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/lit/ - Literature

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19391715 No.19391715 [Reply] [Original]

What is it with /lit/ and this guy? Why do I always see him on here? What are his books like?

>> No.19391721

He's a novelist and cultural commentator. He's the author of two novels and one volume of short stories. This is a literature board, naturally some have taken an interest in his work.

>> No.19391738

He is like 19 and /lit/ likes to make fun of him

>> No.19391745

he's an effeminate asian boy. he's got a youtube channel and an onlyfans. this is a closeted gay board, naturally all of us would like to stretch out his pink little arsehole.

>> No.19391747

He cute. I'm starting to see why Socrates chose to hang around with intelligent young twinks all day.

>> No.19391751

This guy gets it

>> No.19391759
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i want to rape him

>> No.19391761


>> No.19391767


>> No.19391772
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>> No.19391773


>> No.19391775
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>> No.19391782



>> No.19391800
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a literary genius

>> No.19391886
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BREAKING: Dakota Warren comments on Waldun's latest video requesting a crossover

>> No.19391895

his formatting is just as bad as his proses. ugly to look at even before you begin to read

>> No.19391900

How'd he publish without even fixing typos lol. The tone is all off it's like he published the first draft

>> No.19392007
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You all are so damn creepy. Give him a break. I just think he's cute and want to be his mom. Make sure he's doing alright. If he's into milfs that'd be better.

>> No.19392097

can u become my mommy gf instead?

>> No.19392128

He's younger, more popular, and presents smarter than me.

Naturally, I detest him and desire to know nothing about him, keeping a shallow understanding so that I can say "talentless hack" if I see his face. I can hide in delusion and spit hatred at him. The propaganda machine has not protected him from hatred with the accolades of academics. I am safe to maintain my view.

>> No.19392130

She's literally my dream gf.

>> No.19392133
File: 34 KB, 480x480, 2048x2730-meg-ryan-screen-orgasm-43-jpg-bc930fbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gawhhh, I'm cumming.

>> No.19392143

That's part of it, but a lot of people do unironically just want to fuck him.

>> No.19392153

"You write like ass, sir". I was, did Timur just. Nevermind.
Ever since I was in fifth grade my bitch of a progressive teacher told me that I should use more of my right brain. "Make it flow. This is your stream of consciousness, how you think is how you live, this is where night meets day, your inner world meets with reality."
Yeah little Waldoon you are a very smart boy. Your parents made a right choice to enroll you in this private establishment. I'm gonna teach you, a-la-liberal-art style. Hmmmmm? You're gonna write like Thoreau, yeah? The one who said to suck the marrow out of life, yeah that motherfucker. You will make your audience, yes, yes you will, feel your reality. They will see it in front of them. Yes WALDOON, WRITE MORE, STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS. They are the nectar of l'academia, of intellectuality. Fucking Timur didn't know he is talking to, the one and only Waldoon- God of self-aware literature. Hmm yes, Timur. I forgive you.
"Haha Timur would you... like to give me a like and... hit the bell icon?"
"That, I can do. Sir Waldun."

>> No.19392183
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/lit/ likes to meme on Waldun because is so very young and naive its adorable. Like a little kid who is spending his first Thanksgiving sitting at the grown-ups table.

>> No.19392245
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>> No.19392260
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Holy shit, it's true. How much do you want to bet she comes on to him and it leads to his coming out?

>> No.19392268

as others have said before, they go to the same university and both do literature right? they must know each other in real life and this all but confirms it.

>> No.19392272

I would fuck and chuck Waldun.

>> No.19392278

I'm pretty sure he only takes one sip and he winces after. He's adorable.

>> No.19392294

Imagine being in a seminar class with them.

>> No.19392533

the absolute state

>> No.19392552
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>> No.19392560

Dakota bros...we have to save her. We must warn her about Waldun and the bad luck this will bring. I fear if she visits Waldun, her soon to be published poetry collection will flop.

>> No.19392564

Haven't watched much of him, but he's a good speaker and physically attractive, I can see why he would have female followers.

