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19421454 No.19421454 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books at all that convey that feeling of paranoia-fueled overwhelming rushes of investigative information, the non-fiction equivalent of PKD's amphetamine-loaded rush through the filth and the haze, or are such things just a myth, like pic related? For example, is there really nothing of the sort that deals with the absolute clusterfuck that was late 60s-70s Italy? or the Cambodian conflict? Has investigative journalism ever not been a hijacked sham? Is there any reason left to search for this kind of thing in the age of covert internet censorship and subtle mental detours?

>> No.19421491

I think its more important to talk about the danger radicalization and distrust of experts poses for democracy. Like the Ellul luddites, or the class reductionist marxists, people who are way too much into conspiracies give off manchild vibes, white boys who refuse to grow up and accept the responsibilities that come with their privileges.

>> No.19421508

that’s sorta pynchon’s calling card, conspiratorial paranoia, ambiguous symbols, incomprehensible mysteries where it feels like you’re always one clue away from unlocking the puzzle
wish i knew more—i’m looking for the same. maybe we’ll write something like that someday.

>> No.19421620

this is the best bait that i've seen here in a while. have your (You).

>> No.19422349

yeah, it's always an exhilarating trip with pynch

>> No.19422357

That guy has been around for a while posting variations of that bait. He used to always pop up in Baudrillard threads

>> No.19422362

multiple people can post multiple variations of simple bait, schizanon.

>> No.19422370

Of course they can, but the diction and tone are pretty distinctive. I will take my meds however(I will not take them but I will rein in my paranoia).

>> No.19422396
File: 52 KB, 311x475, Sartor Resartus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These fringes of lamplight, struggling up through smoke and thousand-fold exhalation, some fathoms into the ancient reign of Night, what thinks Bootes of them, as he leads his Hunting-Dogs over the Zenith in their leash of sidereal fire? That stifled hum of Midnight, when Traffic has lain down to rest; and the chariot-wheels of Vanity, still rolling here and there through distant streets, are bearing her to Halls roofed in, and lighted to the due pitch for her; and only Vice and Misery, to prowl or to moan like nightbirds, are abroad: that hum, I say, like the stertorous, unquiet slumber of sick Life, is heard in Heaven! Oh, under that hideous coverlet of vapors, and putrefactions, and unimaginable gases, what a Fermenting-vat lies simmering and hid! The joyful and the sorrowful are there; men are dying there, men are being born; men are praying,—on the other side of a brick partition, men are cursing; and around them all is the vast, void Night. The proud Grandee still lingers in his perfumed saloons, or reposes within damask curtains; Wretchedness cowers into buckle-beds, or shivers hunger-stricken into its lair of straw: in obscure cellars, Rouge-et-Noir languidly emits its voice-of-destiny to haggard hungry Villains; while Councillors of State sit plotting, and playing their high chess-game, whereof the pawns are Men. The Lover whispers his mistress that the coach is ready; and she, full of hope and fear, glides down, to fly with him over the borders: the Thief, still more silently, sets to his picklocks and crowbars, or lurks in wait till the watchmen first snore in their boxes. Gay mansions, with supper-rooms and dancing-rooms, are full of light and music and high-swelling hearts; but, in the Condemned Cells, the pulse of life beats tremulous and faint, and bloodshot eyes look out through the darkness, which is around and within, for the light of a stern last morning. Six men are to be hanged on the morrow: comes no hammering from the Rabenstein?—their gallows must even now be o' building. Upwards of five hundred thousand two-legged animals without feathers lie round us, in horizontal position; their heads all in nightcaps, and full of the foolishest dreams. Riot cries aloud, and staggers and swaggers in his rank dens of shame; and the Mother, with streaming hair, kneels over her pallid dying infant, whose cracked lips only her tears now moisten.—All these heaped and huddled together, with nothing but a little carpentry and masonry between them;—crammed in, like salted fish in their barrel;—or weltering, shall I say, like an Egyptian pitcher of tamed vipers, each struggling to get its head above the others: such work goes on under that smoke-counterpane!—But I, mein Werther, sit above it all; I am alone with the stars."

