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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 378 KB, 1497x1778, big boy playing dress up in a coostume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19426041 No.19426041 [Reply] [Original]

*kills himself*
What do rightoids see in him?

>> No.19426042

did he fail? ur still talking about him

>> No.19426048
File: 819 KB, 500x280, mishima.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And as he died, he came.

>> No.19426051

We still talk about Robespierre too. Does that mean he won in the end?

>> No.19426052

>did Hitler fail?
>ur still talking about him

>> No.19426056

>2 more weeks guys

>> No.19426060

He didn't fail. His intention was the engineer a situation that would allow him to have a le heroic samurai death.

>> No.19426085

>he fellow soldiers pls overthrow government
>no fuck off you civilian larper
>kills himself
So heroic. Truely a true Samurai

>> No.19426117

He just wanted people to watch.

>> No.19426123

He won, he wanted to die, and he wanted to set up a situation that would grant him that death in wanted. More than a larper, he was an actor portraying a character.

>> No.19426139

His suicide was his greatest work of art.
Also ur post shows just how empty the lives of your leftoid, materialist kind are.

>> No.19426154

>committing le ebin suicide to own the libs
At least nipponoid chuds are more interesting than you incels

>> No.19426164

Emphasize on Life. Unlike Mr. Darwin Award here.

>> No.19426176

>*kills himself*
isn't the right pretty much that?

>> No.19426178
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Oh my god you are right!
Unlike all you lefty who succeed all the time LOL

>> No.19426186

>What do rightoids see in him?
his kinky body

>> No.19426192

What the fuck is happening in picture 3

>> No.19426198

I'm interested in that huge dip in the 80s

>> No.19426224

Alcohol shortages probably

>> No.19426247

Imagine not understanding that he had always planned to die that day. The coup was a giant theatrical performance. If you had read his books and knew about the man this would be obvious

>> No.19426263

Sympathy for Nazism and Hitler seems to be growing though.

>> No.19426271

>The coup was a giant theatrical performance
>His suicide was his greatest work of art.

>> No.19426272

As is for socialism. People need narratives in times of crisis. Nothing exceptional there

>> No.19426273

Even if thats true and he was just pretending to be retarded, how does it change the fact that Mishima is one of the biggest losers in human history? If anything, it makes it worse. Not only he failed, but he failed in ways that are insincere and pretentious.

>> No.19426286

>What do rightoids see in him?
Him being rightoid. Rightoids tolerate a lot for the sake of keeping as many folks as possible in their faction.

>> No.19426287

he succeeded at what he wanted to do, and left a bunch of literature behind that people still discuss to this day

>> No.19426294

The fact that his coup was a farce is actually the most poetic bit. Over the course of the Sea of Fertility, the main theme is aging, decline, westernization. Mishima saw that Japan was dead. Mishima IS Honda from the tetralogy. He even spoke of ‘last men’ in the Nietzschean sense in an interview literally just before his death. The fact that he was rejected, and the fact that his beheading was botched, shows that Japan was dying or dead, and that no real samurai remained. It was pure kino

>> No.19426306

The right has a strong attachment to futile causes.

>> No.19426326

>he actually intended to fail its all part of keikaku
>it was all performance art dude
>he sure dabbed on Japan by dying in a comedic fashion lmao
>wow he left some books that pewdiepie read thats what making it looks like
Alternative theory: he was just an insecure, neurotic jap loser worshipped by similarly neurotic failures

>> No.19426328

Enough with the projecting, it's pathetic. You need to go outside, make friends.

>> No.19426362

Nothing of that could even be misconstrued to be projection you npc.

>> No.19426366
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>Enough with the projecting, it's pathetic. You need to go outside, make friends.

>> No.19426368

Justified nihilism

>> No.19426469
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I like Mishima because feminized brains cannot understand him, cannot touch his philosophy, it is forever free from the taint of leftist transsexuals'. That's a rare thing in our time.