His commentary doesn't appeal me. He strikes me as a young pretentious person trying to pose as critic of fine arts.

>> No.19392566

10/10 would love and fuck.

>> No.19392601

Holy shit. That guy is the biggest fucking pseud I've ever seen or heard. Just when you think he's said the most pretentious/retarded thing he could possibly say he fucking tops himself. Poor young and impressionable Waldun.

>> No.19392622


>> No.19392625


Its all so artificial its viscerally disgusting

And when that other retard tries to explain how hes into literature without actually reading.

"You can read a book without reading it"

>> No.19392633
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>"That's why when you read Hemingway, you can tell this guy is bringing to the page what his body brought to him in the moments that he lived."
Waldun is giving him fuck-eyes and playing with his hair.

>> No.19392736


>> No.19392750

Dakota Chads, should we make her aware of her stardom on /lit/? I noticed in her latest tiktok she doxxed the instagram of one of you losers for sending her a creepy voice audio.

>> No.19392771

FYI OP, his books are huge steaming piles of garbage. They're self-indulgent to the point that they reveal Waldun's narcissism in thinking he is the NEXT BIG WRITER. They are YA novels, but they can't even reach those levels due to Waldun's inabilty to coherently edit a text or to cohesivelt construct a plot. The sad part is he still holds the delusion of being the next Hemingway or Kerouac even after it's been pointed out how poorly written and grammatically incorrect his writing is.

>> No.19392783

You'll never be a woman

>> No.19392788

Some asshole reduced the quality of the source PDF so yes it looks like shit but that is not walduns doing.

>> No.19392808

sir... please... do the needful

>> No.19393045

So sick of the retarded incels that orbit around people like this

>> No.19393612
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god this is fucking painful, it's so obvious neither really know what they're talking about, it's just a pretentious approximation. second hand behaviours of what they think makes a personality, they talk for twenty minutes yet still say nothing.

>> No.19393763
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>> No.19393767

> What are his books like?

>> No.19394229

You'll notice a different attitude towards Waldun coming from creators and consumers.

Consumers tend to hate Waldun because every consumer sees themselves as a potential creator. Ask anyone you know, and they'll all have an idea for a movie or a novel. It's a bit like that Steinbeck quote, "There aren't any boring people in America, just undiscovered geniuses." Kind of like how everyone who works in a restaurant has a vague plan of one day owning their own restaurant. And so in the world of *cultural* capital, Waldun represents a Trump-like figure. Trump is a poor person's idea of a rich person. Waldun is a pretentious idiot's idea of a literary prodigy. Much like the proto-restauranteur envisions himself winning a loyal customer base with fair prices and quality food (as opposed to the false advertising of the fast food conglomerates or the pretentious nonsense of the gourmet bistros), the proto-writer envisions himself winning a loyal audience with quality prose and genuine insight as opposed to gimmicky pandering. And since he realizes its beyond him to do that, he never really gets started creating, kind of like when the dishwasher goes online and googles "how to start a restaraunt" and loses his momentum when he starts to see how much paperwork and money is involved. And so they see someone like Waldun who doesn't recognize his own limitations, blundering forward and somehow blindly striking the right notes to gain an audience despite utterly lacking talent (I'm talking strictly about his youtube literary analysis here, obviously his books have all fallen flat) and they feel compelled to expose the scam.

Creators, on the other hand, like Frank Gardner and the guy who does The Book Club youtube channel, and on a much, much smaller scale someone like myself, who is working on their third unpublished novel manuscript but who has spent fifteen years submitting work to public scrutiny, tend to see him differently. Because we understand that the people who do things, even if they do them poorly, are the ones who really matter. Not just in writing, but in life. If Mom is the one paying for the groceries and cooking dinner, it doesn't matter if the kids think Hamburger Helper is boring. Because the kids don't understand what kind of work and self-sacrifice is required to put any kind of dinner on the table. That's not to say that you can't possibly criticize a novel unless you've written one, I'm just saying if you had written one, you would understand how much focus and patience is required just to put 60-100k words on the page, regardless of consistent characterization and natural dialogue and fully-integrated internal thought processes. And if you understood that, you'd understand that any college student anywhere managing to accomplish that is an act which should be congratulated before you start pointing out the flaws in his work.

