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19403188 No.19403188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people not pity but instead show open contempt and derision for incels? These same people will shed crocodile tears for the homeless and the working class, but when it comes to the sexual marketplace, people will take a completely different stance to the have-nots. Why is that? What are some books that touch on this subject?

>> No.19403196

>What are some books that touch on this subject?
does not make a post elligible for /lit/ you know?

>> No.19403224

>the sexual marketplace
I find it terrible that some on the people market are denied a place on the sexual market since that makes it difficult for them to get into the home market and impossible for them to get into the child market.
Just reading your post here on the post market made bad feelings the dominant market force in my heart market, which in turn has skewed my attentional mind market - I must perform a market correction now, and read just a single poem to clear my mind of that disgusting and pervasive accountant's ideology that seeps and oozes from every letter of that ridiculous term, "sexual marketplace".

You have poisoned yourself with accountant's ideology. The reason that fewer are getting laid is that pornography, video games and the instant gratification of social media keeps you in a state of permanent despair, at the sweetspot of having your needs met just enough to keep you in a permanent state of profound longing but precisely not strong enough to motivate you to pursue them for real.

That is why people do not show pity towards incels. Their suffering is much to banal and insidious for anyone to really care, and the contempt comes from the fact that the people are clearly suffering but doing nothing to alleviate it. None of the incels I know have even made an honest effort to speak to women, and when I try to advise them to do so, they'll relate some Linkin Park tier anecdote about how they were rejected in the most anodyne manner half a decade ago and dare not live through that again.

>> No.19403269

For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

>> No.19403272

>Why do people not pity but instead show open contempt and derision for incels?
Because news told them to

>> No.19403302

I understand why people dislike the incel subculture and surrounding mindset. Stuff like the redpill/blackpill dichotomy, lookism, spending hours a day on various forums discussing incel shit. The public contempt for that is completely understandable. What's wrong is the hatred for guys who don't participate in that and are simply lonely and weird and sad. Seeing some guy who's poorly dressed, unattractive, socially inept, a bit gloomy, and hating him for that. There's no way to know that man's moral character from any of that
But you know, that's not what it's about.
What the hate for these individuals really comes down to, is that gives society an acceptable way to openly express their hate for men with mental illnesses and autism spectrum disorders. That's the whole thing. See most people do hate these men, but it's frowned upon to say so out loud. So what they do is appropriate the rhetorical style of progressive political movements to dress their hate up as a noble social cause. The modern push to destigmatize tism and mental illness has only succeeded on the surface. They haven't stopped hating you, they've only found new ways to express their hate

>> No.19403316
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You are not entitled to pussy. The fact that you've completely failed to build a somewhat attractive persona and physique in an era where sex is easier than ever only proves your utter lack of desirable genes and thus it's for the best that you won't reproduce. Sorry.

>> No.19403317

I don't want casual sex tho.

>> No.19403323

But girls do, and they won't settle for long-term relationship with a man who doesn't have sufficient experience.

>> No.19403334

>an era where sex is easier than ever
Not what the chart in the OP is saying though, is it? We live in the one of the most sexually repressed societies in history. Don't @ me.

>> No.19403339

Indeed, we need to come up with something better.
/sci/ has the stock phrase "scientifically speaking", which when added to any topic makes that topic /sci/ related.
Maybe we should use "philosophically speaking"?

>> No.19403345

False, women report far more sex partners than ever and we all know they're understating their real numbers in such studies. The real problem is that significant (and continuously growing) % of young males nowadays are mentally stunted adolescents with non-existent confidence and social/sex skill.

>> No.19403368
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>Why do people not pity but instead show open contempt and derision for incels? These same people will shed crocodile tears for the homeless
Are you that incel who went on a tangent when he saw photos of Forestanon kissing women

>> No.19403371

>hese same people will shed crocodile tears for the homeless and the working class, but when it comes to the sexual marketplace, people will take a completely different stance to the have-nots
That's probably their biggest problem. People who hold this view likely don't understand the mechanism of jealousy. Our brains are literally hard-wired to respond with outrage and discontent to instances of extreme inequality. That's what allowed us to survive and thrive as a species - you can't just accumulate more food than you need when other people are dying of hunger because then they'll just come for you and use violence to take what they consider to be rightfully theirs. Lefties think they can get away with a kneejerk response like "this is a human right and this isn't and you are not entitled to it" but people will see through it and they won't give a fuck about what you consider to be human rights.

