/4 of an onion minced
Balsamic vinegar
Red wine vinegar
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

No cursed lettuce of course

>> No.19433785

My dad thinks I'm gay because I dont have gf

>> No.19433788


>> No.19433794

My mom has bpd. Theres no saving those women

>> No.19433798

Because I'm ashamed

>> No.19433804
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>> No.19433809

Where the fuck do you live? Even in Los Angeles I can walk into a gun store, buy whats available, and possess it ten days later

>> No.19433828


>> No.19433867

I love my family and friends, they lift me up when I am crestfallen, always there for me. I am truly blessed.

>> No.19433868

I only fall for nice homely girls and it is a blessing.

>> No.19433914


i think this is funny, wish sam hyde wasnt a weird political grifter. he's funny.

>> No.19433922
File: 15 KB, 300x271, 1615847060631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like my dad's girlfriend. She's nice enough to me, but annoys me. Her personality bugs me, and she doesn't understand how to hold a conversation. She also has a tendency to just have complete mental breakdowns every now and again. She'll fly off the handle over little to nothing, and lose her ability to think logically. Before the last time she broke off from reality, she told me that "Bitcoin is going public!" I asked her what she meant, and she explained that Bitcoin, which she was fully aware was a cryptocurrency, was also somehow a corporation that was beginning a public offering of their stock. She was completely serious, and got angry when I told her that didn't make sense. A few weeks later, she cut off ties with everyone she knew, claiming everyone was every kind of abusive, tried to pull $10k out of the bank to rent a place (that she didn't have anyway) but somehow accidentally bought $10k worth of some stock or another, then totaled her Mercedes plowing through a four way intersection during a red light and T-boning a minivan. She then proceeded to call me from the police station or hospital (she couldn't decide on where she was, apparently) demanding I find my dad and order him to send her money for a hotel room. My dad really likes her though, so when she asked to come back (again) saying she was alright and leveled out (again) he let her.

She thinks we're friends or something because I'm nice to her and indulge her when she wants to talk, but I only do it for the sake of keeping up face. I can't stand her. And, unfortunately, because my dad keeps bragging about how smart and intellectual I am and all the smart-guy authors I know about, she keeps lending me books. She does amateur paintings in her free time and spends a lot of my dad's money on worthless antiques, so naturally she believes she's very intelligent and cultured herself. They're all the cream of the midwit crop. I thought I knew what midwittery was from here, but even the biggest pseuds on this board can not hold a fucking candle to the kind of shit she thinks is worth reading. I try to be nice, again, tell her I have a large backlog and not a lot of time, that I'll get to it eventually, that it looks interesting, but every time she finds out again that I haven't finished and memorized the whole fucking thing in the three days since she forced it on me she implies I'm ungrateful or lazy for shirking the gift of divine fucking knowledge she so charitably handed to me. I'm not going to sit down and waste 250 pages worth of my time reading another I F*CKING LOVE SCIENCE book, or another Compilation Of Essays Written By Smart People Entirely Removed From Context: Sound Well-Read at Parties in Just a Few Days, or another Liberals Are The Real Fascists: A Token Black's Story.

She makes my dad happy. I'm grateful for that, and can't honestly wish she didn't exist because of it. That said, it's real fucking close. Stop giving me fucking homework you stupid bitch.

>> No.19433932

All digital art styles suck. My digital art style is the only good art style.

>> No.19433938

She sounds schizophrenic/bipolar

>> No.19433947
File: 500 KB, 1920x2237, 7262829383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're old enough, you shouldn't be living with your dad and his girlfriend. So you wouldn't have to deal with her bullshit.

>> No.19433951

>I would love to be born in Edwardian era Britain. Be a small to mid country priest, worry nothing about anything except if God was gonna hate me because I got titillated by seeing a local woman's ankle.
I would have loved to be born in Silver Age Russia I'd smoke opium and do cocaine and argue with my faggot artist friends about Nietzsche/Wagner and write strange poetry and have bisexual orgies and emigrate to Paris when commie revolution begins

>> No.19433955

>I don't like my dad's girlfriend.