>> No.19394257

Correct and anti ressentiment pilled

>> No.19394349

its like listening to Shakespeare and Homer talk about literature

>> No.19394465
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Stop plagiarizing Baudelaire.

>> No.19394483

Literally who?

>> No.19394601

I agree with the idea that Waldun possesses a certain amount of courage and that he has put in a lot of work towards his novels, but saying that that gives him some immunity to criticism is wrong. It's not a matter of the consistency of his characterisation or his natural dialogue, the biggest issues with Waldun (and one of the reasons people really dislike his novels) are the technical errors. Waldun's novels are filled with grammatical, syntactical, and punctuation errors. If he were just some guy who wrote a middling YA dystopia novel with a self-insert protagonist then he would just be writing any YA novel. The fact that he writes so poorly on a technical level is what people are interested in. Going back to your "mom" analogy, you're right in saying that it doesn't matter if the kids don't like hamburger helper because they don't understand what it took for mom to put food on the table. But in this case mom isn't saying that she is a prodigal chef and that hamburger helper is her recipe that she has been carefully crafting for years and is finally ready to put it out there and become the next Gordon Ramsay (or whoever someone with more culinary expertise than me would liken to the Joyce of cooking), it's a modest meal that she has made while recognising her limitations. Waldun acts in his videos like a learned person and wrote a self-insert character that was a budding literary genius that was praised by the people around him. There isn't any humility until after he is outed as a poor writer. If this was limited to his first novel then it wouldn't matter, but he received criticism and then failed to improve in any way in his second novel even after receiving criticism. If his only his first books were flawed in this way then I would 100% agree with you. But the fact that he failed to improve in any way and that he made the exact same mistakes in his second book is what makes him such a poor writer. I don't hat Waldun by the way. I think he is a middling booktuber who wrote two bad novels and I think he is a pretentious college student who will inevitably grow out of all this. I think all of the hatred a lot of people fell towards him is odd and possibly rooted in jealousy and I think the sexual stuff is weird.

As a side-note: It certainly doesn't help Waldun's case that he acts like such a [pretentious person in his videos. The guys is like 21 and is having a conversation about Hemingway with some dude who doesn't even read over a glass of whiskey which he doesn't even enjoy. It's just such a strange way to act and doesn't lend any help to his problem.

>> No.19394777
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Some lame college kid whos larps he's an English lit professor, spews basic surface level analysis, and wrote a book and got his ass draaaaaged for it because of it was garbage and full of errors.

Have you ever seen an author pull a book off the market and apologize for it being so bad?

Literal case of some overeager college midwit reading Crime and Punishment and thinking he's had some major epiphany that extends to all of literature.

>> No.19394797

I had an epiphany when reading Crime and Punishment. Felt there was a God and it was unnatural to sin and our consciences are from God

>> No.19394887

>wrote a book
Anon, do I have some news for you. Not only was that Waldun's second self-published novel, but it was worse than his first novel in the sense that he didn't improve at all with the second novel. Literally the exact same thing happened with his first novel. He apologized for it being so bad, and then pulled it from Amazon.

>> No.19395107


>> No.19395135


Yes his career is off to a brilliant start.

>> No.19395145

>Why do I always see him on here?
Because he shills himself on here fucking constantly. His books look too pseud for me to be interested in them; at least when Gardner was constantly shilling his shit it was fun for the shitpost value.

>> No.19395846

Waldun mentions Dave Sedaris constantly. Aside from the obvious connection to the HH (aside, Sedaris's boyfriend has the initials HH), why do you think he likes him so much? Is he actually decent? I've never read anything by him but I remember that book with the van Gogh painting being in every used bookstore, sometimes there were dozens of them, I went to for like 4 years.

>> No.19395892

I hate Booktube (with the exception of a very few channels) and I especially can't stand Waldun and Waldun threads. So much banality that I'm convinced Booktube and /lit/-BT sycophants are just caught up in a meme (in the sense of the original technical definition by Dawkins). So many words, yet nothing actually said.