>> No.19403375

What does this have to do with /lit/?
I'm really confused

>> No.19403386

It's the 80/20 rule.

80% of women are going after the top 20% of men. It's also why so many of these chicks with lots of options are still single despite claiming they're "looking" for a relationship. The dudes they want relationships with are the few men with even more options than them, and a lot them aren't looking to commit.

>> No.19403398

Because they feel the unsaid implication is that women must somehow change, which does of course not vibe well with cultural ideas of freeing and empowering women. Few people are capable of holding two even slightly conflicting ideas at the same time.

>> No.19403400
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Women don't have to settle for sexually inferior men anymore. Economically, they're able to earn a comfortable middle class income by managing corporate social media accounts or filling out HR reports, so there's no need to settle for balding manlet accountant anymore. Culturally, there's no pressure to start a family at all anymore, so they're free to bang the alpha males without commitment.

Instead of whining, maybe you should put some effort to become one of those top 20% males? It's not that hard, considering that majority of those undesirables aren't even trying at all.

>> No.19403401

i enjoyed this post

>> No.19403408

I am unironically and figuratively a wizard.

>> No.19403421

Alrighty listen up you fucking losers. Want to stop being repulsive to women? Then Step 1: Don't call them chicks like >>19403386 because this isn't 1975. Be interesting, fucking take care of yourself, don't let yourself become a fat slob with tits, don't be an asshole, put yourself out there and expect to be rejected, stop being pussies, have some confidence in yourself and don't be so pathetic and whiney and insecure. And no you don't need a 13 inch dick and washboard abs you fuckin homos. I'm 27 and have been married for 4 years, my hairline sucks and I don't do fucking jaw exercises and scream at myself in the mirror naked like you Bronze Age Retard types. Fucking be men. Doesn't matter what you look like. Just stop acting so fucking retarded and stop coming off as angry losers because that's not how you get a woman. That's how you scare them. Stop obsessing over OKCupud statistics and catfishing women on Tinder. It's that fucking easy goddamn get a fucking life you cringey ass genetic dead ends. Go the Sigma route like forestanon and once you're not so boring and retarded women will start to show interest in you regardless of how bad of a mouthbreather face you have.

>> No.19403425

Were you triggered by the.... Implication?

>> No.19403426

Solid post generally, but
>don't be an asshole
Can't say I agree with this - arrogant dickheads smash more pussy than anyone else.

>> No.19403427

People whose very existence pokes holes in the just-world hypothesis piss everyone off. There are more complex explanations for why incels are hated, but that’s pretty much it.

>> No.19403431

I don't think many people realise what a blessing the 80/20 rule is for men. 73% of US adults are now overweight or obese. Simply by not being a fatty you are in the top 30% (this allows for the rare attractive fat man). Then you literally just need to go to the gym, wear decent clothes, get a nice haircut, and you are easily in the top 20, maybe even the top 15. We're playing on easy mode right now boys.

>> No.19403438

I am legitimately trying to help you. I'm trying to cram some kind of big brother fatherly advice into your heads and tell you it's possible to find a woman. And a good woman. Circle jerking about dating app studies online and not actively trying to better yourself is only going to handicap you more.

>> No.19403445

It's kind of depressing how men have to put forth so much effort into becoming interesting people and "actualizing" themselves to get girlfriends while women just have to "exist" to get a guy. A man has to build a small fleet and fly his sails to find companionship while a woman sitting in a kayak at the docks is a fleet in being all by herself.

>> No.19403503

You're saying men have more motivation to lead interesting and fulfilling lives independently of fucking and in order to ensure fucking.

I've no idea why you would construe this as a depressing, but it speaks to the truth of this guy >>19403345 saying that the real problem is stunted manchildren who thinks all good things in life should fall into their lap by sheer mercy of determinism, like a child expecting candy from their parents.

How the fuck is it depressing that you have this huge motivator towards not being a loser?

>> No.19403528

>These same people will shed crocodile tears for the homeless and the working class
You already answered our own question, they don’t have any empathy for the needy, they only virtue signal because it’ll give them normie points but virtue signaling for incels won’t give them any points so they don’t even bother pretending that they care.