A horror I hope I never inflict on my future children.

>> No.19433958

Probably. She's blamed everything on asperger's in the past. She said for years her autism made her this way or that, only to find out a few months ago she's entirely self diagnosed.

I don't live with them, I live near them. I don't spend much time around them socially just because of how consistently uncomfortable she makes me. But I end up associating with my dad for work quite a bit, and she always pops up in orbit for some reason or another.

>> No.19433962

>mfw i'm planning polygamy
but then again it's more natural around these parts of the world

>> No.19433969

I've talked to my dad about finding someone new when she ends up in a batshit phase. He tells me that when times are good, he's happier than he's ever been, and being in his mid 70s he's not willing to try to gamble on finding someone better. Also a bunch of feel-good stuff about not abandoning people you love when they need help, however much that's worth. Be careful who you get invested in.

>> No.19433972

Eh she could be autistic her behavior is not neurotypical. I am an aspie myself and all these things sound like something an autistic person could do
I am professionally diagnosed but you can easily self-diagnose Asperger's in an accurate manner because the symptoms are really specific and weird

>> No.19433975
File: 301 KB, 2048x1152, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came by to say Kyle is a hero and anyone who says otherwise is a disgusting tranny


>> No.19433979

Dumb involuntary celibate bitch no one wants your ugly ass let alone several women.

>> No.19433984

I started imagining myself fucking femboys last year and got turned on by it. Now this year I'm full blown wanting to suck a cock for the first time. Now I get why they're called traps.


>> No.19433987

Don't shove your dick in the jug/bottle. This creates a seal. It's like putting the bottlecap back on. When you piss, the pressure inside (the air) pushes your kawk and piss out. I've made that mistake before. The solution is to squeeze the air out of the bottle before you shove your pecker. Or, you don't insert your dingy, but instead leave a small gap for the air to get out when your stream of peepee is spewing out of your dingy.

>> No.19433989
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>depression/disassociation/whatever fag retard bundle of mental disorders I have hitting especially hard today
>don't even care about figuring out the exact details anymore
>life is going well aside from the fact that I haven't felt anything since I was 14
>nothing to do except stop being a whiny bitch and get on with something productive
>massive sinus headache helping lots
>resisted getting junk food or empty carbs to self-medicate
>trying to resist doing stupid unproductive shit to self-medicate because I know it won't actually help just numb the pain and I'll be in the same spot tomorrow so I might as well just ignore it and do something useful
>cup of coffee

>> No.19433992

I am honestly shocked. I thought that the social media pressure would bully the jurors into a conviction but apparently not.

>> No.19433994

That's rough she's a loon but makes your father happy, hopefully she doesn't ruin your father's finances.

>> No.19433996

The tides are turning and commies will soon have a rude awakening

>> No.19433999

>feel like shit
>decide to lean into it while pretending you're not
yeah I'm sure a self image of being a fag retard with mental disorders is really doing wonders for you

>> No.19434004

Someone from MSNBC followed the Jury to try to get pictures of them or something. They got banned from the courtroom.

>> No.19434013

>76 years of near-constant victories for the left, and near-constant defeats for the right
Yeah, you're going to have to show me a little more than one dude escaping for me to believe that the tide is turning.

>> No.19434018

It was a bit of a litmus test for how far gone the average citizen who makes it through jury selection is gone. I was absolutely expecting a hung jury because I was expecting at least half of the jurors to be incapable of understanding concepts like "beyond a reasonable doubt."

Have to have a sense of humor. The coffee doesn't hurt either.

>> No.19434023

>Have to have a sense of humor.
What's the joke?

>> No.19434038
File: 81 KB, 850x400, quote-except-god-no-substance-can-be-granted-or-conceived-everything-i-say-is-in-god-and-all-baruch-spinoza-59-65-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're actually describing Spinoza's God.

