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File: 46 KB, 337x500, 51AxMWr4UeL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19403862 No.19403862 [Reply] [Original]

You are ngmi if you haven’t read Ted.

>“The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.”
― Theodore J. Kaczynski

>“Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction? It is already happening to some extent in our own society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed, modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual's internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.”
― Theodore Kaczynski

Technological Slavery by Theodore Kaczynski:


>> No.19403880

Interesting take but cant a person still be depressed even if conditions are right? Can you be still depressed in ted`s paradise?

>> No.19403883
File: 1.17 MB, 1366x992, 1630866794734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please create a reading chart using Ted's personal library!


>> No.19403913

Kaczynski has no paradise. He's merely advocating for a better alternative. That being said, I can still imagine some people being susceptible to depression existing in that society, but it will not be as common as it is in ours at the moment.

>> No.19404106

ted was wrong about everything in this manifesto
t. former anprim

>> No.19404110
File: 29 KB, 574x226, ted on being depressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted talks about it in the same paragraph

>> No.19404120

Tedtards are dupes for the Great Reset agenda.

>> No.19404124

What is the point of even making s post like this without making any arguments. Ted isn't even an anprim so idk why you included that

>> No.19404133
File: 51 KB, 620x775, colonel-tom-parker-1909---1997-the-dutch-born-manager-of-entertainer-elvis-presely_photo-by-frank-edwards_fotos-international_getty-images-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one incendiary cover

>> No.19404146

Any news of him? iirc he was having trouble with the feds, trying to publish new material.

>> No.19404149
File: 76 KB, 641x530, 1623681007824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who wrote the intro, also edited a Savitri Devi book.

>> No.19404179

Skrbina? There are constant attempts from right wing buffoons to divert most radical materialist authors. It works because idealists have no intellectual rigor.
Take Gramsci, Debord, Kaczynski etc..

>> No.19404197

Why do people ever bother to voice thoughts like these when it would literally take then two seconds to think of an answer?

>> No.19404202


Technology empowers people and Ted's fear of it was him shifting blame from people being mostly shitty

>> No.19404212

cut him some slack.
OP didn't show the full quote and didn't give the paragraph number.

>> No.19404230

>Technology empowers people
It literally doesn't. Think about how much easier it is for you to be lorded over by your nanny state (or banks), just how easy it is for your dirty laundry to be aired before everyone, the fact your own PHONE tracks you down everywhere you go, all thanks to the advent of technology permeating over your life like a electric eye in the sky.

>> No.19404239

I'm saying he should be able to figure out the answer myself.

>> No.19404262

I agree that this mentality is annoying. People don't bother to take the essence of an idea, and instead try to poke at the edge cases when it does not even matter to the overall argument. He could have looked at the actual quote, or he could have just inferred that obviously Ted does not mean every instance of depression, and it wouldn't matter either way if he did.

>> No.19404267

Actually read and don't be yikes.

>> No.19404268

There was one anon who wrote letters to Ted and received answers. I'm quite sure this happened and isn't just my imagination.
Has anyone archived those posts? i'd like to have another look at them.

>> No.19404423

>over socialization
normal for humans. we naturally internalize the values of our society/pact.
you are just as threat from crossing into wild territory in nature as you are in controlled territory in an industrial society
>surrogate activities
humans naturally engage in these. culture, magic rituals, worship in general, art, etc. are examples of pre industrial surrogate activities. im aware that ted apparently wasnt an anprim but im not entirely sure what he did support.

>> No.19404564

>>“Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness.
was he the original imagine poster?

>> No.19404584

Disregard Ted, embrace ELULL

>> No.19404600


I work for a telecomm, I know what data goes where. I have no social media accounts. All the data you are providing is opt in. Don't want to be tracked? Leave yoir phone at home, midwit.

>> No.19404627

>culture, magic rituals, worship in general, art, etc. are examples of pre industrial surrogate activities.
No. Have you even read the manifesto.

>59. We divide human drives into three groups: (1) those drives that can be satisfied with minimal effort; (2) those that can be satisfied but only at the cost of serious effort;(3) those that cannot be adequately satisfied no matter how much effort one makes. The power process is the process of satisfying the drives of the second group.
Psychologically, surrogate activites sublimate the concrete act of producing one's necessary mean of existence. Art and culture do not serve this purpose.