>> No.19403535

>Why do people not pity but instead show open contempt and derision for incels?
It's like for disability or other socially unacceptable attributes
Also, being understanding towards incels would mean recognize that sex is a right, which is also unacceptable in this highly competitive society where rights are denied on a daily basis

>> No.19403549

>Our brains are literally hard-wired to respond with outrage and discontent to instances of extreme inequality. That's what allowed us to survive and thrive as a species - you can't just accumulate more food than you need when other people are dying of hunger because then they'll just come for you and use violence to take what they consider to be rightfully theirs.
>I-its leftism fault!
Another brainwashed one

>> No.19403560

Not everybody lives in am*rica, is that so hard to understand?

>> No.19403561

>young males nowadays are mentally stunted adolescents

The same could be said for women. There have never been more womanchildren in the world than there are right now. The lack of emotional maturity in the women even in their late 30s and 40s is insane. This used to primarily be a problem among upper-class women who grew up in environments that naturally instilled them with an entitled outlook to life and their relationships, but now middle-class career women and even low-class single moms can suffer from "princess syndrome".

>> No.19403570

Anyone has data for this but 2021?

>> No.19403581

>Why do people not pity but instead show open contempt and derision for incels?
You are horrible people.

>These same people will shed crocodile tears for the homeless
Wrong. I despise the homeless.

>and the working class
Working class wants to have the shit they worked for. You are you because you haven't ever worked for anything.

>> No.19403587

probably higher because of >covid

>> No.19403598

>Why do people not pity but instead show open contempt and derision for incels?
Don't know why this needs to be repeated, but the answer is we live in a gynocentric society Males are oppressors, never the victims. If a male is in a bad position in his life, it's all his own fault while with women it's the other way around. The fact that male incels are often white gives less reason for a victim-stamp and thus reasons for pity of compassion. Just ask your mom what she thinks of incels, and she'll talk about them with contempt (except you, cause you're special)

>> No.19403601

Women only have to "exist" to get a guy because Incels are superficial as fuck. Stop jerking off to e-girl bimbos all day and go out and meet real women. Stop worshipping uninteresting women or any woman for that matter. Stop trying to become interesting or "actualize" for the sake of getting a girlfriend, that's fucking pathetic and it's loser behavior. All you gotta do is go outside and socialize. That's it. You're probably not good at it, but practice and repetition will smooth you out. It seems easy for other people, but that's because they've been practicing for longer than you have. If you don't start now, you'll never make it. You'll start to realise that the internet is a piss poor representation of real life and that people who complain about this type of shit are just lazy self-victimizing coombrains who can't be bothered to make an effort to integrate.

>> No.19403602

You could sort of justify the way things are if women were also under pressure to not be fat, rude shrews that feel entitled to Chad but as this guy says >>19403445 there is absolutely no pressure on women to be decent.

>> No.19403621

>just form your identity around being attractive to women
>don't be an asshole
femoid hands wrote this. The real life advice is simply to create a noble and honorable dream, ideal or mission for yourself and relentlessly get after it while enjoying the journey with some good bros who shares your values. Don't mind women, they will come if you want them, and if they don't at least you achieved interesting things and had a good journey.

>> No.19403623

While it's tempting to believe that, anyone with extensive highschool/college social experience will tell you that "decent" women are pretty much a myth these days. The shy bookworm girl? Has a simp boyfriend back in hometown AND got fucked by cocaine Chad in campus bathroom. The church girl from classy conservative family? Rode dozen different dick while rolling on ecstasy before marrying a virgin husband.

>> No.19403624

>All you gotta do is go outside and socialize
Why do you people lie so much?

>> No.19403638

You are a retard. There's a lot of problems with women but it's because of the lack of strong men to keep them in check.
>There have never been more womanchildren in the world than there are right now.
>The lack of emotional maturity in the women even in their late 30s and 40s is insane
Women have the emotional maturity of children retard, that's what makes them beautiful and mystical and desirable to men - because we mature to a more rational mode of thought to make sense of the world and build things to create places for women and children to play and act out their childishness which we adore. There's no lack of emotional maturity in women, it's inherent in their femininity. In fact they are more emotionally controlled now than ever, why do you think there's more women in leadership positions than ever? Or in academia? Single mothers? They have to take on masculine roles to compensate for the lack of masculinity in men. Your view on women is extremely adolescent and immature

>> No.19403657

Are you a woman or just retarded?