>> No.19426477

>>Even if thats true and he was just pretending to be retarded, how does it change the fact that Mishima is one of the biggest losers in human history?
He was literally super rich old nobility that lived an aesthetic as fuck lifestyle.

You are a loser. Mishima did exactly what he wanted.

You probably can't even think what you want, let alone do it.

>> No.19426536

A lot of seething in here by people who have never read Mishima. It would be nice to actually talk about literature for once

>> No.19426540

he was gay

>> No.19426548

He stay straight with his path even hes a fag

>> No.19426560
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Based. Feminized faggots could never understand the masculine nature of struggle, war, destiny, and love without ulterior motive.

>> No.19426563

>the masculine nature of struggle, war, destiny, and love without ulterior motive
That's one way to say you love cock in your ass.

>> No.19426566

Mishima is literally what /lit/ wishes they could, starts with the Greeks, synthesizes the greatness of western thought within greater context, and produces eternal artwork within his own coherent culture. His was a will to action instead of incestual pseudo intellectualism that goes nowhere but up its own ass.

Mishima was gay, but he wasn't a faggot, which is much more than can be said for OP.

>> No.19426575
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I'm a top, and prefer thighs honestly. Feces are unhygienic, but so is your brain so I can understand your defaults and confusion.

>> No.19426595
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If you kill yourself for your enemies you win.

>> No.19426596
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>you can't like Mishima because....he was gay!
So was Hitler and Socrates. There's nothing wrong with homosexuality as long as you're still masculine, this is something modern day trannies from reddit can't even begin to process in their estrogenated and porn addled brains though.

>> No.19426618

>His was a will to action instead of incestual pseudo intellectualism that goes nowhere but up its own ass.
That's exactly where it went. Alongside other things lol.
>lil puss boy failed the draft
>copes by designing a LARP uniform and pretending to be le badass bushido samurai conveniently missing out on the bushi part
>takes a hostage like a nigger and then kills himself like the tranny he was deep down
He should have transitioned and become a comfort woman.

>> No.19426646

>tfw Mishima is one of the few enduring Japanese writers
>100 years from now the future pan-euro-asiatic Hitler will have read Mishima
This is a white pill.

>> No.19426686

you know a bugman is mad when he starts saying nigger and tranny

>> No.19426694

>did Kietollieni fail ur still ta-

>> No.19426701

Have you read Thirst of Love? I find a lot of his personal philosophy woven into that book. I’m not exactly a Mishima fan, but I do find him interesting.

>> No.19426727

Sun and steel is an interesting book, and when you take a moment and consider it in today's world it raises some interesting points, especially with the whole night vs sun body dynamic. Perhaps in his own clumsy way he explained the necessity for physical exertion in human society as a spiritual means not just a physical one.

>> No.19426747
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I'm not a fag through. I don't suck men's penises nor take it in the ass. This alone makes me categorically superior to Mishima.

>> No.19427075

>I don't take it up the ass! I'm better!
>says anon as he takes it up the ass EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. in all ways except literal as a disenfranchised beta male consumerist slave
Seems legit.

>> No.19427080

You just explained it. He's the perfect appeal to how they live their lives.

>> No.19427101

You can exercise your pathetic mental gymnastics to no avail all day, kinda like Mishima spent his entire life lifting only to die as a DYEL, but a simple fact is that your precious gook idol took penis in his ass, and moaned like a bitch. Is there any wonder he failed to rouse a coup? All the soldiers probably smelled a fag and refused to follow.

>> No.19427112
File: 69 KB, 625x899, knut hamsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19427115

Everyone on this board is filtered by the fact he started a cult and completed a ritualistic suicide as the endpoint.

>> No.19427120

oh no knut hamsun actually does look like an unwholesome nazi...

>> No.19427139
File: 750 KB, 2100x1430, https___artsandculture.google.com_asset_CAGvkeh4-EfHTQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is more wholesome than a nazi.

>> No.19427142

Ok..... looks like i need to do some moar reading.

>> No.19427187

>Heteros are the real faggots
Your brain on Mishima.