>> No.19404639

Disregard Jacques, embrace JUNGER

>> No.19404675

More cope from a submissive sheep who's attesting to the issue but refusing to acknowledge the severity. Imagine being you.

>> No.19404712
File: 83 KB, 850x400, quote-experience-teaches-that-for-most-people-there-is-a-limit-beyond-which-their-constitution-sigmund-freud-43-44-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ellul, a professor who never left uni, exalts the City on seemingly theological grounds, but his praises are no different than that of a technophile or system apologist. He never aligned theory with praxis - the common denominator with all types of idealists. Tautological statement since idealism isn't concerned with material reality. One must ask himself if idealism is nothing beyond an a posteriori justification of material conditions, and must be discarded on these simple terms. I have a feeling neuroscience will obliterate centuries of idealism with the simple notion that consciousness is passive-reactive.
Any serious and rigorous revolutionnary must actualize himself as an ennemy of the social order and its material ramifications, proclaiming yourself anti-system is nothing. Appearance is nothing to us, eveything for ideology.

>> No.19404719


Oh no a dressing down from an anti technology guy who's using part of the infrastructure I deployed to lecture me

>> No.19404742

Keep moving those goalposts, now explain to me coherently how you are being "empowered" again.

>> No.19404920

I know that’s not fucking true. All this shit is forced to go to the NSA and in exchange they give these companies better security.

>> No.19404979

Uncle Ted is the Lenin to Ellul's Marx

>> No.19405027

i am soo soo sorry that i havent read long list of quotes and paragrhaps of text. I am sorry for asking questions before reading all of plato books in ancient greek and in classical latin and in vulgar latin and in arabic and in Ubykh language. I am so sorry. I hope you can forgive you fucking assrat. You dipshit why the fuck i should be expected read about some mail bomber who thought he was the hot shit. If i already knew everything about teddy the mail man why would i be there. I saw a quote it was interesting and asked a question. You dipshit monkey turd cleaner.

>> No.19405038

I accept your apology

>> No.19405205

Ellul was in the french resistance during WW2, helped prisoners on the run and jewish families flee from the collaborationist regime. He had a short stunt in politics after the war, founded a club working with the delinquent youth, a committee for the preservation of the environment, and animated a bunch of clubs around various topics.
He was much more of a revolutionary than some dude who went to live in da woods and sent bombs randomly. He just didn't believe killing random people was how you could bring down the technical system, rather he worked locally, educating people and trying to bring change bottom-up, which is perfectly consistent with what he advocated in his writings.

>> No.19405235
File: 910 KB, 1274x623, 543DD7F1-07B5-4B81-B640-EBFDE41F589D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean picrel?

>> No.19405265

Vague political activism and "the revolution comes from within" type christian nonsense does not constitute strategy. unfortunately! we would be done with industrial society already. We will take what we deem fit to enact change from the works of Ellul, as for the rest it can be discarded.

>He just didn't believe killing random people was how you could bring down the technical system
who does? i'm interested because even ITS recognizes the strategic impasse of individual terrorism

>> No.19405340

Everyone itt should watch „The Net - Unabomber, LSD, and the internet“ to understand the circumstances under which everything occurred, and his distaste toward new (biological) technologies better.

Although I do think his theories are mostly consistent, I believe it was ultimately his various neurosis and the effects of government experimentation, which led to him sending mail bombs.
It was a dumb move, he lost most of his potential credibility.

I also think he values being a humans too much. That is, I agree with him that physically merging with technology is what will ultimately happen, if the system doesn’t collapse before that. His conclusion however, that we should return to monke, is wrong. It is acceptance of the limitations of our ability. It is giving up the slight chance of becoming something higher than ourselves, in order for those who would survive his collapse of technological society to live with reduced suffering until the sun eats the earth or some other extinction event happens.
Progress is the true god of our era and all who oppose him will pay dearly.

Also suffering and meaning cannot really be quantified, which weakens his arguments.

>> No.19405385

Adding to this he could have used his smarts to get a high paying CS job, earn a bunch of money and then retire somewhere in the country with a large property, a wife, and kids.

Instead he let his altruistic morals take the best of him and ironically lead him to kill people. I truly think he believed what he did would ultimately make the herd happier but he didn’t seem to understand that:
1. The herd doesn’t want help.
2. Most of the herd would die in a more primitive society.