>> No.19434045

Get his ass

>> No.19434048

Of making fun of mental illnesses that you have? If I had to spell it out consciously I guess it's making light of the fact that you have to keep going even if you get dealt a shit hand in life, and it can be dangerous to indulge too much in either self-pity or self-diagnosis. You can both acknowledge you have a bad condition or a bad situation and make light of it at the same time. It's possible to go too far if you are denying that you're ill or have a right to be sad about it, but if that were the case I wouldn't be posting what I posted at all.

It also helps to be able to point at the absurdity of something and laugh. Like if you have so many problems that analyzing them all would just be another problem, that's so tragic it's kind of funny. Also putting all your problems out there in front of you and then facing them and moving on anyway is cathartic.

That's all I can think of right now.

>> No.19434052

Ok fag not my fault you're blind. The shift started being visible years ago with Brexit and MAGA and will grow and boil till it concludes with a real Holocaust next decade. The tide doesn't turn overnight but it'll accelerate once the economic impact of COVID hits and the multiracial scam is violently revealed as people group with their own. It's happening everywhere around you and if you can't see it you're just slow.

>> No.19434075

And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Colossians 1:17

>> No.19434078

>it concludes with a real Holocaust next decade
I can see a Holocaust of Whites happening if racial tensions explode. A Jewish one, or a Black, etc. one? There's no way. Half of all Whites genuinely hate their own kind, they will not support any awakening of White racial consciousness. And the cultural zeitgeist in general is quite liberal.

I'll say this though: the day White women start rejecting racemixing, or LGBT, or liberalism in general, I will concede you are right. Women are the best barometer for a societal shift like the one you are describing.

>> No.19434101

Kek women didn't have any rights for most of the history and now they're the best barometer according to your sociological understanding of reality where half of whites hate themselves because that's what you saw on the media. If only whites voted, no immigration would happen and no leftists would come into power. You have a poor understanding of reality so your predictions are irrelevant to the real world.

>> No.19434106

Socialism will probably win in the end under the AI messiah (Anti-Christ). You will submit to it or you can not have your share of the resources. I think so.

>> No.19434111

Trump and Biden are pro immigration. And whites voted for both of them.

>> No.19434120

Whites were never asked about immigration policies for a reason

>> No.19434132

>now they're the best barometer according to your sociological understanding of reality
Yes. And even when they didn't have the rights they do today, women were the best indicator of what the overall trend of a society was. They might be a lagging indicator but they are very much the most visible indicator. In the modern world this is doubly so.

>> No.19434139

When things will go down women won't have a single word

>> No.19434144

>I can see a Holocaust of Whites happening if racial tensions explode.

>> No.19434147
File: 836 KB, 910x1014, 1592941335007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to try to tell you about your problems, but jokes have a set up and a punch line. Saying "depression/disassociation/whatever fag retard bundle of mental disorders I have hitting especially hard today" isn't a joke. Calling yourself a whiny bitch isn't a joke. Telling yourself that your coping mechanisms are just "stupid unproductive shit" that won't help you isn't a joke. You're saying a lot of really self destructive shit to yourself but you're also rolling your eyes and going "Whaddya gonna do, amirite?" while you're doing it like that's enough to wipe out whatever impact it has.

I don't care how many layers of irony you're buried under, if your sense of humor is "God I fucking suck and everything's terrible, I'm such a retarded fucking faggot that can't do anything, isn't it just ridiculous how completely fucked I am?" then you're actively conditioning yourself for fucking misery.

>> No.19434149
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They voted in people that passed the 1965 immigration act, Lyndon B Johnson who is a white man signed into law. It had overwhelming support in the white legislature.

>> No.19434151

>Half of all Whites genuinely hate their own kind

>> No.19434155

And that philosophy is why your side is doomed to lose. Times have changed, and women are very much an essential part of any political shift. There is a reason the communists you despise so much spend so much time and effort courting women.