>> No.19403660

>Why do people not pity but instead show open contempt and derision for incels?
and u wish people harboured sympathy for shit-gened subhumans?

>> No.19403667

Please keep BTFOing these whiny self-pitying children. Thank you for your service anon.

Also OP, adding "what are some books relating to this topic" doesn't make your bitching a /lit/ thread.

>> No.19403670

This thread is nearly identical every time it's made.

>> No.19403671

I personally show disdain for incels because they are disgusting people. Quite literally. To mark yourself as an incel is to give up literally any kind of drive you could have as a man. Even thalidomide men have had partners before, or make it work.

Look, I've not had a sex partner in probably about 5-6 years or so. I've only had sex with two women before that.
Why doesn't it bother me? Because right now, I'm too fat and unproductive to compete on the sexual marketplace. No bother. I will improve, and it'll happen. I will get married. I'm not even a good looking guy in any way.

To accept you're an incel is to give up. No one likes a self-pitying retard. Also, not having access to 'the sexual marketplace' won't kill you when occasional masturbation can soothe you and keep you clear headed. You won't die from it. You won't lose out on any of your faculties because of it.

It seems to me the guys who convince themselves they are incels either haven't tried to find women or have suffered perhaps one or two rejections and internalise that forever. It's disgusting.

>> No.19403678

>women have the emotional maturity of a child
>there is no lack of emotional maturity in women


>> No.19403682

>they will come if you want them
Incels are losers and are only good for being losers and going shooting sprees and they even fail the latter, fuck off with your retarded platitudes.

>> No.19403683


>> No.19403688

Being an incel is quite literally the biggest cope out there. They spend all of their time whining about something they're convinced they'll never get.

>> No.19403689
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>just shower bro: the post

>> No.19403693

>tfw no gf and a hobo hermit can get more pussy
no fucking wonder they're all insane

>> No.19403697

ok then;u want ugly,short,ethnic and inherently unhealthy subhumans to have sex and give birth to monsters like minotaurs and cyclops?

>> No.19403705

>and give birth to monsters like minotaurs and cyclops?
Imagine the military power

>> No.19403706

Like the shinier the jewel the more exclusive the troop is,
bullets don't take bribes, stupid, they shoot shit.

>> No.19403713

If we had ethnostates this wouldn't be a problem though. The people of subpar ethnic genetics can reproduce with their own race, that way their women can't be picky

>> No.19403717

Huh. I never really thought about it like that, but it makes sense.

>> No.19403719

>80% of women are going after the top 20% of men
is this demoralizing for you? it's very easy to be in the top 20%

>> No.19403727

>If we had ethnostates this wouldn't be a problem though.
no as u'll still be left with incels of ur own 'superior' race.Things will come to a stage where a huge bunch of ur genetic dalits would revolt thereby forcing ur ruler to divert their attention elsewhere where they can take the spoils of war.

>> No.19403728

Read the last part, I said
>if they don't come it doesn't matter
You're projecting your own neddiness for women in your interpretation, fuck off. Ugly men can still accomplish things, make friends and have fun. Happiness and Fulfillment is not centered around putting your schlong in a meathole retard

>> No.19403737

Sure the ugly women of that race would reproduce with the ugly men and create uggo babies but they'll always be the exception unless your race is shit

>> No.19403746

The only issue I have with incels is the way they bitch about it in forums.

>> No.19403747

>Improoving just for pussy
Jesus Christ that sounds pathetic. I'd rather just fuck hookers, have gay sex and masturbate.

>> No.19403750

>can't spell
>calls others "shit-gened subhumans"

>> No.19403753

Not that women can't be described as 'emotionally immature' but it's like a category error to expect emotional maturity from them in the first place. Women are what they are.

>> No.19403760

>Look, I've not had a sex partner in probably about 5-6 years or so. I've only had sex with two women before that.
>Why doesn't it bother me? Because right now, I'm too fat and unproductive to compete on the sexual marketplace.
I'm not like that though
>You won't die from it. You won't lose out on any of your faculties because of it.
Read books.