How can one person be so smart but so stupid?

>> No.19405391

thank you

>> No.19405410

You have to be over 18 you post on 4chin

>> No.19405447

You missed the point, autist. Why would he do all that? He doesn't like the system, he wants to change it. Simple as. He doesn't need convoluted argumentation like a domesticated asset does to justify his position.

If Kaczynski ran a bombing campaign it's precisely because of people like you who are so far deep into their ideology that they don't even ACKNOWLEDGE the sovereignty of others. They don't consciously apprehend the existence of other worldviews and experiences. No offense here, you just missed the point completely.

You have to be sheltered and never have had any experience with any radical political groupings of sorts if you don't know that the relevancy and recognition of his works is increasing every day.

>> No.19405551

taking your phone with you is an essential part of modern society though. because of the fact that everyone has a phone on them you're expected to too.
>muh I don't carry a phone around and function fine
you are a neet then. what about credit/debit cards then? a lot of places won't take cash or at least we're moving towards that.
You don't get to select which technologies become necessary in society, the system picks that for you and you just have to go along with it no matter the downsides. it's never purely 'opt in'

>> No.19405682

no, they sublimate the power process which producing one's necessary mean of existences provides, at least thats what he claims. and art and culture do serve this purpose. hes wrong about surrogate activities as they relate to the power process, because nobody feels satisfied after exerting themselves and then failing to attain their goal, but only after achieving it. fulfillment may matter more than awards and accolades, but it is these achievements and all the smaller ones that provide fulfillment. the goal, not the struggle, serve the power process. the only deviation from this being when someone seeks to define the struggoe itself as the goal. at least through the lense of the power process, there are no fundamental psychological differences between these non existant surrogate activities and actual activities, if you will. this is why people will sometimes substitute some other attachment (their people, their god, an ascetic ideal, etc.) for their own life or other necessary desires. what i shouldve said is that surrogate activities do not exist.

>> No.19405692

You can function without being traced much if you put in a ton of effort. Cant get rid of the cameras watching the streets though

>> No.19405796
File: 1.13 MB, 1002x1022, 1632846913665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea that he was tortured with LSD by the CIA is mythology according to Ted.
Ted was asked in one of his prison interviews if his actions were primarily motivated by altruism or revenge, and he answered revenge. So you're wrong. And he perfectly understands that billions would have to die for the anti-tech revolution to happen, and his personal murders is proof of that.

>> No.19406065



>> No.19406081
File: 238 KB, 1737x2700, Technological Slavery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta get the latest edition.

>> No.19406141

I dont. He sounds insincere

>> No.19406167

>They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.”

Implying conservatives don't know this and that they actually care. Liberals(which is what conservatives are ultimately) are progressivists BY DEFINITION.

>> No.19406284
File: 458 KB, 640x640, 1632932798986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just conservacucks, but also your average /pol/ nazi and tradcath. The only tradition we should return to is the primitive hunter-gatherer tradition which all humanity lived by for 200,000 years.

>> No.19406728


>> No.19406753

Thanks for the link anon! I was too afraid of buying it off amazon, didnt wanna get put on another list

Does anyone have links to his other books? I wanna load my kindle

>> No.19406762

>The only tradition we should return to is the primitive hunter-gatherer tradition which all humanity lived by for 200,000 years.
But a return to primitive communism is impossible. Therefore the only reasonable solution is to go all the way through the horrible dialectic of class struggle and come out the other side with a fully realized eco-communist utopia.

>> No.19406772

Haven't read Ted except for excerpts. Does he refer to himself as "We" throughout? Or was there a co-author I'm not aware of?

>> No.19406803

If I'm remembering correctly he submitted the original manifesto anonymously as F.C. or the freedom club and claimed to be multiple people. In reality he was writing alone and this was just a diversion tactic.

>> No.19406838

In an effort to divert the feds, Ted attempted to make it seem that the manifesto and bombings were the product of 'F.C' - 'Freedom Club', thus referring to himself as 'we'. He would also deliberately put false pieces of evidence into his bombs, which successfully sidetracked the investigation and allowed him to remain hidden.

>> No.19406899

who said anything about "primitive communism"????

>> No.19406923


>> No.19406928

You don't deserve a rimshot. Instead I am going to stick the drumstick directly in my ass.

