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19419546 No.19419546 [Reply] [Original]

And why men accepted that. All men who voted for abortion etc.
I need to gain a deep serious understanding of it in all sorts of way to write seriously about it and heal myself about women and the person I will write too, that's why I need a deep understanding about what moved men.

>> No.19419553
File: 178 KB, 508x781, 1597360523061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entry/exit level.

>> No.19419558
File: 35 KB, 394x630, A526E321-7802-4B77-81B6-FAE09797AB7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book for feminism:

Vindication of Rights of Women - Mary Wolstonecraft

>> No.19419560

what ? Why do you posted that ?

>> No.19419562

Anon, perhaps you should do better to understand why these things exist in the first place instead of asking in the one place that you are definitely assured will be an echo chamber for anything of this sort. Do you know what its like to feel physically unsafe most of the time? To not be comfortable in your body because there is more likelihood than not that you will be raped or shoved in a van?

>> No.19419563

that wasnt butterflys tripcode at the time, was it?

>> No.19419567

A Room of Ones Own, OP
It's short enough to be a good place to start.

>> No.19419568

It demonstrates the decline of women as brought by the rise of feminism. Also, the image limit was reached (>>19414540) because of retarded tripfags.

>> No.19419572

She said someone had hacked it and then signed in and out of it as if it somehow proved it wasn't her. She did it.

>> No.19419580

She also posted the password in that same thread kek. "No guys! It wasn't me! Look, I'm going to sign out of it and sign back in with a new one! See? This was the password that was broken!" She's so retarded she can't even lie properly.

>> No.19419582

4chan is one of the last free place in the internet and /lit/ is the smartestboard of it.
Yeah women have a hard time being weak, but then men have q hard time having to protect them (and that is part of feminism)

>> No.19419601

thank you anon, I want to understand qll the feminine motives to find their answers

Thank you

Are you trolling me ? You posted a wrong pic ? What's this book ? Do you have a link to it if it's not a troll ?

>> No.19419602
File: 42 KB, 449x682, swan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and /lit/ is the smartestboard of it.

>> No.19419614

WHOOSH! Lurk moar newfag. (inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded)

>> No.19419783

>Do you know what its like to feel physically unsafe most of the time?
Yes and more so than Western women.

>> No.19419921

The only reason men do it is either cause they wanna get laid or cause their mom or some other woman in their family brought them up with such beliefs and they did not have the grey matter to question it

>> No.19419933
File: 16 KB, 198x299, Feminism and Freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book for/against feminism

This is the best critique of feminism I've ever read.

>> No.19419994

>there is more likelihood than not that you will be raped or shoved in a van?
What the fuck city do you live in and how many van dealerships are there? Retard.

>> No.19419996

Women were a mistake, literally the only case where God fucked up

>> No.19420737
File: 508 KB, 1061x1632, Sexual Utopia in Power by F. Roger Devlin (medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexual Utopia in Power is worth a read.

>> No.19420757

>Women are weak
>So they should be more independent, so they can be kidnapped easier


>> No.19420770
File: 42 KB, 323x500, 518+FKBn1hL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19420778

On Women by Schopenhauer

One of the most sophisticated essay written against women.

>> No.19420784

Which countries voted for abortion?

>> No.19420790

So then why do feminists ban weapon carry? Rapists are carrying anyway.

>> No.19420808

I work in a factory. Half the workers are woman. It sucks having to work with them. We get paid the same, but since they're weaker we guys always gotta help em with heavier shit. Also they kiss ass to bosses more than guys. Also complain more than guys. Also get pregnant and leave us shorthanded. Also all the drama involves them. Kills all my motivation at work. They do half the work, i do double, and we get paid the same. What's the underlying principle behind this phenomena bros?

>> No.19420865

Read Schopenhauer
All you need to know about women

>The fundamental fault of the female character is that it has no sense of justice.
>Women have great talent, but no genius, for they always remain subjective.
Hits the hammer right on the head.

>> No.19420875

>Women have great talent, but no genius, for they always remain subjective.
Any examples?

>> No.19420880

Experience of the general female character

>> No.19420999

“Quotations from Chairman Mao” has a section on women which seems pretty feminist to me.

>> No.19421056

>Yeah women have a hard time being weak, but then men have q hard time having to protect them (and that is part of feminism)
literally the biggest complaint that feminist have about men is about how dense they are about just admitting the very basic things they deal with on a day to day basis are true. What the fuck do you mean "having to protect them"? Are you a literal knight?
fake and gay
If you knew anything you'd know how common sex trafficking is. I can think of 2 incidents in the last (shitty) place i lived that i only heard of hearsay.
This isn't even necessarily true. Your dealing in such flat absolutes is indicative of your total incomprehensibility of understanding these issues. Most women i know carry pepper spray.

