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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 7 KB, 192x192, dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1940579 No.1940579 [Reply] [Original]

can i have a tripfag tier list so I know who to block please?

>> No.1940608

Caracalla, Scout, WildWeasel, Arcoon Blackniggerfaggot, Courage Wolf, Sigmund !Freud!!Hilariousnoveltytripcode, Courage Wolf, Married Stupid Old (don't forget the space) Fag

basically almost everyone who came here post christmas OP you're welcome

>> No.1940614

Block Anonymous.

>> No.1940617

Block everyone.

but if no one else, this one.

>> No.1940628


>> No.1940630

who knows, this might be forcedanal without his trip i'd add that to the list as well op just in case heaven forbid he ever decides to start re-tripping

>> No.1940696

>inb4 brownstain posting his tripfags chart

>> No.1940745

maybe it would be better just to tell me who i shouldn't block...

>> No.1940756

Block D+E, tom harper, stagolee and onion ring, you're welcome doood.

>> No.1940761

these are just kids that assraeped him in an argument, just to let you know...

>> No.1940762

The only tripfag/namefag who contributes nothing and has no redeemable value is benjamin braddock/Quentin/Stagolee/Popplagio of Darkspear.

Everyone else is at least somewhat intelligent, funny, or in Fab's case, adorable.

>> No.1940770

Which one am I?

>> No.1940775

The thing you and Fab have/had going is really cute, and I think you're a nice person.

>> No.1940779
File: 444 KB, 800x1680, quentin's-picks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i contribute a lot

>> No.1940784
File: 240 KB, 493x348, Picture 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made my day :3 I've been feeling really down lately.

>> No.1940783

im like half the reason this board is so popular anyway i was going around 4chan with /lit/ in my name

you guys should thank me

>> No.1940786

i know this is a troll thread

but block brownbear, bothersome, benjamin braddock (stagolee/quentin/poopface), tom harper


d&e isn't bad, you just need to not enter into an argument with him because he's more than willing to clear his schedule for the entire day and greentext away

>> No.1940803
File: 596 KB, 1226x1431, anon-threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1940809

You're blocking Tybrax twice.

>> No.1940817
File: 112 KB, 706x194, popplagio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but who is really making the off-topic threads?

Funny you should ask...

>> No.1940832
File: 38 KB, 174x188, 1307417062149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1940833

>implying the lives of tripfriends aren't lit related

>> No.1940837

Just curious... why it looks like /lit/ essentials list, yet it has bad books section. Then it's just someones tier list.

>> No.1940857

">imply" all you want, bubby. You are the worst person on /lit/.

Now turn around and cry to Link.

>> No.1940878

you could be a celebrity too like me if only you tried

>> No.1940883

Hemingway's short stories were good, but A Farewell to Arms sucked.

Meanwhile, Slaughter-House Five was awesome.

>> No.1940901

Name Total posts
Deep&Edgy!pSkjEcB9sQ 9293
!WvWWh.l.CE 7211
Fabulous!!GXZe+d0RTva 6095
Arcueid Brunestud!ARCIkc4cG6 4977
Stagolee!0Pey/QLK3E 4515
OP 3271
Brownbear!5EJ71eKlNQ!!6SnjW+BUlLP 2637
Virginia W00F!!GThm5VqxqDi 2502
Brownbear!Wfn4kkpLag!!fEGZw8wphGR 2181
♥onionring♥!Rrxa7zePwI 1924
sage 1909
onionring!Rrxa7zePwI 1848
TyBrax!WvWWh.l.CE 1802
Quentin!!p3mpBqBwOeY 1618
Mogwai!!YOt9Y28V773 1414
Truman Capote!!cO9KVBDtkqQ 1334
Behemoth!!Twl3DmqEY/B 1314
!UyhAEqbnp. 1306
Truman Capote!kwxizAOFlk 1200
Sunhawk!nZQ2xl.g.6 1030
☿!Rrxa7zePwI 962
Courage Wolf!penisASZp2 943
Koroviev!!bFY778Jwu68 920
JamesBond!!JAU/DZkp95n 872