>> No.19406942

Am I committing social suicide by linking Technological Slavery in my instagram bio? Or is that what Uncle Ted would have wanted?

>> No.19406943

was freud a pseud?

>> No.19406953

>in my instagram bio
Delete your social media bro.
Increased stimulus causes us to perceive time in an accelerated manner. Time is the enemy of life. Delete your social media if you want to slow your life down
Also, its not good for your psyche

>> No.19406955

I really don't care about Ted. I have a solid worldview and I'm not a teenager, I have no need to read him.

>> No.19406973

>I really don't care about Ted. I have a solid worldview and I'm not a teenager, I have no need to read him.
You dont have time to read something written by someone smarter and more accomplished than you?

>> No.19406979

Not everything put out by geniuses is good, Anon. You're obviously a teenager.

>> No.19406986

Just like how not everything you think is correct?

>> No.19406992

Everything I think and believe is correct.

>> No.19407002

Same here
I think you're a dumb faggot
You cannot argue with my facts

>> No.19407009

Everything I think and believe is correct because my beliefs are grounded in transcendent Truth. You think everything you believe is correct because you're ignorant and prideful. We are not the same.

>> No.19407030

>We are not the same.
Correct. I am a straight white male with a 10/10 gf and you are a 4/10 asian male on estrogen

>> No.19407090
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It's not impossible, it's inevitable. Eco-catastrophe is a mathematical certainty and will either bring about human extinction or the collapse of civilization. The Marxist utopia is just heaven for atheists and will never happen. But primitivism is practical and has worked for millennia.

>> No.19407107

>Words like “self-confidence,” “self reliance,” “initiative,” “enterprise,” “optimism,” etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone’s problems for them, satisfy everyone’s needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own
needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.

-Ted Kaczynski

>> No.19407122

Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective
reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true
that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific
knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be
defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply
cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge.
They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality.
They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one
thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it
is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the
leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs
as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e.,
failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he
cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior
and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by
many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ
tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities
or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear
superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit
or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is
“inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been
brought up properly.
-Ted Kaczynski

>> No.19407143

The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of
inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter,
a ruthless competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith in
himself. He has a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but he can
still conceive of himself as having the capacity to be strong, and his
efforts to make himself strong produce his unpleasant behavior. [1] But the
leftist is too far gone for that. His feelings of inferiority are so
ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and
valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist. He can feel strong only as
a member of a large organization or a mass movement with which he identifies
-Ted Kaczynski

>> No.19407158

Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by
moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of
the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the
main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of
leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior
is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the
leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that
affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand
affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more
productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at
least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that
affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not
take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs.
Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as
an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for
power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’
hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.
-Ted Kaczynski

>> No.19407162

If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to
INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making
a fuss.
-Ted Kaczynski

>> No.19407295

Damn that's cool

>> No.19407474

You sound like a 12 year old who just bought a lifetime pass to Greg “The Jew” Lansky’s interracial BBC cuck porn for goys and thinks everything is fine and swell.

>> No.19407506

were the hell do you live that doesn't accept cash, I pay with cash all the time and I do just fine, in fact places often prefer it because they pay a premium on the cost of the debit machine. besides you should be going to small businesses (not the gay stupid ones that overcharge for crap, the old fashioned ones)

>> No.19407772
File: 838 KB, 2550x3300, Ecofascism - An Aberrant Branch of Leftism - Ted Kaczynski 9-29-20 page 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. Pic related.

>> No.19407774
File: 930 KB, 2550x3300, Ecofascism - An Aberrant Branch of Leftism - Ted Kaczynski 9-29-20 page 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19407780
File: 715 KB, 2550x3300, Ecofascism - An Aberrant Branch of Leftism - Ted Kaczynski 9-29-20 page 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19407960

what a self important loon

>> No.19408410
File: 58 KB, 500x471, 1DA06579-3868-4CAE-91E5-C60110AD562F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Ecofascism and anarcho-primitivism are both just oxymorons. Kaczynski is the most consistent primitivist thinker out there, both ideologically and in his own lifestyle.

>> No.19408690


>Keep moving those goalposts, now explain to me coherently how you are being "empowered" again

Having access to global realtime data on almost everything and the compendium of human knowledge with me at all times was once a power we attributed to gods.