>> No.19427230

maybe that's why nothing feels more wholesome than a nazi's head under your foot.

>> No.19427240

Westerners miss it because Japanese cults take on very different characteristics than their own. It's understandable because their religion differs so greatly from ours; Japan itself is a religious object and ideas concerning social order and culture take on a transcendental character. Generally, Japanese cults don't have a figurehead/leader whose authority is based on them being a messenger or an embodiment of God and they usually take on militaristic characteristics (e.g. Mishima's militia) and actively engage in politics; Aum Shinrikyo and Happy Science both run candidates for office and openly engage in politics and the former even bought attack helicopters.

>> No.19427268

Alcohol prohibition?

>> No.19427346

mishima is so cringe

>> No.19427357
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>> No.19427372

>proceeds to project


>> No.19427415

>sensitive gay bookish boy LARPs as a warrior-poet
hows this not cringe

>> No.19427427

Yes. Though I don't remember it too well outside of a couple of scenes. What in it did you think exemplified his personal philosophy? A lot of people associate Mishima with the Samurai ethos and bodybuilding but he didn't start lifting till relatively late in his career so I do think there's much more to him than that at least.

>> No.19427450

He never intended to succeed in making an uprising. That was part of his performance, his suicide had already been planned for a long time. ¿Have you even read his books?

>> No.19427602

>Alternative theory: he was just an insecure, neurotic jap loser worshipped by similarly neurotic failures
This is how art works; but you neither read nor write so of course you don't get it faggot lmao

>> No.19427609
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>maybe that's why nothing feels more wholesome than a nazi's head under your foot.

>> No.19427616
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>> No.19427632

>What do rightoids see in him?
Nothing this degenrate fucking faggot sucks
Only le ebin neetschzian larper think this guys cool

>> No.19427670

Wasnt he literally an artist and didnt his writings indicate that he wanted to die in a particular way BEFORE the fact?
Did either of them set out with the intent to die?

>> No.19427672

was his goal to be talked about 50 years later on some degenerate website? no? then yes, he failed

>> No.19427681

...Couldnt that be said about literally anyone discussed here? Not exactly a good point anon-kun....

>> No.19427689

If being 'talked about' is a measure of greatness then Kim Kardashian's booba has the entire western canon beat by a mile

>> No.19427708

You are right. But that is also true of Beethoven and most any artist or writer.

I think greatness is a crossection between extent and effect.

>> No.19427726

I don't read gay erotica no.

>> No.19427731

de-colonize and de-heteronomativize your bookshelf.

>> No.19427733

Nah I'm good.

>> No.19427758

i can see how you'd think that if you were an idiot and didn't read what i replying to

>> No.19427782

IDK anon, seemed like the guy was using "ur" in a general audience way. as in we in general are still talking about him. He's not a literal who. Hes a relatively well known indivigual. In and out of Japan.

>> No.19427878
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 2675740-f9c78dd9e39eac93fa74499d29eed682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missing the point of mishima this badly lol you probably think that was his real name as well

>> No.19427888

Imagine thinking that knowing a pen name is some deep lore that makes you superior.
Holy fucking shit you are genuinely the most pathetic person on all of 4channel.

>> No.19428117

>Did you know Evelyn Waugh was a man and Geroge Eliot was a woman?
Trips of truth.

>> No.19428141

One of the biggest problems in the USSR was alcoholism, it was really bad with workers and heavy machine operators drunk on the job. Gorbachev tried some reforms and raised the price of vodka and made the punishments for being drunk on the job harsher. It was a massive failure. The post USSR increase is because alchool became substantially cheaper and very accessible.

>> No.19428159

Yes he did fail, the soldiers did not follow him, if you watch that video he totally embarrassed himself.

>> No.19428420

>the soldiers did not follow him, if you watch that video he totally embarrassed himself.

>> No.19428547

He got heckled and jeered by the soldiers, sometimes they couldn't even hear him speak because of helicopters flying over.

