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19414306 No.19414306 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, I wish all literature was exactly like this book. To me, this felt more relatable than any other book I've read before.

>> No.19414310
File: 43 KB, 250x336, BatailleGeorges-1952-StudioHarcourt-MinisterioDeCultura-250.A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ will become a Bataillean board

>> No.19414330

Finally some good taste in this fucking board outside of the cyclic overrated authors

>> No.19414340

Relatable? Pobrecito

>> No.19414356

Your opinion is wrong and since you're wrong about more than zero things you are also a liberal and redditor and low IQ and ugly. Somewhere in your post you made a word choice that revealed that you are a tranny. You should, and probably will, kill yourself.

>> No.19414408

Trash, through and through.

>> No.19414439


>> No.19415713

yes, it will

>> No.19415715
File: 88 KB, 1000x1500, h-3000-klossowski_pierre_la-revocation-de-ledit-de-nantes_1959_edition-originale_tirage-de-tete_2_54577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's

>> No.19415735
File: 37 KB, 853x480, Forest-Spirit-Princess-Mononoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the caves, and read The Cradle of Humanity

>> No.19416424

holy seethe

>> No.19416452

I find Bataille's edginess a bit lame but he has extremely satisfying prose somehow. I dont know what exactly it is about it but it just reads so well.

>> No.19417744

I like Bataille but the only non-fic I've read from him was 'The Impossible' which I really enjoyed. What translation of SOTE did you read?

>> No.19418190

Probably would have killed myself if I hadn’t read Visions of Excess desu. Bataille is also exuberantly, perversely skilled in representing his philosophical ideas in his art

>> No.19418200
File: 334 KB, 1013x1225, 8768766876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably would have killed myself if I hadn’t read Visions of Excess desu.
Maybe you should have desu

>> No.19418235

nah senpai actually enjoying my life is much better

>> No.19418436
File: 67 KB, 436x656, 1634219256546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked the Van Gogh essay. I wonder if that's how Akenaten felt about the sun too. We'll never know.

>> No.19419416

You can read the millions of hentai manga out there.

>> No.19420094

Isn't The Impossible fiction?--well, a combination of fiction, poetry, and essay anyway.
As for Story of the Eye, there's only one (English) translation that's widely available (the Neugroschel - though I believe there might be minor variants between US and UK versions; the first English translation was actually by Wainhouse [of Sade fame] for the Olympia Press, but that one's super rare - though pirate ebooks, including ones sold by something called the 'Olympia Press' were still going round in this century, though I'm not sure what version they are), right?

>> No.19420163

You're right, I meant fiction, my bad lmao. I'll check out the Neugroschel translation, thanks bro.

>> No.19420791
File: 32 KB, 320x500, 2fb10f00e5a87a46d8376066217c138b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to me, it was very coombreaking and dickraising. especially the blond priest scene. i love bataille.

>> No.19420804

thanks for bringing that author to my attention. summary sounds kino

>> No.19420924

I watch Better than Food book reviews too

>> No.19421096

Good book. Love the red/grey alive/dead imagery throughout.

>> No.19422575

the scene with the girl target practicing in the toilet with cracked eggs had me laughing pretty hard till the dude sucks them out of the water. went from pure laughter to wanting to vomit multiple times in this book