>> No.19408694


>All this shit is forced to go to the NSA

What "shit" specifically and I'm not American

>> No.19408786

Published by the edgelords at Feral House

>> No.19409300

Thanks. How did you get this? I remember him addressing these points in a letter to a german ethnonationalist but I had never seen this one. It's recent too.

>> No.19409336

great, another retard thinks Uncle Ted is a based red pill Republican...

>> No.19409357

Found the zoomer

>> No.19409363

Fully agree. Ellul has some good writing(and a lot of bad writing) but Ted completes his good stuff.

>> No.19409374

At least he understands WN better than any modern “”“scholar””” who researches it

>> No.19409391

Why do people think Ted is anprim? He wasn’t ideological. Any post system collapse society would probably resemble early modern society since it’s not like all, or even most, technology would disappear.

>> No.19409416
File: 2.45 MB, 1368x2048, 1634410238727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19409423

>society is...LE BAD!

>> No.19409431

>have a feeling neuroscience will obliterate centuries of idealism with the simple notion that consciousness is passive-reactive.
Yeah any day now lol

>> No.19409495


>> No.19410428

epic bump in memory of all the Qarapapaqs deported under Stalin's reign

>> No.19410944

>Adding to this he could have used his smarts to get a high paying CS job, earn a bunch of money and then retire somewhere in the country with a large property, a wife, and kids.
NPCs simply can't comprehend other people not holding their own retarded values

>> No.19410987

youre right that sounds much more possible comrade!

>> No.19411644

No, showing he knows the truth about leftists.

>> No.19411730
File: 7 KB, 120x186, 6884550_111883412203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Thomas J. Mosser. He had a wife and four children.
Ted murdered him with a mail bomb sent to his home.
Ted never showed his face to the man he killed.

>> No.19411752
File: 5 KB, 150x197, 6884583_1077845632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Gilbert Brent Murray. He was a Vietnam veteran and worked in the California timber industry.
Ted murdered him with a package bomb at his office. He was 46.

>> No.19411781
File: 6 KB, 120x160, 6884571_112598982435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Hugh Scrutton. He owned a computer store.
Ted murdered him by when the package Hugh thought was trash outside his store blew up in his face.

>> No.19411798

These three people Ted murdered were among dozens Ted FAILED to kill with his cowardly, yellow-skinned 'crusade'. Others were horribly maimed.

Everybody remembers the murderer, but nobody remembers their victims.

Fuck Ted.

>> No.19411805
File: 135 KB, 1200x675, ted_kaczynski_harvard_g-594372140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mosser, 50, had served as executive vice president at Young & Rubicam, the giant worldwide advertising and communications company based in New York, as well as a member of its powerful operations committee.
Advertisers are human trash. Ads colonize your brain. Advertisers hire the best behaviorists and other sociopath to brainwash you. Remind yourself of an ad. That ad has taken the place of a pleasant memory of your childhood because it was engineered to be more intense, more worthy of recollection than the memory you had.

Domesticated agents are mentally ill, delusional freaks who are destroying everything that makes life worth living. Everything is inverted. Advertisers are saints and schooling children is normal. How many cultures did schooling obliterate? All of them.

>> No.19412175

that cover is going to cause a suicide; although I guess that's probably the point.

>> No.19412386

Did he actually read Spengler? I tought Spengler was a uncommon author.

>> No.19412396

They're going after the monkeys now....

>> No.19412466

>That ad has taken the place of a pleasant memory of your childhood because it was engineered to be more intense, more worthy of recollection than the memory you had.
There is no evidence to suggest that some memories are 'replaced' by other/newer memories.

>> No.19412765


Dude some people deserve to die and their kids too. Not that most people do or that Ted was right ;^)

>> No.19412959
File: 1.04 MB, 1500x2247, DeepEcology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently so. I was also surprised to see such a large fiction section.

>> No.19412972

Kaczynski did not read all the books in the list you link to. It says he owned a copy of Marx's Capital. It is abundantly clear to anyone who has read both Kaczynski and Marx that Kaczynski has never seriously read anything Marx wrote. I guess maybe he could have owned a copy and never read it.

