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/lit/ - Literature

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19409523 No.19409523[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I reach the zoomer readership?

>> No.19409527

Write shit.

>> No.19409529

Start with Gen X...

>> No.19409532

Publish on AO3 or fanfiction.net

>> No.19409538

They are not reachable

>> No.19409549

How long till the sextape is accidentally leaked?

>> No.19409550

Aren't zoomers the most influenceable generation in modern history?

>> No.19409551

God, I need to cum on those tits

>> No.19409560

How revolting

>> No.19409563

Yes, but they aren't capable of being reached by things such as "reason".

>> No.19409567

This looks so stupid without music

>> No.19409571

>Implying it doesn't look stupid regardless
zoom zoom

>> No.19409575

>Purposefully surrounds herself with less than 7s
>Still not the hottest there
oh i'm laffin

>> No.19409599

Choose your whore.
For me it's top left.

>> No.19409603

Billie obviously. She would make her brother compose a song about my laughably average sized pp.

>> No.19409614


>> No.19409618

Probably the blonde back up dancer or the one you picked.
The black chick to the left straight up looks like a dyke, kek.

>> No.19409629

I know each generation says the one after it is retarded, but what if each generation has actually been getting more retarded than the previous one, and that's why people have been saying it forever?

>> No.19409650
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I hate the generation I belong to but I still feel its influence on me and I think I'm not doing enough to disassociate myself from them. Sometimes I think the only way would be to go on a few years long internet detox and completely disappear from online life but it's such a hard thing to do. If you don't know anything about recent developments in politics, popular culture and the like they basically treat you like some kind of a leper. Having never watched Netflix alone alienates me from 70-80% of zoomers. If 4chan and 2-3 websites with opinion pieces on recent events are your only connection to the real world you can't hope to find a common language with people who are used to being fed quick bits of information delivered to them in seconds after the event happens. I simply can't afford becoming terminally offline as opposed to being terminally online if I want to maintain some social life

>> No.19409655
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Influenced by the rapid digital stimuli of persuasive technologies, yes. Influenceable by books? Not so much.
Like many things I'm afraid they will kill reading as a practice once and for all. Millennials are actually the most educated and /lit/ generation alive and going back several generations. So gen z is a departure from the pattern. I don't blame them, I blame these silicone valley fucks. Too bad Ted didn't get to bomb them all.

Only 1/4 gen z reads according to some data.

> Millennials are the most voracious readers, with 80% of Millennials having read a book in the last 12 months. They are also the biggest library-goers of the five generations.


>> No.19409718

>I simply can't afford becoming terminally offline

>> No.19409722

They are all fat.

>> No.19409729

For zoomers being online is being alive anon. I know it's a cliche but it's worth emphasizing. If you don't use the internet you'll likely not find a common language with zoomers. I don't want to be completely alienated from society.

>> No.19409734

Imagine the generation raised by zoomers though. Hivemind chimpanzees hooked to trending digital content since age 0.

>> No.19409736

Scarlett is aging like milk. She peaked in Iron Man 2.

>> No.19409747

I like her old nose better.

>> No.19409757

Imagine indeed. Zoomers will not reproduce, our generation will see the reproduction rate dropping to near zero and we will do absolutely nothing to combat it because having children is an unnecessary distraction from consooming

>> No.19409761

Have huge boobs and post instagram vids of you personally thanking people for reading your book, with extra mooshing of your tits together when they display a deeper understanding of your points. The only more effective way to the mind of these fucks than through their sexual desires is through their desire for fame.

>> No.19409776

>The only more effective way to the mind of these fucks than through their sexual desires is through their desire for fame
This 100%

>> No.19409782
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>> No.19409790
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We are just a bunch of fucking apes, aren't we?

>> No.19409793
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I’m anti-cosmetic surgery

No, U

>> No.19409795

yes, you are

>> No.19409803

straightforward, non-symbolic, railroaded bullshit with pop culture references

>> No.19409815


>> No.19409820
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But that's the exact opposite of my style

>> No.19409861

>Now he starts to notice

>> No.19409960

Study trends and appeal to them, master contemporary rhetoric as manifested through the path you think most logical, whether that’s the low-brow YouTube and instagram video or the higher brow academia and political speech, lower quality you go the more readership potential, Also do not ignore medium.