>> No.19434164

Think I'll go to a bookstore tomorrow, that might cheer me up a little bit.

>> No.19434167

What the fuck do you mean by the words "racial consciousness", historically there was no "white racial consciousness", there was ethnical and national sense of belonging that is all. I can tell it when I'm talking to Americans I smell you rats from miles away. I genuinely hate you. Mentally I am killing you for being the dumb illiterate faggot you are. Fuck American race culture.

>> No.19434175

The one that stipulated that it wouldn't change the US culture and won't affect the demographic mix? Not saying what you think it does. People were lied to because that's the only way they would support it

>> No.19434178

>Half of all Whites genuinely hate their own kind
Isn't it interesting how the demographic that distrusts the mainstream media the most believes almost everything the mainstream media says? CNN says "whitey's evil and everyone agrees" and guys like this think "Hey! Whitey's not evil! They're lying! Why does everyone agree with that lie though?"

>> No.19434180

Ok tranny

>> No.19434193

When you have no rebuttal just say the magic word
>oKie TraNNY XDD

>> No.19434203

The United States in general.

I am talking about American racial dynamics here, and if you don't like that, you are free to scroll past my posts. As for what "racial consciousness" means, I define it as a conscious ingroup preference on the basis of race. It's something my Black, Asian, and Hispanic acquaintances have openly expressed and which my White acquaintances reject.

It's not CNN, it's my own observations. Look at footage from the BLM riots. Look at social media and the voting habits of Whites outside of Middle America. Hell, look at the reaction to the Rittenhouse trial. There's a hell of a lot of unhappy Whites as a result of it.

>> No.19434205

Sure but Americans didn't do much to stop it after it passed into law. Also remember that America forced black people to come their country. The rich WASPs always wanted cheap or free labor

>> No.19434210

Take your meds tranny

>> No.19434211

But all that would be the excessive self-pity thing, which I was saying I'm definitely not doing. I'm disdainful of my stupid issues because they are just that, stupid, not worth dwelling on past a certain point. They suck but I'm also incredibly blessed in many ways, and I am committed to trying to live a good life and be a good person. The coping mechanisms I mentioned really are stupid and unproductive, I was going to do something I don't even enjoy just to numb the pain instead of manning up and moving past it.

I don't make fun of my real hobbies or my real creature comforts this way, only silly stuff like getting a pizza because wah wah I'm sad and nothing else makes me blah blah yeah yeah I've run this script in my head before, how many times can I run it just to justify getting junk food or alcohol? I already know the outcome of that, wasted time and feeling even worse in the long run. The fact that it's unfair that my only two choices are to indulge such dead-end coping mechanisms, or reject them and get back on the horse, because in a fair world there would be some third option that's the best of both choices, doesn't magically make such a third option appear. And whining about that too will only lead to more whining about whining.

At some point you just have to say yep there's my chronic pain acting up, nope I can't do anything about it, yep I've tried everything and the only two options left are keep going or cry about it, okay, then I choose keep going.

I appreciate the concern and I'm not rejecting it or your advice thoughtlessly. At first I thought you were being snarky and I thought hey, if you're concerned the guy is hurting himself, why be snarky and condescending and add fuel to his fire? So I was standoffish. I apologize.

>> No.19434212

Do you believe Jesus resurrected?

>> No.19434217

There really needs to be a filter word for it. Onions (s ö y) has been alone far too long.

Also schizo posting should be bannable. Subtly different from trolling (which they’re far too lenient with)

>> No.19434218

Yeah as slaves not as citizens. What are you even trying to argue? That whites want immigration? You're beyond deluded

>> No.19434219

Which of Pierre Bordieu’s books/articles should I read?