>> No.19403764

Because an incel is not just a "have not" in the "sexual marketplace". An incel is someone who allows allows their frustration and resentment to take over them and turn them into nasty, vicious little gremlins. It's repulsive

>> No.19403767

>nasty, vicious little gremlin
literally me

>> No.19403768

>>can't spell

>> No.19403771

>What are communist revolutions

>> No.19403772
File: 467 KB, 1365x2047, Statue_of_the_Minotaur_(Roman_copy_after_an_original_by_Myron)_at_the_National_Archaeological_Museum_of_Athens_on_3_April_2018 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>minotaurs and cyclops...BAD!
You will NEVER be a woman

Also read Borges

>> No.19403789

The "incel" is today the nigger of America. Pretty soon you will see incels lynched in the streets.

>> No.19403791

Kek, can't wait

>> No.19403792

Revolts by desperate people whose legitimate grievances regarding the economic order of the day have gone unaddressed for decades or even centuries.

>> No.19403793

All those people had sex and reproduced back in le bazed trad times that are viewed by many as the pinnacle of human civilization.
You also assume that female selection is eugenic, that is only true if your definition of eugenic begins and ends with good looking men (making you a homosexual). Otherwise women select for highly dysgenic traits like certain mental illnesses (ADHD, Cluster-B personality disorders) and criminality.
This is a evolutionary mismatch, not eugenics.

>> No.19403802

> not eugenics.
>also doesn't know that good looking men are smarter and healthier

>> No.19403806

all of the "communist" revolutions of the 20th century were actually nationalist land reform movements by peasants.

>> No.19403807

And you don't see any similarities? Just look at the chart. The very fact that incels exist is a massive structural issue.

>> No.19403816

>>not eugenics.
Yes eugenics tends to cover broader topics then just jawlines and male pattern balding. Selecting for retards with substance abuse disorders that happen to have a high hyoid bone isnt eugenic.
>also doesn't know that corellation =/= causation

>> No.19403819

i think the education industry is missing a major opportunity to farm debt here. imagine making a relationship credential. you need a bachelor's in gf studies (and a vaccine passport) to register for this dating app, chud! or even better a masters in sociology of human relationships in order to move in with your gf/bf! if you can't get gf it's cuz your gf studies degree wasn't from a good enough college, should have studied harder for the SHAT (sex haver aptitude test) and gotten your relationship credential from a better school.

>> No.19403827

>And now we turn to our resident incel-whisperer, Jordan "/lit's/ Bitch" Peterson for some insights.

>> No.19403833

There is no pity for people who don't want to get better. If someone would reach out in a healthy way for help, perhaps they'd recieve help. That being said, I do think that a more accepting environment for those who do want to improve their lives would help speed up the whole process.

I guess the tl;dr is when incels are openly hostile towards the people who they both want to be with and could help them achieve it, it makes it hard to help them.

>> No.19403839

Sirs, reddit nigger! reddit niggger!

>> No.19403845

now do people who can't get jobs that pay a living wage

>> No.19403856

Because incels are implicitly white

>> No.19403859

>corellation =/= causation
holy kek,keep coping

>> No.19403860

this is why overcoming unconscious bias is so important unless it's the outgroup then fuck those assholes

>> No.19403865
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Not true. Believe it or not, these women still exist—they are just not on social media, or at the bars/clubs/parties where you sought out women— they are basically female NEETs.

>> No.19403874

yeah. /pol/ has been spamming one the last days that actually shows worse off i 2021 and guy’s making an improvement.
Post are always titled something like
>Covid has been good for guys?

it gets a lot of replies so youll easily find it.

no, i didnt save it myself cause i dont care about selreported virginity

>> No.19403875

they exist but they're all muslim

>> No.19403876

>female NEETs
Those weigh 300 pounds and smell like dead fish. Not sure what sort of anime romance scenarios you're making up as coping mechanisms, but there are no hidden princesses waiting for Anon to be rescued.