Quotes from Technological Slavery:
>The necessary preconditions for revolution are these: There must be a strong development of values that are inconsistent with the values of thedominant classes in society, and the realization of the new values must be impossible without a collapse of the existing structure of society.
>When these conditions are present, there arises an irreconcilable conflict between the new values and the values that are necessary for the maintenance of the existing structure. The tension between the two systems of values grows and can be resolved only through the eventual defeat of one of the two. If the new system of values is vigorous enough, it will prove victorious and the existing structure of society will be destroyed.
>Karl Marx maintained that the means of production constituted the decisive factor in determining the character of a society, but Marx lived in a time when the principal problem to which technology was applied was that of production. Because technology has so brilliantly solved the problem of production, production is no longer the decisive factor. More critical today are other problems to which technology is applied, such as processing of information and the regulation of human behavior (e.g., through propaganda). Thus Marx’s conception of the force determining the character of a society must be broadened to include all of technology and not just the technology of production. If Marx were alive today he would undoubtedly agree.
All Marxists worth their salt disagree.

>> No.19413192

I wrote to the publisher Fitch & Madison about how many White nationalists and conservatives seemed to be coopting Kaczynski on the internet. Actually, what really did it was there was some podcast by a libertarian group recently about uncle ted. Anyway, they showed this to me. Am I gonna get in trouble for posting it?

>> No.19413200

>All Marxists worth their salt disagree.

Hence why all Marxists today are wrong. You can't argue with TK's logic here.

>> No.19413285
File: 124 KB, 1000x1500, 614ufn7+3IL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ted/ think of Chad Haag?

Reading pic related atm. Could have strongly benefitted from an editor (Haag is not a particular good writer in stylistic terms, and the book is 600 pages which could have been reduced a bit imo) but it's pretty fascinating so far. It builds on Ted and others' writings and produces a very interesting argument about technology removing us from our own lives (and all real Being from society by extension, leaving a kind of simulation behind). It's definitely shifting my perspective on what having all this technology actually accomplishes.

He 100% definitely posts here too, given some of the references in the book.

>> No.19413291

Only read his books on Ted and Linkola but both were pretty good.

>> No.19413306

Have only heard his interviews/podcasts about them, very enjoyable.

He sounds like Homer Simpson but once you get past the strange accent he really does know his stuff. He's one of the first academic philosophy grads to really take writers like Ted/Linkola/BAP etc that are popular on here or twitter seriously and analyse what they're saying

>> No.19413411

What more can you say about the book? Mumford has already made a similar observation about subjectivity relatively succinctly in The Myth of the Machine so I'm wondering if Chad's book is worth my time

>> No.19413424

Read the chart >>19409416

>> No.19413457

> if he doesn’t agree with Marx that means he didn’t read his book

>> No.19413464

Anyone have that trilogy image with ellul, junger, and ted?

>> No.19413868

>no Anti-Tech Revolution

chart fails

>> No.19413886
File: 44 KB, 720x751, 1FA96AE6-A620-4FAA-80B4-FE936DDAF1CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a post be so high-effort and simultaneously brainlet?

>> No.19413957

Ted isn't anti technology persee, he's against technology cultists and statists who elevate technology and progress to godhood. He's inarticulate and doesn't diagnose the root cause of these manifestations, he only notices the psychological and sociological phenomena playing out and how it devolves to.

>> No.19414072

>if he doesn’t agree with Marx that means he didn’t read his book
Yes this is actually exactly what I'm arguing the example I provided. Marx correctly observed that every social revolution has required/been based on a prior material revolution in forces of production (i.e. technological advance). This has remained true for all social revolutions subsequent to Marx. There is an ideological component within every revolution (what Ted is talking about with competing value systems), but revolutionary ideology is always generated by actual material revolution, never the other way around. The fact that Ted neither agrees with Marx nor thinks to provide a counter-argument to Marx's view (which by the way is corroborated by every successful social revolution in history) shows that he did not read or at least did not understand Marx. In fact, if he had read/understood Marx, he would understand that his proposed anti-technology revolution is in a very real sense a contradiction in terms
Read Marx midwits

>> No.19414117

You have never read Ted. Enlighten us, what is the root cause of progress dogma and technology-worship if not the technology itself? If the whole technoindustrial system is destroyed as Ted wanted, those manifestations would no longer exist to begin with. If you think he wanted to reform the system, read paragraphs 121-142 of ISAIF where refutes that idea. And he’s not inarticulate, ISAIF in particular was written for a newspaper with the general American public as his target audience, not 4Chan pseuds.