>> No.19434220

>It's not CNN, it's my own observations.
Yeah, yeah, I know, when you go scour the internet for evidence of self hating whites, you find it. Maybe it would be worth going out in the physical world and taking to actual humans made out of matter and existing in three dimensions before making broad sweeping generalizations about them.

>> No.19434221

Women literally just go with the strong horse. I mean normies in general do. Those screechy shitlibs would turn into nazis overnight if there were a coup.

>> No.19434223

I dont know ive never read it, make a thread about it

>> No.19434235

This isn't that uncommon anon, learn how to be noticeably nervous without caring as much and you'll gradually just become less and less nervous.

>> No.19434236

Save yourself some pain and start with an overview of his thought and its importance for sociologists and cultural theorists so you can at least talk the talk about Bourdieu without having to read his 500 books first. He's one of those ones where most of what people really mean when they say his name can be gotten from an introductory chapter to some no name book. But he is cool also. Possibly also evil, I hear he liked cultural engineering and social levelling a little too much.

>> No.19434240

He’s not technically a hero, but he shouldn’t face any jail time.

t. Far leftist

>> No.19434241

Why is lettuce cursed?

>> No.19434250

Thanks for proving my point retard

>> No.19434251

Yes as slaves but whites brought them in, now you have to live with them because America is their home country and white Republicans were willing to fight a civil war to stop slavery. Whites don't care enough to stop immigration by making a party to stop immigration. WASPS always brought in new ethnic groups for cheap labour, Irish, Italians, Albanians, then Mexicans and other Latin Americans.

>> No.19434253

Check this out faggot >>19434193

>> No.19434254
File: 52 KB, 570x399, 8d50036488053fc42a853b2db42202c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Ancient Greek and Roman philosophers and others commonly represented as statues and busts? Painting and drawing weren't invented yet?

>> No.19434259

You forgot the olives, corn chips, walnut slivers, four types of cheese, grilled chicken bits, baby corn, artichoke hearts, asparagus, and M&Ms

>> No.19434261

>just make a party bro it's democracy so it should work that's what my textbook said
There's nothing to discuss with you

>> No.19434264
File: 22 KB, 500x332, f82b5b2133760fa13afe60d286dab5ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dont like lettuce apart from pic related. You're just eating sad wet leaves

>> No.19434265

OK retard

>> No.19434266

Don't post like a tranny if you don't want to be treated like one, tranny

>> No.19434269

Ho ho ho. I forgot. I need to clarify my sexuality with you bumkins.
Shoot yourself shaving, Larry.

>> No.19434274

You don't need to when it's already clear from your ideology. Dilate

>> No.19434278

Jesus christ how horrifying. I did roast some chicken as well but I haven't eaten it yet

>> No.19434282

>I am talking about American racial dynamics here, and if you don't like that, you are free to scroll past my posts.
No, if I don't like it I am free to tell you to go fuck yourself, I don't know why you assume I should "scroll past" and just let you say any dumb shit you want here. Stop polluting the thread with United States identity politics whilst attempting to apply the specifics of American pop culture to "LE WORLD" and "LE ENTIRE WHITE RACE" in general. You don't know anything about history or geography and your brain is rotting from americentrism. Now because something is happening somewhere in the US you open your dog mouth and regurgitate asinine word vomit such as "HALF (!) of ALL THE WHITES EVERYWHERE (!) hate themselves". Kill yourself.

>> No.19434289

>t. buttblasted Europoor
If you want my prediction of your fate, you guys are also fucked but for an entirely different reason. Enjoy your incoming ~2 billion African climate refugees desu.

>> No.19434295

We'll just kill them like Poland was going to do if the retards insisted few days ago

>> No.19434312

That'll probably be the case when all is said and done, but I expect that to be a long ways off in the future. Your governments and people love being seen as the paragons of human rights too much for that to happen in this century.