>> No.19403882

>Why do people not pity but instead show open contempt and derision for incels?
blind to the paradigm. incels are a waste product of neoliberal feminism. make money bitches

>> No.19403908
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They're an easy group to shit on. They hold very cynical and negative views about the world while also being straight males (which are considered to be the "top" of the hierarchy). Making fun of people who can't get laid has also been part of the mainstream cultural conscious for decades now so they just end up fucked from all fronts.
The word incel has also been watered down to mean anyone who criticizes promiscuity or has any negative view on women. I've been called incel online quite a few times just because I think women are retarded as a whole and, while you anons have no reason to believe me, I'm more attractive than most and have never had an issue with women. The word has become meaningless.

>> No.19403919

>Instead of whining, maybe you should put some effort to become one of those top 20% males?
The majority of women, your pic-related, are legitimately not worth the effort.

>> No.19403952

It's probably because you're aiming too high. Men tend to look to their peers, but they need to realize that woman their age are not a realistic target if their a subpar man. A young woman is worth far more than a comparatively good man of the same age. This means that at 20 you are competing with the 35 year old stable income sugar daddy, not just everyone else in your class. But a women's value peaks in her teenage years and quickly falls to near 0 by 50, while men continue to hold their value, or even increase naturally as they acquire resources and wisdom.

>> No.19403961

> muh tradwife
So you guys spend all day online complaining about how you can't get your dick wet, but somehow these bitches are less valuable because they're doing what you can't? Sorry Stacy doesn't wanna fuck you(unemployed, uninteresting, fat). Funny enough, I bet that you guys don't even notice all the "ugly" girls out there that say the exact same shit. Don't let your infinite access to these internet bimbos blind you to the fact that there's a lot of good quality fish out there.

>> No.19403962

Post tits

>> No.19403967

Post girlfriend

>> No.19403974

The incel thing is mostly White guys.
The media is controlled by Jews.
Jews hate White guys.

Simple, really.

>> No.19403978

There's winners and losers in every configuration of male-female relationships.

If you're a 5'5 dude or you're just really ugly or something I do feel sorry for you but what do you want to happen? You wanna force women to be with you when they don't want to be. Sorry bros but it is what it is.

>> No.19403979

S-shut up

>> No.19403999

>The incel thing is mostly White guys

>> No.19404009

I think it mainly has to do with how evidently and immediately solvable their problem seems to be to everyone’s else. It also doesn’t help that when you try to suggest said solution the deflect and discredit everything you could say with “just bee yourself” meme and such. And it also also doesn’t help that most of those who declare themselves disfigured and categorically unlovable usually look extremely average

>> No.19404021

It's human nature. We have been bred to believe no sex = loser for countless generations. External societal influences aren't taken into account in this calculation, nor necessarily should they be
>t. Incel

>> No.19404023

>usually look extremely average
the problem is women are not at all ok settling down with such men and even if they do it almost always ends up with the women cucking her average betabuxx's ass

>> No.19404030

>We have been bred to believe no sex = loser for countless generations.
since the birth of reproduction that started around 3 billion years ago?

>> No.19404033

fjnniest is thd attractive incel (me, vain)

>> No.19404036

No this is just incel self-pity. Go into the real world and outside of instagram’s models feeds and you will see that the vast majority of average looking women are married with average looking men.

>> No.19404043
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The dating market is completely dysfunctional, couple that with a dysfunctional jobs market, housing market and education and you get contemporary society.

The future is truly looking grim.

I see a lot of posts in this thread focusing on sex, as if sex is the most important thing in the world. "Just become the top 20% bro", "just talk to women and eventually you get laid bro", "just set for 5/10s bro". I would argue that the sex part is a very small part if any of the issues at hand. Sex is not something special or magical, and anyone (yes, literally anyone) can easily pay a small sum in exchange for sex, as if that would be some alchemist magical potion that suddenly cures all the problems. Obviously this is not the case and it goes deeper than just having sex.

I think this epidemic, which it is, also manifests itself in women albeit later in their lives. Women who may have a lot of sex, but then when they close in on 30 or above come to the realization that they want to start a family, only to find that no men around 30 or above have any interest in them because of their past behavior.

For men, it tends to be about feeling wanted, feeling successful, feeling like you have a place in the world, a goal to strive for, a family to take care of, a future to work towards. Men are not biologically made to be monogamous, all the biological urges tell men to inseminate women left and right, so in order to be in a relationship you have to suppress your biological needs, wants or whatever you want to call them which obviously does not come easy, mentally more than anything else. And today, many people it seems simply feel that it's not worth it. Why try to chase down some 5/10 with a massive ego that have problaby taken 50 dicks by the age of 25? "You are just mad she's having tons of sex", not at all, if she wants to take 50 dicks that is up to her, but men do not find women who sleep around to be attractive, actions have consequences.

