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File: 95 KB, 686x990, doesthisgebetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19425893 No.19425893 [Reply] [Original]

does this shit get better, I'm in book 5 and it reads like a giant fanfiction from a men.
>almost every women wants to fuck the mc
>the most interesting women is written like le bad daemon
>95% of the book is just fillershit
does it get better, it actually has really good fantasy elements

>> No.19426028

Wheel of Time is the western equivalent to a long-running anime that went gone down the shitter in quality years ago but is still too profitable to die a respectable death.

>> No.19426044

yeah it reminds me of naruto but just worse

>> No.19426097

WoT is some hot garbage

>> No.19426191

You mean its worse than naruto. Thanks. Now I can add it to my list of books I'm never reading.

>> No.19426248
File: 37 KB, 398x376, FB19B27F-F5C8-463E-8BBB-CA8C9E8A3428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually read The Complete WASTE Of Time

>> No.19426268

I'm actually torturing myself to get through

>> No.19426275

Never aroused my interest.

>> No.19427007

You welcome

>> No.19427303

I enjoy the series of books

>> No.19427533

No. It's the absolute bottom of the barrel, even for the genre. I'm not one of those /sff/ is a waste of time fags, but seriously just stop wasting your time on it and go read something better.

>> No.19427573

I quit Eye of the World 200 pages in. It’s like a Tolkien rip off for suburban boys.I don’t see how anyone over 16 can enjoy it, it’s a soulless mess imo and I cringed every time Mat or whatever his name sniggered.

>> No.19428082

If you don't like it now, might as well quit the series.
I loved the series. It was the book 2 when the Seanchan and damane were introduced that hooked me.
I have tried reading other finished fantasy but I still haven't got the same high I did in WOT

>> No.19428111

i know someone with a master's degree in philosophy who's into it so it can't be too bad

>> No.19428255

It gets much worse from book 7 onwards.

>> No.19428705

Just keep reading and you'll get to enjoy Jordan's hamfisted insertion of his fetishes become even more bizarre and uncomfortably sexual.

>> No.19428734

>almost every woman wants to fuck the canonically richest, most powerful man in existence
whoa how immersion breaking
>the most interesting women is written like le bad daemon
because they're cunts, they grow up a lot starting around book 9 - but the females being written by an old dude is a valid complaint
>95% of the book is just fillershit

>> No.19428770

Cope. I like the Pendragon books because I read them when I was twelve but I admit they're shit.
Drop it OP. Its great for middle schoolers but if you read WoT older they're not worth it.

>> No.19428873

>a men

>> No.19428886

I stopped reading after like book 8 and I feel I should have stopped before that. First book is pretty cool but generic but the rest is just a drag.

>> No.19428892

>tugs braid

>> No.19428917

It bugged me that Rand's big revelation that convinced him not to an hero again was that he gets a second chance to do things right. Wasn't the whole reason behind his despair the fact that even if he did win this time around, the Wheel would spin and he would be forced to face the Dark One again, and that he had to win every single time while the other side just had to win once to win forever?

>> No.19429131

Hmm I guess I will continue than but its really killing my desire to read at all

>> No.19429277

Why? It’s huge and you could spend the time reading dozens and dozens of better books