>> No.19428583
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Worth noting abortion was basically the only form of birth control in the USSR that was readily available. But still, that's like 2/3 of their entire population in 40 years, imagine the USSR with half a billion people?
Gorbachev went hard on alcoholism, it's where this famous picture comes from.

>> No.19428596

What the fuck are you even talking about you broken fucking bot?

>> No.19428715

Enlist bitch

>> No.19428759

I like him because I'm a literal gay faggot and he was a literal gay faggot

>> No.19428783
File: 3.77 MB, 700x700, 7e5d2d797bd51123a879ae3496d38c3e5e61819dfa2cf7f3af1709bce1724aa7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that he killed himself for what he believed in and not a single beta-manlet tranny reading this post will ever do the same is why he's great. He tried. Doesn't matter if he succeeded. He tried. He has my respect for that.

>> No.19428795

It wasn't Robespierre's aim to die.

>> No.19428816


>> No.19428817

This >>19427115. FYI that's why he's taboo in Japan; still respected for his art and all but getting into him to the degree fanboys on /lit do in Japan would make people think you're retarded. (I say that and I'm a big fan of his books).

>> No.19428823

>He tried. Doesn't matter if he succeeded. He tried
Litany of a Cuck

>> No.19428844

he did

>> No.19428848

huh that p accurate actually

>> No.19428852

>noooo no le hecking abortionerenos

>> No.19428888
File: 1.55 MB, 1200x795, imagem_2021-11-20_004534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascist art is literally the same as Communist art. All forms of modernity need to be put away. Anti-human architecture and ideas. Totalitarianism has never bred true beauty and enlightenment

>> No.19429015


>> No.19429127

the faggotry

>> No.19430383

terminal basedness that still makes leftyfags seethe

>> No.19430414
File: 428 KB, 2100x1400, https___artsandculture.google.com_asset_hitler-jaeger-file_iwFsE9Igf3Y1sA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kvetch harder

>> No.19430431

>As is for socialism
only because people are being brainwashed in universities
that's literally the only reason support for socialism is growing

>> No.19430469

Wrong. "Fuck you, pay me" is the new motto of the disenchanted. I never went to university.

>> No.19430491

>I never went to university
nearly every single university lecturer is a supporter of some kind of marxism/socialism

do not go into those institutions

>> No.19430512

There's nothing wrong with socialism, you're just justifiably mad that the socialism in your country is run by jews for their own purposes. Socialism always works for exactly who it's meant to.

It's literally jewish argumentation that tells people to demand their government not give them things.

>> No.19430529

>you're just justifiably mad
i am justified but i ain't mad buddy

i just see things for what they are

>> No.19430535

No you don't. You're a retard.

>> No.19430551

i'm calling you buddy and you're insulting me
very sad, many such cases

>> No.19430571

the history of existence

>> No.19430617
File: 457 KB, 750x1005, 74FFC3AD-6811-4F70-BEFE-81888B2A555C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but the leader of Aum thought he was Jesus lol

>> No.19430922

You believe in a failed system because it's was (is)false.Congrats.

>> No.19431563

I don't know how someone could die for his ideals and still be accused of LARPing.

>> No.19431571

Or maybe it was just the sheer dullness of the contrast between his exciting death and the prospect of living for decades more. He mentions in interviews that he's been looking forward to death since the war and also that modern life was unbearably boring. He probably also wanted to die out of sheer boredom which kind of underlies what he did and cloaks it with a desperate nihilism. I've also often wanted to die, not out of depression but out of sheer boredom with life.

>> No.19431579

That was his intention, yes.

>> No.19431699

Don't know anything about this guy other that he tried to stage a coup and that he had a formidable sense of fashion, diggin' that drip

>> No.19431962

He did. Monarchies are out for good in the West and tyrannical secular governments are the general rule.

>> No.19431965

Shit, this one was for >>19426051

>> No.19431989
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>> No.19432001

Killing himself was part of the larp. So how did he fail, exactly? Mishima was under no delusion that his coup would actually work, he just wanted to die a traditional Japanese death in pursuit of Japanese traditionalism.