>> No.1940904
File: 39 KB, 626x413, all you dad wanted was NOT YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STLFag!IeX.oK0HUk 826
scout!!1wBNr3mLJL+ 778
ForcedMeme!IsAMEmE6C2 767
sandwiches 754
fascist goldfish!Rrxa7zePwI 736
DeepandEdgy!pSkjEcB9sQ 720
Tofu!s7vSX9lhAI 686
oreo!!peQoYBwPn7U 629
KOZ!!n414dW6hO/U 574
Prole!XDERDXUpqQ 565
Isabelle Huppert!!IRpnwIFOnYO 547
Stagolee, Designated Official Representative of /lit/!0Pey/QLK3E 516
Ralph Wiggum!!RbKRCS+NEzU 516
Rangaha!KJKZ7n2h3I 495
jew!!6P/WhzicJTl 494
John!rAOwMGYtnY 492
Croaker!!DDgOIlOdqYI 465
!KPok7x0csI 451
Isabelle Huppert "Joyless Twat"!!lYVA4YXz75M 442
BrianHerbert!!wGkD+vOhZGf 439
Deep&Edgy!pSkjEcB9sQ!!MIZaZ3gTWFo 438
mcgregor 435
FAGGATRON_3000!U0FKfqmRjs 434
King of Carrot Flowers!9/tjuMV9.I 412

>> No.1940916
File: 404 KB, 500x460, 7th July never forget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lexiphagon!kfpky4RbHc 391
satago110 383
Poke!CYPkLy.IFw 380
Carlos!penisASZp2 379
m'bad!7uNfeaoW26 377
Stagolee, Exiled Usurper of /lit/!0Pey/QLK3E 376
3rd 372
Adolf_Hipster Of Neo Germany 361
Isabelle Huppert!!lYVA4YXz75M 356
Pseudonym!YgQRHAJqRA 347
gallowsCalibrator 346
NonsequiturBear!!UFPpi0sFoPR 341
Guppy!!Stw5IKEjMqy 341
♥!Rrxa7zePwI 334
BrianHerbert!!k1TdMbiPA/h 323
Fab!!GXZe+d0RTva 318
Tom Harper 316
Ziggy Stardust!LrtpfUHOC. 310
CheezPoofz!bXOmjBZB9I 295
anon 291
GamerGirl!!WvjqTqDrspv 289
txrbay 287
thefreestman!!kUzvz9L2Fnq 287
Implying!!OwMMiDsuHLo 284
fat lenny 276
The Master!oKVZQzhloE 270
Harashaw!!WbZAoG5fpOX 270
deleted 268
Adolf_Hipster 267
else!L6xabslN96 263
GL Pretentious Hipster!!uIkcv+zTDkg 262
Jerks!!USHZtxsn4gh 261
Neuro!qdUPARcrn. 259
oblimo!DSzvku.lzI 256
!4502598422 247
Philospher-Chan!PNqhLMUNsE 246

>> No.1940920
File: 111 KB, 500x584, after the flood POKEMON EVERYWHERE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

!Z2TJL3ARmg 245
Shakespeare's Sister!uMRFid.bpQ 243
Landon!!nBqZl5bQBVO 242
married oldfag!VqaXcWQC4Q 241
sandwiches!!jvCuWJ8NrnK 232
Mallest!!4kiduM48C/p 226
Storm Petrel!HQmqe0QeaQ 225
ruby vajeen 223
Strompheus Andronicus!7ogpIPMQew 222
Not OP 222
Historian.!b6Jq6KEjMo 218
Tom Harper!6FMElt5n.U!!YEOb/BUS8vw 217
Darnielle!GneuXPFtrY 212
Ahagnar!pC45ZqOMMs 211
xtabyr 210
Captain Indigo!aR10YHrTDg 206
Mr. Noc!RXm61rnmYY 199
The Doctor!!pqbHhzOmC0p 195
satan!OW9DVqIqy6 195
Dr.Kashmir!!pSxx/jI370I 194
CalamariSafari!FFYOhIHmow 192
Tom Waits For No Man!EswFCOOmU6 191
Apostrophe!8hzzLmleDA 189
Scarsdale!!0WEZwDAT1uU 189
Classic_American_Liberal!8RGETRUjdI 188
Chuck_Bass!K0GoSSIpGI 188
PrinceCharming!!uPAynS9nRTz 184
Mogwai!cf2x3LGl9A 181
noko 180
Arc 179
Rodney_Dangerfield!jHDnJkFXPM 174
cornbread!!hfF/ZHIVBKf 174
yabtxr 174
GL Pretentious Hipster!!NU1qDw5ZF2C 173