By this I mean to say, the mediums which reach people today most commonly WILL be film, television, and much more than these, the internet through various services but most widespread would be YouTube. The majority of people who read today are gonna be divided into really about 3 divisions.

1=the genre reader, this is the one who reads purely for pleasure and has no illusions of intellectualism in his reading, while he may an intellectual or philosophical piece, he will require you to make the work enjoyable In itself, with prose and rhetoric and narrative that focus not on ideals but on fulfillment of desires. While you can get a reader base out of these, don’t expect to get too artsy or to give your big ideals in the majority of cases, don’t expect you’ll have absolute freedom to write one of the classics you admire.
2=the classics reader, who will only read older lit and contemporary annotations and secondary material and so forth, you can only really grab these people by biographies and work on older authors, and they’re not that sizeable in comparison to the other two groups, as a modern author the only chance you’ll get at these people is somehow connecting your work to their canon or doing work which directly is based/builds on an older authors work.
3=“literary fiction” which is to say, those books whose readership read for the aesthetic of being a reader, whose writing is a masturbatory barrage of contemporary politics, identity and usually autofiction, these have no real skill and are read for perceived clout gain or because their reader/writer thinks it is somehow something bigger than it actually is, think sally rooney and people who read her or your average popular Nigerian/black queer writer. You can become famous for a very limited time but you’ll be lost to time, and what you write about and how you write will be largely ignored. This is a sizable group but if you say things out of line you will be erased.

The truth of the matter is, literature is not the popular pastime and really hasn’t since radio and the children of radio took dominance, who are the contemporary fireside poets? What contemporary poet or prose writer do people go to for their daily pleasure ? In truth it is more often the genre writer in his extremely long book in his extremely long series of books many of which more modeled off of television than any other older literature.

It is really not the medium to go to if you want the eyes and ears of the youth, if you want any fame or honor in your lifetime.

The next post will be concerning Billie

>> No.19409965

In general the only thing the teenage whore has going for her is a nice (though not stunning) face, it is true she looks like an aged Scarlett Johansson, but this is not a compliment at her excessively young age to resemble a woman twice her age, and she has a set of fat tits, which does go a long way, but the rest of her body? She’s not very shapely, the curve of her body (Perhaps due to youth) isn’t there, her body does resemble a fat body, her legs and ass aren’t really anything to write home about. Of course she looks good, in a “I walked by this woman and looked at her for a few minutes “ way, but I think she doesn’t stand up to the look of models nor of the other pop singers, whose body are a primary selling point. Personality and aesthetic choice wise she gives the mental perception of trash and a street walker, but even when she tries not to it doesn’t particularly work. In comparison to the other women you could ogle, she is inferior.

This is an effective means for short term success, even so, just removing the book from the formula will work even better for this type of fame and influence.

>> No.19409974

10/10 post, thank you Frater.

>> No.19409978

Shut the fuck up FAGGOT

>> No.19409985
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>> No.19409987

>millennials and gen x have only a 14 year window
>every other gen is 20+

>> No.19409990

Bitch when will you kill yourself

>> No.19410010
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>> No.19410011
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I won’t, I enjoy life and I also enjoy this site.

>> No.19410033

Say NIGGER and they will listen

>> No.19410034
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>it is true she looks like an aged Scarlett Johansson
Wait, then who the fuck is that woman? I thought it was it was Scarlett Johansson.

>> No.19410045
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Billie Eilish duh

>> No.19410057

Make the book about interracial cuckolding involving the boyfriend prepping a black bull

>> No.19410059

Tits of the week.

>> No.19410087

Fuck you

>> No.19410102

My school has been 100% online since April 2020, and my internship next summer will be remote as well. If I'm offered a full-time position afterwards, that will be fully remote as well. Most white collar / office jobs that zoomers are entering require 40+ hours spent on the computer per week.

>> No.19410112

I remember when the pandemic started there were so many people ecstatic over working from home and hoping it will be a permanent change. In reality all this means is you're always working and on-call.

>> No.19410127

This image demonstrates what I mean well, one of the great markers of the female form which all men instinctively fetishize is large hips, the large hip ratio is found when the shoulders are smaller than the hips, whereas in men the shoulders are larger, by examining her form we see she has broad shoulders, her long nails and her hands aren’t even particularly feminine. Even in this photo I would say you can detect a trashy aspect to her. Perhaps it will fade with age.