>> No.19414157

wtf? I thought they would stop him from writing in prison. Or at least prevent it from getting out. Wonder how he is going in prison

>> No.19414184
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>> No.19414201

Also he was a published mathematician, so he was used to using the royal we in papers.

>> No.19414203

Anyone have PDFs of Chad Haag's books?

>> No.19414350

>There is an ideological component within every revolution (what Ted is talking about with competing value systems), but revolutionary ideology is always generated by actual material revolution, never the other way around.
Most of the revolutions throughout Europe were financed by Jewish international bankers with the sole intention of overthrowing the already existing monarchical/aristocratic regimes and establishing a much more centralized government whose power is vested in the hands of only a few chosen megalomaniac genocidal psychopaths. Class equality and material welfare are always presented as the main goals of such revolutions, but in reality they are only used as an appealing bait to dupe and attract the majority of a nation's populace into believing that the ordinary people would be the ones to get in power. The real intentions behind such revolutions is to uniformly subject the masses under strict control as social ranks and distinction no longer exist - things that have always been the main impediments to the facilitation of such power and control.

>> No.19414518



Ted is very much like an average, scummy /pol/tard, just verbose and with the pedigree of being a maths whiz lending credibility to his drivel in the mind of midwits such as yourselves. He could have, if he had so chosen, honestly assessed his situation via true introspection, coming to a conclusion like "I'm a very, very intelligent individual and am different to my peers, and these differences have led me to be bullied and ostracised in my youth and in my adult life, stunting my social growth so now I feel a permanent rift between myself and my peers, and henceforth the society I inhabit". Then, he could've taken an appropriate solution - such as becoming a hermit on the outskirts of civilisation, living in a self-supporting fashion, solving maths problems. He could have lived idyllically in his cabin in Montana, never bothering anyone. Instead he mails out bombs, kills a bunch of people, and is now rotting in prison for some half a century.

It is some cold comfort that you are aged 18 - 23, and therefore still have time to grow and mature past such infantile infatuations.

"Technology" doesn't just mean "Buzzfeed and Facebook and spyware", you dishonest rat. Medicine, dentistry, sanitation, the very computer you type on. Don't worry, you'll push concerns of muh NWO spying through your iPhone 13 once you move out of your parents' house and take on some actual responsibility, zoomer.

>> No.19414534


>> No.19414570
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Don't care, didn't read your retarded diatribe, tranny. Now go join your fellow 51% brethren

>> No.19414583

Unironically, does Teddy's work contain any substance of value for people not interested in the anprim "clogs in the gears" luddite movement? Does his analysis of the modern world's debasement of natural man go anywhere deeper than a surface level reading of sociology one could infer from, for example, the NIMH Rat Universe studies?

>> No.19414586

>Medicine, dentistry, sanitation, the very computer you type on.
Are you implying all of those are good for you?

>> No.19414624


As unpleasant as it is to have someone talk down to you in such a manner, it's a net positive experience. You'll learn from it

Wait until you develop a health problem or try reply to this post, then get back to me

>> No.19414638

Ted backed his words up with action and you won't do anything

>> No.19414675



I'd also like to touch base with you guys on some problematic stances that have emerged on this forum as of late. This behavior goes against the spirit of 4chan as a whole and shows a lack of compassion and general human decency. This behavior is unacceptable and is long overdue for a serious reprimand. I hope the other anons will choose a more peaceful approach to voicing their opinions and I welcome all contributions you guys have on how to better understand nuances of our board culture.

I hope we can share more meaningful learning moments like this in the future.

>> No.19414699


>> No.19414730

>Wait until you develop a health problem
As stated by Ted himself, the only measurable benefit that modernity has brought is a slight increase in average lifespan. That said, our modern diets and lifestyles have ensured that average healthspans have decreased.
>or try reply to this post
Low IQ take. Just because I use something doesn't mean I condone it as a good thing.

>> No.19414868
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“A child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth”

>> No.19414917
File: 140 KB, 500x372, ModernFood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how terrible primitive man's teeth were before modern dentistry? They must have been obese and sickly before all of our modern medicine existed. Imagine how terrible their diet was! The innumerable health issues they must have had! I wonder where they disposed of their sewage when they had no sewers? They were certainly very dirty.

>> No.19414950
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>> No.19415233

How do I write to Ted? Do I just put his name on an envelop with the prison address? Would that get to him?