>> No.1940928

the problem with tripfags on /lit/ is that 95% of them are so utterly boring

this is the literature board, you might except the trolling and tripfaggotry to be clever, witty and articulate but instead we get derps and reaction images

The worst part is you have a guy like d&e who is a pretty clever and I'll admit witty, tripfag but all it takes is for him to say "tripfags are the best lol anonyfart" and then it inspires a legion of shit heads like brownbear and stagolee who go around repeating the same tired trolls (lol anonymous) and kissing d&e's feet.

I realize this is 4chan and trolling is expected, but maybe I'm just old fashioned but in my days trolling was a art and meant something.

>> No.1940931
File: 494 KB, 1772x1000, boxxy loves you!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Klytus 172
Sizer!cqOC93qhlE 172
redcom!!+Kgteyi5ULQ 168
derp de doo 164
Stoferin 164
User!!ns66oYRrCwr 163
Croaker!!xx4lDI2TW+N 161
scarletisred!EWO1S5XDG2 160
NM!!KM/PRfCL67O 159
GrizzlyBear!!UFPpi0sFoPR 159
ybrtxa 157
Loving Girlfriend!!okQV6vrs+me 157
Byron The Bulb!xxlIBG6o9U 156
Friday!!igiZdSM8WVW 155
thewholesystemisawholesystem!19/MTb7X0g 154
onionring!IBdmWfSrrg 153
Friendly Fat Chick!GjeWV9COa. 153
Latro!!QpyGKnCwRg+ 152
BrianHerbert!vze9YJPoFc 151
Crimson!CoijTZkBUc 150
Orange!F2ute/4yPo 149
Rangaha!SeEsZIKwNs 149
JDSalinger!WvWWh.l.CE 145
God Waitings!!nOIAlmFxka+ 144
The Sound and the Fury!!KlYr/MIPjaz 144
Ambassador D'Vinn!!X2oGg5TpEPB 143
Shitty Leith Apartment Fag 142
KOZ!Ry9.HRD23k 141
Stagolee, son of David!0Pey/QLK3E 140
!IsAMEmE6C2 139
Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman!!imEIcTjbs/H 136
tyrannizingbrox 136
Malavox!1CuTO6dxKo 136
Insinuates gODS 132
> 131
artxyb 130
Vick!Vick/S6qjI 129
ty 129

>> No.1940944


should quickly mention that the users name is '>'