>> No.19410138
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>> No.19410148


>> No.19410159

Just shut the fuck up you are such a pseud

>> No.19410169

Why do you waste your time on 4chan writing these dumbass low IQ effortposts? Why don't you have a life?

>> No.19410184

You type like a tool

>> No.19410193

>alright brown people, now wiggle and look sassy behind me as I film my tik tok
Can we not simply...kill zoomers?

>> No.19410211

Puffing your ass out in a tight dress during a photo shoot doesn’t make for a shapely body. You can either look at her other photos or watch any video of her and find easily it is the tits and the face which get people going.

Can’t be a pseud as I don’t pretend to intelligent that I lack, I have no desire to impress or the like.

I’m at work playa, most of the day I have a lot of free time, I write them because I enjoy posting and I enjoy replying, the same reason you post on 4chan.


>> No.19410220


>> No.19410221

awesome titties

>> No.19410254

>Can’t be a pseud as I don’t pretend to intelligent that I lack, I have no desire to impress or the like.

>> No.19410257

Frater being right again.

>> No.19410261

Billie bazingas

>> No.19410263

Billie is a 100% plant that /mu/ watched in real time become artificially injected into stardom. Between her trash sex appeal, mental retardation and total lack of talent (carried musically by her brother) it's one of the most insulting culture scam idols in recent times.

>> No.19410295

Its for archival purposes mostly, both to save recommendations and conversations and my own longer posts which I like to them take chunks from and work into longer writings. Do you find having an opinion longer than a paragraph so strange? Perhaps you do.

>> No.19410314

She would be prettier if she smiled more.

>> No.19410321

Yes but booba

>> No.19410322

I find being a tripfag to be so strange.
Yes, perhaps I do.

>> No.19410329

Stop fucking lying

>> No.19410340

A pair that'll go saggy and have to be plastic pumped in a few years.

>> No.19410343

Not me but to answer your >>19410295 question
>Do you find having an opinion longer than a paragraph so strange? Perhaps you do.
No I don't, I just think your opinions aren't opinions and you fucking suck

>> No.19410354

That’s on you then playa.
Not a single lie.
You’re seething so hard you’re losing coherency.

>> No.19410361

The culture Jews used to work by "uplifting" semi-talented people and "managing" them to stardom, now they just pluck them directly from the womb of some semi-connected California socialite and raise them from scratch in vitro. Same technique they use to groom kids for sex, by raising them as "actresses" and "models," like that Lia Marie Johnson kid. I was shocked that people thought her pedophile manager was a one-off thing rather than representative of a well-established trend, and that people didn't realize the reason she was practically enslaved to the old man in the first place is that her parents are complicit in it, and practically sold her. Then they burn them out on drugs and make them schizophrenic to discredit them and make them easier to manipulate.

Jewish slavery of gentiles is alive and well. It's a whole industry. Eilish is probably too well-connected to be a slave but even she has to pay her dues like the rest.


When they were done with Marilyn Monroe they even killed her.
>In olden times,” Upton Sinclair once remarked, “Jewish traders sold Christian girls into concubinage and into prostitution, and even today they display the same activity in the same field in southern California where I live.” Or as F. Scott Fitzgerald summed up the Hollywood scene of his era — “a Jewish holiday, a Gentile tragedy” (Gabler, 2).

>> No.19410363

Frater is allowed to be a tripfag because he exclusively effortposts and people would realize it was him anyway

>> No.19410368

>You’re seething so hard you’re losing coherency.
LMAO, there is nothing logically incoherent in my post. You can't say things are incoherent when things aren't incoherent just for the sake of rhetorics. Learn to use the english language. Fuckin' monkey

>> No.19410369

>he exclusively effortposts
lmao, stop sucking his dick. The only thing worse than tripfags aretheir sycophants

>> No.19410372

If one was trying to become a manager in such industry, what steps should he take?

>> No.19410373

How does it feel to suck a tripfag's dick on a malaysian basket weaving forum you pathetic piece of trash

>> No.19410381
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Read local and national newspapers and magazines. Visit your local library. Use the internet only for primary source material if available

>> No.19410382

>your opinions aren’t opinions
Is pretty incoherent ye. If you continue seething I’ll have to reply later. See ya!

