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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 232 KB, 506x438, gjhkr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19400666 No.19400666[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The name of the board is /lit/. Literature. Not Philosophy. Not Humanities. Not Assorted Liberal Arts. Literature. You all need to fucking leave.

>> No.19400671

The only good board on 4chan is one with no posters at all Satan-kun

>> No.19400676

This thread is not about literature, please delete jannies.

>> No.19400682

This. We should only be discussing fiction here.

>> No.19400683

>Didgits 666

Christfags triggering you that hard satan?
Shitty frog poster

>> No.19400688

Meta threads are allowed as per the owner of the site.

This board might actually be good if philcucks stopped shitting it up.

>> No.19400689

Therefore please visit my lord of the rings thread and help me write fantasy fiction.

>> No.19400692
File: 233 KB, 1500x1500, a1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The name of the board is /lit/. Literature. Not Philosophy. Not Humanities. Not Assorted Liberal Arts. Literature. You all need to fucking leave.

>> No.19400694

/lit/ is the best and smartest board on this god forsaken site. It is perfect. There is nowhere else in cyberspace that compares and it will never be replicated.

>> No.19400698
File: 26 KB, 600x850, e57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>19400676 #
>Meta threads are allowed as per the owner of the site.
>>>19400671 #
>This board might actually be good if philcucks stopped shitting it up.

>> No.19400701
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>> No.19400709
File: 236 KB, 528x438, 1636851733561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The name of the board is /lit/. Literature. Not genre fiction. Not a college freshman writing workshop. Literature. You all need to fucking leave too.

>> No.19400718


No more needs to be said. Get off my board, I banish thee!

>> No.19400719

did you seriously just make these

>> No.19400729
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Begone satan

>> No.19400740
File: 152 KB, 178x188, 1620857400110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a problem with offf-topic threads
>decides not to report off-topic threads
>instead decides to make an off-topic thread complaining about said off-topic threads
every time

>> No.19400762
File: 135 KB, 700x490, v28TvMX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I've had these downloaded for a while; they're classic gems that should be apart of every intellectual's söyjak files.

>> No.19400786

Fuck you
post your book or shut the fuck up

>> No.19400793

this. if you can't write, you don't understand what you read.

>> No.19400814
File: 79 KB, 600x600, 1587687268515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to act as a big tent of humanities and social science discussion to keep fertile young minds away from STEMophiles. How else will we balance the malign influence of /sci/ and /g/ on this site?

>> No.19400825

Is there a platonic ideal form of /lit/ ?

No, there is not. It's a catch-all category, that has no boundaries but for those imposed by that ephemeral ever-changing figure weighed down by corruption that tradition calls the ... janny.

>> No.19400846

I wouldn't mind the humanities souch if specific texts were cited. Most of the time it's a vague "how do you feel about this topic?"

>> No.19400855
File: 25 KB, 315x450, Azazel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satanic opinion if I ever saw one.

>> No.19400862

>I want to talk about books without talking about ideas

wow.... these pages are so smooth...... and the binding..................

>> No.19400867

>goes to a public restroom
>surprised it smells like shit

>> No.19400870


>> No.19400872

I'm a published writer of literary fiction who hates the industry and everything it stands for. You all need to fucking leave.

>> No.19400874

the esoteric and religion guys need their own board. also, philosophy should only be allowed if it's related to literary theory. random autism about truth or states or any other not literature shit needs to go.

>> No.19400880

Philosophy ruined this board

>> No.19400897

t. archon who wants to split up one of the last bastions for sensitive young men on the internet

i want to murder faggots who still care about off-topic threads on the internet in 2021 almost as bad as pedophiles. it's that bad

>> No.19400901

If you haven't realized this is an Islamic mysticism board that ironically engages in literary discussions, you've really not paid any attention since 2018, and you need to fucking leave.

>> No.19400910
File: 506 KB, 500x728, 1636788808520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literature is bound in the human experience. Therefore, we must welcome all forms of experience as within of literature's purview.

>> No.19400925

Hell is a world where everyone is a writer.
Its why everything is mega retarded these days. Value the pure reader anon, They will inherit the earth

>> No.19400930

Literature is an irrelevant art form that is not worth discussing.