>> No.19395902

waldun has this weird misshapen angular boxfish porcelain gook head that looks very out of placed dressed up as movie professor rather than a rice farmer. He also has the ability to find and organize hyper-pretentious people to make videos with, that's why people are interested I thought

>> No.19395934

i enjoyed sedaris when i read him
can’t remember a damn thing beyond that

>> No.19395940

Waldun watched that Netflix series about the Jewish Lesbian New York Witch that looks like a man. Fran something or other. I think the old crone namedrops Sedaris in the Netflix series, and that's where Waldun discovered him, and it's because that mannish-looking Donna Tart Jewish golem namedropped him.

>> No.19395967 [DELETED] 

trying to be a publishing industry influencer by spamming your youtube channel on /lit/ is a really dumb way to try to make a buck.

>> No.19396015

>Fran Lebowitz
She's fucking terrible--she's always described as being extremely witty but her jokes are always so fucking obvious; she also leans so fucking hard on "I'm Jewish, I'm from New York!" Just seeing her face makes my eyes roll back into my head. If she wasn't so fucking weird looking she wouldn't have a career--she isn't quirky at all, just contrived, and is only mistaken so because she's a little troll.

Aside, faggots and basic bitch hipsters love her for some reason so this completely tracks.

>> No.19396025

>Walduns favorite author
>Found out about him through Fran Lebowitz (>>19395940)
>Anon can only say I liked it when I read it but don't remember anything
Yeah, that's going to be a pass.

>> No.19396090

It's like a melting potato. It's quite uncanny and horrifying.

>> No.19396103

The prose is wattpad level holy fuck. I did not expect someone like him to be so tone deaf

>> No.19396185

>What is it with /lit/ and this guy?
Young, dumb, full of cum, without the filter stopping him from putting his modest hat in the ring. It's a literary lolcow, but with unimpeachable naivete and sincerity of a dilettante motivated purely by passion -- the antipode of, say, something like "Selfie, Suicide"

>Frank Gardner and the guy who does The Book Club youtube channel, and on a much, much smaller scale someone like myself, who is working on their third unpublished novel manuscript but who has spent fifteen years submitting work to public scrutiny, tend to see him differently. Because we understand that the people who do things, even if they do them poorly, are the ones who really matter. Not just in writing, but in life. If Mom is the one paying for the groceries and cooking dinner, it doesn't matter if the kids think Hamburger Helper is boring. Because the kids don't understand what kind of work and self-sacrifice is required to put any kind of dinner on the table. That's not to say that you can't possibly criticize a novel unless you've written one
A fair take. There are any number of persons of similar ability that get railroaded through as clients of the Publishing Houses for serving some propagandist or social engineering end that get a pass for being in alignment with Them, yet not Walduns who haven't figured out or simply won't adapt themselves to 'the market'.

He's every over-enthusiastic undergrad with literary asperations. People will have different reactions according to how much cringe that induces in themselves, how much that resembles past or present selves.

>Have you ever seen an author pull a book off the market and apologize for it being so bad?
Has more integrity than most, and most contemporary literature shouldn't be brought to market in the first place. The decline of readership in a necrotic West and subsequent rise in prices muh carbon taxes should help filter the disposable trash eventually

>> No.19396218
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>don't compliment my hair, figure, ass
wasn't gonna.

>> No.19396269
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>> No.19396274
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Which way would you swipe?

>> No.19396285
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His next will be his magnum opus--just you fuckers wait.

>> No.19396295
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>> No.19396299

I am blind, I love her for her mind.

>> No.19396307
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Big-boned and bendy. Not my type but probably worth a try.

>> No.19396308

This describes 99% of people who have ever been to college. I call them "meme bags"

>> No.19396313
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>> No.19396370
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>The decline of readership in a necrotic West and subsequent rise in prices should help filter the disposable trash eventually
Anon, I...