>> No.19421151

Going into it, however doubting anyone cares:
The earlier claims were: genius requires morality, which is also the capacity for objectivity, and women lack morality. Women do not have morality because they are weaker and servile to men, this is rooted in their biology. Patriarchy was evolved as a measure against cuckoldry, to guarantee a man's child was his (kin selection), and in return the women would receive the resources and protection of the man in a difficult environment. Women who did not conform did not breed, and over time these social characteristics were selected for. Objectivity, which is the ultimate form of altruism or selflessness, is only spurred into existence by the necessity of a moral sentiment, of a sense of greater purpose. Genius requires or is defined by inordinate degrees of this capacity for external interest, and it is naturally these people who have been the greatest contributors to civilisation. A moral sentiment is a form of independence which woman, as a slave, cannot have.

The most concrete examples of this, which you asked for, are in the natural sciences and mathematics. Men have always held the greatest genius here and it is no coincidence, regardless of any delusions. Men are even evolved to have a much greater variance in intelligence (and other traits) than women, more of them stupid but more of them geniuses, with less in the middle. The interesting thing is how one can relate this to art as well, perhaps there is more direct in the jump from morality to objectivity, but today art has been spat upon so much we cannot even have consensus on saying something like the works of Bach are superior to all contemporary music.

>> No.19421217

Bro I am from Muslim country where men control many aspects of a woman's life and it is pretty depressing and I am not saying this as a white knight or shit like that. So don't you think this manly behavior is also limiting their capacity to perform in sciences and arts? But when I see the situation of west, women there have done fuck all even after getting their rights. So I don't know what to think as a fence sitter.

>> No.19421407

>more likelihood than not
>more likelihood than not
>more likelihood than not
>more likelihood than not
>I heard about 2 sexual assaults one time when I used to live somewhere
You're a retard.

>> No.19421529

I understand the sentiment but as you can see as soon as we gave rights to women they destroyed society and when we stopped shaming homosexuals they immediately went for the kids.

>> No.19421539

There's a reason why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah

>> No.19421568

better put than me anon
same thing with blacks. I remember seeing something somewhere, where americans said they'd rather lose the war than give blacks rights.

>> No.19421635
File: 151 KB, 709x1080, The Woman Racket - The New Science Explaining How the Sexes Relate at Work, at Play and in Society (2008) by Steve Moxon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19422674

bump (I'm gonna reply)

>> No.19422768

I will look it up thanks anon

For what I've seen it's simply a rant about sex. While I don't disagree, I want some deeper understanding. Sex always existed, why did it triumphed at some point ? But maybe this book answer it and you know better than me.

Does it have something interesting ? Did you read it ? What are some good new arguments ?

He's good, I like him, though I think making childs of women is kinda agreeing and easing their idleness and stupidity/vanity. Though really good for denouncing courtoisie, unlike others anti-feminist

>> No.19422788

I doubt what Schopenhauer said that women are more in the present moment, while men are more rational.
It buys into the general idea that devalues men in making him a rational and women a more intuitive genius being. Rationality is the best of humanity, spiritual insight/intellect/intuition is better and men have a better share of it. They dominate rationality but not by brut rationality that women are able to mimic anyway.

>> No.19422805

It's not about the present moment, it's essentially selfishness and single-mindedness, unable to see the bigger picture. Nor is it buying into that idea that women are more in touch with their emotions or soft in that regard.

>> No.19422845

>literally the biggest complaint that feminist have about men is about how dense they are about just admitting the very basic things they deal with on a day to day basis are true. What the fuck do you mean "having to protect them"? Are you a literal knight?
There is no solution to female drama. Protect them and they will complain you patronize them, do nothing and they will complain. Acknowledge and listen (what all men are doing anyway, from time immemorial) and they will find other ways to complain.
Women are weak, you admitted it. I know men have to accompany them... I know I got falsely accused of rape for nothing by one. Men got killed en mass in stupid wars and in some way women find a way to eternal complain.

What I did ? My brother gave my sisters peper spray, We and their friend have to accompany them, I try my best to give good counsels against things like hook up culture etc... but we can't and won't do a lot because responsability over someone means power over them, that they profit from us and need us. Women are alienated by their own weakness that makes them depend on men or, the same, daddy state.

>> No.19422876

Oh okay, though I fear this interpretation of his thought can be done. He was in plain rationalist time and didn't talk much about women's spiritual deficiencies

>> No.19422962

>So don't you think this manly behavior is also limiting their capacity to perform in sciences and arts?
The objective of life is not that everyone or anyone become an artist or a scientist. The point of life is sanctification and subsequent happiness. The objective is also peace because of a good way of living. Everything the modern west did hides suffering in it's making and it's consequences and sinful unrest of the mind.
There is no grief in staying simple minded and not stoping your spiritual development for some
vain mundane occupation.
Allah is the Good in this world, simple and happy life is a manifestation of his peace