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/lit/ - Literature

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19405777 No.19405777 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to be comfy bros. What are good, comfy books?

>> No.19405780

The Hobbit. It's comfy anglo fun without any of the pretentious crap that the insecure losers on here obsess over.

>> No.19405789

on the road

>> No.19405800

Man's Search for Meaning

>> No.19405807

Anna Karenina, half the book is about a guy wanting to be a wholesome farmer

>> No.19405813

Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey.

>> No.19405815
File: 599 KB, 500x775, Don Quixote (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19405828

Checked and Comfypilled.

>> No.19405887
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>> No.19405893

Literally me. Except I still have drinks with ice even in winter. Fuck, I love the cold, lads.

>> No.19405898
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At this point I'd rather jsut read mangas and ~1900 pulp fiction

t. have >50% on all of /lit/'s Top 100 Lists

>> No.19405914
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Getting recommendations from /lit/ especially the ones in the top 100 chart, is not brag worthy. Anime rots your brain. Seek help.

>> No.19405917

I said Manga not anime.

>> No.19405922

Notes. Has made me fond of yellowish snow and decaying urban infrastructure.

>> No.19405939

>yellowish snow
someone peed in it anon

>> No.19405983
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Covers your fall/winter vibes, runs the gamut of genres. Quintessential comf.

>> No.19406006
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Chales Dickens in general
Balzac's La comédie humaine
The Hobbit and Tolkien in general
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (can get pretty comfy)
Jules Verne

pic related

>> No.19406012

>A Moveable Feast
>A Sportsman’s Notebook
>The Magic Mountain
>Lonesome Dove
>Hemingway Nick Adam Stories
>Love in the Time of Cholera
>Jane Eyre
>Mason & Dixon
>The Wind Up Bird Chronicles

>> No.19406042

Harry Potter
Game of Thrones
Hunger Games
Percy Jackson

>> No.19406162

The Story of Art by Gombrich

>> No.19406226

There are comfy jobs. I should edit this meme to help fight the spread of idolised indolence.
But even if I did that, the premise seems wrong - comfort is a relief from discomfort, and you will be left with metaphorical ashes in your mouth if you stay inside drinking coffees all the time. How about changing it to be like this - the comfy man is a park ranger in the mountains. He stays warm and comfy in the mountain snow and calmly helps lost hikers should they stray from their trails. And every night he drinks some warm milk and sleeps well in bed because he has properly exerted himself in the day.
Anyway, as for comfy books, that's up to what you find comfy. I find Dickens quite comfy; lots of cute domestic scenes, happy endings, innocent humour, lushly described environs. Aged barristers taking bottles of port from the cellar, stout wives diligently preparing a joint for dinner. But not all Dickens is a comfy as the book I am thinking of here, Bleak House. Many of them are trite morality tales full of hackneyed poverty sob-stories.

>> No.19406266

>"Once a man receives this fixed bodily form, he holds on to it, waiting for the end. Sometimes clashing with things, sometimes bending before them, he runs his course like a galloping steed, and nothing can stop him. is he not pathetic? sweating and labouring to the end of his days and never seeing his accomplishment, utterly exhausting himself and never knowing where to look for rest--can you help pitying him?"

ignore this guy OP. comfort and oneness is the best possible aim of human life.

>> No.19406280

I always find A Christmas Carol to be super comfy around Christmas time

>> No.19406356

Dickens can be a bit risky though. Sometimes comfy, sometimes watching someone purehearted slowly die.

>> No.19406419

excellent chart

>> No.19406516
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Ironically, what I propose is being one with the dao, seeing that the true comfort comes through the measured interplay of comfort and discomfort. You are misrepresenting my conception of true comfort as pure discomfort, which is obviously absurd. But nevertheless...

>> No.19406544

I wouldn't say this book is comfy. Half the book is him railing against the government, the parks department and the current state of things.

>> No.19406547

The savage detectives.
It has a youthful vibe and it's mad comfy. One of my favorite books

>> No.19406559


>> No.19406608

snow sucks, caus of bad insulation. Real /comfy/ is doing it in summer.

>> No.19406661


>> No.19406725
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True, Christmas stories in general.

>> No.19407738

Very dumbledore