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19409018 No.19409018 [Reply] [Original]

Any decent books that might help me to cope with my huge procrastination problem

>> No.19409029

Just start the fucking thing. Lots of Chinese shit on it.
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Or that other one:
"The early bird catches the worm."

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

and whatever.

>> No.19409154
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Reading a book to learn how to stop procrastinating only as an excuse to procrastinate your work, I've been there.

>> No.19409281

Well get off 4chan and other social media to start

>> No.19409304

Stop calling it "procrastination", making it into some kind of a medical issue. I've been there. It's nothing but sloth, and sloth is a sin. The sooners you accept it as such, the better. As for books, read the Bible, and don't fall for all of this "mental health" contrivance out there. It's a demonic invention to keep you coping. Good luck, anon.

>> No.19409309
File: 206 KB, 732x633, curious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to turn in my term paper in a month and i haven't started

>> No.19409313

No, it is not. I couldn't concentrate before taking aspirines. Just stfu, if you are a neurotypical person. It can be somewhat called sloth if you are considering starting it, and even then, it might not be that simple.

>> No.19409317

Get professional help, not even joking.

>> No.19409322

And no God doesn't solve everything. That is the reason why there are lots of wrong shit out there. Jesus, I hate religious people, they are mostly fucking delusional and annoying as hell. Give me something that works or just shut the fuck up about God.

>> No.19409327
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nah, i think i'll just get it done in a feverish frenzy and do the same thing next semester

>> No.19409328

>calling it "procrastination", making it into some kind of a medical issue
Procrastination as a word doesn't imply anything medical you fucking retard.

>> No.19409341

I understand that God is a great tool so you don't fall into hopelessness and desperation, but it doesn't do anything. You have to do shit. So if I' not feeling like any of those two. Just stop with it.

>> No.19409359

> if you're a neurotypical person
I'm not, but I'm also unsure about these labels. In any case, I was diagnosed when I was a teen, so you can't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Now, to the point.

If you have problems keeping your attention on the task at hand, then I wouldn't call it a procrastination problem. That's an attention problem, frequently cured by physical activity and giving up social media. But that's a different story and not the one I was addressing. I was writing about a situation in which you know you have to do something but you don't even attempt it. And you can always make an attempt, even if it's less successful than for most people. But if you don't even start, that's sloth.

>> No.19409361

omg how many pages is it???

>> No.19409370

>I'm not, but I'm also unsure about these labels. In any case, I was diagnosed when I was a teen, so you can't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Now, to the point.
Doesn't entitle you to anything. Your point is still shit, I was still a fucking mess when I didn't had any internet. But on the other hand, while I'm taking fucking ASPIRINES, suddenly things just started happening by themselves magically. FUCK YOU, and fuck this sloth nonsense. As if anyone wishes to live in a dirty fucking shit hole. Just stfu.

>> No.19409387

I'm pretty sure that people with severe procrastination almost always have ADD/ADHD, the real kind. When it's truly severe I think it can't just arise out of nothing. I've heard of people taking Ritalin and this is one of the things it supposedly really helps with. Honestly I think it would probably change my life but I'm always afraid of putting drugs in my body.

>> No.19409400

Yes, I know it was originally a neutral world, but since then it evolved for many people into some kind of condition. It was absorbed by psychology and its usage overlaps with plain "laziness". But that's too judgemental, so it's better to rebrand it before attempting to treat it by the secular sacrament of psychotherapy. And so ultimately there's no sin, only mental health conditions. And no choices, only environmental influences. I don't accept it.

>> No.19409426

>procrastination problem
It's called chilling. It means you have no problems and don't need to struggle to survive
Don't let the wagies and christcucks get to you

>> No.19409440

Do a lot of "chilling" and end up homeless.

>> No.19409447

Yes, ideally you pray the shit in your life out. I've waited for God to solve my shit, he either got better shit to do or doesn't give a shit. Or there is nothing like that.

>> No.19409464


Despite the meme look and title it has some solid Cognitive Behavioural Therapy exercises.

Also fuck the „ADHD“ proponents in this thread. I’ve read a lot of literature on it and can tell you it’s mostly bs and cope for underlying emotional issues. Amphetamines also always build tolerance, are bad for bone health, and cause dependency (on pills and on doctors).

Other good books and habits:
-Digital Minimalism -Cal Newport
-Deep Work - Cal Newport

Samatha (concentration) Meditation is a great habit and the following book is a great guide to it.
-The Mind Illuminated - Culadasa

Porn is proven to cause dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex.
-Your Brain on porn - Gary Wilson

If you do any drugs. Stop, or your problems will not go away.

If you don’t exercise I advise you start small and work your way up.
-„Knee ability zero“ for legs and injury prevention
-Overcoming gravity or plenitude bodyweightfitness wiki for upper body, injury prevention, general knowledge

In the end if you don’t really believe you have to do the thing than you just won’t. It’s that simple. Reassume Nietzsche or Sloterdjik to get motivated.

t. someone who was struggling but is getting better

>> No.19409465

What a retard tier quote op. In the first place there is no life to be ruined, there is only an appearance of existence, covered by the conditioning factors of the fake utilitarian society which has the courage to say that you are ruining your life by no seeking personal success. One of the few positive aspects of the procrastinator is that he learns to live with failure, not as a means to success but as a way to face the abyss in which we live. The mind free from the race of achievement imposed on us by the status quo has the potential to truly learn wisely. That I am not misunderstood, I am not saying that the procastinator is a wise man, but that with a spiritual awakening he can achieve that which is outside the illusion of personal achievements. The big problem here is that the procastinator is a poor lamb with a low ability to control emotions, impulses. He lives mechanically, tied to biological processes in the gear of instant gratification. The only real way out is to follow a life of dhamma, controlling the mind in solitude, learning to live by doing nothing, training the noble technique of detachment and making it central to our daily lives, seeking Nirvana. The Buddha has already taught the noble path of him, the question is whether you are ready to follow it.