Sir Carlos Esquire!penisASZp2 128
lewis 127
Orhan!3VNuRGq.ek 127
Ordinary!!B5YhqD93acb 125
echostation!YtBZ8w9JzI 125
Unclassy Fife Fag (Formally known as SLAF) 124
The_Baron_Vlad!HgKwMXBeQI 123
Sigmund Freud!penisASZp2 123
AnorexicChan!!AVNOEc7PxHq 122
Dr. Pepper!!x6IgG9OX6RX 122
Iavatar!JIAvatarJo 120
King of Zeroes!TFB7IfWrrg 120
SuperFagolee!!iphZi8AQJz5 120
thewholesystemisawholesystem 117
That guy!!D/txAIyjx+4 117
TyBrax 117
-\v- Reichsguard -\v-!!bOOhb8C7gxV 117
yxrabt 116
engines vrôp vrôp 115
Nigra!KQcWi99D7g 113
ZiggyMeister!THUCK2SfO2 113
From Maine!svxRtwDIeI 113
BleuPoster!!aaLtHMRmv6o 113
Logos!!orjNr7fOhSx 113
Death!GUInzpTIME 113
chunks 112
txrbya 111
jp!0a28PNz/06 110
juxtaposer!6eo0Cr.dwA 110
brxtay 109
!OCEANz6dxI 109
tyrinnizingbrox 109
Nick_ZWG!Vw8I404DyQ 108
Pizza!c2ZVlXM.Jo 108
Ted, a high school senior!!FLVqQBEAMuY 107
Dave 107
Fagolee!uucIbqjoOQ 107
Charbovari!!GXZe+d0RTva 104
GTVA Colossus!moot/UIi/o 104
Octopus!!RJRWGfaEC+E 104
ChrisP 103
Kimmo Alm!!TAPh5M5QXV0 103
CaptainObvious!!nC7nb12i0lr 102
GuyPearce!!ZtvgFSMPGNm 102
EmperorLrrr!!bOUqDdl03Lq 102
Mogwai!!/YwS53Ipga4 102
Ambassador D'Vinn!!oECrAN3BRzc 101
Gentleman 101
Aspel 101
Confession!ml34DmhTUM 101
Taiga!Y4SoHX4AQw 101
Lastaid 101

>> No.1940950


another mention
c00lt0p has 118 posts
and REI!Ry9.23Wow.also has 118, deleted them both as c00ltop's name cannot be posted.

HOWL!!aSmliUCu12g 100
muwasnevergood!eZD3ywsKB. 100
Pseudemys!!dTByB66LPhO 98
7FtSpleen!!uNUOgRvMaHD 98
/co/mrade.Chocobro!FFI4Mmahuk 98
NortheasternWood!b.4.bGY6Gg 98
Donne!!+SByMppsy+r 98
Erogenous Jones 97
Melancholy!.Due65wyfw 97
Illiterate 97
!4A4P9buxy. 96
Plans!YtEoORGvq6 94
Dintoo!WATuc5kHAs 94
mike 94
AnonyMOUSE 94
Arcueid Brunestud IS A MIRACLE!ARCIkc4cG6 93
Isley!!dict0CT8AQ4 93
Sÿllable's Canticle!.M17dCV/UE 93
Anonyomus 93
The Sound and the Fury!!ryNUDThtPTn 93
Mr. Noc aka Future Boy!RXm61rnmYY 93
DoomBear!YECnz2AuxY 93
Byron the Blub!xxlIBG6o9U 93
Molon Labe!OWRNsS8xeo 92
Goldensox!gHNR8PgoEg 91
3rd!!kIagKJOiZJR 91
Cannabis-Loving Tripfag (whose trip does not end in "Oak" or ...!NhfK9up1rg 90
abxtry 90
Truman Capote 90
PosterParent!!JVEkaVAk0gQ 89
Mask!jOTcal4iJI 89
!!4tV++0AG5iF 89
KOZ 87
Papa Hem!!dT7Z7q0DwyI 87
Britfag!!CNWTxR49KsU 87
The One and Only!w/C9/BJD62 86
Ivan K!X4jyAEdJOc 85
The Gay Science!!WoWI0TlZBtd 84
Derp De Doo!7Q1qJNYWx. 84
Mike Wazowski 84
WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot!!WgWcz5V3TdQ 84
Wildweasal!Gl2oEPzmZc 83
Jim Profit 83
Future Boy!68wEUQP276 83

>> No.1940951

>They don't use http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/105653

That script not only hides all tripfags, it also hides all replies to tripfags. I don't understand why people don't have that shit installed, this place is insufferable without it.

