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/lit/ - Literature

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19421985 No.19421985 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys trying to turn me into a cuck?

I'm serious. I'm not a regular visitor to /lit/, but I've come here for recommendations multiple times. And every single book you guys told me to read turned out to be a cuck book.

The first time I came here I said I wanted to read the great Russian novelists. I was told, "Read Anna Karenina. It's the finest Russian novel there is." I read it. It's about a guy who gets cucked.

The second time I came here I said I wanted to read an American novel. I was told, "Read The Sun Also Rises. It's quintessential American literature. You'll love it." I read it. It's about a cuck.

The third time I came here I said I wanted to read some Shakespeare. I was told, "Start with Othello. One of the great tragedies." I read it. Cuck.

The fourth and most recent time I came here I said OK, /lit/, I want the best novel ever written. So many people said Ulysses by James Joyce that I bought it, and even though it was tough to read, I kept going because there wasn't any cucking. Then I get to the very end. It was about a cuck!

What the fuck, /lit/?

>> No.19422005

Try the Miller's Tale next.

>> No.19422024

Wow it's almost as if it's the worst thing that can happen to a man who loves his wife. Gee, why would that be a universal theme...

>> No.19422028

ok will do.
its not about a cuck is it

>> No.19422062
File: 105 KB, 1000x1521, dom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Dom Casmurro, It's not about a cuck (in my opinion).

>> No.19422096

The Count of Monte Cristo is actively anti-cuck. That's why I love it.

>> No.19422105

anon you might enjoy One Thousand and One Nights

>> No.19422110

And even after centuries of literary heritage, most men still act surprised when they get cucked, or deny that women are whores by nature

>> No.19422111

Read The Idiot.

>> No.19422148

You're wrong tho.

>> No.19422246
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Hey anon, give this a read :)

>> No.19422262
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But why are women whores by nature?

>> No.19422265

I wonder if men have almost evolved to turn a blind eye to this in some sense. My hypothesis(completely unfounded in any sort of evidence) is that if a woman gives you say 3 or 4 children, it might be better in evolutionary terms for you to just ignore her cucking you for say 1 child. But since raising children with a woman requires a lot of compromise and interaction the man has to love the woman so he cant just accept her cucking him, so he has evolved to deny this to himself because that's just the best option for him. This is on top of obvious mate guarding behaviors which men obviously do as well, it only applies really once the situation has already happened.

>> No.19422280

Because a woman can get genes from a male vastly higher in genetic quality than her(guys will often just fuck anything) but she cant get that man to commit to her, so she has an incentive to trick a man who is of her own genetic quality into raising the child of the superior man. The actual dynamics in play are way more complicated than just that but it is one aspect of the picture.

>> No.19422287

Nothing is actually "superior" or "inferior"

>> No.19422295

Cuckoldry is one of the hwitest things that exist

>> No.19422296

it's definitely about a cuck, real or imagined.

>> No.19422298

Read No Longer Human - Dazai.
i promise there is no cuck scene in there lol

>> No.19422299

Well evolution would not work if that were the case. If you don't believe in evolution then of course the argument is meaningless.

>> No.19422304

there's a reason France outlaws the use of genetic testing for parental determination

>> No.19422306

Blood Meridian
Moby Dick (hemmingway may be "quintessential", but hemmingway also is garbage)
Don Quixote

three incredible novels not about cucks

>> No.19422374

who the fuck gets cucked in Othello? the whole play is about how being paranoid that you're being cucked will fuck you over. maybe take a look at yourself

>> No.19422634

Epic of Gilgamesh, first literature of history = entire plot is begun because Gilgamesh cucks his serfs
1001 nights = entire plot is begun because the sultan is cucked (by BBC, no less - not even kidding), causing him to kill every wife he has after fucking them to avoid getting cucked again, leading Scheherazade to never finish her story
All the Arthurian legends = basically every legend differs in that Guinevere is cucking someone new with someone new, yet the constant of all arthurian legends is cucking
Jacques the Fatalists, by Diderot = the sparse plot of the book is about Jacques' master getting cucked: ends with the moral lesson that Jacques' wife is cucking him with both Jacques' former master and some other guy, and Jacques is fatalist about getting cucked.

>> No.19422643

i second this, absolutely the best cuck book. lose your mind levels of cuck.

>> No.19422650
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Next read "No Longer Human"

>> No.19422848
File: 104 KB, 1200x627, 13343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now you gotta read the Iliad.

>> No.19423081

You have to read Lazarillo de Tormes anon, it is the quintessential picaresque novel!
But if you insist on not getting cucked, try A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

>> No.19423211

and then the oresteia, more specifically agamemnon