>> No.19409480

You don't even believe that yourself, wagecuck

>> No.19409493

I don't have a job, but that is how you end up homeless.

>> No.19409498
File: 194 KB, 700x428, consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25-30, bachelor's thesis

not too bad honestly, i can crank that out in a month, problem is that i haven't read the material i shoudl be writing about either
i'll have to do that while writing

>> No.19409521

ill reply later

>> No.19409525

Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
Alternatively, figure out why you procrastinate and fix that, a lot of times there are psychological issues that it's a symptom of

>> No.19409531

>Doesn't entitle you to anything.
I thought it entitles me to not STFU, at least according to you.

>I was still a fucking mess when I didn't had any internet.

I'm sorry it didn't work for you, but I didn't claim it always does. I'm not here to tell you you shouldn't take your aspirins to threat your attention problems or that you're lazy just because you have them. I just think it's good to distinguish between being lazy (procrastinating, if you will) and not being able to focus properly (which also used to be my problem). As for me, there was a lot of hubris in it. I was lazy BECAUSE of my attention problems. Not just because I had them, but because I was unsatisfied with my attempts to overcome them. Like, I'm too good to struggle with something that's so natural for most people, too good to under-perform, so let me just give up on trying and forget. That was me. And then I realized, that even if it feels hard it doesn't mean I can't physically move my limbs. I just have to accept the discomfort. It doesn't mean you shouldn't try to alleviate it, if you have a way. But if you don't, it doesn't excuse you from not-trying just because it hurts. Yes, doing the right thing might be easier for others than it is for you and me, but it doesn't change the fact that that's the right thing.

That's my experience. I didn't mean to offend you or to make it look like I'm better. I'm certainly not. I'm only sharing what helped me. Take care, anon.

>> No.19409553

The Bible doesn't solve every problem, nor do other books. They are books.
No one feels like living in a shithole, anon. This religion stuff is mainly to give people hope to keep moving on. Slothness or whatever on the other hand isn't really a thing. Specially considering young people, they are supposedly naturally active, if they aren't there is probably something wrong.

>> No.19409588

I'm sorry, this just drives me nuts, because my father was a doctor and considering that I've been struggling with this shit practically my whole life and he was always rambling about the Bible and I managed to solve that after he died by simply starting taking aspirines definitely drives me fucking nuts.

>> No.19409595

You're either ADHD or you procrastinate as a way to avoid a type of pain, a fear. What is it that you fear will pain you?

>> No.19409601

Imagine if a lifetime was micro scaled to one day. Waiting until late in the day to do something is like an 80 year old man shuffling out of bed and going "Today's the day, I'm going to make my dreams come true. Time to write that book. I'm gonna change my life."

>> No.19409770

I have struggled with procrastination. It wasn’t always like this. Well, I always procrastinated but I was still responsible in that I would sincerely and genuinely study for tests and the like. I would put in the work beyond what was simply required. I had a dream you see. I wanted to help improve the lives of my people and raise the opinion of my religious community in the eyes of the world. Things were going well. Then my father, in what I feel is the biggest mistake he ever made with regards to me, shut it down. I don’t know if he thought I was radicalizing myself or just wasting too much time on religion. I honestly don’t think either was the case. Then and now, I would never hurt anyone in the name of religion. At that time religion had been a massive positive force for me. I had stopped my porn usage for months on end. I had been doing well in school. It had been a positive thing for me.

He was mad at that. He shared his philosophy that at the end of the day money was all that mattered. Acquiring money, improving ones own quality of life: that was the reason why one should put effort forward in life. Nothing else mattered. He forbade me from exploring my religion any farther, and warned me that if I did he would take action to isolate me and my siblings from our faith.

I’ve spent much of the past 4 years in a stupor. I stopped caring about school or work, just coasting along in both. In some aspects I was a NEET with a paycheck. I became a massive porn addict. Why should I care? Some people are able to work for money and money alone, and kudos to them. In fact, I envy you guys sometimes. I needed something more. I needed a reason.

In the past month though, a new ideology has swept into me. For the first time in ages I feel whole again. The past week or I haven’t used pornography at all. That might not sound like much but you have to recognize that I was cooming at least 5 times a day, or for hours on end each day, for years. It had become a way to numb myself to the hollowness I felt, the misery of feeling money was everything, that money was God. But I can no longer do so. I’ve come to understand why I felt the way I’ve felt. I’ve come to understand that there is hope. I’ve come to understand that I cannot aid a cruel system in its exploitation of my sister comrades and their sexuality.

I am in a course where I am going to fail. Passing is a mathematical impossibility. But I am still studying, harder than before. I have a reason again. Even if I fail, I’ll improve, I’ll try again. There is reason beyond money for my existence once more.

>> No.19411245

Interesting post anon

>> No.19411561

"Nothing is as exhausting as the task not started"