>> No.1940958

tusense!ozOtJW9BFA 83
Insinuations gOdS 82
WOLFSHIEM!!tuOwy1ct2dy 82
Sawyer!FRWjNqKRGE 81
»Propaganda Minister«!Nazi0U97is 81
writer dude 81
Talk Show Host!!8XHbInrIRoU 80
Holden Caulfield!!T8HvdmkrROG 80
ran 80
Character Corwin!!ck2126MfhZD 80
Zero Replies!8OOqv/PUKE 80
!tRipFagZxM 79
Straight Edge Phil!!2NLTH2UTLrN 79
Koda 78
ElegentiaeArbiter!bHPPL//q.s 78
Mr. Eko!!Kvd62zjcAJW 77
Alexandre!S7JgZiREjQ 76
yxbart 76
God Waitings!!KJNFTNo2Sxw 76
undercoverfujoshi 76
rapture!!acq+3SNN9XY 75
d4rk000kingof/mu/!!TlP6M7PkNVH 75
GregorsApple!wcCL0Cy.TQ 75
xtrbya 75
Tim 74
The Two-Headed Bro!Mn79oLZRXs 74
(Anonymouse!ozOtJW9BFA 73
Number6!!LtLMLsSX6QT 73
/Lit/'s Lovely Taiga!Y4SoHX4AQw 73
Kamikaze, Designated Carer For Stagolee!!/YwS53Ipga4 73
hresvelgr!!QFlPMusy5jX 72
God Waitings!!bA4v/Y12VxC 72
✡יעקןב✡!068VhxJHLQ 72
zed!RW2kCRRAXg 72
Not Waifu Material!!W5tVkWskvWq 71
GaryKeith&Ron!gUILt.6Nyo 71
AntiPope!qEqbFqc/.w 71
granderojo!bIGReDTC6s 71
Bearded Pynchon Guy 70
Nig­ba♥!!Jsm9Y4O+ZGt 70
Honest_Objectivist!2E1ogQqRO. 70
Orz!!HZgLax1Xs6q 70
Hades!!gxdzsSnwykj 69
Guybrarian 69
Truman Capote!!sF1H+bcy5Gx 68
Leonidas!3OO1rGix.Q 68
KOZ!qx6F/np9d. 68
David Xanatos 68
Junpei 68
FiRez!yO6jOHG5SI 67
the /co/m/mu/ter 67
redcom!!+GnfqtXcPp8 67
Poet of Justice 67
sage!eQro1H2.QA 66
Hooting!lnkYxlAbaw 66
Storm Petrel!UDJLDF1Xdk 66

>> No.1940963

the hide thread function is way more useful than blocking the tripshits

the problem with blocking tripcodes is that you still have to see their threads/posts when you're browing the pages.

> ayn rand thread hidden
> e-book vs physical book thread hidden
> why are you a virgin thread hidden
> stagolee thread hidden
> tao lin thread hidden
> feminism thread hidden

It makes the board 90% slower, but 200% more bearable.

>> No.1940964

bryxta 66
Special Agent Dale!CoOperRA66 66
sleepy!jUnKIe.rNw 66
Leonidas!3OO1rGix.Q!!3bsBZcABjCN 64
WeréNick!JcVu0UiDSA 64
brosephine!UF7Hb4HBqE 64
kousaka!86Txs0yg96 64
Buzz!!nxBWxS2tlzz 63
Huh!!ELs3OGUount 63
I am the toe that killed Bob Marley!rhyJfmRZHk 63
xtrayb 62
Trace!!64bewXTdHOo 62
Lady Lipstick Machine Gun 62
uh-oh!SEchrono1c 62
Eric's Trip!!bnXlLQceJ8u 62
xraybt 61
HurrayForZac!!6SqfbFcfYE 61
Duo2Cuo!JR84INFuVs 60
GamerGirl!hEpdoZ.tHU 60
Editor the Mighty!UzQGsFqvwU 60
Mike!W48S2eY4nU 60
Damphair!E5g5GmbE/U 60
Mogwai, Official Representative of /mu/!!YOt9Y28V773 60
Tobermory!!VgLPz3273Yj 59
madamepsychosis!!kP3mYPCIec 59
Hipster!LJkZLSDDrI 59
User!!pYYsvcy90AL 59
Deep&Edgy's Anal Dildo!MopxR5Wawc 58
Von Taine 58
OP!ffZeCDnor2 58
Problembär!!Oo43raDvH61 57
Not Tim Sale 57
tfm 57
Cannabis-Loving Tripfag!NhfK9up1rg 57
Globulous!ZOOo.CSHRA 57
Voice of Reason!JM3v.Gaf7k 57
Emil 56
!nstaller!Tr1Pc0dE 56
Diae the RH Internon 55
Roland of Gilead!!ljskqCDbtBq 55
Quentin and the meaning of life!!p3mpBqBwOeY 55
Britfag!!kF6aZm40k/T 55
Tripacus!!WRA3ZSAOPED 55
qυιхoтe™ 55
TheCommaGuy!!5FiOyCC6la8 55
Four-Eyes!R6CTnpYVRs 55
✡יעקןב✡ 54
Ghost!4u16FlNpwo 54
Game Designer!KQAbEcB7Uw 54
Brendsies!!Lnf+NwmjL7c 54
T.J.Bacchus 54
Tara Byte 54
An0nymous!gkWeiOwuW2 54