>> No.19410396

He's allowed to be a tripfag because there's no rules against it. He can post the most enlightening text in the world, cumming mid-keystroke from all his effort, and I'm still going to call him a faggot for being a tripfag.

>> No.19410401

be born jewish
marry a jewess
sell soul to satan
those are your only options

>> No.19410412
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For me, it's the slutty benzo housewife look

>> No.19410427

Yes, I do believe what you regard and present here as "your opinions" aren't actually opinions. Why do you have a problem with this statement? There is nothing logically incoherent. Your opinions aren't personal conjectures, they are dumb regurgitation. Is an animal expressing its opinion when it makes noises? Shut the fuck up. All you have to say is "UHHH... SEETHE!". Dumb fucking bitch.

>> No.19410429

Born an American Jew (not a religious or Mizrahi Jew, and even Sephardi is dangerous if you're not an Americanized one but just some random working class Sephardi from Spain).

Be lucky enough to be one of the talents they uplift, or related to one of those talents, and then prove yourself as unscrupulous as them over decades so they respect you as an honorary Jew.

Jew networks are very real and very insular. You can be middle class and Jewish and not part of any insider shit, but if you have even one Jew connection who can get you into a Jew party, you suddenly know 12% of New York's influential Jews and can leapfrog to greater and greater connections.

>> No.19410437

>See ya!

>> No.19410444

I'm doing no such thing, I dont even like his poetry(no offense) or agree with his aesthetic theory, I'm pretty sure I once argued with him about this because I like secular poetry. He still consistently effortposts

>> No.19410458

"Effortposting" just to say a bunch of dumbass entry level fake deep shit isn't valuable in any way and you are a clown

>> No.19410514


>> No.19410540

billie may be a shitty industry plant, but the sex appeal is le kino

>> No.19410582

I eat dirty period pads out of the trash

>> No.19410587
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Ain't that right

>> No.19410590

I take it back. I watched the video once more and god I want Billie to smash her fat tits into my face and rub her smelly feet all over me

>> No.19410603

I hate that this affects me. Not even in a big way but the chimp part of me still says "that's hot." Fucking hate women and how they are so willingly complicit in being weaponized to degrade culture.

>> No.19410615

>How do I reach the zoomer readership?
machine gun
joking ;)

>> No.19410639

IQ's been dropping since the Victorian period, so yes.

>> No.19410641

Same. The brain is fully aware how trashy and harmful she is (like vast majority of women nowadays), but the dick says "smash".

>> No.19410642

Even if they were completely regurgitated that would not make them not opinions, simply opinions gathered and agreed with, and if they are regurgitated, from where? From who? Are you saying they’re regurgitated because I’ve read books and combine aspects from the things I’ve read? That’s how people formulate many opinions; through contemplation and combination of data they have taken in. I am saying you are seething because in your anger your comments become less and less like discussion and more and more just trying to hope an insult hits, and sadly, it doesn’t.

Never used Reddit, couldn’t tell you if it was or not.

Rip, other than to secularize the poetry, anything you recommend I read to either ape or gain more technical knowledge?


I honestly don’t see it.

I don’t know man it doesn’t really do anything for me, maybe you ought walk around in the local city and stare at the locals to see she isn’t that impressive in contrast to some of the women in real life. Her legs and body literally do nothing in that photo to attract, the body is non existent in terms of appeal, the only thing she has in the photo is her face and she’s making an ugly face intentionally no? I just don’t see it man.

>> No.19410647

I feel similarly, though don’t hate all women. I know plenty who don’t use their sexuality in such a public way, but those who do are the ones you’re more likely to see online

>> No.19410648

They don't read. Their ADHD unables them to. Make a very short, very entertaining tiktok or else you won't generate enough dopamine in their brains to keep listening.

>> No.19410657
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Is it just me or is shes fucking hideous. manfaced mkultra victim. Practically looks like a dude with a wig and a pair of fat tits bolted on.

Anyone who watches or listens to this sissy hypno garbage needs to lock lips with a shotgun and squeeze

>> No.19410666

>The brain is fully aware how trashy and harmful she is
That's the appeal. you would do a girl like her things you wouldn't do to your cutie.

>> No.19410669
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Is that Thom Yorke on the right in your pic?

>> No.19410682

> zoomer readership?
No such thing, no zoomer reads

>> No.19410686
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Start your foreword with the words "Ayo da book y'all about to read is bussin fr fr no cap"