>> No.19422414

Imagine if Carlyle had dedicated his lunatic genius to writing more experimental novels instead of yelling semi-incoherently about politics. He might have rivalled Melville.

>> No.19422427

>but the diction and tone are pretty distinctive
no, it’s one of the most generic cadences

>> No.19422444

Not here it isn't

>> No.19422457

Yes, it is. It’s a dime-a-dozen post my friend. meds? meds. Sorry to be mean hahan

>> No.19422481

It is not because I rarely see that sort of post and the specific things he is attacking(class reductionism and Ellul and conspiracy theories) are things almost all resident Leftists here like, and are also what the anti Baudrillard poster used to attack.

>> No.19422486

His semi-incoherent yelling about politics is based though.

>> No.19422495

Of course it's based but let's face it, he was more a poet than a sober political commentator or theorist.

>> No.19422525

But that's what makes him a based political commentator.

>> No.19422545

virgin conspiracy theorist, spends hundreds of dollars on dubious books about JFK and alleged CIA drug trafficking filled with old soviet or la roucheist propaganda, not really that different from a Qanon boomer antivaxxer, obsessed with edgy interwar fascist authors like celine or junger, shitty neofolk bands like death in june, the ''comedy'' of million dollar extreme, will deny being a white supremacist and claim he's still a marxist, decidedly neurotic, has likely been radicalized by misinformation produced by foreign powers like russia or china. too much of a coward to actually fight for his country, went to shitty state school, will never write the great american novel

v chad neoliberal ubermensch, blue blooded WASP, reads jonathan frazen and ben lerner(how ironically is anybody's guess) MFA from exclusive liberal arts college in new england, spends time off from q clearance beltway job writing papers on shepard fairey's hope posters as prime neoliberal reappropriation of totalitiarian art and the state department's postwar role in consolidating affect theory and the anthropology of gesture as research agendas, chuckles sensibly to NPR approved comicos, and jams to indie rock of the 00s(''fake empire'' by the national bo's campaign song in 08), is proudly and openly Gay, checks his white privilege and rejects toxic masculinity(but is also a combat verteran with over 20 confirmed kills and headshots in the second gulf war) knows marxism is a totalitarian ideology comparable to nazism. Believes it is america's world historical destiny to promote proper standards of mental health and intersectional justice everywhere.

>> No.19422574

holy faggotry

>> No.19422585

Of course an aloof, unthinking upper class guy is more based than a seething lower class guy. Has nothing to do with the political or cultural signifiers you attached to each of them.

>> No.19422615

this genre of irony only really works if you suppress your resentment for the position you're parodying, i see where you're going but it reads as lumpy and self-contradictory because the "voice" is supposed to be completely superior and self-assured in its position rather than attacking head on

the clash between genuine criticisms, which should have a voice of condescension and knowing better, and shrill one-dimensional "state school" jabs just doesn't work. it feels muddled and contradictory, and because it fails to launch on that level, the (admittedly dated) everything and the kitchen sink ironic stream of consciousness metaphor mixing cavalier about parenthetical divagations stylistic stuff seems dishonest

i don't know maybe i'm missing another level up of irony but i'm pretty used to this style and my asshole is well prepped to receive it and i kept trying to figure out what the ultimate condescending position behind it was

>> No.19423867

he's just slobbing himself off while trying to get anyone riled up

>> No.19423931
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This >>19421508
Also The Red Riding Quartet by David Peace.

>> No.19424287
File: 38 KB, 360x390, 1636517374805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Lie too Big to Fail by Lisa Pease

>> No.19425480

damn this nigga had talent

>> No.19425498

>clusterfuck that was late 60s-70s Italy?
Iv been looking out for a book on the age of lead for a while now

>> No.19425602

>Are there any books at all that convey that feeling of paranoia-fueled overwhelming rushes of investigative information, the non-fiction equivalent of PKD's amphetamine-loaded rush through the filth and the haze, or are such things just a myth, like pic related?
I can't believe no one has mentioned The Crying of Lot 49. The whole book is about falling deeper and deeper into nested conspiracies.
Although >>19421508 did mention Mr Pinecone

>> No.19426689

>le epic virgin vs chad
how about you stuck to facebook groups you buzz-riddled mongoloid