>> No.1940968

Br0!!6MVXskhR3UN 54
bach 54
Necrobrotent 54
/jp/ storyteller 53
Ausfaggy!50Ah172E9Y 53
. 53
fagisanOP 53
WereNick!4avJBSMAPo 53
Iavatar!fdZ5l9Xna2 53
anonymoose 52
Barnes and Noble!eYCviX68bc 52
rhoaks!!NNu/FTD1rBl 52
New Hockey Fan!!o+yIGAB9tDm 52
The Tourist!!zaCQyFZeSRS 52
Fowlawneeshafow!o05RwazELc 51
telltelltell!fScTfea2rc 51
JackTheRipper!!+TT3y0nnPzj 51
Fabulous 2.0 Built to be Faster, Stronger and now with Oscar ...!!4zbKGLS8acv 51
N7!!n7knod9KpyO 51
DeadSunshine!!3DODQ2wnTJt 51
Ladderalice 50
ego!TuVtA3NpiI 50
Dr. Catsup!!Qs18Qr9nAif 50
Pilgrim!CzarQvZ2uk 50
Plethon!!3pYHIvciyZE 50
メカ!MechaVqcXE 50
Baja 50
ZWG Editor 50
Captain Beefheart!uhOiZbQAWE!!O5azeYuazS9 50
Tao 49
Caveat Emptor!!k5UN6GMsHtW 49
Hoag's Objective 49
Anonymous!.M17dCV/UE 49
liekomg!JX/l41.MRA 49
twinkletoes 48
Tippers!!Y+KolZOLN/b 48
thatbookishgirl 48
Sorbetto!!HR7sSaurmdq 48
Trotsky's Deli!!vcaNP0hr1yG 48
Femanon 48
athens!SysNpnp3nU 48
McAwesome 48
Stradlater!eQg2j.S9kk 47
3rownburs!!vDoyAwS25HD 47
Oscar Wilde!!+lmkkbQA79c 47
Simple Sigmund!PHaLLUsALQ 47
Quyen!mgEyLOjsnM 47
c!oHWlJZbqHk 47
Caracalla!!S1oOkTjvsv2 46
txybar 46
✡יעקוב✡!068VhxJHLQ 46
Solidus Snake!!1eBNuI7j9uX 46
Lindlar!sZMOg20d0E 46
Obvious!TrollUUPoA 46
Spoopher 46
Mogwai The Mogwai!!YOt9Y28V773 46