>> No.19396442

>I don't read books but I'd read whatever you recommend me
>norwegian wood
it's like a joke

>> No.19396860

asians don't have pink arseholes, its why white femboys and twinks are superior. asians have "anal discoloration" that makes their buttholes and dicks dark colored, while white guys have pink glans and assholes.

>> No.19396898

I read that in the comedy Captain Kirk/Zapp Brannigan voice.

>> No.19396914


>> No.19397136

>and want to be his mom.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19397144
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>> No.19397571

Is this what fitlit looks like?

>> No.19397627

>don't compliment my looks
Is she aware that she means the opposite of what she says?

>> No.19397758
File: 261 KB, 698x465, consum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to live a fitlit life, but today I opted for Nutella and Sunday morning waldunchad insights


>> No.19397775


>> No.19397783

I kek'd at this picture.

>> No.19398647
File: 1.34 MB, 859x914, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhhh waldunhaters??? i thought he was supposed to be short???

>> No.19399140


>> No.19399183

quick rundown on this fellow?

>> No.19399250

Aussie chink booktuber who got a following of teenage girls by leaning heavily into the dark academia fad. Fancies himself a renaissance man with complete sincerity and lack of self awareness. You may find it endearing or cringe depending on your sensibility, but there is nothing to gain from watching any if his videos.
Got a small but dedicated following I this board when someone leaked his first novel which was embarrassingly bad, and when the second one came out a couple of months ago there were a series of threads that ripped that apart too

>> No.19399311

Oh look, a woman with no practical life skills. How surprising.

>> No.19399340

>He said on a board meant to celebrate the arts

Why are you here? Cocks, right? You love the cocks. Knew it.

>> No.19399386
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that may be true but asians make much better femboys, and trannies for that matter. theyre the race with males most accustomed to become females. asian shemales are underrated, and no i dont just mean the thai ones.

>> No.19399419

He somehow catalyzes the autistic zoomers on this board. Activates them so to speak. There's typically no rhyme or reason to such fixations when it comes to autists. There is evidence that the fascination is partly sexual. They probably fancy him a "femboy trap" or something.

>> No.19399428

But he's a trash one. Can't you find a better one?

Well what do ya know

>> No.19399444

>Can't you find a better one?
Could you point to a funnier one? I don't think so. Have you seen this shit

>> No.19399472
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ummmmm can you be my mommy instead?? hahaha please?

>> No.19399608

stairs, look at the legs of other dude

>> No.19399633

>this is a closeted gay board
i swear, every board on 4chan is closeted gay board.

>> No.19399681

/lgtb/ isn't closeted

>> No.19399729

he circed or uncirced?

>> No.19400210


>> No.19400231

instead of trying to add mystique to Melbourne, he should write about China and how his Grandma was abandoned on a mountain

>> No.19400246

dogs waiting for his snack ;)

>> No.19400247
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>> No.19400267


>> No.19400280
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Post moar.

>> No.19400295

What fucking race is he?

>> No.19400533

The Man of History and his progression was the one decent aspect of L'ACADEMIE. At this point he is somewhat humanized, revealing his name, but still essentially a fact regurgitation machine. It's not till later that this student of the French Revolution truly rebels against the system. I'm very excited to see his portrayal by Nicholas Cage in the upcoming movie adaptation.

>> No.19401449


>> No.19402633

His fashion sense is cringe as fuck.

>> No.19403164

He could pull it of if he was white

>> No.19403359
File: 413 KB, 750x742, 25E84B04-12F7-4652-8BE6-553A8238DE40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waldunbros… did he seriously photoshop smoke coming out of his mouth in his latest Instagram photo? He’s not even holding a cigarette.


>> No.19403366

Maybe it's very cold

>> No.19403372
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>> No.19403430

i think he's holding a vape

>> No.19403534

The prose is fucking cringe wtf I hate him now.

>> No.19403539
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>> No.19403541


>> No.19403544


>> No.19403684
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>> No.19403743

kek how short is this fella?

>> No.19403758


>> No.19403949


>> No.19403950

That’s even worse than that photoshopping smoke to look cool honestly.