>> No.19432023

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.19432193
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>> No.19432532
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What do leftoids see in Hemingway, DFW or Hunter S Thompson

>> No.19432833

That's largely due to globalization (pretty much the opposite of Mishima's cult). Cults have become somewhat hybridized just like everything else has and Aum was no exception.

>> No.19432871
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This, few will understand how his death was his last poem, the final union of pen and sword. The fact that Morita comically botched the job and it had to be finished by Koga was some kind of last irony, I think... intentional perhaps, in the choice of second.

>> No.19432875

You have the same experience at any BTS concert. What kind of mental illness does it take to support a totalitarian system just because you want to drown in a crowd?
Please for your own sake take a big step back and look at what you're doing.

>> No.19432897

wit and charm

>> No.19432902

I thought art was le subjective

>> No.19432969

How would that even change anything you dip?

>> No.19433239
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>tfw bread lines were longer under capitalisms depression
Makes you wonder

>> No.19433251
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>before and after the Russian Revolution

>> No.19433269

Because this thread was a shitpost making fun of right wingers. I'm just joking about how left-wingers act like art is subjective until something that opposes them is made.

>> No.19433283
File: 233 KB, 1920x1080, 1_4719725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right-wing aesthetics BAD
>nihilistic absurdism GOOD

>> No.19433535

>Right-wing aesthetics BAD
Yes, cringe & incelly too.

>> No.19433708

Leftist chads... I yield

>> No.19433725

>In psychology, the right-wing authoritarian (RWA) is a personality type that describes somebody who is naturally submissive to their authority figures, acts aggressively in the name of said authorities, and is conformist in thought and behavior.
Super submissive too. Might as well just pay a woman to peg you if you're an unironic nazi

>> No.19433781

>somebody who is naturally submissive to their authority figures, acts aggressively in the name of said authorities, and is conformist in thought and behavior.
This is everybody on Earth not in the Frankfurt School.

>> No.19433791

Ever wonder why this site has the highest density of right-wing schizos obsessed with "Trannies" and "BBC" or is it just "da shillz"

>> No.19433861

>In psychology

>> No.19433982

well, for starts he wants to give us $1000 a month UBI. I think thats pretty cool

>> No.19434037

Nazi larpers btfo

>> No.19434136

seethe and reddit pleading, typical

>> No.19434177
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>> No.19434190
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>> No.19434651

This unironically describes the american left perfectly.

>> No.19434789
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>> No.19434924
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>> No.19434944

>did he fail? ur still talking about him
Pretty accurate summary of fascist ideology. Victory is death. But it's dramatic so people talk about it in the future.

>> No.19435079

The fact he got someone to decapitate himself shows it wasn't a larp.
Just because you fail doesn't mean you were larping

>> No.19435338
File: 1.19 MB, 828x1083, 1637409647945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complaining about /pol/ ppft tourist

>> No.19435741

Second time I've seen you post fascism is... LE VICTORY IS DEATH. You are a pseud. Consider reading a book

>> No.19435854

Fascism is when those dumb common people believe in something higher than what I, the superior intellectual, believe in.

>> No.19435925

he's a jap, they have this weird obsession with japs

>> No.19435953


>> No.19435998

You are so fucking retarded. Imagine being this stupid. You should just kill yourself you moronic fuck.

>> No.19436309

I'd take this guy over Toby the Jap any day.

>> No.19436410

kek how pathetic. Seeing idealists like him embarrassed themselves is always amusing

>> No.19436828

Ironically, the actions of germany and japan in ww2 allowed for the resurgence and victory of communism throughout europe and asia. It also allowed for the rise of the united states

>> No.19436864

This is an extremely midwit take. Germany and Japan were responding to the mounting economic supremacy of the USSR and America, respectively. World War II only accelerated the inevitable; the Axis did not raise the Allies up out of primitiveness.