>> No.19434318

Gigantic load of shit, cope. What does this generalisation mean, you talking about Western Europe? Eastern Europe? Central? Scandinavia? Which country? Everything is different here in every country and will continue to transpire differently in specific nations, you can conceptualize this right? I know this is difficult for someone like you to comprehend but this is not the United States of Europe. Don't attempt to discuss geopolitics as an Amerifag.

>> No.19434321

I think I understand what you're saying, but I don't think I agree. You say you're "disdainful" of your "stupid" issues and that they're "not worth dwelling on" yet you speak like you identify with them, and this directly contradicts your idea about not wallowing in excessive self pity. You can't talk about something being an integral part of yourself, call it a bunch of denigrating names, then walk away with a healthy self image. I know what crippling chronic pain can do to you, and yeah, it can feel almost good to say to yourself "Look at me, severely debilitated and still moving forward, what a badge of strong character." but you can't do the same thing with your psyche. You can't say "Look at me, I'm a depressed bitch who sucks at life and I'm still moving forward, what a badge of strong character." because being a depressed bitch is itself a statement about character. Even if you roll your eyes and say you don't really think of yourself that way, your mind is not a unity. Your brain isn't one cohesive whole that is wholly consumed by whatever thought you're occupied with. There are parts of you that hear you insult yourself like this and not just believe it but reinforce it.

Just writing off a craving for alcohol in the face of stress as just you being not good enough in some way or another that you should just pseudo-magically rise above somehow in the form of a self-depreciating joke with no punch line is what makes 4chan users livestream their suicides at 23. Again, I just THINK I understand what you're saying, though. Feel free to tell me I'm talking out of my ass.

>> No.19434324

Almost no one said anything to Poland this week because everyone knows what needs to be done aside from a handful of trannies. You have a warped protective of reality and you're a retard for responding to the other cretin

>> No.19434332

The EU can be treated as a bloc, and it is unlikely to fall apart anytime soon. There, as well as in the UK, immigration and mass migration will be the defining trait of European politics. Outside of that, I suppose Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine will bumble along as they currently are.

Poland got away with it because it was an clear geopolitical ploy on Belarus's part. If it had been natural migrations, the EU would have sided with the refugees.

>> No.19434337

>The EU can be treated as a bloc, and it is unlikely to fall apart anytime soon.
No, it cannot exactly, or at least without heavy focus on nuance, because politics and culture are too different from country to country.

>> No.19434341

Next time it will be a ploy on turkey's part or in Russia's part or in China's part if you will. Point is they're not getting in

>> No.19434356
File: 14 KB, 300x250, 2fbzj5zqccwJaB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write what's on your mind
>Becomes pol thread

>> No.19434371

I see that as a temporary thing. Once a region becomes one political entity, the individual cultures fade away. If I had to guess, the EU in 2200 will be a monocultural, Anglophone country (assuming they survive the refugees).

>> No.19434377

Kek you're such an idiot. UK has been a political unity for centuries and Scotland always wants out. Separatism is a big issue in Europe and you're a retarded leftist who doesn't understand culture

>> No.19434384

The thing about "whiteness" or Pan-Whiteness obviously makes a lot more sense in the United States or even Australia than it does in Europe for obvious reasons. Inside Europe those ethnic differences matter, but if they can hold the EU together they will matter less and less over time.

>> No.19434395

Europeans have the same concept of whiteness as Americans. A german will worry about being racist towards a Kenyan immigrant, he will not worry about being racist towards a French immigrant.

>> No.19434403

>I see that as a temporary thing. Once a region becomes one political entity, the individual cultures fade away.
No, they do not. You have never been to Europe if you say this. The EU is not "one political entity", you make an absolute fool of yourself by saying this. It is a political alliance, but is not le one big epic nationerino and it was never meant to be.

>> No.19434411

>Europeans have the same concept of whiteness as Americans.
This is factually untrue. You are dumb for saying this, how can one have the "same" concept of race if the historical racial dynamics are entirely different, so not the same? You are just saying things without thinking.

