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19400716 No.19400716 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it

>> No.19400722

it's shit

>> No.19400735


>> No.19400802

Druggie diary desu. What's there to get?

>> No.19400818
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>> No.19400827

Try reading it ironically

>> No.19400834

The idea linking every vignette is control. Think of the quote that goes something like "absolute control only leads to more control" or something like that.
The book is an incredible satire and hallucinatory analysis of the way that control of any kind perverts the dominant and the submissive alike.
It's just a shame that much of it reads like ass piss.

>> No.19400836

Read Nova Express or The Ticket that Exploded instead

>> No.19400845

no one does

>> No.19400878

It's just burroughs writing about how scared he is the physicians being paid to sedate his drug-addled, schizophrenic ass.

>> No.19401318

The only half-decent comment in this thread.
The commentaries on business, capital punishment and authoritarian government adequately disprove this anon.

>> No.19402061

Drug induced word salad. 1/10

>> No.19402200

best read taking everything literally, without second meaning. just enjoy it, it’s fun

>> No.19402462

Gay porn.

>> No.19402463


>> No.19402480

it's cool at first but gets tedious by the end. the movie is underrated.

>> No.19402483

You won't understand how good it is until you compare it to his earlier work, Junky. I didn't get it at first either.

>> No.19402504

I can think of two things wrong with that title

>> No.19402571

It's a nice pre-60's, pre-hippies view into how junkies and homosexuals lived back in a time and age where being either or both was a death sentence instead of being corporate sponsored for the sake of government control. It's a look into a more brutal time where they just swiped these undesirables under the carpet of the abstract label of the "underworld" and left them there to fuck and drug themselves to death, with some measure of political satire that tries to make some points, and some sci-fi just because it's fun.

>> No.19403258

Trying to read it as insightful commentary into the period or whatever misses so much of what’s good about it that I can only suppose people do it because they’ve been conditioned by reductive analyses.

It’s Burroughs’ independent vision of hell fasioned out of the worst of the worst of this world, torturing the reader with sometimes the same methods it describes, and with a pov so shifty that it gains a disembodied/mystical quality. Also it’s visibly funny, scary and creative, what don’t you get?

>> No.19403327

This book is what happens when Christianity declines. Literal Hell on earth.

>> No.19403346


Then your visa request to Interzone is declined

>> No.19403998

This sounds entertaining to me unironically. Is it too late for me?