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/lit/ - Literature

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19430750 No.19430750[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>lit prof assigned another literally who nigresse “author” to read
Getting quite sick of this to be honest family.

>> No.19430778

>go to school in Western Canada
>every novel from grade 8-10 is dealing with race relations in the American south
>the other work besides the novel every year, without fail, is a Shakespeare play
>have to do three comedies before we get to Macbeth and Hamlet in gr 11 and 12
>did Heat of The Night, To Kill a Mockinbird, and Huck Finn as novels
>ask my eleventh grade teacher why the fuck everything we read is about a place that none of us have ever been and most of us will never go to
>she agrees and explains that's why she only assigns Canadian authors
>have to do Margaret Atwood

>get to college
>first book in English 100 is Frederick Douglass

I fucking hate it. It's not even fucking relevant to Canada.

>> No.19430791


Read a summary and use your leftover time to read something else.

>> No.19430799

Canada likes to avoid it's own issues by focusing on the issues south of the boarder.

>> No.19430806

>le native poems, books and larpers that would visit every year

>> No.19430807

Which issues?

>> No.19430853
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>lit prof assigned another schizo pomo Russian novel

>> No.19430855

I'd have jumped at the chance to study Native folklore or mythology. I've got a pretty significant collection of books on ancient religions, mythologies, and folktales. I started with the Norse stuff because of my heritage(and being named after Leif Erikson), but from there I've been getting anything I can find.

One of the most complete corpus of pre-literate myths and folklore is actually the Haida of Northern British Columbia. A guy name John Swanton spent an entire year with the Haida, transcribing the legends from the last remaining mythtellers(basically skalds) in both Haida and an English translation in 1900.

So there's unironically a relatively complete and rich mythological tradition that could easily be introduced in school, but instead, I had to read about the United States.

That would also have been way more interesting than reading about Slavery, which was never legal in British Columbia because the place wasn't settled by whites until the empire had de-facto outlawed it. No one in BC besides the Haida and Tlingit have any relation to slavery unless they moved from the States.

>> No.19430871

Any of them.

>> No.19430891

Thank God i’m French.

>> No.19430903

fucking this. Literature studies is only fun when you actually pick your courses

>> No.19430943
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Tell me about it, my dutch literature teacher while an affable and lovely person is obsessed with niggers, half a dozen books she gave are about how colonialism is bad and other niggerloving tripe.
Had to read pic related and it's just non stop white guilt droning, a dutch guy ashamed that some frenchies in the 1800s dug up a nigger, taxidermized him and put him on display in some European museums. I could give two flying shits about any of that. Jesus do I hate this self defeating, self flagellating behaviour so many europeans and americans too I'm sure display in regards to race relations. White guilt is a disease. Fuck niggers. White power.

>> No.19431194
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English major here from the mid '80s.
Read one literally who black female author in 4 years of college, Zora Neal Hurston or some such, "Their Eyes Were Watching God" and besides the title I couldn't tell you anything about the book other than it had words and it was printed on paper.

>> No.19431544
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We were assigned Robinson Crusoe this semester.

>> No.19431588

>study in a field unrelated to literature
>read whatever I want in my free time
feels good

>> No.19431689

>One of the most complete corpus of pre-literate myths and folklore is actually the Haida of Northern British Columbia. A guy name John Swanton spent an entire year with the Haida, transcribing the legends from the last remaining mythtellers(basically skalds) in both Haida and an English translation in 1900.
This sounds very interesting, which book is the material published in?

>> No.19432578

Based, Crusoe is still one of my favorites.

>> No.19432676

>not studying classics and only taking classes on white people like cicero, euripides, etc

>> No.19432722

anon... romans (italians) aren't white

>> No.19432728

how come

>> No.19432754


>> No.19432810


because Canada is boring as shit compared to the US, when you have to spend months on the red river rebellion in canadian history class you want to claw your eyes out


some past and current include residential schools, french separatism, chinese money laundering, treatment of aboriginals, fed government corruption at the highest level (Lavalin, WeDay), and many more

>> No.19432847

Funny cause that attitude is exactly why they feel the need to make you guys read all that

>> No.19432855

>here’s a collection of poems written by borderline illiterate drinks indigenous “persons”

>> No.19432878

Is this truly the best route? Feel like I'll always miss out on the upper level courses this way

>> No.19432881

Today's literal who is tomorrow's Dickens

>> No.19433142

>yeah those classics and philosophy works and everything, okay
>but have you considered that youre fucking a white male
*drops mic*
>that will be $24.99 plus tax

>> No.19433151

>canadian culture is centered around
t. snowape

>> No.19433188

Heaven forbid White people have confidence in themselves, that's how you get Hitler!

>> No.19433202

Keep poking the wolf nigger and just pray he doesnt get hungry anytime soon.

>> No.19433642

You're not going to do shit

>> No.19433675

>what are you gonna do, stab me?
t. stab victim

>> No.19434314

The best arrangement of it in English is A Story as Sharp as a Knife.

It goes over the actual history of John Swanton heading over there and documenting the tales, and then arranges them into a pseudo-saga(and retranslates them into a more readable and elegant state). Unfortunately, the guy who published the book is suffering from late stage terminal wokeness, and can't help but constantly snipe at wypipo. Still, he unambiguously did a great job with the actual meat of the book, the legends.

>> No.19434338

>absolute state of western literary education

>> No.19434339

You mean things were taught about for years in social studies?

>> No.19434342

Based. Too bad this could never be said today without basically resulting in your own death

>> No.19434352

So you admit they're making people read things they disagree with in an attempt to change their perspective from a natural to and unnatural one.

>> No.19434358

Why do you people even pursue a /lit/ degree? if you're a trust fund kid who doesn't have to work in his life then sure go for your passion, but why would you do it if you wish to enter the workforce later on? the odds of employment are clearly stacked against you
Just read in your free time like the rest of us

>> No.19434360

>he didn't study a tech field so he could relax at home and monitor a network or something trivial while he devours literature
I want to say that it's not too late but it probably is.

>> No.19434373

kek, imagine thinking ca-nada is a real country

>> No.19434374

That just comes off as insecurity on their part: needing/wanting more to conform to their ressentiment.

>> No.19434375


>> No.19434376

Wolves are on their way to extinction, much like your kind anon

>> No.19434381

They were assimilated Germanic tribes

>> No.19434385

>White guilt is a disease. Fuck niggers. White power.

>> No.19434387
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also in canada and the "literature" section at every bookstore is now almost entirely femoid genre trash. Political science exclusively stocked with trumpshit of course.

The absolute fucking state of this country when the highest level literature I can buy in store is Murakami.