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19430372 No.19430372 [Reply] [Original]

>15k in prize money
>poetry judged by Mencius Moldbug
Are you going to enter?

>> No.19430410

Nah, I will just got straight to the source and DM Thiel for some cash.

>> No.19430422

lol give me his email

>> No.19430450

This is actually a great idea. Finally some priority given to poetry.

>> No.19430454
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU MUST SUBMIT (your poetry)

>> No.19430510

Tell Thiel to stop funding hormonal warfare. We need to stop the female fridge

>> No.19430699
File: 141 KB, 807x829, 1635385660195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx anon, submitting poetry now
that's a good chunk of money for a third worlder.

>> No.19430708
File: 99 KB, 600x468, 1631105891984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moldbug is the poetry judge... but Moldbug's poetry sucks

>> No.19430715

Gotta pay third-worlders to write agitprop for my internet movement

>> No.19430769

Who is she?

>> No.19430991
File: 182 KB, 1080x1349, 1629545928915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know thirsty anon, I just saw her here and saved her to my jezebel folder.
>poetry submitted.

>> No.19431001
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and if you can locate the source, I'd be more than happy to check it out.

>> No.19431004

yes. Zero HP Lovecraft is fuckin awesome

>> No.19431130

What’s the likelihood of winning? There must be thousands submitting.

>> No.19431162

Low, but writing something is a small prize on its own some could argue. Practice makes skill and all that.

>> No.19431286

Typically your odds are like 1/2,000 for these contests. They'll probably get 600 submissions per category. I submitted poetry because with crypto I can be fully anonymous.

>> No.19431369

Thanks for posting this. First (and last if I don't get first honestly) contest I've submitted to.

>> No.19431380

He's a loser who admitted he hasnt even read a fraction of Lovecraft (which is evident in his writing)

>> No.19431403

he is good at twitter but his fiction sucks.
absolute pseudo energy

>> No.19431713

Competition has good prize money tho. Also Moldbug is judging the poetry (which might be better or worse depending on how much you like his stuff).

>> No.19431736

to be fair, he's read a lot of poetry it seems.

>> No.19431751

You have pretty much no chance of winning. Look at Moldbug’s laughably childish prose for inspiration I suppose.

>> No.19431773

>Also Moldbug is judging the poetry (which might be better or worse depending on how much you like his stuff).
Yarvin is just about the worst stylist I have ever read. Him judging a poetry contest is hysterical.

>> No.19431778

It's not about winning, it's about competing against yourself. I'm entering three out of four categories (poetry, creative fiction, creative nonfiction) not because I have any chance of winning but because I want to improve my writing.

>> No.19432673

>he thinks writing competitions are a lottery
I already won bros

The leather
It couched his body
The leather is out

>> No.19433376
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>prize is crypto
no thanks I don't work for free
you amateurs have fun though!

>> No.19433467

Moldbug is the only good judge here
Wrong, he's read the entirety of Lovecraft's fiction. Nobody cares about Lovecraft's libtarded letters he wrote as a senile old man

>> No.19434099

Based shilling, I wish you luck.

>> No.19434114

>poetry judged by Mencius Moldbug
This would be fun if I actually did poetry.

>> No.19434121

ive heard him say in multiple podcasts that he hasnt read much lovecraft or horror in general. he’s poorly read, a bad writer, and politically illiterate.

>> No.19434156

Ya his stuff is kinda blase to me. I did like The Gig Economy but I feel like his other stuff is a bit too on the nose and is ultimately forgettable. He's pigeon-holed himself so much as a writer for the Dissident Right that the minute this stuff stops being topical (if it ever was) he will be forgotten right away.

That being said he seems like a smart guy and his righting can be technically impressive, but he really needs to leave his comfort zone if he ever wants to reach the higher notes and not be stuck writing kitzschy dime store horror stories for Frog Twitter.

Tell him I said this.

>> No.19434187

Jesus, that's enough internet for today.