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/lit/ - Literature

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19425805 No.19425805 [Reply] [Original]

It’s that time of year again, my fellow American anons.
Yes it’s the annual NYRB Classics sale.
They did this last year too. Had their holiday sale the weekend BEFORE Thanksgiving.
Fortunately, I am wise to their Jewish tricks and desire to subvert and pervert American traditions.
On the bright side, they do publish some good books and their (((holiday))) sales are the only times when buying them are defensible.
So gorge yourself on the feast my fellow burgeranons.
You have to order 4 or more books to get the 40 percent discount. (DayswithoutJewishtrickszero.jpeg)

>> No.19425823

Is this just for Amerimutts? How unfair.

>> No.19425838

The international shipping charges make it not such a great deal for non burgers

>> No.19425996

These are all on soulseek and in massive torrents, and cheap (0.99) in good condition on the various used book aggregate websites.

>> No.19426413
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Has anybody read this?
I’m interested in the description but have heard nothing about it from /lit/ and don’t trust Goodreads reviews due to the overwhelming presence of cool wine aunts on that accursed site.

>> No.19426423

read the first chapter online and make up your own mind. and check out Synge's book on the Aran Islands too, reviews are obsolete now we can sample almost everything ourselves

>> No.19426473


>> No.19426519

what are some worthwhile books to get from them? I've only bought The Anatomy of Melancholy

>> No.19426565
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Which 5 should I pick?

>> No.19426577

Only one of those I've read is The Seven Madmen and you should definitely get it.

>> No.19426710

Life and Fate
Butcher’s Crossing
Berlin Alexanderplatz
A Time of Gifts
The Peregrine

>> No.19426947
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I read pic related earlier this year
Probably my favorite book this year so far

>> No.19427337
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Last years haul, all in all pretty solid, Speedboat and Balcony in the Forest were the standouts, Seven Madmen is a bit of a letdown but has some absolutely amazing parts. Have yet to get to the Gide. Think I will get some more Gracq and Queneau, maybe Adlers other book as well.

>> No.19427349

>Butcher’s Crossing
LoA has these three in one nice high quality hardbound

>> No.19427397

I can't agree, it is uneven and inconsistent, plot is just too convenient with much of it serving little purpose and is overly reliant on exposition (The Astrologer's Speech being prime example). There are some amazing parts like Erdosain's nightmare and his ride on the train, which are worthwhile, but the book on the whole falls flat. I think my biggest issue with it is that Arlt largely ignores setting, he shows he is capable but never really delivers or provide reason for it's absence.

>> No.19427696
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>> No.19427704

Definitely read the Opposing Shore for more Gracq

>> No.19427745

Already ordered that and it is arriving on Monday, really looking forward to it. Sadly NYRB does not have any other Gracq, could have sworn they did.

>> No.19427769

Nice, hope you enjoy

>> No.19428300

Order complete
Tun-Huang - Yasushi Inoue
Inverted World - Christopher Priest
The Gate - Natsume Sōseki
The Land Breakers - John Ehle
Zama - Antonio Di Benedetto
Witch Grass - Raymond Queneau

>> No.19428385

Tarka the Otter
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
A King Alone
The Foundation Pit
The Burning of the World

>> No.19428399

They held it early this year in honor of Kyle Rittenhouse getting acquitted.

>> No.19428810

Bumpy the rumpy

>> No.19429549 [DELETED] 

do they take paypal and how much is shipping in the united states?

>> No.19429555

>by four for 40% off
you didn't tell us that part op

>> No.19429772

They don't call it Jew York for nothing!

>> No.19429851

Yes he did. Reading does not seem to be your strong point, luckily for you NYRB has a selection of childrens books.

>> No.19430314
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Looking to narrow these down to just 4 (maaaaybe 5)

>> No.19430686

The Peregrine
Life and Fate are all great
I haven’t read any of the rest though. They might be better for all I know.
I guess that really isn’t much help

>> No.19431340

Mattia pascal was fantastic
Peregrine is THE nature kino novella
Waste books is a good one to pop into here and there before bed imo
Anatomy is revered but the penguin might honestly be better, especially if not familiar with latin.
Life and Fate has a lot of good things about it but you may want to pick up stalingrad instead if you care about chronology

>> No.19431363


Anyone get their Purgatorio? I was intrigued when I read it had the italian and the english. Worth buying?

>> No.19431395

I just use zlibrary. Everthing is free whenever if you can stand ereading :D

>> No.19432022

>celebrating consumerism

>> No.19432036
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But buying and owning things is bad.

>> No.19432046

thanks for the reminder anon, picked up a few things. an embarrassing amount of my personal library is NYRB, but they have a lot of good stuff that i'm interested in.

>> No.19432235

I start Kaputt at one point and it was beautifully written but a little slow. Interesting perspective/subject matter though. Idk why I didn't finish it

>> No.19432894

‘Tis the season motherfucker

>> No.19432939

Whoa when did NYRB get the rights to Gaddis?

>> No.19433096

Last fall they published those two, hopefully they do Carpenter’s Gothic soon.

>> No.19433336
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Was going to drop about 40 bucks on four books, but then went to Abebooks and got Memed My Hawk and pic related for 5 bucks apiece. I am always tempted by this sale, but never go through with it because it is still pretty expensive, even at 40% discount.

>> No.19433488

Has anyone here read the John Bester translation of Once and Forever The Tales of Kenji Miyazawa? How is it?

>> No.19434083

You guys have any good non-fic recs from them other than The Thirty Years War? I'm disillusioned with fiction

>> No.19434252

There’s The Peregrine and Paddy Fermor’s travel books
I do not recommend The Three Christs of Ypsilanti. That was fucking retarded.
Social Psychologists should be flogged.

>> No.19434315

Arabia Felix
Memoirs of a Revolutionary
I was going to recommend To the Finland Station but it doesn’t look like they publish it anymore.
I haven’t read A Savage War of Peace but I did read another book by Alastair Horne about the Paris Commune of 1871 and the siege by the Prussian army. So I can recommend the author if not the book