>> No.19415245

You first need to bribe the warden/prison guards in order to get your letter delivered to him

>> No.19415252

Ask Greta to attach your message with her next one.

>> No.19415284

Yes, I've read about them playing tricks. Is it worthwhile to send him extra postage stamps? Is that allowed? I believe I'll attempt an introductory letter expressing my interest in establishing correspondence. If I receive a response I'll ask my questions then.
I had to look up who that was. Maybe she'll take a page from his book.

>> No.19415302

Some people will never accept the truth. I went without brushing my teeth for two years and my teeth got better because my diet was meat, milk and fermented veggies.

>> No.19415317

What I've learned from this thread is that Ted K is a fucking idiot and always has been.

>> No.19415394

>"Technology" doesn't just mean "Buzzfeed and Facebook and spyware", you dishonest rat. Medicine, dentistry, sanitation, the very computer you type on.
I think the dishonest rat is the one who only accepts the positives of technology as "real technology"...

>> No.19415590

How did you reach such a conclusion?

>> No.19415792

Read hermeneutics of ecological limitation and agree, lack of an editor is obvious. Some parts came off as cynics YouTube rants but overall it was a good take on how most everyone in the west views ecological problems and how they do nothing to fix them. Very in depth, chad is the very bright slight autistic archetype that can really delve deeply into a topic and that I can relate to and appreciate. Mad man left USA and shits in a river in India now

>> No.19415811

Any of you have digital copies of his books to share? I've been looking for them for forever.
I watch his YouTube stuff, I like his perspectives and it's cool watching someone build out a whole philosophy. Once you hear and get his spiel on "underlying memes" and "soma" you start noticing it everywhere.

>> No.19415934

As self important as some nobody who rejects an essay in 5 words?

>> No.19416453

>not reading Junger
You fail.

>> No.19416634

>technology empowers people
it empowers *certain* people, an extremely select few, mainly the people in charge of the technology.

>> No.19416742
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Get your shit in order boys.

>> No.19417541

>left USA and shits in a river in India now

He also skated on his student loans lmao

Big respect

>> No.19417544

HD is on Kindle poorfag

>> No.19417616
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lookin' good.

>> No.19417779

I agree with much of uncle Ted but disagree on two points and thus don't fully subscribe to his arguments. One is that a society that reduces it's tech will be overcome and conquered by a society that doesn't. Two is that I think humans must work towards eliminating existential threats, such as meteor strikes, and that requires tech.

>> No.19417804

Atta boy

>> No.19417996


>One is that a society that reduces it's tech will be overcome and conquered by a society that doesn't.

The technoindustrial system cannot be reduced, only destroyed outright. The Andaman islands and possibly some remote places in the Amazon are the only places on the planet where primitives are left to their own devices and remain mostly free from civilization. History has shown that people with technology will always conquer those who lack it.

>Two is that I think humans must work towards eliminating existential threats, such as meteor strikes, and that requires tech.

Have you never watched any climate change documentary in your life? The only impending and mathematically certain existential threat to humanity is caused by the technoindustrial system. We might not survive the following decades.

>> No.19418006
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How is /lit/ going to celebrate Teddy's 80th birthday in six months?

>> No.19418037
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>meteor strikes
Much better off praying to Vulcan.

>> No.19419250

U being sarcastic? For realz the guy's awesome for saying fuck off to his debt.

>> No.19420007

Stop writing like a nigger you zoomer fuck

>> No.19420045
File: 61 KB, 453x453, B172B5C1-1373-4199-A3C1-ECBEFD708D89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been

>> No.19421161

I really have some questions for him. But from what i heard if you do contact him you get flagged as a potential security threat. Like you get some sort of special numbers on your plane ticket requiring you for extra security pat downs

>> No.19422596
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Alright, gentlemen. You want to write a letter? So be it. What questions do you want asked.

>> No.19422993

how ironic you say this when Ted was himself asserting his own values on others through force. I agree with most of his diagnosis of technological society, but he completely loses credibility with his actions. How can he rail against the conditions that technology subjects us to, in defense of liberty, and then take people's life and liberty away in a fruitless pursuit of his own ideal? What right does he have to dictate how others should live? How does someone so smart suffer from this level of cognitive dissonance?

>> No.19423070

seems incredibly fake to me