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19397440 No.19397440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are anime girls the platonic form of ideal women?

>> No.19397469

This is what I unironically thought when I was 14. Even got into an argument with a friend over it

>> No.19397484

they're closer insofar as anime girls are created using the mental faculties rather than the perceptual ones; ie we perceive some beings in the real world as women, as opposed to beings created to be womanly in anime

anime girls are plural, platonic forms are singular, so ultimately no.

>> No.19397485


>> No.19397512
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Men conjure up all of these "ideal" women in anime, literature, and video games that are so unlike real women that they may as well be an alien species. I watched Elfen Lied with my cousin once and thought it was absolutely vile. Every female was like a virginal child. I've had sex with dozens of men but that doesn't make me any less valuable, and then anime comes along like the second coming of religion and puts all of these prudish ideas in the heads of young boys

>> No.19397515

Just look at them.

>> No.19397522

Platonic form of radicalising incels into pedophiles.

>> No.19397530

Not sure, many of them don't even have noses.

>> No.19397532
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The understanding I used to have, is that anime girls are an ideal expression of how we (humans) want to express the female form. That real woman are a fundamentally flawed version of woman, and that anime girls are our expression of how we want them to look and behave. However, under a platonic metaphysical system, this is actually the opposite of the case. Anime girls are actually a further degradation of the ideal female form.

Plato's world of perfect forms is essentially the highest (most Godly) realm. Everything that reflects a form and manifests in our lower reality is an incomplete copy of that perfect original. Because we humans are also imperfect creatures, nothing we create or conceive of can ever be above us. Meaning everything we create is a further degradation of the original form. Since we ourselves only have an incomplete appreciation of a form, seeing it through the flawed lens of reality. When we create, we are basing things off of that incomplete image. Because anime girls are created by us, it means that they are an expression of our flawed conception of woman.

Anime girls are an even further degradation of the ideal (ineffable) platonic form of woman than real 3D woman are. Under Plato's metaphysical system it would look like this:
Platonic form of woman > Real woman (which to some degree reflect God's image) > Anime woman (which reflect man's image, not God's)

>> No.19397535

No, but they're much closer than actual women will ever be, which makes it falling i love with them to be a higher calling.
Silence hole.

>> No.19397557
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>> No.19397561

anime girls are a dialectic on the form of women, saying anime is a further degradation of the form of woman is like saying thought is a degradation of perception

>> No.19397562

Here is your choice:
a) You failed to build a meaningful relationship with dozens of partners.
b) You are a whore.

>> No.19397569

>I've had sex with dozens of men but that doesn't make me any less valuable
Yes it does lmao
You’re mad because you were presented with an ideal that you couldn’t hope to live up to

>> No.19397581

I see what you're saying, but if our thought is derived from our perceptions of imperfect reflections, then our creations will likewise also be tainted.

>> No.19397583


You all fell for the most transparent bait in this thread

>> No.19397634

Maybe for millennials but you would be surprised what zoomer women believe, they're growing up with so much overconfidence in the era of online dating and "simping" that a lot of them really do believe stuff like this.

>> No.19397673

They believe it because its correct
Anime has turned an entire generation of men into addlebrained coomers

>> No.19397680

yes especially the succubus type, who have to live off your coom

>> No.19397686

>no no no this bait is actually just like real life!!!

>> No.19397697

>but if our thought is derived from our perceptions of imperfect reflections
it isn't though, at least under plato's metaphysics of the soul, we have knowledge of the platonic realm, and can grasp at it through rational thought, which is the point of philosophy according to plato

consider seeing 3 apples, you become aware, or in platos words remember the form of 3, logical exploration on the form of 3 and other numbers leads you to mathematics. Anime is the same in the sense that we put the form of woman, that we come to remember from our perceptual faculties, in hypothetical and abstract situations to further our understanding of the form of woman

bad anime in this sense would be anime that doesnt actually elucidate anything about the form of woman, and even misportrays it such that it leaves a false image (or a false belief in philosophical dialectics) in our mind

>> No.19397700

Yes. That’s the point of bait. It has to be borderline indistinguishable for something that’s backed up by reality, the validity of which backup we cannot verify.

>> No.19397774

Thanks for the thought out response, I think you've convinced me

>> No.19397777
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Dilate, paedophiles.

>> No.19397831
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We all know nothing can reach the beauty of the bri'ish woman, William. VGH.

>> No.19397839

You can’t fool me, that’s Stephen Fry with a blond wig

>> No.19398114


>> No.19398207

If the girl isn't hot and virgin, I wont even bother marrying her.

>> No.19398229

A platonic ideal is really just a hypothetical super-stimulus. It would perfectly trigger whatever classifying algorithm exists in a particular persons brain.

>> No.19398232

Yes, unironically.

>> No.19398235

Imagine the smell

>> No.19398241

The solution is simple
don't watch k-on

>> No.19398251

Why do weebs exist? Or even simps? Why? Why?

>> No.19398265

Industrial Rev -> Breakdown of agrarian social contructs -> New ones not yet formed -> escapism to ideals

>> No.19398272

>modern women lie to men saying it's alright to be soft and overly emotional, silently making men less attractive to them
>modern men lie to women saying it's alright to sleep around with a lot of people and be overly sexually adventurous, silently making women less attractive to them

Why do we do this?

>> No.19398356

That’s what OP said, the platonic form of the ideal woman, i.e. the loli

>> No.19398363

I think to suggest so would show a fundament misunderstanding of what a platonic form is, as funny as it might be.

>> No.19398368

capitalism and the marketization of sex

>> No.19398567

Women hold sexual power over men.
This has been the norm since the dawn of humanity.
Maybe amplified with modern technology, but still the same concept.

>> No.19398635

The female equivalent to males who like anime women. Would be a woman who is in their 20s still masturbating to Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid or Aladdin. If we were being serious about the age issues here it would be more like a woman in her 20s getting turned on by Andy from Toy Story. This is how most adult women view men who are turned on by younger anime characters. I have seen porn that is animated in where the characters have adult forms and their sole purpose is to exist as a sexual stimulant. That I can understand why men would find that attractive. But liking the female anime characters that look like childish Disney characters is not just weird it’s mental. Developmental issues in American society are real and should be given serious attention.

>> No.19398653

>Little Mermaid or Aladdin, Toy Story.
these comparisons to western animation never work
the above are commodities aimed specifically at children whereas anime is aimed specifically at adolescents

>> No.19398733

shit tests to weed out the unworthy

>> No.19398761
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>which makes it falling i love with them to be a higher calling.
You give the average waifufag too much credit. The word love also makes things more difficult. What kind of love? Erotic if they jerk off to them, but that's no virtue, doesn't seem like love, and they're hardly waifufags when the criteria becomes "I masturbate to this character more than any other". Platonic? Maybe, once in a blue moon.

>> No.19399119

I would never "jerk off" to my waifu, she's too pure for that.

>> No.19399145

They are more like cave drawings, cavemen dreaming of fighting big furry mammoths and fugging thicc venuses and crudely drawing their desires on the walls with blood and dirt.

>> No.19399178

Personality-wise, yes. But physically they are too pointy and bony.

>> No.19399185

No you've heard it wrong. Waifus exist as platonic forms.

My waifu exists as an Idea. She really exists somewhere in the realm of forms. The meaning of life is to contemplate this form. This is why I get up every morning. This is why I don't blow my face off with a shotgun.

>> No.19399194
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>I've had sex with dozens of men but that doesn't make me any less valuable

>> No.19399198

Gayest post i've read today, congratulations anon

>> No.19399216

Blessed post

>> No.19399248

She’s absolutely right, pedo Joe.