>> No.19404257
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>> No.19404265 [DELETED] 

this dude is so corny lmao

>> No.19404271

bro wtf are you doing bud.... guy.... dude... wtf

>> No.19404279

someone post the pic of him jerking it on the museum stairs

>> No.19404608


>> No.19404705

Wtf, I thought Australia was white?

>> No.19404720

Waldun's hands and arms are so damn soft and pudgy. There's no muscle definition at all. I feel bad for him

>> No.19405160

you want to force you anus on him?

>> No.19405174

He is the deified personification of the quintessential /lit/izen.

>> No.19405367

Waldun definitely gay.

>> No.19405374

I would impregnate. She seems kind of crazy though, so maybe not.

>> No.19405536

is this real?

>> No.19405695
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, dobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it in Dobby's voice from

>> No.19405740


>> No.19406062

Nah he's like 21-23 or something, he goes to my uni and he's been there a while

>> No.19406113

He transferres to that Uni one year ago, and the year before that was his first year. He's 20 max.

>> No.19406133


>> No.19406212

this is the guy people want to groom? lmao hes so ugly and masculine in this pic and also needs to lose weight. skull is way to masculine. He only looks good in pics that hide it and focus on his lard filled cheeks.

>> No.19406283


poor puppy

>> No.19406290

A large chunk of people talking about him being sexy is ironic. It's also (sometimes) being done mockingly in regard to how analysis of his writing and behaviour lends itself to the homosexual hypothesis (HH).

>> No.19406384

across her throat.

>> No.19407228
File: 401 KB, 1418x3050, 98E24CB8-2AB2-43E1-80A8-9206D9486E07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19407368

i matched with her on a dating app, and I was considering a meet-up due to the meme potential, but then I realised that letting this fkn website inform my behaviour and effect other people would officially be too far and a sign to end it all. so lol

>> No.19407380

how embarrassing

>> No.19407487

missed opportunity anon. pull yourself together and fuck her already. goddamn.

>> No.19407793


>> No.19408701

>I could've fucked Dakota Warren
>but I didn't
Why? Are you some sort of faggot? Why even swipe on her if you had no intentions? That's something a woman would do. Are you a woman? Or just a faggot?

>> No.19409401

This shota boys are for older girls not ugly faggots on 4chan

>> No.19410607
File: 805 KB, 835x1364, 1605551127459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, from his first book The Disguise of Learnedness

>> No.19410617

always gets me

>> No.19410625

/lit/ is full of repressed homosexuals.
His books are mediocre, derivative ESL trash only serving to jerk off his ego as he LARPs as an avant-garde intellectual in fucking Australia of all places.

>> No.19410671

anyone in the xixth century could have written this? it would be more proper in fact. whats the point? is it just me or he is too much into this larp?

>> No.19410688

any book written about how this generation is full of larping with those extracts of walduns discord would be 100times better than whatever hes attempting.

>> No.19410692


this thread again

>> No.19410825

Waldun isnt making any hard work like the mom of your analogy. He is an intelligent young person who entered college but had no discipline to do boring stuff in his stem course (which is all stem courses for 95 percent of the people there) so he went to a lit course, where he can still keep the intelligence status but not be bored and explore his mental images. So, writing books for him is not boring, its his passion. So, not really too much hard work. But, what you said abou the restaurant workers is quite well put,

>He's every over-enthusiastic undergrad with literary asperations. People will have different reactions according to how much cringe that induces in themselves, how much that resembles past or present selves.

>> No.19411317

real screenshot with cc turned on

>> No.19411374

>Also, in my humble opinion, Art also
Why the second also? Actually writes like a stereotypical ESL lmao.

>> No.19412584

Who is this faggot and why do pseuds shill him so much?

>> No.19412868

I don't care about this guy, I just want to say Fuck Australia.

>> No.19413060

It makes so much more sense that way.

>> No.19413329
File: 41 KB, 294x527, Screenshot_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's happening bros. our boy waldun is gonna smash that booktuber pussy.

>> No.19413338

But what about his girlfriend?