>A german will worry about being racist towards a Kenyan immigrant, he will not worry about being racist towards a French immigrant.
Baseless and untrue statement.

>> No.19434416

I'm not saying the EU is currently a single country, but I do think it will be. The EU leadership itself certainly wants that. Look at the way they push for an "EU Army" or for EU laws to supersede national laws.

>> No.19434417

White isn't a large identifier in Europe in the same way Asian isn't in Asia, that’s completely ridiculous.

>> No.19434424

It is 100% true lmao, they insult other white people all the time but they are just as terrified as Americans of being racist to non whites. Comical you are even trying to deny this

>> No.19434426

>the leaders that everyone hates are the ones who will enforce their will top down instead of backfiring
Seek help

>> No.19434429

>I'm not saying the EU is currently a single country, but I do think it will be.
No it will not, the fact that you like think to this without having any basis for it doesn't mean it will happen. "It will happen because... It just will okay?". No, it is your imagination acting up.

> Look at the way they push for an "EU Army" or for EU laws to supersede national laws.
This does not politically correlate with "the EU will one day be one big country mate I swear!". I will remind you that nations are created out of common culture.

>> No.19434431

i pissed in a bottle before, put the lid on and sort of forgot about it & it compressed what's that about

>> No.19434434

>they insult other white people all the time but they are just as terrified as Americans of being racist to non whites
Who is "they" and when is "all the time" and what evidence makes you think you can say this? Do you just mean Germans? I don't know, I don't live in Germany. In the area I come from in France people have a real sense of national belonging.

>> No.19434440

Would you ratherrpost something critical of Arabs or Germans on your social media Pierre?

>> No.19434451

I mean, it's happened all the time in history before.

>"It will happen because... It just will okay?"
No, it'll happen because the leaders of the EU and the nations of France and Germany want it to be it so.

>I will remind you that nations are created out of common culture.
While I think the political merger of Europe will be a top-down thing, I also think this will happen. Look at stuff like Erasmus.

>> No.19434455

You realise that's just because of far left and not because of what people think which is what your argument was you dumb retard?

>> No.19434456

All my friends hate Arabs. I see people writing "all white people hate themselves" on this site and I look around and I see it's just not true. Statistical data directly demonstrates that the majority of French people are against immigration and dislike immigrants.

>> No.19434461

You're avoiding the point that you literally have to police your speech according to the same deifntion of white as americans have.

>> No.19434465

>No, it'll happen because the leaders of the EU and the nations of France and Germany want it to be it so.
Who is "the leaders"? Depending on who is elected next election things may chance drastically. "The leaders" aren't an abstract jewish elite, presidents change every few years and have concrete political programs. And no, "the leaders" of France don't want France to immediately become Le Big Europe, once again you have no basis for saying this.

>> No.19434471

French people can say politically incorrect shit on social media, especially if you're a random person who is not a public figure then definitely yes and you won't lose your job for it, we don't have cancel culture here.

>> No.19434481

You kidding? France constantly fines its own citizens in the tens of thousands for being a meanie to ethnics and Jews. It's a nanny state.

>> No.19434494

Are you French?

>> No.19434504

We all saw the media reactions to qui? stop thinking you're unique subhuman

>> No.19434509


>> No.19434510

Why dodge the issue?


>> No.19434513

Happens whenever /pol/tards lever their board.

>> No.19434515

>Who is "the leaders"? Depending on who is elected next election things may chance drastically.
Macron has pushed for an EU army, and Le Pen, while previously Eurosceptic, seems to have embraced European unification the last time I read of her. The French elite seem very much determined to become "Big Europe".

As for Germany, the other EU country which matters? I think the people there are just ashamed of being German. It's a legacy of WWII and the Nazis. They will gladly embrace a pan-European identity to flee their German one. They are a conquered people, and they will embrace European unification. Their leadership is on board.