>> No.19404045

Yes. Successful males passed on their genes. Unsuccessful ones did not. It's prehistory 101

>> No.19404046

You’re projecting

>> No.19404050

>declare themselves disfigured and categorically unlovable usually look extremely average
What a shocker, most people fall into the average category, it's almost like that's the definition of average. Women seldom marry down, sometimes sideways but mostly they marry up.

>> No.19404055

The logical conclusion of most incel trains of thoughts would end in highly moralistic trad societies -- the kind dreamed up by isis,

>> No.19404057

Because "incels" are not just people who can't get laid , they're typically nasty and bitter men who say nasty and bitter things online and have nasty and bitter attitudes shaped by a nasty and bitter ideology.

>> No.19404058

>No this is just incel self-pity.
sure m8,kek

>> No.19404064

I mean is shocking or at least let’s say surprising is the complete lack of self awareness. Noone taller than 2 meters would consider themselves short but there are plenty of extremely average to slightly good looking incels who call themselves 1/10 and 2/10

>> No.19404070
File: 45 KB, 599x482, FEAotR1VQAYmIhn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are behind the times, this has hit women too now

>> No.19404080

ITT: sex-havers condescendingly "explaining" how to get a girl to have sex with you. I'm the most interesting person i know, i have good hygiene, but i still don't know how to talk to women because i never learned, there's no recovering from that.

>> No.19404081

Have you seen the past boyfriends of your girlfriends? They’re not exactly all henry cavill

>> No.19404085

femcels=only wants chad
i really wonder how a sudden spike even happened for women .its almost as if IFS had been lurking incel forums and then end up posting this "study" just to "show" incels were wrong.It would be interesting to see the replicability of this study.

>> No.19404090

>trusting women
>trusting women when it comes to sex
Doubly bamboozled

>> No.19404091

i'm a fugly incel anon.

>> No.19404094

12 rules of cleaning your room was published in 2018. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.19404096

leftist response to the issue is why i am no longer a leftist. if "just improve yourself bro" is good enough for love and relationships then surely it's good enough for getting a good job or starting a business. stuck in a dead end job? stop being bitter and improve yourself!

>> No.19404098

What i meant is girl friends, but i suppose the answer might not change yet

>> No.19404104

Are you retarded. That’s the Conservative view.

>> No.19404108

>look extremely average
A lot of these guys are tools with zero self awareness. They don't realize that the most unattractive thing about them is this warped mentality they've adopted by immersing themselves in this repulsive and self-destructive ideology and have zero self-esteem. And they come to think of women as mindless automatons, and guess what? It turns out women don't like to be thought of that way.

I have a friend who would otherwise be biologically incapable of attracting a women--under 6ft, bad posture, no good jawline, bad skin, no high status job, with an attractive girlfriend who loves him for him. He never fell prey to this insidious and self-fulfilling ideology that only weak-minded men find appealing.

>> No.19404113

all my girl friends are single, except one and her bf is a tall fit white dude

>> No.19404114

>I have a friend who would otherwise be biologically incapable of attracting a women
according to incel thinking

>> No.19404115

>I have a friend who blah,blah
ok anon

>> No.19404116

They're mostly autistic to some degree

>> No.19404121

None of this matters, it probably will lead to terrorism in the future, like all other inequality it will be resolved with violence. You are all wasting time arguing this if you are an incel or anti-incel /thread

>> No.19404122

so you think people are entitled to sex? yikes

>> No.19404126

You cant /thread your own post you uppity peasant

>> No.19404134

no it won't for the same reason communism doesn't happen: anyone with the personal agency for such action would already be living comfortably in the current conditions. if you have the charisma to lead a sexual revolt then you already have the pull to get laid at will, and if you have the managerial skills to establish communism, you're already making big bank in silicon valley.

>> No.19404142

which one is the conservative view? there are two views there. pick one.

>> No.19404144

Why would anyone lie about this? And which is more probable: the lie or you coping?