>> No.1940975

Antichrist of /lit/!EfVwyVp5SE 46
matrim cauthon 46
Oil? What Oil? 45
C.R. McMahon 45
Racs_for_Macs!.dh1bE7X66 45
Gavrilo Princip 45
Toker 45
KC 45
banana!!C9mWgwwB6h/ 45
B&N Bookseller 45
Ser Nemo 45
tyraxb 45
Strypes!!AWhQ53kjjou 45
Touhoufag 21!BK9ka8CUgU 45
Tuan Jim!Y6d4OyAkDM 45
Nick Cave!rCKW8IkuCk!!BvpKjuy92an 45
Lincoln Money Shot!6YuYY3BJXM 45
Anonymous of Dallas!awNDo4Ud3. 45
Solipsist!!92AnjoujjQ5 45
ManorRay!!4wuM92HAvFY 44
Thanos has the chin of a!SKRULLsCw. 44
Sat3rn!!eokqqoEDoN2 44
Econ!!EDFZKwv/yd4 44
Leonidas 44
yartbx 44
Miley Cyrus!!4f9UdHn0As1 44
banana!!4dR6Q3hQ/OB 43
CameronJerome!4JRO42v1KU 43
feets are always relevant 43
11466 ebooks 43
Fagbutt 43
Cook 43
Trevor!sS3IIIdY12 43
Spider!!hQyxo43x+dS 43
MobileSuitFunman!i8KamurOFQ 43
Miles From Nowhere!!YOt9Y28V773 43
SouljaBoy!NOu23R1RTo 42
Putin 42
zrflk!!5CIWMek4EcA 42
aether 42
op here 42
TheWhiteMan!!O5xqP0hkD3W 42
Cú Chulainn 42
ybraxt 42
`-` 42
DoomBear!43I7g8HDIs 42
nancy pelosi invented crack!!sLz+fwCdMOg 42
Dawg!LoLUmadZog 42
player 8 41
Parhelion 41
Hayley Williams!7/Gt.4hn9U 41
ZWG Chief Editor!4LULzq1jAc 41
Capt Haddock!Fzb9d9iCrg 41
Fagulous!!GXZe+d0RTva 41
Implying 41
B.R!!NqibJZMYkw6 41
LadyLux 41
gb2s 41
R Hayden!e8zYNtD0.I 41
♦!Rrxa7zePwI 40
Adventure Puppy!id5v238waU 40
ybrtax 40

>> No.1940976


>> No.1940979

ybrtax 40
BlueBear!!pvqNqskSPCd 40
MysteryStain!!znrPCIWIp7O 40
Agricola!!JH+ApTR5DJG 40
Yuppie, ♥!Trapsje/4o 40
OmegaMale!IRh7ea6nBg 40
CosmicMayhem!ENFXpN.jVk 39
Layton!UoGWN5yNa. 39
Fiver!rHOQcdslqs 39
Pizza 39
Byrhtwold 39
masat01!FR0hP.YNx. 39
Brynjar!!rSaloUbhLV6 39
resident story rater of the thread 39
I probably wont reply to questions!IRANev4IUU 39
Axel the Possum 39

there you go OP, knock yourself out

>> No.1941001

the hide thread function is way more useful than blocking the tripshits

the problem with blocking tripcodes is that you still have to see their threads/posts when you're browing the pages.

> ayn rand thread hidden
> e-book vs physical book thread hidden
> why are you a virgin thread hidden
> stagolee thread hidden
> tao lin thread hidden
> feminism thread hidden

It makes the board 90% slower, but 200% more bearable.

>> No.1941002
File: 11 KB, 800x600, activity[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it here's some more info about /lit/

>> No.1941011
File: 8 KB, 147x251, 1268579968591s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot your name sandwiches

the most reposted image on /lit/ is the Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged cover! with 151 reposts to date!


this post makes it 152!

>> No.1941020


Where do you get all this?

>> No.1941026
File: 13 KB, 800x600, population[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy look at all those Anonymous posts! Buncha shitposters!

>> No.1941030
File: 2.57 MB, 350x198, deal with it SR3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



animated.gif related

>> No.1941037

BB's a janitor, where else do you think he's gotten all this insider trading info

>> No.1941051


Until you reminded me, I just assumed there was a secret hide-out club for tripfriends and all the info of /lit/.

>> No.1941055

Shit is all on greenoval...

>> No.1941054

Here's a radical idea, how about you read their goddamn posts and then decide who is and isn't worthy of blocking.

>> No.1941066
File: 15 KB, 250x337, Lenny Henry's Threatening Stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shush bro keep it on the DL

you dig brotha?

>> No.1941318

just put
in your trip filter

there are no good tripfags on /lit/