>> No.19434560

Just a faggy panentheist

>> No.19434755

I'm reading The Goldfinch because I enjoyed the movie when it came out and I feel like my writing is better than this thing(though I am enjoying it). Part of me wonders if I actually am that good but the realistic side of me knows I'm just an illiterate mong despite what my friends are telling me.

>inb4 "post your prose"

>> No.19434960

Truth is there are many talented writers and interesting stories. Just a lot of it slips through the cracks and goes unnoticed by most readers. Some reads close themselves up in a library of classics, some find pablum or middling genre trash

>> No.19435013

So it becomes a "who you know" thing, don't it? I hate thr power of marketing. You can make almost anything successful and famous if you throw enough money at it.

>> No.19435035

Spending most of 2020 and 2021 NEETing in my parent's basement has fucked me up and I cannot go back to my pre-normie 9/5 job self. I feel mentally disabled. Covid was a blessing and a curse.

>> No.19435043

I'm taking a shit and my belly hurts
My toilet sinks but I can't flush it yet

I'm taking a shit and my belly hurt
I left my warm bed and my bathroom is so cold

I've finished my shit but my belly hurts still
It's all over

>> No.19435052

Fuck anime!

>> No.19435074


>The two women went out together Friday night and ended up in a West Los Angeles apartment, Giles’ husband Jan Cilliers told KABC. The last message Giles sent was a text to Cabrales-Arzola around 5:30 a.m. Saturday: “Let’s get out of here.”

>> No.19435236

I am master of a poor domain

>> No.19435299



>> No.19435370


>> No.19435455

He's not a hero. He's a martyr. You can thank the media for that. Biden called him a white supremacist. Major US politicians said they should toss him in jail and throw away the keys before the trial started. This case should never have seen the light of day. For that reason alone he should be a hero. A couple things people didn't know until the trial:
>Kenosha was 20 miles away from him, a shorter drive than most people take to work.
>Kenosha was also his second home. His dad lives there. He went there all the time and had many friends there.
>He didn't cross state lines with a gun. His friend in WI gave him the gun
Among others. The DA was a complete joke too. He prosecuted this because he was going to run for politics and wanted the right optics. This is one of the few times justice was service in this mutt shithole but his life will never be the same and he will never live a normal life.

And this had nothing to do with race either. The Ahmed Arbery trial OTOH and verdict is going to be a shitshow.

>> No.19435491

I'm drunk and at a bar

Tell me why I shouldn't break up with my boring bitch of a gf right here right now?

>> No.19435494

Do you still like her or its drunk talk?

>> No.19435501

Nex tred

>> No.19435512

Why? We usually let these get to at least 310 or so before we make new ones.

>> No.19435520

Noticed that to.

>> No.19435523

I don't think I like her bro
She's so fucking boring
I try to make conversation and she just shuts me down

>> No.19435551

you should shut her down, brian laundrie style

>> No.19435595

My dad has a long standing gf he has a kid with. Its weird. I try not to think about it much. It would be easier if she werent a gook

>> No.19435597

>life is going well aside from the fact that I haven't felt anything since I was 14
>cup of coffee
literally me

>> No.19435598

Ah yes post war prosperity and decadence lasts forever. I totally forgot.

>> No.19435650

well i would at least try to talk to her about it, and save the break up for if she is not receptive to what you have to say

>> No.19435981

Thinking of hiring a hooker cause I haven't had any sex in a long time and getting a gf might take a lot of time

>> No.19436077

That's not the same book lmao, portrait of the artist as a young man was written by James Joyce

>> No.19436250

This cashier smeared lotion deep into her bra at check out today. She shoved her whole fore arm into her cleavage and groped her under boob. I wanted to bang her in the dressing room. I wonder if she ever did with someone. Chances man. What are the odds?

>> No.19436286

The MAGA guy got beaten by a senile geriatric. Keep coping.

>> No.19437064

is that the only thing you wish he wasn't

>> No.19437087

That reminds me to moisturize my own boobs. Thanks anon.