>> No.19404147

>That’s the Conservative view.
T-that's leftism!

>> No.19404150

surprisingly good tune for being essentially an Elder Scrolls shitpost

>> No.19404151

what's leftism? what's the conservative view?

>> No.19404152

Islam will save the west

>> No.19404157

>communism doesn't happen
What are you talking about, it happened in Russia, China, and the US is now flying off a cliff now that their economy is about to hyperinflate out of control.
>muh managerial skills
Companies are about to implode, millions are quitting to the point they have to invent a new term for it, again what the fuck are talking about?

>> No.19404159

russia and china suffered coups during world wars.

>> No.19404161
File: 252 KB, 1438x957, Bezos & Meeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Successful males passed on their genes. Unsuccessful ones did not.

But success has changed dramatically across the countless generations of humanity. Being a successful man and being successful with women were perfectly congruent with each other back when we were all living as scattered tribes, and being physically strong and hyper aggressive was key to survival. That's not so much the case in the 21st century. Now, the guy whose successful in life and the guy whose successful with women can be completely seperate people. There are guys who make 6 figures and have tragic love lives while broke fuckbois can get pussy in bulk.

Jeff Bezos is one of the most successful men on Earth and still got divorced and cucked in public by Leonardo DiCaprio. Jeremy Meeks meanwhile is a convicted felon who literally beat his previous girlfriend, and he got a modeling gig and hooked up with a billionairess right after getting out of jail.

Being attractive to women and being a successful 21st century male are two different things, and guys who can do the latter but can't be the former get frustrated and wonder what's the fucking point of it all.

>> No.19404166

The United States suffered an attempted Coup at the beginning of the Year, and are either drifting towards a war with China or are about to have their Suez Crisis.

>> No.19404167

elon musk does have like 6 kids

>> No.19404169

>Why would anyone lie about this?
perhaps not,especially with ur special outlier examples my anon

>> No.19404173

>attempted coup with no guns in a country awash in guns
your brain on mass media, folks

>> No.19404178

China and Russia dont have and never had communism in the sense being described here. There was/is still a small minority of people directing the masses, not autonomous worker controlled little syndicates or whatever, which would be the corollary here. Even on the small scale it works like that, most people are wagies, a minority own businesses and stuff.

>> No.19404183

This is your brain on Classical Liberalism.

>> No.19404185

the chinese revolution was really a land reform movement lead by a nationalist warlord. forced collectivization didn't happen till a decade into the "revolution" and it was an incredible failure that eventually lead to free market reformers having to take leadership of the "communist" party.

>> No.19404187

Yes, he squared the circle. He's a successful 21st century chad. Incels would put him in their 20% or whatever. The point is that, while there are successful men who are also successful with women, being one does require being the other. So saying "successful men pass on their genes" or whatever is silly. A lot of losers with no futures get girls pregnant, and a lot of IT nerds struggle to get girlfriends.

>> No.19404193

I am never again going to argue with a tnskie about whether these states are communist. Simply not worth it. But even tnskies will agree that they never reached the state where all the workers are truly controlling their own industries and stuff, and that is what the original anon was saying as a metaphor to compare to incels uprising.

>> No.19404196

Cope harder Anarcho-kiddos, both Russia and China were and are respectively true Communism and it was and is glorious.
A Vanguardists movement will probably take over in the US while you alternative socialists seethe impotently, and maybe be executed as revisionists along the way, as you always have.

>> No.19404200

rich people don't have tons of kids in order to keep their wealth concentrated. if there were only one heir to sam walton's fortune, they would be the richest person on earth, but since he "passed on his genes" to five people, they are now each only in the top twenty richest if even that.

>> No.19404204

You didnt even read what I said. If true communism is led by a party like in USSR and China then it's not a proper example of the wagies rising up, it's not decentralized in the manner described by the anon, and is actually reinforcing his point that most people are not capable of leading and organizing such movements and organizations, they can only follow them .

>> No.19404206

Neoliberalism is the assimilation of an ever increasing number of spheres of life to the logic of the market. The logic of market scorns the poor, the ugly, the sexless, due to it's lack of value.

>> No.19404207

but you still won't have sex after the revolution, womp womp.

>> No.19404213

Because what is an incel gonna do.