>> No.19400946

Off-topic threads are fine but not when they're every fucking thread and the actual point of the board becomes lost.

>> No.19400949

Certainly not /pep/ - Pepe

>> No.19400964

you are a just a schizo playing pretend

>> No.19400966

>Therefore; blowjacks forcing elven anime girls to eat their cum = literature

Retard is you.

>> No.19400968


>> No.19400980

My image has nothing to do with my words. It was only there to guarantee you'd read it.

>> No.19400986

> Le forced trip-tranny lingo
Looks like you might be more retarded than the animefag, anon. Good job.

>> No.19400993

>derails thread with xxx smut
>hides behind religious rhetoric meme.

>> No.19401007

please leave you fucking retard, you don't know what makes 2021 /lit/ magical, even after the flood of election tourists and bussin bussin zoomers. I seriously want to strangle you. post your address

>> No.19401011

Dilate, tranny sniffer.

>> No.19401021

>literature board
>looks at pictures
you're unequivocally the biggest retard here

>> No.19401024
File: 311 KB, 651x395, 4DD376F4-33C7-4BEA-85B8-1FCCCBFC96EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19401033

this is an anime board you litlet

>> No.19401046

See? >>19401033 even this guy doesn’t get your retarded post. Stop posting porn here, frogboy

>> No.19401066
File: 771 KB, 2345x1319, 1636028304118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one thing to criticize the image and focus on that instead of the message, but then to double back and say "this is an anime board" to the nigga that posted it?
Pure pseudo-intellectuals. Literature is bound in humanity. Therefore, literature is also a humanities board. Fuck off and stop bitching about people discussing the humans behind the words.

>> No.19401075

this is 4chan-nel
anime is welcome everywhere

>> No.19401089

It also known as hentai. Is that welcome here too?

>> No.19401090

how many layers of schizophrenia is this?

>> No.19401100

yes you can post perverted images
the jannies are not 4chan

>> No.19401101

who are you quoting?

>> No.19401112

I have absolutely no idea what point this cartoon is supposed to be making. Is it a parody of bad political cartoons?

>> No.19401146

its a parody of leftist identity politic cartoons that label everything telling you what to think

>> No.19401155

No tard. This is a blue board. Isn’t that the split even? “4channel” are the blue boards?
You’ve bot a bowl of semen in this thread right now on a blue board.

>> No.19401170

what are they gonna do? ban you? what a pussy

>> No.19401194

It's true. I got published when I was nineteen years old. Doesn't stop me from hating modern literature and everyone involved with it.

>> No.19401285

>Meta threads are allowed as per the owner of the site.
This has been revoked. You have to go to /qa/ now.

>> No.19401432

I am so glad /qa/ is dead.

>> No.19401441


>> No.19401442

/qa/ doesn't exist anymore

>> No.19402801

/his/ is more cringe than /pol/ so no

>> No.19402823

Listen up Satan, there are dozens of thread that are completely off-topic. The board would be terribly empty without philosophy or religion talk. What do you even wanna talk about in place of this shit, the latest feminist tranny YA novel?

>> No.19403609

At the very least philosophy threads should be about the interpretation of particular philosophical texts using direct textual evidence. Most of the people posting in philo threads now don't read.

>> No.19403610

Hello newfag

>> No.19404309

shut up newfag you leave

>> No.19404346

Hello, pot? Kettle calling.

>> No.19404351

The thread that saved /lit/ from itself.

>> No.19404368
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>> No.19404384

so you want this board to be reduced to
>opinion on x???
>picked up x what am i in for???
>post stack!!!

>> No.19404389
File: 225 KB, 832x637, FDm9hm7WYAInjDW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close thy Guenon, open thy Austen

>> No.19404394

Maybe if the rationalists leave we'll finally be able to have threads about books.
>just read this, here are some of my favorite quotes
>this is what I thought about it and why, how about you, anons?
>what is the text trying to say here?

>> No.19405537

What about literature that deals with those topics

>> No.19405984

/lit/ needs more shitposts and you know it

>> No.19406393

I'm going to go make a hitchiker's guide thread because fuck you.