>> No.19413375

his girlfriend will beat her hands bloody, weeping, pounding on the locked door of the room where waldun is busy excavating the uterus of his new mistress. her screams will intermingle with the shrieks of his wife, building to a cacophony of pain and pleasure which makes waldun ejaculate, intantly impregnating dakota with his virile asiatic spunk. after he's done he will exit, and allow his sobbing mess of a wife to lick the blood from his hands, immediately proceeding to his study, half naked, to finish penning a letter to his mother informing her that he will not be coming to visit her in vietnam this christmas. his

>> No.19413404

I like how there are just people walking behind him at some points just all nonchalantly like nothing is going on

>> No.19413427

Ok waldun

>> No.19413502

, says Waldun's publisher, stepping over his weeping girlfriend and entering his office. "Sales of L'Academie are through the roof. The readers are eating that shit up quicker than the french cream puffs at the your new cafe chain, 'The Beaned Brewsguise'. I've just received a cheque from the Weinstein Company - they say they want to buy the rights to the book for a full-lenght film adaptation featuring Timothy Chalemet and Anna Taylor-Joy".

But Waldun wasn't listening. He was staring out of the broad, semicircular window which opened the wall of his office to the Melburnian cityscape. Cars and people crawled below, two hundred floors down from his penthouse suite, purchased with the money he had extorted from the Jewish parents of his girlfriend and soon-to-be wife, Kat. His publisher drawled on:

"...and I've also received yet another memo from Fred Gardner. He seems awfully angry, and claims you're trying to screw him over? I warned you about having your first business meeting at the planetarium..."

A loud moan from the next room interrupted him. Evidently Dakota was recovering from their latest bout of lovemaking. This surprised Waldun, his lovers were usually bedridden for several hours after the coital act. Evidently he needed to up the dose of diazepam if they were to continue.

"I really must take her to get an abortion. It's all well and good slowly wearing away at her womb, but the last thing I want is another Asian baby. God knows he might try and usurp my empire some day..."

He looked at the framed picture of Yukio Mishima on his wall, resplendent in his Imperial Japanese regalia. It reminded Waldun of himself in the early days of his writing.

>> No.19414614
File: 977 KB, 1125x1123, BC217B0A-2931-4137-9AF3-EC4901E22CD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bros, why would she do this? Why lower herself into the mire? I thought I could save her, but now I see she is beyond saving.

>> No.19415054

Happening rn

>> No.19415149

why does he have an american accent when he apparently is from melbourne?

>> No.19415174

A man both gay and Chinese a powerful confluence of attributes by anyone's measure. I observe him for science while most/ lit/ denizens want to "pound" his "hole" anally, quite why they word it like that is beyond me although it may have something to do with the homosexual practice of "dark academia", more investigation is needed. I'll publish my full findings in good time.

>> No.19415999

Because he's not a native Melbournian. He's a Chinese mainlander.

>> No.19416139
File: 235 KB, 1030x960, r.c.grifter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.19416276

The truth about /lit/

>> No.19416280

This but in a creepy "im on a govt list" sort of way

>> No.19416282

This is me on /g/ but I keep it brief

>> No.19416291
File: 116 KB, 720x640, Screenshot_20211117-143507~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to say it but spamraeli is right about you
I mean
You mean tofu toddler babyface gay face "I have nothing interesting to say" the movie?
Captcha: NRS0Y
Literally Mr Onions called by Kek

>> No.19416314

pics or didn't happen

>> No.19416594

>the commenter correcting Waldun's grammar also makes a grammar mistake

>> No.19416605

lol you're shadowbanned. Your comment isn't visible to me.

>> No.19416613

>this is a closeted gay board
we're not coming out though

>> No.19416666

Not my comment desu, but maybe he removed it? We know that /our man/ is prone to revisionism.

>> No.19416846

He didn't remove the comment because he didn't edit the post. We all know Waldun would correct the mistake after having deleted the comment. That guy is literally shadowbanned by Youtube. No one, including Waldun can see his comment.

>> No.19416857

Ok I take back what I said. It just wasn't loading on my end for some reason. I can see the comment now.